
What is/ are your vice(s)? ''fess up!

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hmm, lets see, I love bags, makeup, Roberto Coin tiny treasures, shoes and pricescope.

Bags I have a specially affinity for and I just picked up two LV denim bags recently and a Balenciaga coin purse.

Makeup I just love and I am always trying to find that perfect shade of lipstick but I always wind up buying a shade similar to what I already wear.

RC tiny treasures I collect, I just added two new ones to my collection this past week. The little black dress which is really cute and comes with a ruby belt and the flip flop, which I only paid $224 for at the Neiman Marcus website. I really wanted the flip flop for a while and when I saw it on the NM website for so cheap, I went ahead and ordered it, but I think it was a price error on their part because when I called the store, they told me it was $640. Then when I went back to their website after ordering it, it disappeared. So, maybe they caught onto it but I still got mine for the $224.

Shoes I love, but I have never spent a whole lot of money on just one pair, except for a pair of Gucci loafers, usually I will buy 3 or 4 pairs at a time because I can''t decide on just one.

Lastly pricescope, but sadly, I have been trying to cut back on being on here because I notice that I can spend hours online looking at a bunch of stuff and I get really lazy, so I try not to look at pricescope everyday anymore. I have been trying to look every other day or so.
Food for sure. Both of us and our oldest son love to cook so there is always something yummy brewing. I love most foods from Albertson''s cake
to oysters.

Coffee! I am a junkie and a snob and freely admit it. I was out of coffee here (I prefer to brew my own at home) so I sent DH out for some so-so Starbucks. He managed to spill the entire HUGE cup of coffee all over my car and his Blackberry. It was hard for me not to go outside and lick it up off of the seats. I
coffee. It''s why I get up every morning!

Shopping. Like a lot of ladies here I can shop for hours and for anything. Clothes for me or the kids, jewelry, stuff for the house, BBQs...It doesn''t really matter.

Furniture. I love buying new furniture. I get sick of something after a year so I just buy a new one. An expensive habit, but, oh well!

OK, this is a strange one...New carpet...This house is 1 year old and has beautiful, soft, cushy carpet. Hubby was just wondering how long it will be before I want to recarpet...I love new carpet, too.
Date: 9/7/2007 12:33:59 PM
Author: Miranda
Food for sure. Both of us and our oldest son love to cook so there is always something yummy brewing. I love most foods from Albertson''s cake
to oysters.
Miranda, may I visit?
Count me in the food and wine crew!!!!. I love going to NICE restaurants and tasting great wine!. it all, always try to find a new cheese to try!.

Tank tops!...

Collecting recipes! I love to cook and although I never follow ANY recipe, I like them for inspiration!

Travelling :)

M~ Definitely. Luckily I don''t live near any kind of good shopping area, and I finally work in a store that doesn''t make me want to spend money.

Good food. I love to eat. Maybe it''s having been in Singapore for so long? I''ll go anywhere for good food. It was definitely a major part of traveling for me. Italy, Morocco, France, Spain...yum yum yum.

Good wine. I guess I''m kind of a wine snob, but really it''s just that I didn''t know bad wine was out there and that people drank it. I love good wine, and it amuses my friends since we''re all still in college and most people haven''t developed a taste for wine yet.

Books. There''s no room for them anywhere. I have them in drawers, shelves, boxes...everything. I absolutely adore buying books, reading them, looking at them, re-reading them. I''m addicted to books.

My nails. I love going to get my nails done. It makes me feel pretty, and to me that''s worth $50 a month.
Magazines: Fashion, cooking, home decor.

Balenciaga - I blame Mara for this.
I don''t want to admit how many I have now. I can''t even use all of them because if DH found out, he would kill me. I just sold one on Ebay so I am trying to thin out the numbers but then I bought another one and I am on the waitlist for the violet first.

Ice cream. I eat a little bit every night. I actually lose weight doing this because if I know I am going to have ice cream at night, it keeps me pretty honest the rest of the day.

Internet message boards. Spend way too much time on them. Sometimes I feel like that commercial where they guy says he reached the end of the internet.
I''m not really a shopper and I''m not into fashion or handbags, shoes, watches, etc. I do love to read though I don''t have as much time for it during the school year. I guess one of my vices is books. I hate spending money on them but it doesn''t stop me. We love food as well, so that''s definitely a vice. I used to love candles, but I''m paranoid about forgetting that I lit one, so I tend not to as much anymore. I do have quite the collection of the little Yankee candle jars though -- apparently it''s THE thing to get elementary teachers. My FI and I are big movie buffs, so we love to go to the movies or get them through Netflix. I also love home improvement and travel shows, so two of my favorite channels are HGTV, TLC, and the Travel Channel.
I have none other than jewelry. I love designer handbags but only buy them when they are on sale or when I am travelling so I get duty free stuff. I think I only buy one or two bags a year. As for clothes and shoes, I don''t wear designer stuff because I think it is quite a waste to toss out expensive items when they no longer fit or when newer cuts and designers are available.
Books, definitely. I''m packing to move into a house with the FI, and there are ten boxes of just books!

Watches for sure. But I don''t normally buy the super expensive ones from the jewelry stores; I only have a few of those. I love the Anne Klein and Anne Klein II watches, and usually get mine at a discount at Ross or SteinMart --25.00 to 30.00 instead of 75.00+ at department stores. I have a knockoff of a Cartier Tank watch that you would have to get ''nose close'' to know it''s not the real deal; really, it looks that good.

Lots of shoes. But, I would have to make a TON more money than I do now before I would spend $300 and up on a pair of designer shoes. Or drop several hundred to a grand or more on a purse! Plus, the FI would probably send me for shopaholic therapy! I just would never be able to justify that kind of money for what is basically an accessory.

Love to shop in antique stores and hunt for Roseville or Van Brigle pottery, or vintage jewelry and clothing items.

My newest vice is the tiny boutique jewelry store where we bought my e-ring and the w-rings. I couldn''t resist a 75% sale a couple of weekends ago and bought myself an OGI diamond and ruby WG band. Forget the designer duds, I''d spend any excess $$ on the jewelry here!
Oh, and Starbucks unsweet black ice tea! My God, I cannot live without it!
Date: 9/7/2007 3:11:05 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 9/7/2007 12:33:59 PM
Author: Miranda
Food for sure. Both of us and our oldest son love to cook so there is always something yummy brewing. I love most foods from Albertson''s cake
to oysters.
Miranda, may I visit?
Of course you may Harriet! If you come tonight you will have stuffed mushrooms, chicken breast stuffed with proscuitto and fresh mozzerella and breaded in a panko crumb crust, wild rice (real wild rice - not Uncle Ben''s), and steamed baby carrots and a nice Paradigm merlot. Tomorrow the highlight is cheesecake with a mocha fudge sauce and strawberries!
I don''t think this is really a vice per se but we love to travel. We haven''t taken many big trips but we like going on day trips when we get a chance. We love learning about different cultures and ways of life. If my FI could get a job in Ireland someday, he''d move there in no time. I love the idea of it but when it comes down to it, I''m more of a homebody. I can''t even get comfortable with the thought of moving to another state (this is something my FI really wants to do in the future).

Okay, slightly off topic...sorry!
I also love nice pens and perfume too...
and I have gotten totally into these bead bracelets for some reason!
Fault, shortcoming, defect, weakness? Who Me? No vice here just "VICE a VERSA...."

Hey...quit laughing! Yeah you! I mean it! Stop it.

My vice right now is the internet because I am hugely pregnant and not in the mood to do much else.

Otherwise, my vices are shopping, good wine, and food.
Date: 9/7/2007 11:09:11 PM
Author: risingsun

Date: 9/7/2007 9:55:31 PM
Author: Richard Sherwood
Hehe, I noticed you posted that twice.
My main ones are:
Sweaters with beadwork or other glitter on them
Date: 9/7/2007 9:55:31 PM
Author: Richard Sherwood
I love your wicked sense of humour!!

Read another post by you in the plastic surgery thread a while ago and you said something really hilarious!!
Date: 9/7/2007 3:52:07 PM
Author: princesss Definitely. Luckily I don't live near any kind of good shopping area, and I finally work in a store that doesn't make me want to spend money.

Good food. I love to eat. Maybe it's having been in Singapore for so long? I'll go anywhere for good food. It was definitely a major part of traveling for me. Italy, Morocco, France, Spain...yum yum yum.

Good wine. I guess I'm kind of a wine snob, but really it's just that I didn't know bad wine was out there and that people drank it. I love good wine, and it amuses my friends since we're all still in college and most people haven't developed a taste for wine yet.

Books. There's no room for them anywhere. I have them in drawers, shelves, boxes...everything. I absolutely adore buying books, reading them, looking at them, re-reading them. I'm addicted to books.

My nails. I love going to get my nails done. It makes me feel pretty, and to me that's worth $50 a month.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the mani's and pedi's!! How could have I have? I get my pedi done every two weeks and mani every week! I have my fave place in S'pore and I bring my own nail polish, base and top coats etc. and the manicurist is fantastic!!
. I am absolutely obsessed with my nails, LOL. Usually have them long (though they're really short now - ruined from all the cleaning I did at my dad's place in London) and in tip-top condition. I think I look like a pauper/ completely under-dressed when I have horrible nails! I am ok with not combing my hair sometimes (i know, pretty yucky!) and wearing jeans but my nails are my top priority in the looks department.

Oh also, having your nails done is soooo relaxing. It's great for de-stressing. I know many people like to have a massage and/ or facial , but for me, nails everytime!
Date: 9/7/2007 7:00:40 PM
Author: HollyS
Oh, and Starbucks unsweet black ice tea! My God, I cannot live without it!
Oh yeah, Starbucks!! Forgot about that one too. Aiyaaahhh!! DH and I always joke that if we''d bought Starbucks shares when they floated, we''d have been gazillionaires by now!!
. We brew our coffee using Starbucks beans - at home every morning, then in the afternoon EVERY DAY, I''ll have either a chocolate chip frappucino, or a hazelnut hot chocolate or decaf mocha/ latte or a green tea frappucino. I would NOT, absolutely not, drink any other brand. And I wonder why I''ve been having trouble losing weight, LOL!
I remembered another one while talking to H!

Teas, I love tea. I will go to the Asian market and try out new ones or check out what TJ''s is selling or at our local tearoom I will buy some loose tea. I loved flavored iced tea such as mago or tropical island iced tea. If I love the tea I will ask the restaruant where they bought their tea and find that brand. I love tea more than soda or other beverages!
oh i also absolutely love getting a mani and pedi...i have gone to my same place for almost 8 years now...and they are fabulous. i go at least once a month and sometimes twice if i have vacation or trip coming up...i just like to sit there and zone out while they massage my legs and make my feet pretty!! def worth the $$. guess i never really considered it a ''vice''...hehee.
Haha, fun thread!

1. Hair products. I have a whole closet shelf full of them. Apparently I have this irrational (wishful) thinking that the next bottle/tube/tub of hair gel/pomade/wax/sculpting lotion/texturizer/spray is going to be *THE ONE* to make my hair finally look FANTASTIC! (HA!)
2. Make-up. I LOVE all of it, have zero willpower, and have hundreds of eyeshadows, mascaras, lipsticks, glosses and blushes... in every shade, hue and color. It''s a sickness.
3. Fabric. I am a sewer and a quilter and I ADORE and collect fabric. I could open a small store with the fabric I own. Another sickness.
4. Cookbooks and cooking magazines. LOVE THEM! I do cook, and I do use them... so maybe that''s too "practical" to be considered a "vice"? But I doubt that I need 200+ cookbooks!?
Skip, you''re making me crave a nice afternoon tea.
Date: 9/7/2007 7:18:18 PM
Author: Miranda
Of course you may Harriet! If you come tonight you will have stuffed mushrooms, chicken breast stuffed with proscuitto and fresh mozzerella and breaded in a panko crumb crust, wild rice (real wild rice - not Uncle Ben''s), and steamed baby carrots and a nice Paradigm merlot. Tomorrow the highlight is cheesecake with a mocha fudge sauce and strawberries!
I''m on the way!
Date: 9/8/2007 10:10:03 PM
Author: Lynn B
Haha, fun thread!

1. Hair products. I have a whole closet shelf full of them. Apparently I have this irrational (wishful) thinking that the next bottle/tube/tub of hair gel/pomade/wax/sculpting lotion/texturizer/spray is going to be *THE ONE* to make my hair finally look FANTASTIC! (HA!)
2. Make-up. I LOVE all of it, have zero willpower, and have hundreds of eyeshadows, mascaras, lipsticks, glosses and blushes... in every shade, hue and color. It''s a sickness.
3. Fabric. I am a sewer and a quilter and I ADORE and collect fabric. I could open a small store with the fabric I own. Another sickness.
4. Cookbooks and cooking magazines. LOVE THEM! I do cook, and I do use them... so maybe that''s too ''practical'' to be considered a ''vice''? But I doubt that I need 200+ cookbooks!?

BOOKS!!! I have so many of them! And my office is in the same building as a Borders. It''s torture....
Date: 9/10/2007 5:01:50 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 9/8/2007 10:10:03 PM
Author: Lynn B
Haha, fun thread!

1. Hair products. I have a whole closet shelf full of them. Apparently I have this irrational (wishful) thinking that the next bottle/tube/tub of hair gel/pomade/wax/sculpting lotion/texturizer/spray is going to be *THE ONE* to make my hair finally look FANTASTIC! (HA!)
2. Make-up. I LOVE all of it, have zero willpower, and have hundreds of eyeshadows, mascaras, lipsticks, glosses and blushes... in every shade, hue and color. It''s a sickness.
3. Fabric. I am a sewer and a quilter and I ADORE and collect fabric. I could open a small store with the fabric I own. Another sickness.
4. Cookbooks and cooking magazines. LOVE THEM! I do cook, and I do use them... so maybe that''s too ''practical'' to be considered a ''vice''? But I doubt that I need 200+ cookbooks!?

um, did i write this? cause i could have! it''s exactly what i do! not to mention conditioners are great for leg shaving!
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