
What would you good Pricescopers do with this?


Jul 2, 2010
Several years ago for my 45th birthday I took all the random broken unloved diamond jewelry in my box to a local jewelry designer and after working for several weeks with the designer came up with this. Now I want you to know that even with all the sketches and cads back and forth I never noticed 2 things, #1 the sapphires were included, I forgot one of the pieces had 2 sapphires and #2 the piece has an uncanny look of Mickey Mouse. (Now you should know I am a Disney nut, I actually have a Mickey icon wedding band I wear frequently and a Mickey Mouse ring I just had reset with a brazilian garnet that I wear on my middle finger all the time.) However I really don't think I want my statement someday heirloom piece of jewelry to look like a hidden Mickey!!

So I reallllly love Gypsy's odds and ends necklace and with my current fixation with milgrain bezels I am re thinking this piece.
Now I don't have a cool chain hanging out in the jewlry box to use, but I do have 5-6 smaller .20-.30 diamonds to add. Also if you look closely on th side you can see the only thing left from my original engagment ring the baguette.
So pricescopers I bow to your vast knowlege and love of all things bling and ahelp a girl out. Ideas? Comments? drawings??


Hiya hon... have you seen the swing necklace from tiffany? It has all kinds of shapes of diamonds in the bezels.

So... here are some suggestions. Have any pawn shops nearby or have you seen any neat antique chains on ebay?

And do you like earrings or want any... cause I can think of some earring designs with what all you've got. And included sapphires won't bug you at all on the ears.
Okay so since you mentioned vintage chains I did a quick search.

This one is stunning, my fingers are twitching...

And if you prefer yellow gold, this one is lovely too

10K, but the links are pretty cool

These would work with a Diamond/Sapphire bezels incorporated into them, and if you like the drop on my necklace a drop as well. But I think you have enough gems to do a pendant and earring set. And if you went with a longer chain, some of it could be used on earrings as well.
Gypsy!!! You are amazing!! Love the Tiffany swing pendant, but really I like your idea of trolling Ebay and your choices are great. I am leaning towards white gold and do like the first link. I also have a really decent pawn shop near my house that I think I will check out tomorrow. The good part of living in SW Florida is the economy stinks and pawn shops are full of really interesting stuff!
So now I spend my Friday night stalking necklaces on Ebay. Thanks again
Can't wait to see what you find! We have ZERO good pawn shops here... Happy hunting!
I would take the diamonds and try to make a simple ring. If they are calibrated and the same size, I would take an odd number (3 or 5) and put them together. If they're a different size, you can make a graduated ring out of an odd number of them, as long as you have pairs to make it symmetrical.

For asymmetrical (no pairs) arrangements, pendants look good. You could do something along the lines of a journey pendant, but not exactly the same thing.

Finally, you could take the diamonds and make a set of fun stacking rings, each one with a different metal (yellow gold, pink gold, and a white metal). You could make 1 of each metal for a set of 3, or use all 5-6 diamonds and repeat metals. For the latter, you could mix and match the metals depending your mood for the day.
I'm sorry Elisa, I'm laughing out loud, I can't help it! I really do see Mickey!

I know exactly what I'd do - I'd pull the stones and have someone on Etsy make me a pair of hair clips. It's on my wish list - so luxuriously frivolous :halo: one day, when we aren't looking at patching up a house!

Otherwise I like Gypsy's Swing idea, if you're looking for something "traditional" - it takes care of the varying sizes and colours for you, all you'd have to do is find some pattern. BUT if you know the inclusions in the sapphires will bother you earrings are probably a safer bet...

I'd *definitely* save two of the sapphires for a pair of these:


There are also cufflinks, tie clips... guess it depends on how much you want to spend on materials and labour...
Thanks for all the suggestions, keep em coming. The love on this site is amazing!!

I have to laugh... only on Pricescope would the statement "that my sapphires were included" be understood as having flaws. What I really meant to say was "my sapphires were incorprated" in the piece!!! They are actally very nice clear untreated sapphires my cousin brought back from India! They were in a ring that I took with me to the jeweler and I never noticed that the 2 stones that were in "mickeys ears" were sapphires. The drawing was not in color so the stones did not look different to me, haha.

AND Yessie.. included or not I think those BGD bezels are to die for.... What do you think rose gold????

Hair is too short for clips, but wow talk about a statement.
I am off to pawn shops for a beautiful one of a kind vintage WG chain... oh and cheap too, wish me luck!!!
pregcurious|1312000128|2980341 said:
I would take the diamonds and try to make a simple ring. If they are calibrated and the same size, I would take an odd number (3 or 5) and put them together. If they're a different size, you can make a graduated ring out of an odd number of them, as long as you have pairs to make it symmetrical.

For asymmetrical (no pairs) arrangements, pendants look good. You could do something along the lines of a journey pendant, but not exactly the same thing.

Finally, you could take the diamonds and make a set of fun stacking rings, each one with a different metal (yellow gold, pink gold, and a white metal). You could make 1 of each metal for a set of 3, or use all 5-6 diamonds and repeat metals. For the latter, you could mix and match the metals depending your mood for the day.

I love the idea of stacking rings in different colors. :appl: actually has some inspirational rings I am going to go look. Thanks!!
Elisateach|1312054845|2980645 said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, keep em coming. The love on this site is amazing!!

I have to laugh... only on Pricescope would the statement "that my sapphires were included" be understood as having flaws. What I really meant to say was "my sapphires were incorprated" in the piece!!! They are actally very nice clear untreated sapphires my cousin brought back from India! They were in a ring that I took with me to the jeweler and I never noticed that the 2 stones that were in "mickeys ears" were sapphires. The drawing was not in color so the stones did not look different to me, haha.

AND Yessie.. included or not I think those BGD bezels are to die for.... What do you think rose gold????

Hair is too short for clips, but wow talk about a statement.
I am off to pawn shops for a beautiful one of a kind vintage WG chain... oh and cheap too, wish me luck!!!


And rose gold - of course. It has to match the rest of your new acquisitions, after all :sun:

Happy hunting!
Definitely studs in rose gold. With millgrain.

Can't wait to hear the results of the pawn shopping!