
What The Heck Is This Stone?


Mar 11, 2018
Once again, I’ve pulled out my loose stones I inherited and started playing. I’ve culled it down to the few that I can maybe set and enjoy. Nothing of much value, aside from sentimental. I honestly don’t know what half of them are. I do know there’s kunzite, Golden citrine, oroverde quartz, and rutilated quartz.
Then there’s tanzanite, Mexican fire opal, and another citrine.
And a lineup of stuff I’m not sure about, except the lapis lazuli. The rest could be glass for all I know. I’m not exactly educated in this stuff, but none of it is precision cut.
But what’s got me really stumped is this thing. I’ve had it for YEARS. Seriously. My Nanny died in 2011. And when I pulled it out of the closet today I noticed something. It was a different color! :confused2: I was so confused, but I knew someone over on wonderful PS would know what it was. :lol: Outside it’s a pinkish salmon mauve color, but inside it’s green. Well, in some lighting anyway. :confused: I showed my daughter and she just stood there, perplexed. That alone was worth it. She’s 12 so she’s NEVER left speechless. :lol-2:

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Ok all you geniuses....go!
There’s really no way to tell 100% definitively from a photo, but if it’s any natural color change stone, I also vote diaspore.
The stuff I read said green in natural light and champagne or raspberry in incandescent light. Mines backwards! Lol. Regardless, it’s really cool and I’m excited to find a setting for it!
Well, I guess it doesn’t matter now. I took it out to measure, dropped it, and the entire corner sheared off. I am in tears!!!!! :cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2:
:-o I am so sorry!

Thank you for that. I don’t know what it even was, natural or synthetic, and if it had any monetary value. It had sentimental value for sure though since it was my late grandmothers. The stone and the cut were so cool too. Ugh, I’m just heartbroken!!!
Ooh. That does suck. I'm so sorry......
Sorry that happened to you. I would try to super glue the corner back on and put it in a protective setting.
Sorry that happened to you. I would try to super glue the corner back on and put it in a protective setting.
I left for the weekend, but when I get home I’ll search for the other piece and take pics. It’s a big chunk that came off
You might find it worth a recut...I just had a damaged stone recut by Dan Stair. He did an excellent job with a very difficult situation and it was only $100....
It may be hard to recut that gem due to the fancy cutting work along the bottom of the stone. It’s not a traditional cut. You would end up having to cut the whole stone. I’m not sure though, a lapidary would have to evaluate. I’m thinking if the corner isn’t too huge, a bezel might cover it.
I think a recut would be my only option. The way it broke, it came off at an angle and part of the table came with it.

Thanks for the info @Desertrose ill look into that. I thought it would be way more expensive!
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I was gone all weekend but came home and searched for the corner. I can’t find any pieces aside from these tiny shards. Also, you never realize how gross your floor is until you’re crawling on it, inspecting every tiny fleck of anything. :lol:

It’s really hard to capture in pics, but you can see the line across the table where it’s almost like a layer broke off. I think my only hope is a recut, and even if that was an option it would have to be cut down to something really tiny.

Any indicators as to whether or not this is a synthetic or natural stone? I’m guessing synthetic, but was curious because after pricing color changing diaspore (natural I assume?) it’s quite expensive.
Hopefully a lapidary can salvage the bottom 2/3rds of the stone. I would confer with one like Dan Stair, who was previously mentioned. As to whether it’s synthetic or not, it’s hard to tell. It does look quite a bit like diaspore.

By the way, diaspore is often sold under some fancy marketing names, that make it more expensive than its mineralogical name, “diaspore.” Therefore pricing can be all over the place.

I’m very sorry about the damage, but if it helps, at least you still have the stone. Nothing is worse than looking down at a setting, and seeing it empty because the stone fell out and you don’t know where! Yes, been there. :cry2:
The stuff I read said green in natural light and champagne or raspberry in incandescent light. Mines backwards! Lol. Regardless, it’s really cool and I’m excited to find a setting for it!

Sorry about the damage to the stone. I had a synthetic that was exactly how you described. It was beautiful but not diaspore.
Sorry about the damage to the stone. I had a synthetic that was exactly how you described. It was beautiful but not diaspore.

Agreed. I don’t think it is, which is fine, but I’m still really bummed it got damaged.
Agreed. I don’t think it is, which is fine, but I’m still really bummed it got damaged.

I would be too and totally understand. The cut was gorgeous and I really liked the color change in your pics.
Sooo Sorry about the drop! Perhaps a huge bezel setting can hide the chip.
Gosh, sorry this happened to you!
The ceramic tiles I see on your floor are the worst thing on which to drop a gemstone!
Could it me Alexite? It's a man made stone, very pretty.
A few years back, I picked up an alexite ring, it had similar color changes.
Sooo Sorry about the drop! Perhaps a huge bezel setting can hide the chip.

Thank you! If I did a Bezel it would have to be super thick, but if it was an option I’d consider it!

Gosh, sorry this happened to you!
The ceramic tiles I see on your floor are the worst thing on which to drop a gemstone!

What’s crazy is I dropped it in the living room which is junky (softer) laminate flooring. I never would’ve dreamed it would break like that!

Could it me Alexite? It's a man made stone, very pretty.
A few years back, I picked up an alexite ring, it had similar color changes.

After contacting JTV, I think it’s inexpensive Zandrite. They have a stone similar to the one I broke but it’s not the same size. It’s under $50 so I might just buy something to replace it to remember my Nanny by.

Thanks everyone for the help and kind words!