
What side stones with a sapphire cushion?


Aug 8, 2005
So I've asked GOG to source a pear for me for my Odds and Ends necklace. I was going to swap out my 5mm OEC for the pear and then search for a matching OEC to make studs... but I was at a jewelry store today and I tried on this amazing sapphire five stone and I haven't been excited about the pear but that sapphire today gave me a renewed craving!

Sapphire is my birthstone and I've been thinking of getting a classic three stone sapphire for a while now... and I was originally thinking that my GOG gift certificate could go toward some sidestones... and then I'd work on the sapphire when I could afford it. And now I'm back to that. I would be my only colored stone ring, I am generally a diamond girl (boo hiss!) but I love sapphires and want one really lovely piece with my birthstone in it eventually.

Most sapphires I see these days are ovals or cushions. So... I am thinking that will be the most likely shape I will get.

The ring today was REALLY expensive (25K) but lord it was gorgeous.

So... I would set the center stone N/W... what do you think for sides. I'd honestly love Cadillac cuts, but I think they are out of budget (up to 800, but closer to 600 would be more comfortable).

I have to source through GOG... but I am curious what you guys think would be best. I am kinda facinated by the thought of a five stone with two marquise on either side of the sapphire as well.

So... I guess I'm not married to the three stone idea. But I want something without a halo or pave anywhere.

And where should I start looking at sapphires? I don't mind heated (and my budget is in the heated range anyway). I've bought from Simply Sapphires before, and happily, for others... but they don't seem to have a lot of inventory recently.

Thank you guys!
I love marquise sidestones, particularly because they are so unloved and therefore cheap! I sourced these .60 CTW off ebay for $110. Cadi cuts would no doubt be fantastic (did not make the cadillac connection before!) but I wouldn't shell out for them unless I was investing in a mindblowing centerstone for a really special piece.

Glad to see you step into the CS waters again. :wavey:

A five stone ring is uncommon but if done right, has a huge visual impact. Correct, sapphires are more commonly cut into ovals and cushions but rounds are also relatively easy to find.

Not sure how you'll squeeze in marquises but I'm sure it can be done. I'm very partial to this design:
baguette (EW) - half moon - oval sapphire (NS) - half moon - baguette (EW)

Heated is a good choice for the budget conscious. As of now, it seems that SS is the only vendor offering a wide range of sapphires. Sure, there's that other company out there but I cannot recommend them in good faith based on past reviews posted in PS.
You can also contact Jeff White who has cut many sapphires for PSers that are stunning. I think his prices are a little higher then most but for heated they might be more reasonable.

I would not buy any side stones till you have the main sapphire. Goodluck on your search.
I'm attaching a couple of photos that I hope give you some ideas. For example, I have a pear diamond with pear sides. I'd NEVER have thought of these going together but I love the look and wear this ring alot!

The next photo is of one of my favourite Alexandrites. I like the setting on this as I think it's an unusual combination and would work equally well with a cushion. The central stone is flanked on either side by 4 round brilliant cuts that give a square look. It also gives great finger coverage!

This one is unusual as well. The main stone is flanked by two princess cuts that are surrounded by round brilliant cuts. Again, great finger coverage but not everybody's cup of tea!

Lastly, trilliants would work with a cushion (if it's a squarish cushion and the trilliants could be tucked under at the side to avoid an airline).

Other combinations I like are half moons (give a very rounded curvy feel), traps (love love love this look but again, like the trilliants need to be tucked under slightly to avoid the air line) and even 2 large round brilliant cuts.

By the way, I'd echo Chrono's words and say it's good to see you back! :wavey:

Diamond Pear3_1_1.JPG

Alex 2ct purple_1_1.JPG

Tanzanite 2.75ct Cushion Cut_1_1.jpg

Diamond Asscher 10_1_1.JPG
I love these two rings from Lang. Of course the second one isn't cushion cut but I think it could work with a more rectangular shaped cushion than a more rounded cushion.


This is how I recently set my sapphire cushion, with trapezoid sides....

So many beautiful rings.

Kelpie, I agree about unloved marquise. I was thinking of two smaller ones in a v on either side of the center -- like this: <0>

Hi Chrono! Yeah, I have a bunch of unset pretties and no real push to set them so I thought it best to avoid temptation. Okay so Simply Sapphires is where I will look when it is time to buy. I did have a very good buying experience from them. And the stone I got was gorgeous so it's not like you have to twist my arm to shop there again. I'm very partial to the design you like as well. I'm thinking either step cut traps or step cut halfmoons. Around 3.5 mm tall and 3 mm wide. I prefer smaller sidestones on three stones and know I will be looking at about a 7x5 center (in terms of budget) so I'm not too worried about buying them and holding on to them.

Hi LD! Pears are definitely in the running. I love them as sidestones to rounds, cushions, square cuts... just about everything really. And they do look lovely with Pear centers too. I ideally would want a cushion the shape of that tanzanite you posted, I love that particular cushion outline! Thank you for the wonderful pictures! It's good to be back. But if you see me looking at anything other than sapphires, smack my wrist. I have a ton of colored stones unset... so I'm not allowed to buy any more!

Hi Sarah, I will consider Jeff, but I'm pretty sure he's out of budget for me. Thank you!

Kismet, that first Lang's pic. OMG. So lovely. Step cut sides really do it for me. I think step cut traps or halfmoons are really where my heart is. Are those bullets at the end of it? I might have to see if I can get bullets too. That five stone is just beautiful!

Hi KT, gorgeous ring! Where did you get your sapphire?

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