

lovechild|1425518855|3842014 said:
This is my first Dear John letter :angel:

Dear John,

Please elaborate on symmetry of an old cut (European) - if symmetry is rated "Poor" should I run screaming? :confused: This is in a 2 carat +/- stone, which "looks" pretty fabulous, but the GIA cert rating of symmetry is frightening me!

Thanks for any/all input! (I figured this was as good a place to ask this as any!)
Dear lovechild,

How can you leave me? (boo hoo) :)

If you're charmed by the look then no worries: Lab graded symmetry covers 'facet symmetry,' which is a judgment of whether the facet lines are clean, the meet points precise and the facets well-shaped. It also covers 'proportions symmetry,' which is a judgment of the crown in relation to the pavilion, how each main meets its opposite, how the break facets pair, whether there is any “twist" top to bottom, and if extreme variances exist in the facet groups.

Given the situation of antique cuts - some of which were produced prior to modern girdling, scaifes with no vibration, etc. It's not surprising to see such grades. In terms of precision and modern craftsmanship they're not the same animal. But they have a completely different charm. If you love that look no one will ever worry about the technical grade a modern lab gave the work of someone operating in a different age.
Dear John,

I'm having 2nd thoughts about leaving you as you have relieved my symmetry anxiety levels! Thank you for the information, which makes total sense regarding an old cut! Yes, the diamond did charm me enough to rethink and research it further :think:

John is one of the honest people on here, so listen to what he has to say, He is knowledgeable and not so possessed of himself like some are. He is meticulous and very good at what he does.

Some of the posters here as so low as to call people names and worse, and some can't get passed their own egos.
John is sincere and honestly willing to help anyone.

He's a jewel

Jamiegems G.G.
Jamiegems|1425526904|3842072 said:

John is one of the honest people on here, so listen to what he has to say, He is knowledgeable and not so possessed of himself like some are. He is meticulous and very good at what he does.

Some of the posters here as so low as to call people names and worse, and some can't get passed their own egos.
John is sincere and honestly willing to help anyone.

He's a jewel

Jamiegems G.G.

Which is exactly why I chose to ask him about my symmetry anxiety ;) after reading this thread! I've been on PS for years, but as you can see, not much posting from me. However, I felt like I could get an honest answer from him :love: so I "came out" just for John LOL! Thanks for your vote of confidence in him, too, Jamiegems!

I liked him instantly because he has such beautiful manners and demeanor to match. I have had just a few conversations with him but would trust him. Manners denote proper upbringing and and possess a sense of style that can't be bought or a matter of pretense.
I am glad to know I was right about him

Thank You Lovechild, positive reinforcement is always nice to have.
jamiegems G. G.
Jamiegems and lovechild - You all both being far too kind. Thank you.

I hope anyone still-reading will indulge me for a sidebar:

I feel obliged to say this. I've known some of the participants in this thread for many years. A few of you I've met personally. There are others I've never met, but I've interacted with you long enough to know you're sincere. I believe you're good people.

I also consider Jamiegems 100% sincere. That is clear since the first post, and I'm pretty sure no one would argue that... Honestly, I must say, if we were all gathered in a pub conversing at a table together, instead of sitting anonymously at computer keyboards, things would have developed differently. Jamiegems would voice support for GIA. We would all agree, of course. The 2% rule would have been vocalized. Someone would say "Oh that's the 60-60 rule..." Someone else would say "Yo, check out the new GIA system of 2006." Yet another would say "Yeah dude, AGS now has a ray-tracing metric that supports it and goes farther." Then some geek (okay, probably me) would bring out DiamCalc on an iPad and show different proportions-sets that kill it. We'd pass the iPad around and order another round from the bartender. Everyone would be copacetic. Fun fun fun...

But we are not at a pub, and that's not how it happened. The internet is great as a resource, but it's also a famous de-humanizer. As much as we can draw from it, there is no "real-time." That's a huge disadvantage. It caused a rift here.

To Jamiegems: I hope you won't be offended if I say, based on my 10+ years contributing on Pricescope, I was puzzled by your first posts RE 2% and whatnot. With that said, your sincerity has been undeniable. I firmly believe I can learn from you. And I suggest there are things you can learn here too (historically all of us learn from each other). I think you have much to contribute. I'd just hope you consider that there are like-minded people here who are just as sincere and honest as you are, but have arrived at this place somewhat differently. Their opinions may diverge but their service to consumers does not. And, especially in the area of cut/performance, as I said, it's like a convention of surgeons :) Stick around because we all interact and share and find our skills sharpened in the exchange. I surely have during my years here.

To the others posting or just reading this thread: I urge you to consider: Pricescope is only as strong as its collective. We need more professionals onboard, not less. We especially need posters who are passionate. And posters who demonstrate honesty and integrity.

Enough said.
John Pollard|1425532707|3842110 said:
Jamiegems and lovechild - You all both being far too kind. Thank you.

I hope anyone still-reading will indulge me for a sidebar:

I feel obliged to say this. I've known some of the participants in this thread for many years. A few of you I've met personally. There are others I've never met, but I've interacted with you long enough to know you're sincere. I believe you're good people.

I also consider Jamiegems 100% sincere. That is clear since the first post, and I'm pretty sure no one would argue that... Honestly, I must say, if we were all gathered in a pub conversing at a table together, instead of sitting anonymously at computer keyboards, things would have developed differently. Jamiegems would voice support for GIA. We would all agree, of course. The 2% rule would have been vocalized. Someone would say "Oh that's the 60-60 rule..." Someone else would say "Yo, check out the new GIA system of 2006." Yet another would say "Yeah dude, AGS now has a ray-tracing metric that supports it and goes farther." Then some geek (okay, probably me) would bring out DiamCalc on an iPad and show different proportions-sets that kill it. We'd pass the iPad around and order another round from the bartender. Everyone would be copacetic. Fun fun fun...

But we are not at a pub, and that's not how it happened. The internet is great as a resource, but it's also a famous de-humanizer. As much as we can draw from it, there is no "real-time." That's a huge disadvantage. It caused a rift here.

To Jamiegems: I hope you won't be offended if I say, based on my 10+ years contributing on Pricescope, I was puzzled by your first posts RE 2% and whatnot. With that said, your sincerity has been undeniable. I firmly believe I can learn from you. And I suggest there are things you can learn here too (historically all of us learn from each other). I think you have much to contribute. I'd just hope you consider that there are like-minded people here who are just as sincere and honest as you are, but have arrived at this place somewhat differently. Their opinions may diverge but their service to consumers does not. And, especially in the area of cut/performance, as I said, it's like a convention of surgeons :) Stick around because we all interact and share and find our skills sharpened in the exchange. I surely have during my years here.

To the others posting or just reading this thread: I urge you to consider: Pricescope is only as strong as its collective. We need more professionals onboard, not less. We especially need posters who are passionate. And posters who demonstrate honesty and integrity.

Enough said.
I swear you are like Ghandi, Mother Teresa, and Marcel Tolkowsky all rolled into one!

Is knighthood not enough? Are you going for "St. John"?

Like a fine wine, a smooth finish. Now let's all meet at the bar!
