
what class are you? Your living room

MC|1382114072|3540114 said:
dragonfly411|1382104110|3540032 said:
MC|1382059668|3539845 said:
baby monster|1382037356|3539657 said:
This needs to be updated for tech changes. Almost everyone I know got rid of paper and reads books and magazines on a device. Regardless of their class.

This is the first quiz that gave me positive points for having more books than book cases provide room for!

I felt cheated on this. SO made me put all the book cases in the office, but my overflow is on the floor in the living room HAHA!

That is so unfair. You need to move at least one book case back into the living room! You want to be able to have friends see your books and be able to showcase your favorites when they come over.

I always wonder when I go to a house and a person doesn't have any books. You can tell your SO that it confuses people when they don't see at least one bookcase. :D

I made a decision a few years ago to consume as little paper as I can, so I donated all of my books to the local library and moved my newspaper subscriptions online. The only paper books in my living room are children's books which we either borrow from the library or receive from friends with kids. Those are returned to the library or passed on to other kids. I have zero bookcases and read books on a kindle or iPad.
I got middle class. That being said, some of the "high class" choices are absolutely tacky and hideous... :o And books? I have a sitting room in my master where my books are. WHY do they need to be in the living room? Clutter CITY. :roll:
weird that you subtract 2 for an Eames Chair, they aren't cheap! They are iconic too!
They are totally out of touch (for very obvious reasons :lol: ) with housing styles today, for one thing! Most new houses (at least in the upper middle class range that I have seen) have great rooms and possibly studies and/or sunrooms, etc. and not the old formal living room and den scenario!

Soooo, this survey would have to be drastically revamped to have any relevance today!
This is very outdated. It thinks that parquet floors are high class. I think parquet floors are fine, but they are a sign of having an older home that has not been updated (which my house is.)
I barely made it into middle class. My two brown (gasp!) frames of my dog and cat almost kicked me out of it.

Obviously, as other have said, way out of touch of reality.
Oh this is way too many questions to answer! I'm gonna guess I'm middle class: my mother is undoubtably upper class, my father started life undoubtably lower class so I'm sticking with the average! :bigsmile:

I got to 26 steps on the other scale, so I had plenty of extra privileges as a child. I'm slightly ashamed that I haven't achieved more considering how many privileges I have enjoyed. Must work harder!
Ugh the shame I slid into working class! :oops: Honest to god we just have very little in our lounge room! Two sofas, a TV & stand, coffee table (antique!) and two pictures on the wall (one painted by talented hubby). It's not exactly awful...
:eek: :sick: :nono: :rolleyes: :lol:

Um..... negative 15

No art. Laminate flooring. No curtains but we do have blinds. No old furniture but no new furniture. Books all over. Airplane magazines all over (do these count as "automotive" or "vehicle" magazines?). No pretty lamps. No fancy ceiling.
Of course we do have a nice-ish rug, all LED lighting, beautiful books, and lots of cats & dogs.

WooHoo for a wedding last week -- I got positive points for fresh cut flowers left over from my wedding :bigsmile:

FWIW -- Our house is not that bad! We get compliments all the time on the furniture, lighting, and more! We aren't upper class but I do think we fall more reasonably into working or middle class.

ETA: four steps in.
I don't see your own tv as a great positive though (sitting in separate rooms eating meals is good?!?). My tv came from my deceased great-grandmother (she died and I got her tv).
We only had a computer my last year of high school.
So officially 4 if you count those two.
Too much math. :lol:
This is one of the only tests I've ever been thrilled to have failed miserably. :bigsmile:

I would never have a picture of myself or DH framed and hanging in the house - our kids and grandkids are proudly there. Certificates of family members on the wall are another of my pet peeves.

I do belong to the old school in the sense that we have a silver tea and coffee service (polished every 6 months) sitting on an antique table in front of a window.

The well worn wall to wall carpet is 40+ years old, but still looks okay (maybe only in my nearly blind eyes). Any parquet floor I dislike more than our old carpet having lived with parquet everywhere during my university days. :nono:

Truth be told, when we did a re-do of our entire house about four years ago, the living room would have cost a mint and we had already spent 1/2 a mint on the rest of the house.

Hopefully, we'll get to it in the next decade.