
What do you NOT care about that most people DO care about?

Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Hair/makeup. I wear a bit of eyeliner some days, or mascara and foundation if I'm going to an event. I'm in my 30s and still have no idea how to apply blush and eyeshadow. :confused: I am thinking of going to a "real" hair salon soon, though, to get pro cut and color.

I also don't care about Twitter/Snapchat/Instagram/etc.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou


I throw socks into a big pile in my closet, I grab two, and I go. They don't match in color, length, fabric, or pattern.

I don't buy socks. I get socks for Christmas from my mom each year. Otherwise eventually I would run out.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

- Most forms of pop culture. I rarely understand any pop-culture references unless they're really mainstream.
- Modern music. I might recognize the tunes but I just have no idea who sings what, again unless they're really mainstream. I've never heard of about 99% majority of bands.
- Cars
- Social media
- Travel
- Fashion
- Football, soccer, baseball, basketball
- A huge social life.
- Gourmet food and wine

It's difficult to overstate just how little I care about any of the above.

Great thread idea.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Great thread! :clap:

1. I couldn't care less about all the internet stuff like "Vines" silly videos or whatever... People spend hours looking at rubbish, just read a decent book for goodness sake! :read:
2. Smart phone apps inc Facebook, Snapchat etc. Again a total waste of time in my opinion... People seem to strangely CARE about what total strangers think/say/likes etc on these. School bullying had jumped to a whole new level and it's shocking. Just turn it OFF if you don't like it!
3. Trends - fashion especially. If everyone dressed to actually suit their body shape they would probably look/feel better. I see so many poor girls seriously suffering for fashion... :nono:
4. Cars, beer, sport, fitness fads....the list goes on...

I'm only like 30 and I'm already like "GET OFF MY LAWN!" :lol:
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

I also don't care about what others think of me. I don't care about being seen as right-on and PC. In addition, I don't care if I'm seen as being particularly kind and caring. I know I never bully, harass, or make bitchy, hurtful remarks to others, I know I consider others' life circumstances before judging them, and I know what I do for others and how much I give to charity. I don't need to lay on the sugar to look good in front of others. I don't care about managing my image is what I mean, I suppose. I think that some people make calculated decisions about exactly how they wish to be seen by others and then act in that way all the time, even if it's not really them or it doesn't represent how they really feel about things. I don't try to make others think of me in a particular way, and I think a lot of people do care about manipulating their image.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Cars - I drive a 16-year-old car. It gets me where I'm going, and I don't care what it looks like. I know I'm going to need to replace it eventually, and I plan to get the least flashy thing imaginable. Sometimes I feel weird getting out of my little jalopy with a handful of diamonds, though. :lol:

Technology/phones/etc - I just want my technology to work the way it should! Beyond that, I don't care about all the bells and whistles. I have an iPhone 4s and am actively teased about it by my friends. I don't care, it still works fine. Sometimes I'd like to go off the grid completely and not have a phone. It's more trouble than it is worth.

I wanted to add that I don't care how others see me. This is only half true. I care what my friends and family think about me. I want to be accepted by the people I love. But strangers? I don't care at all. I've been known to go out in ridiculous costumes and outfits. I don't mind at all if people judge me. Their opinion doesn't mean anything to me as strangers.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Facebook. I say that only because it's everywhere.

There are lots of other things I don't care about like designer shoes and purses, and luxury cars but I'm sure there are lots of other people who don't care about them either. And I try not to judge those who do, particularly not from a site devoted to diamonds! My glass house might end up with a busted window.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

I could not give less of a crap about cars. I drive a beater Subaru and probably will forever, it's a great car.

My socks never match.

I don't care about social stuff like "Ladies' night out, y'all!" Ew. No. I have a very core group of friends and we see each other in a low key way when we can.

I do not care if other people find me attractive and I don't seek validation. I have a hot man with a 401k and benefits who loves to sleep with me.

I don't care about coupons or sales. Too much work.

I don't care what happens to me after I die. I've done my best with the life I got, and worrying about my "next" life is a waste of time. When I die I'll be dead, and if I happen to end up in an amazing place full of clouds, that's cool too.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

professional sports, it is a tragedy how much money is spent on this. They should take all that money and put it into the public school system, what a world this would be if they did that.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

What your Fitbit says, or excruciatingly boring details about how many miles you ran this week, etc.
Professional sports. I get it if you like to PLAY a sport, but watching on TV? Why spend time doing that when you could be reading a good book or interacting with a human being?
Facebook---dreadful like a never ending bad Christmas letter.
Kale. It's been overdone--find a new leafy green to talk about
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

My hair. My car. Professional sports.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Pop culture, couldn't care less about it - especially pop music. When I was 20 I got a tattoo on the inside of my arm, they're lyrics from one of my favourite bands:
'I ain't selling my soul when there's nothing to buy'

I got it done during a time when I was a pure metalhead and playing in heavy bands so it made sense and represents where I was. To this day I still wear metal band t shirts and listen to heavier bands than I did when I got the tattoo but my music taste is a little wider within the genre nowadays but that essentially means I enjoy some more of the virtuoso style players and bands that may use orchestral arrangements and other classical music elements.
I still do not care for pop music :lol:
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

So many things.

High on my list of stuff I don't care about:


Sports. Even the ones I like I don't really 'care' about. Sports could just end one day. All of them and I'd be like, "alright."

I'm not a morning person either. I don't mind talking on the phone in the AM. It's just that I am most productive and creative in the afternoon and evening. So when I need to problem solve (and my job is problem solving) I do my best work after I've had some time to percolate on things through the morning and then get back to you in the afternoon. On weekends-- forgetaboutit. I don't care about being productive on weekends. Weekends are for sleeping in, relaxing, connecting with friends and family and running a few (but not too many) errands.

Keeping up with the Joneses. I don't care what you have, I care about who you are. I may like your stuff, but if I don't like YOU, the relationship isn't going anywhere and I won't pretend to like you just because you have nice stuff. I'm not built that way.

The "hot" brand. I don't feel the need to wear or own this brand, or that one. Not unless I actually LIKE the thing for itself, regardless of brand. And even then, value is much more important to me, so brands that are not a good value are not something that even blips on my radar. And if something has equal quality and a better value, I'm much happier with that. Brand dropping, like name dropping, is just not in my make up.

Coupons. Yes, I do care about value. And if it's as easy as two clicks, I'll get the coupon. But more effort than that, nope. I had someone once tell me 'coupons are love' after gifting me with some of their coupons. I was speechless. Which is a good thing cause, as ya'all know, my filter: it don't work so good some times.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Elliot86|1457669790|4003217 said:
I don't care what happens to me after I die. I've done my best with the life I got, and worrying about my "next" life is a waste of time. When I die I'll be dead, and if I happen to end up in an amazing place full of clouds, that's cool too.

Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Voting. After spending a few decades watching the political machine in action, it is my own opinion they are all mere puppets, danced around by the same puppet masters. They give us the "illusion" that we have, and can make choices, but in reality, there's only one agenda and it's being pushed forward each election cycle no matter which "side" is in office. Never mind the fact the vast majority are bought and paid for, and that many are liars and cheats. ::)

Great thread Kenny,
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

I don't care about lots of stuff that I think many others do. Though from reading this thread I see there are a lot of PSers who don't care about a lot of stuff either. :bigsmile: Thanks Kenny. This is a very interesting thread. :appl:

Designer stuff. Shoes, purses, clothes and designer bling. I like what I like and don't care about who makes it. I like quality but am not name brand conscious.

Travel, I have traveled almost everywhere I want to and since I hate flying so much and I am more of a homebody than ever I am not into traveling anymore.

Fancy cars, my dad always taught us cars are to get from point A to point B and now that I am older I agree completely. We have our car since 1999 and knock wood "Loofy" is still running well.

Sports professional and otherwise. Not a fan in general. I loathe violence and I find most sports violent. The non violent ones I don't mind but don't seek them out to watch.

Tracking miles/steps etc with a device like the Fitbit. Might bring out my compulsive behavior causing me to do more and more miles. I am active but not going to get anal about it and track my every step. I don't judge those who do though because good for them for getting into shape and staying that way. It's just for me it would be too much for my tendency to keep trying to do more and more since when it comes to activities I can go overboard. We track our cycling and it gets to be too much with me wanting to keep outdoing ourselves.

Makeup, never been a fan and didn't even start wearing makeup till my mid twenties when my girlfriend asked me to be in her wedding party and then got us all professionally made up for the day. I wear some occasionally but just the bare minimum and many days I wear none.

Drinking alcohol (and doing illegal drugs), even when I was younger I never was a drinker. Don't care for the taste or the way it makes me feel generally. I might have a few cocktails a year but that's it and only if I feel like it. I never gave into peer pressure re alcohol or drugs and never even tried any illegal drugs. Never even tried smoking pot.

And don't get me started on social media. I never even heard of snapchat that some of you are writing about here. I joined Facebook a few years ago at my friends insistence as a way to share photos and such and I do check it when I get notifications. And it is a source of professional info as my field has a few FB pages and a live stream of info so I do use it that way. But not a huge fan and while I joined instagram and pinterest I only did for the bling.

Latest technological gadgets. No thanks. I hope to keep my iPhone for as long as possible. I hate change.

Celebrities lives. I just don't care and am not even up on most of the current stars. Same goes for music. LOVE music and love movies but I dont keep up on who's who and I don't even know their names/faces.

And like Sharon I don't have a need to be popular or care about it at all. It's easier not to be as it is much less maintenance. I prefer one on one interaction or at the very most small groups of people. Not a big party person and I like a more intimate social gathering. That was the biggest difference b/w me and my dh and took some adjustment for both of us. We have reached a happy compromise. I am an extroverted introvert (I am not sure if that is the right term) and under the right circumstances I am outgoing and friendly but if I am overwhelmed I just want to sneak back into my shell and go home. And large groups of people are overwhelming for me with a few exceptions.

And lastly, (I bet many of you who actually read this far are breathing a sigh of relief :lol: ), the need to be succinct :lol: and to the point. I am sure many of you reading this are quite surprised by that revelation. :cheeky: I tend to go on and on but hey where's the fun in being succinct. When I need to be I am but here it's fun to write my thoughts as I think them.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

amc80|1457656332|4003012 said:
Fashion- It it's not comfortable, I'm not interested. Especially true with shoes.

Award shows- I don't understand the point. Do celebrities really need another reason to get together and praise each other?

Breastfeeding- I know, hot topic. But seriously, do it or don't, I don't care.

Music- Okay, I don't hate music. But I'm not as into it as most people I know. I usually listen to talk radio in the car. When I work out, I watch Netflix on my phone. The only time I really listen to music is if I'm out running. The only reason I even know about some new songs is because DH is a music guy.

Dancing (as in at a club or something)- I don't get it. I do enjoy choreographed dancing, but just going on a dance floor and moving around for an hour with a bunch of sweaty people touching me? No thanks. I'd much rather sit at a table and people watch.

I'm with ya' on the breastfeeding thing. My FB page has lots of in-your-face BF pics these days and I. Don't. Care. I don't have an issue with breastfeeding one way or the other, but I don't understand the need to shove it everyone's face.

And I forgot to add one more to my list: cross fit. Or maybe it's not necessarily cross fit itself, but the need to make sure that everyone around you knows that you do cross fit with the pictures, the discussion, the recipe sharing, etc. We get it. You work out.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou


Latest smartphone (I want a smarthphone because I do like to get email on my phone, it's good to have GPS when you need it, etc.) - but doesn't have to be the latest and greatest.

Oh - celebrities. Don't really care at all.

ETA: the whole "Facebook" thing - I have an account because I have to (I participate in a group where that's the organizer's main method of communication) so I had to do the whole "friends" thing. But I don't accept "friends" from people I don't know, and I unfollow 99% of them. So my newsfeed is really, really lean and mostly filled with stuff I really do want to see.

Everything else most of you mentioned I do care about (love nice cars, brand name clothing, nice shoes, etc. - have none of it :lol: but I do like it).
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

momhappy|1457701962|4003345 said:
I'm with ya' on the breastfeeding thing. My FB page has lots of in-your-face BF pics these days and I. Don't. Care. I don't have an issue with breastfeeding one way or the other, but I don't understand the need to shove it everyone's face.

And I forgot to add one more to my list: cross fit. Or maybe it's not necessarily cross fit itself, but the need to make sure that everyone around you knows that you do cross fit with the pictures, the discussion, the recipe sharing, etc. We get it. You work out.

I'm adding both of these to my list as well. I don't have kids so I really don't get it, but why does anyone care how someone else feeds their child?

And crossfit, dear lord, crossfit. I feel the same about the mile tracking, the fitbits (are those the same thing?), and the constant stream of marathon posts, 5k posts, meal planning updates, etc. I'm inundated with on my FB feed. It all just seems so attention seeking to me. You know who knows when I work out? My husband, when I say "I'm going to work out, I'll be back."
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Celebrity news
Coloring my hair
Having a new car every few years. I'd rather have no car payments than new car payments.
Name brand or designer items unless it is also better quality
Status symbols
Social media
The newest technology gadgets. I'm fine with what I have if it still works for the purposes I need or want.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Clothes. Especially fancy underwear.

There was a thread a here a while back and women were talking about spending $30 for a pair of underwear. :shock: It made me feel a little bad, I was questioning my femininity. :(sad But I did try silk and all that fancy stuff, way back when, and all I got was chafing. So my 6 pack of cotton Haynes is going to have to do.

Fingernails. My nails are very long, but I have no urge to paint them. It's so impractical, they chip, it's full of chemicals. I've never had a pedicure either.

Soap scum. Whoooooo cares? :confused:

Shoes. I've taken to wearing driving moccasins, they are comfortable, classy looking, that's it. Not into "collecting" shoes.

But with all these things, I will put on the pretense if necessary: if you are an important visitor, I will do my nails, clean the soap scum and whip out the Chanel shoes that I save for just these occasions. But I draw the line at the underwear.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

iLander, you had me laughing out loud with, "Soap scum." :) I'm with you!

I'm thinking of the things that make me tune out, or that I don't pay attention to or recognize. These things include:

- Details about the lives of people I don't know. My mom likes to share a lot of stories about coworkers I have never met, for example, and though I try, I find it hard to muster enthusiasm about these details. Same goes for celebrities, etc. Though, I do love a good biography about someone whose art I enjoy.

- Big, exciting, organized events. This is something I've come to realize since I've become a parent--it seems very popular to bring your children to large events (An Evening with Thomas!--Disney on Ice!--Legoland Amazingness with Animatronics and Mediocre Brunch!--Skiing Lessons for Your Toddler!) but I just don't see the value in them. I am a stay home and build blocks, or a day at the park or pool, or take a long treasure walk in the neighborhood kind of mom. I will admit that DH and I have had a few conversations based in fear that we are somehow depriving our son, but they always end with a firm, No. I understand maybe one event a year, but I have friends who invite us to something BIG every weekend, for example. I just can't, not into it.

- Productivity at the expense of R&R. Naptime or a morning reading the paper always win over doing something I "should" be doing like cleaning or giving feedback on midterms . . . which happens to be what I should be doing now.

- The myth of the self-made man. I am so over the persistent cultural notion that people who are successful got there on their own. (And on the flip side, that if you are not successful, it is just because of a lack of hard work or dedication, etc.) It is so harmful when policymakers buy into this myth, it makes me want to scream.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

december-fire|1457642327|4002851 said:
Political views of actors, musicians, etc.

I'm interested in the views of a talented musician speaking about music.

Or a talented actor speaking about acting.

Why does talent, expertise, celebrity status, mean that I would respect or agree with that individual's political views?

To hear someone else's opinion? That would be the only reason. But their view would hold no more weight to me than that of someone who is completely unknown to me.

Feel very similarly to DF.. :)

don't care about politics enough to argue about it, I have my views but I would never care to change anyone else's opinion, nor would i ever want someone to try and argue with me about my opinions. Opinions are just that and everyone has a right to their subjective view..

that said, i DO really enjoy intelligent discourse for the purpose of good conversations and the enlargement of my view of the world.

i totally don't understand people's obsession with cell phones ( the latest whatever), or in my town there's an obsession with Lululemon and Ivivva athletic wear. I just don't get it.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Haven, I assure you that your darling boy isn't missing anything. We don't do a lot of big events but, when we do, we find the children are often underwhelmed (or overwhelmed!). They prefer to walk to the creek with daddy or play in our yard. We took them to Sesame Place Very Furry Christmas in December. It was unseasonably warm here and it was inexpensive. DH and I practically needed therapy to get over the chaos of it and they thought it was okay but have had more fun at the playground. Last summer we did a "playground tour" and let our kids rate them and tell us what they liked and disliked about each. We took lots of pictures and revisited those they really liked. They're 3 and 5 and still talk about that 6 months later.

So many of those big events are more for the parents than the children.

I can relate to so many of these things. But, sports, I do like sports! It's sort of a guilty pleasure because I do feel conflicted by it but I can't help myself. :roll:
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

I don't care if you'd did your math homework in pen, just cross out neatly when you make an error. I don't care if you leave the scraggly ends on your paper after you've ripped it out of your spiral notebook. No, you don't have to staple all the sheets together either, just make sure your name is on all papers and pass your homework forward. Just pass it forward! Today please!

I think I say the above at least three times a week.

Other things...

I don't care what other people are wearing. Please don't ask me what I'm wearing to some event we are both invited to next week, so that you won't be the "only one in pants." I don't know what I'm wearing but I know I don't care if it's the same level of dressiness as you.

I don't care what my husband wears either. When women tell me they have to pick out their husband's clothes I roll my eyes (to myself). Why do they care?

Grout stains. Hey, has the floor been washed this month? Good enough.

And so many more things that have already been mentioned.

Does this mean I'm laid back? should see the list of things I care about that no one else does! :lol:
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

I will echo alot of what was said above:

Sports-I just don't get sports and all the hoopla associated with them
Fancy cars-They cost so f--ing much, why?????
Coloring my hair--I'm going gray fast
TV shows
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Any social media whatsoever (even though I'm in my 30s)


New furniture or anything else for the house (I've purchased nearly everything aside from my mattress for sometimes less than the tax cost on the item when new)

Brand name anything


Having lots of friends or acquaintances or showing off how good my life is to anyone, especially via Facebook

status symbols

(I like this thread bc I am now noticing a general theme about my above list. Thanks for reading)
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

The people of Hollywood. I really don't get the fascination AT ALL. I don't care one iota about what they are wearing, who they are seeing, what nasty thing they got themselves into, etc. I wonder why anyone does. They are people. It would be like caring about people living four streets over. I don't care about their clothing brands or who they are living with. It would be very odd behavior on my part to dig into their lives in that way. This is how I feel about the people of Hollywood.

Chalk me up to not caring about cars, purses, or shoes. I drive a Prius, buy one quality leather bag and carry it forever, and switch out the same three pairs of shoes within the season.

I also don't care for wasting money for status. Keeping up with the Joneses does not bring me pleasure. I like thrifting and derive great pleasure from being thrifty.
Re: What do you NOT care about that most people DO care abou

Niel|1457663797|4003104 said:

I throw socks into a big pile in my closet, I grab two, and I go. They don't match in color, length, fabric, or pattern.

I don't buy socks. I get socks for Christmas from my mom each year. Otherwise eventually I would run out.

HA! I thought I was the only one!