
What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win!

Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

I am so on the fence about what to do. They are pretty small, and I like that the new one is a D. I never had a D before. Even to keep it just for comparison. Now I am thinking about making thin bangles with them. In truth, I'm still all over the place with it.
Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

I get your dilemma! But, I do agree with you that the D is a keeper. It's really pretty. Perhaps for now, do earrings with what you have and then maybe another time you can get another D stone and then you would have a third earring in case you lose one?
Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

SparklySoprano|1452374216|3973314 said:
Perhaps for now, do earrings with what you have and then maybe another time you can get another D stone and then you would have a third earring in case you lose one?

Haha! :)
Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

Tourmaline|1452370816|3973293 said:
I am so on the fence about what to do. They are pretty small, and I like that the new one is a D. I never had a D before. Even to keep it just for comparison. Now I am thinking about making thin bangles with them. In truth, I'm still all over the place with it.

Let me help you out, so you don't stress yourself out. Pack that little D, and send it to me. Then you won't have to worry anymore about what to do with it. ;) :naughty: :Up_to_something: :mrgreen:
Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win


Tourmaline|1451569017|3968870 said:
Thanks, everyone! Here's something I am considering. It's from Stuller's 3C collection.

Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

Well...I am such a fickle PSer. :shifty: I wanted to try something different, so I picked this D colored didn't inspire me. I really do love warm diamonds and facet patterns that aren't typical MRB. Andrey has been so kind to let me change my mind. I returned this diamond and will be getting something different from another vendor. More on that soon!
Re: What I'm doing with my $1000 Pricescope Gift Voucher Win

Looking forward to seeing what you choose Tourmaline!