
What will come of these protests that have evolved into riots?


Aug 29, 2014


Oct 23, 2011
I just heard that millennials are the largest generation in terms of numbers... imagine if they all voted.. I see a lot of them out there protesting. Maybe they could outvote the silent majority and actually effect change.


Jan 12, 2018
Their livelihood is gone not just for the owners but also for all their employees.

So, You don't mind if the rioters burn down your house?

Black lives have been lost. I mind about that. Police are murdering AA and it’s acceptable. That’s what I’m focused on. I feel sorry for the businesses negativity impacted. Also the rioters aren’t burning down homes. They are burning symbols of oppression like police stations and cars

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
It’s Wrong for the police to Murder people no matter the color of their skin. Feel outrage for that instead of material possessions that business owners have insurance for and will be reimbursed.
Do you feel better now?



Mar 2, 2013
I could echo a few things posted in this thread already, but won’t be redundant. I do hope that - in addition to George Floyd - people will also think about those who died trying to protect others, like Pat Underwood & David Dorn. Their lives mattered, too.

I fear this woman will become a commonly seen victim of the riots because a lot of businesses probably won’t reopen (between COVID and now this), or it will be awhile till they do. People who depend on locally-accessible groceries, medications, etc. will have a difficult time accessing those things if they are more than a short walk or even a short bus ride away.

It’s been horrible watching ‘peaceful protests’ be infiltrated with bad actors who incite & instigate violence in the crowds like by throwing things at police triggering a response. I would like to see laws banning “masked” protesting. I think it’s unsafe for the legit protestors as we’re seeing now, and it makes it darn near impossible to identify the bad actors for/to authorities. If someone feels strongly about making their voice heard & taking a stand on an issue, why hide your face? Safety should come first, and I think banning masked protesting would help ensure that for all involved. I believe it would also help ensure protests remain peaceful if the bad actors weren’t hiding behind the anonymity of a mask/costume/etc.

Gun sales are thru the roof as one can reasonably imagine ... a lot of people seem upset (after waiting in line for a couple hours) they have to wait a few days to own a firearm to protect themselves. After seeing the looting & violence hit so ‘close to home’ for many, I don’t imagine there will be much push for more gun control anytime soon; if anything, perhaps a push to reduce the waiting periods some states have. I think more people understand now why others are advocates for responsible gun ownership ... it’s clear that you cannot always depend on law enforcement to be available to protect you.

Strange times ...


Jan 12, 2018
Do you feel better now?

Unlike you who stated “you would shoot rioters” I am sad about any unnecessary loss of life due to violence that could be prevented.


Mar 2, 2013
@Missie1 Just FYI, a lot of businesses’ insurance actually does not cover losses realized due to riots. That is why there is so much outrage on behalf of innocent business owners having their livelihoods looted and damaged. It’s not that they/we don’t care about the protest cause; they just also care about being able to employ/pay their employees, bills, etc. and they are innocent victims in all of this as well.


Jan 12, 2018
@Missie1 Just FYI, a lot of businesses’ insurance actually does not cover losses realized due to riots. That is why there is so much outrage on behalf of innocent business owners having their livelihoods looted and damaged. It’s not that they/we don’t care about the protest cause; they just also care about being able to employ/pay their employees, bills, etc. and they are innocent victims in all of this as well.
Its unfortunate about the property losses but killing innocent persons of color has to stop. I care about the Fact that their life is over because they are dead. What about the impact to the deceased family and the community. It’s amazing how little value is placed on Black lives and the struggles faced. People should be outraged at the mistreatment of an entire race based on skin color. But no, not until if happens to the privileged will it be so horrific. We must do better collectively
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Mar 22, 2017
I could echo a few things posted in this thread already, but won’t be redundant. I do hope that - in addition to George Floyd - people will also think about those who died trying to protect others, like Pat Underwood & David Dorn. Their lives mattered, too.

I fear this woman will become a commonly seen victim of the riots because a lot of businesses probably won’t reopen (between COVID and now this), or it will be awhile till they do. People who depend on locally-accessible groceries, medications, etc. will have a difficult time accessing those things if they are more than a short walk or even a short bus ride away.

It’s been horrible watching ‘peaceful protests’ be infiltrated with bad actors who incite & instigate violence in the crowds like by throwing things at police triggering a response. I would like to see laws banning “masked” protesting. I think it’s unsafe for the legit protestors as we’re seeing now, and it makes it darn near impossible to identify the bad actors for/to authorities. If someone feels strongly about making their voice heard & taking a stand on an issue, why hide your face? Safety should come first, and I think banning masked protesting would help ensure that for all involved. I believe it would also help ensure protests remain peaceful if the bad actors weren’t hiding behind the anonymity of a mask/costume/etc.

Gun sales are thru the roof as one can reasonably imagine ... a lot of people seem upset (after waiting in line for a couple hours) they have to wait a few days to own a firearm to protect themselves. After seeing the looting & violence hit so ‘close to home’ for many, I don’t imagine there will be much push for more gun control anytime soon; if anything, perhaps a push to reduce the waiting periods some states have. I think more people understand now why others are advocates for responsible gun ownership ... it’s clear that you cannot always depend on law enforcement to be available to protect you.

Strange times ...

Although I agree with much of what you've said, I do have to point out that you can't ban masks in protests during a pandemic with a dangerous virus. If there were no pandemic, I would agree, but absolutely not during a pandemic.

Emerald City

Jun 1, 2020
I'm disabled and in chronic pain because of medical negligence. The nurse who did this to me has yet to see any disciplinary measures whatsoever for her actions. The social contract is much thinner than most realise.

I don't think we're getting a whole lot of unbiased truth from any news source at this point in time. We're also in a time where people would rather react than reflect. Soundbites hold more weight than cold logic.

I am waiting for "elective" surgeries (how can re-attaching my pelvis to my spine be considered elective? Technically I'm not dying, but jeez) to start up again in NYC, where the surgeon I would need to see is located. So all the looters have done is prolong access to surgeries and other procedures that people like me need. We're a forgotten class of people, those of us in chronic pain. We don't get a lot of attention from anybody.

I watched a video of someone in Seattle, my locale, loot a cheesecake. That made me angry; it was like watching modern-day Marie Antoinette in action. I guess it was comfort food. *eyeroll*


May 11, 2012
Its unfortunate about the property losses but killing innocent persons of color has to stop. I care about the Fact that their life is over because they are dead. What about the impact to the deceased family and the community. It’s amazing how little value is placed on Black lives and the struggles faced. People should be outraged at the mistreatment of an entire race based on skin color. But no, not until if happens to the privileged will it be so horrific. We must do better collectively

I'd like to believe that was true but the same thing happened to an unarmed white middle class woman as well, her name was Justine Damond she was an Aussie, however, I will say her family won a 20 million dollar law suit against the same police department. I doubt that Mr Floyd's family would see a fraction of that amount because he is a black man....

I totally agree that killing innocent people of colour has to stop and I am outraged about what happened to George Floyd but I am equally outraged that your whole policing system can be allowed to treat innocent people both white and black like both of these examples.

There are two separate issues going on here, one is undoubtedly systemic racism by the police and people in your society in authority and positions of power, but in the case of Aussie Justine Damond there is also a glaring lack of training, a glaring over response of the use of force and weapons probably due in part, to the amount of guns you have in your society as a whole.


Jun 8, 2008


Dec 25, 2012
If anyone at all cared about the actual reason the protests are happening, no one would feel the need to say “It’s horrible the police did this, but the protesting.... but the looting... but the property damage... I would shoot them.” You have deep issues within yourself you need to work on. That’s why the riots happen and will continue to happen for decades longer or until we’ve all blown ourselves up, or the planet decides to exterminate us.

Where is Trump when these protestors are angry and destructive and tired and have been denied MOST THINGS their entire life saying “No no these are good people, listen to them, cut a deal!” THAT privilege is only reserved for people who show up at government buildings with assault rifles because they want their bars and hair salons to open during a pandemic.


Jan 12, 2018
I'm disabled and in chronic pain because of medical negligence. The nurse who did this to me has yet to see any disciplinary measures whatsoever for her actions. The social contract is much thinner than most realise.

I don't think we're getting a whole lot of unbiased truth from any news source at this point in time. We're also in a time where people would rather react than reflect. Soundbites hold more weight than cold logic.

I am waiting for "elective" surgeries (how can re-attaching my pelvis to my spine be considered elective? Technically I'm not dying, but jeez) to start up again in NYC, where the surgeon I would need to see is located. So all the looters have done is prolong access to surgeries and other procedures that people like me need. We're a forgotten class of people, those of us in chronic pain. We don't get a lot of attention from anybody.

I watched a video of someone in Seattle, my locale, loot a cheesecake. That made me angry; it was like watching modern-day Marie Antoinette in action. I guess it was comfort food. *eyeroll*
Unbelievable that you attempting to portray yourself as victim directly impacted by protesters and the unfortunate looting. Let’s be clear looters haven’t prolonged elective surgeries that is decision by Hospital Administrators due to Covid -19. . Most major hospitals in heavily Pandemic ridden areas suspended all elective Surgeries due to Covid-19. Now that the numbers are decreasing in places like NYC and Detroit they are slowly phasing in elective surgeries. There are backlogs of cases that need to be boarded and only so many OR spots. Place blame where it belongs with this current administrations failure to act and handle the medical crisis.


Oct 23, 2011
If you watch the live news on TV most of the looting are being committed by AAs. There are many peaceful AA protesters across the country but sadly, looting is the headline new on TV not the murder of G. Floyd.

Did the tv news cover this?
Or this


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Mar 2, 2013
Yes I would if they were to break into my business or property.

Agreed. A few of the ‘bad actors’ amidst the protests have learned that lesson the hard way. If their domestic terrorist ‘friends’ decide to venture into more residential areas as I’ve read them threaten to do, people will likely read about a lot more of them being killed. Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but at the same time, I want them outed so society knows who/what they really are/were in the light of day vs them being cowardly in the darkness of night perpetrating more violence

Its unfortunate about the property losses but killing innocent persons of color has to stop. I care about the Fact that their life is over because they are dead. What about the impact to the deceased family and the community.

I am disgusted by what happened to George Floyd ... and the others killed during the rioting who aren’t getting any MSM-air time. Permitting looting & destruction after they are gone however will not bring any of them back. Floyd’s family has repeatedly stated the same in their calls to de-escalate the violence. So long as the terrorism, vandalism & destruction continue, many people will be focused on boarding up their property and loading magazines vs engaging in meaningful dialogue about creating a better future for the living.

The impact to people’s livelihoods is a ‘community’ issue. A lot of black-owned small businesses and communities were also tragically destroyed by the domestic terrorists & looters, and many may not be in a position to reopen/recover. ‘Life’ is largely dependent on livelihood - and by that I don’t mean “buy VCA or Hermès handbags”. Those business owners & communities’ lives matter and can/should be supported through this. They need to be part of the discussions & solutions, not further victimized. Acknowledging that does not mean there cannot also be a conversation about specific systemic changes, loss of life, etc.


Mar 2, 2013
Although I agree with much of what you've said, I do have to point out that you can't ban masks in protests during a pandemic with a dangerous virus. If there were no pandemic, I would agree, but absolutely not during a pandemic.

I’m not going to engage in a debate about pandemic masks as they hopefully won’t be the norm ... if you don’t agree, we can agree to disagree.

If someone feels it’s too dangerous to be in a crowd without a mask, they can leverage other methods to peacefully protest. Standing or marching in a city holding a sign and yelling is not the only means to peacefully protest.

I would also like to see a law that bans marching/protesting in streets/highways. It’s a safety issue for all involved but especially emergency responders. I read that a fire department (forget where specifically) was delayed responding to a burning building with a child inside because protestors in streets intentionally blocked them from getting through. That is inexcusable - I don’t care what the ‘cause’ of the protest is.


Sep 17, 2008
Please remember that protesting is not equal to looting.

Yes Imma bust you in your head you come on my property trying to steal my stuff, the shit I worked hard for, and everyone has a right to do so (and they should!)

I have no issue with protesting and this country was founded on such. Looting though?, No ma'am, no thank you. Especially seeing as WE will get the blame for all of it.

We were born with a strike against us as it is and we need to keep it clean. I get it, I'm angry too, I've seen the same sht for 50+ years, but that anger needs to be channeled into real action, and that action does not include looting.

Looting hurts us, it destroys our neighborhoods, it decimates the property values, it kills off the things that we have worked hard for. We are not thugs, we are not hoodlums, but the perpetuation of owning these words is bad for US. These micro and small businesses will NEVER be able to recover. All that happens is that these businesses move further away from "black, urban" areas. It hurts the older generation because they now have further to go to get the things they need. We as a country should never condone the destruction of our neighborhoods period.

Encourage those to report looting. Report destruction. Stop saying insurance will cover it. It will NOT!. And will never cover trust that is lost. thats a 2 way street y'all.

Sometimes protesting means you gotta get ugly, which is fine. But you can do that without destroying property.


Mar 2, 2013
@missy Say it again for the people in the back


I choose option three: “killing innocent people AND destroying communities must stop” because: 1) the priority should be on dialogue, not sentence structure; and, 2) there is a clear interdependency between life & livelihood/community. Some people feel memes = change; that’s their prerogative.

I choose to focus on and be mindful/considerate of the words & wishes of the actual victims, and believe the issue is bigger than a meme. Floyd’s family said he moved to Minnesota for opportunity to support his daughter. Members of his community failed him & took his life. And that community/its citizens have been destroyed - both by the tragic killing of an innocent man by people they should be able to trust to protect them & the riots that followed. And other communities are also being victimized.

Communities needs to heal. Healing can’t begin until there is some ‘calm’ restored and justice is delivered. Justice is in-progress but takes time, as will the civil rights investigation into the department that will hopefully lead to necessary change. In the mean time, restoring calm to the impacted communities - across the entire country - is essential to prevent further innocent citizens from becoming victims or those communities being further victimized.

I can’t speed up an investigation or trial, but I CAN - simultaneously - care about, empathize with and support impacted people & communities.


Aug 29, 2014
People > Property


Aug 29, 2014
Hmm more evidence cops are instigating the violence in the protests.



Aug 29, 2014

“Asked whether the FBI planned to investigate alleged police brutality, a spokesperson at the bureau's national press office referred Newsweek to the press release on its website. "We do not have any further comment," the person added.”

please watch the video. All of it. This is NOT OK.


Aug 14, 2009
@the_mother_thing May I offer an unsolicited suggestion?

Don't bother in this thread.

Some posters are just rabid. They refuse to accept any perspectives that differ from their own as valid, and they’re convinced that everything can be boiled down to a simplistic meme or analogy or comparison, and if you’re not “on their side” in every way, well, you’re going to be attacked for “missing the point” and being “against Blacks”.

You can’t reason with rabid. FWIW I’ve had a few PSers who haven’t participated in this thread email me privately to express the same. Fortunately there were a number of resources shared early in this thread that I personally found helpful and enlightening, and that don’t require wading through six pages to find.

Edit - I’m sure that in my ignorance I’ve committed sixteen microaggressions in this post and I’ll have my transgressions shoved down my throat shortly.
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Sep 10, 2003
Property destruction is going to happen during revolts. It is one of the consequential results when we perpetuate corrupt systems. The energy spent debating whether life or property is more important would be better spent (imo) talking about and taking action to assist in eliminating the issues that are the cause of the revolts.

We have the expectation that as an allegedly civilized species, no one should ever reach a breaking point that leads to an unsavory physical manifestation of anger, frustration, grief and that those who do so are flawed and especially when they are held to an ever moving standard. We hold others to an expectation of perfection -- violence is never the answer; all you need is love; no one should ever... -- that we have yet to achieve but are held accountable for against the odds of our human nature. It is noble to attempt to always always be kind, patient, nonviolent, accepting and to always turn the other cheek. It is ignoble to disregard that there are elements to our human nature that prevent us from perfection. Imperfection is not failure.

As long as there is one a$$hole in the bunch....
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