I would like to buy a gauge to use at home, mainly for measuring the pre-loved rings I've bought over the years since I have no idea on the size of them. Are there differences in quality for example with the ones sold on ebay? Would this be a good one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aluminum-Ring-Sizer-Guage-Mandrel-Finger-Sizing-Stick-Measure-Standard-Tool-/370791686604?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item5654e821cc
And what about the gauge rings, have you found the ebay ones reliable?
Any other geeky stuff you would recommend for a semi-newbie diamond and ring enthusiast?
I currently own an ASET scope (with all the extras that came with it) and a lousy 10x loupe.
And what about the gauge rings, have you found the ebay ones reliable?
Any other geeky stuff you would recommend for a semi-newbie diamond and ring enthusiast?
I currently own an ASET scope (with all the extras that came with it) and a lousy 10x loupe.