
What are your planned projects for 2020?


Jan 4, 2019
My husband treated me to a very nice weekend in a snowy, European themed village and it was amazing! But my mind never really relaxes so with very little to do, I started planning my 2020 projects. I’m curious what everyone else will be up to.

Here are mine:
1. Fence off my property.
2. Build raised garden beds.
3. Build a chicken castle so my girls can live in style.
4. Build a little quail house and get some quail.
5. Find a matching pair of well priced OECs in the wild for a toi et moi ring. I actually started looking this year but it’s exactly as hard as everyone said it would be.
6. Somehow get rid of the surprise barn we found out when we cleared out our blackberry disaster. I wanted to burn it down but we’re no longer rural enough for that.
7. Find a nice spinel (probably) and remake my 3 stone ring.

I’m expecting all the outside stuff to be done by summer and the jewelry stuff can be done whenever.
1. My eldest daughter gets married in September, which means a hundred tasks in one. It's fun though, and we've made so much progress to date.
2. Get the hardwood floor installed, it's been in boxes for 6 years, I think it's finally acclimated.
1. My eldest daughter gets married in September, which means a hundred tasks in one. It's fun though, and we've made so much progress to date.
2. Get the hardwood floor installed, it's been in boxes for 6 years, I think it's finally acclimated.

1. Congrats! That’s super exciting!
2. :lol:
Are you planning to install yourself? We did our own hardwood floors at our old house and it took us 4 hours to get the first row down because we could not agree on if it was straight. The house was over 100 years old so nothing was straight! But the install after that was pretty fast and easy! That was one of my fave DIY projects.
1) go live in the UK/ Europe for 3 months in the summer
2) buy a rental in UK/ Europe
3) spend more time with family and friends
4) spend a month in Australia and NZ
5) perfect my French and improve my Spanish
6) finish off the various bling project started in 2019. ...Try not to buy new bling in 2020.
1) go live in the UK/ Europe for 3 months in the summer
2) buy a rental in UK/ Europe
3) spend more time with family and friends
4) spend a month in Australia and NZ
5) perfect my French and improve my Spanish
6) finish off the various bling project started in 2019. ...Try not to buy new bling in 2020.

This sounds amazing! Have you done this before?
  1. Reunite with my jewellery (sob story)
  2. Replace my integrated washer dryer
  3. Sort out my garden that is currently a jungle
  4. Install shelving units to increase storage capacity for my catering hobby in the dinning area
  5. Getting a campervan
  6. Visiting my folks in Canada
  7. Continue to learn the clarinet or switch to a Soprano Saxophone
  8. Have more pop up kitchen events
  9. Start paying towards a significant CS project with JW
That should be it.

DK :))
1) go live in the UK/ Europe for 3 months in the summer
2) buy a rental in UK/ Europe
3) spend more time with family and friends
4) spend a month in Australia and NZ
5) perfect my French and improve my Spanish
6) finish off the various bling project started in 2019. ...Try not to buy new bling in 2020.

Perhaps a meet up with other PSers in the UK while you are here?

Please bear in mind that an UK meet has yet to materialise, therefore I would advise to start planning now than later! :lol-2:

DK :))
This sounds amazing! Have you done this before?

I've lived in different places around the world (well, mainly UK, Europe and Asia) and enjoyed the experiences tremendously. My SO and I are planning to downsize our house (should have put that as our frst 2020 goal too - to sell the house, haha), and leave for a new country, even a new continent. The UK is a strong possibility since I have family there. But I have friends and relatives living in Portugal and Spain and they raved on about it. I myself lived in France for six months and fell in love with it. I'd also like to pick up a something or 2 - less expensive places to rent out to provide passive income.

So, from living in these places, I'd really like to become more proficient in these languages. I fancy mayself as a liguist and would love to become better/more fluent if possible.

I'd also live to spend 2-3 weeks in Italy just bc the food there is amaaaziing!! Woulld love to walk the cobberstones and explore more areas of this amazing country.,,

Ive also visited Austrlia and NZ and vouched to come back...all that landscape, the animals,the wines and foods....whats not to like,
Perhaps a meet up with other PSers in the UK while you are here?

Please bear in mind that an UK meet has yet to materialise, therefore I would advise to start planning now than later! :lol-2:

DK :))

I met a very love PS member this part summer, If I'd planned well, it'd been much larger and busier GTG, As it was, it was really lovely and enjoyed meeting her very much.
  1. Reunite with my jewellery (sob story)
  2. Replace my integrated washer dryer
  3. Sort out my garden that is currently a jungle
  4. Install shelving units to increase storage capacity for my catering hobby in the dinning area
  5. Getting a campervan
  6. Visiting my folks in Canada
  7. Continue to learn the clarinet or switch to a Soprano Saxophone
  8. Have more pop up kitchen events
  9. Start paying towards a significant CS project with JW
That should be it.

DK :))

Where in Canada?
Our biggest project is to get my DH retired. You would think that is a relatively easy process, but due to his injury on duty, not so much. He has been off for a year and a half but it seems like it is getting closer.
Get a job after being made redundant :rolleyes:
Pay off as much of my debt as I can.
Get a place of our own.
Get the car(s) de-rusted and resprayed.
Find a way to stop buying shoes I don't need :???: :lol:
Get myself a large MMD in a tension setting (somehow... More likely to be 2030 at this rate, lol).
Get myself a Yoram diamond (see last comment!)

I'm realistically likely to be able to achieve the first thing in that list :rolleyes: and even that might not be easy or quick, sigh.

Still, PMA and all that!
Off the top of my head and I am sure there are lots more projects I am forgetting:

-Help my dh get through knee replacement surgery successfully.

-Buy all new bedroom furniture at the beach house.

-Rip out the only 2 rooms that have carpet at the beach house and whole room disinfecting for RW (dh's job) and laying down real hardwood floor to match the rest of our house.

-Repaint our NYC home (hopefully we get to that as it's a big project and have to find excellent painters who can do it at a convenient time).

-My dh has to take apart and replace parts for our tandem bike. Hoping he can do that this month before we head back to NYC for the winter.

-Find some down time to just relax as it's been a crazy past 6 months.

- A long distance visit from my good PS friend in April because of RW gate we had to postpone from this past October (and I am so looking forward to the visit).

- And maybe a visit from another PS friend this winter or spring and another visit this summer from a different PS friend. Love the amazing PSers I have met IRL. Truly special people.
Get a job after being made redundant :rolleyes:
Pay off as much of my debt as I can.
Get a place of our own.
Get the car(s) de-rusted and resprayed.
Find a way to stop buying shoes I don't need :???: :lol:
Get myself a large MMD in a tension setting (somehow... More likely to be 2030 at this rate, lol).
Get myself a Yoram diamond (see last comment!)

I'm realistically likely to be able to achieve the first thing in that list :rolleyes: and even that might not be easy or quick, sigh.

Still, PMA and all that!

Sending you bucketloads of good luck job finding dust @OoohShiny !
  1. Reunite with my jewellery (sob story)
  2. Replace my integrated washer dryer
  3. Sort out my garden that is currently a jungle
  4. Install shelving units to increase storage capacity for my catering hobby in the dinning area
  5. Getting a campervan
  6. Visiting my folks in Canada
  7. Continue to learn the clarinet or switch to a Soprano Saxophone
  8. Have more pop up kitchen events
  9. Start paying towards a significant CS project with JW
That should be it.

DK :))

I also hope you reunite with your jewelry! Sounds like you have lots to do next year!
Our biggest project is to get my DH retired. You would think that is a relatively easy process, but due to his injury on duty, not so much. He has been off for a year and a half but it seems like it is getting closer.

Good luck to you both!
@OoohShiny Good luck to you! I hope the job search is good to you. It can be so stressful. :(

@missy Oh that’s a lot! Are you a reverse snow bird? We only learned snow birds are a thing recently and I love the idea of it. Best wishes to your husband on his surgery. I hope he has an easy a recovery as possible!
I've lived in different places around the world (well, mainly UK, Europe and Asia) and enjoyed the experiences tremendously. My SO and I are planning to downsize our house (should have put that as our frst 2020 goal too - to sell the house, haha), and leave for a new country, even a new continent. The UK is a strong possibility since I have family there. But I have friends and relatives living in Portugal and Spain and they raved on about it. I myself lived in France for six months and fell in love with it. I'd also like to pick up a something or 2 - less expensive places to rent out to provide passive income.

So, from living in these places, I'd really like to become more proficient in these languages. I fancy mayself as a liguist and would love to become better/more fluent if possible.

I'd also live to spend 2-3 weeks in Italy just bc the food there is amaaaziing!! Woulld love to walk the cobberstones and explore more areas of this amazing country.,,

Ive also visited Austrlia and NZ and vouched to come back...all that landscape, the animals,the wines and foods....whats not to like,

Excuse the typos! I was half asleep! Lol
1) go live in the UK/ Europe for 3 months in the summer
2) buy a rental in UK/ Europe
3) spend more time with family and friends
4) spend a month in Australia and NZ
5) perfect my French and improve my Spanish
6) finish off the various bling project started in 2019. ...Try not to buy new bling in 2020.

How excitting
May i just say don't chest yourself short and spend too little time in the South Island
Im a Dunedin girl born and bread
Plenty to do and see in Dunedin alone to fill in 3 days and if you want to see penguins i recommend a night in Oamaru an hour up the coast. A really beaitiful town with the oldest intact Victorian era central bussiness district still in use
The penguins come out at dusk and there is a fantastic facility there to see them come ashore, practically right in town
Just remember we are an island nation and the weather is unpredictable
Get a job i will actually like and enjoy

Make some friends

Save money (Bruce Springsteen has a new band albym coming next year that he will tour)

Save money -

Get garden under control

Paint the house- well that's the OH's job once he's feeling better and his eyes are fixed

Once i have a job getting insulation in the ceiling and under the house is probably most important right after getting Tibby to the vet to be fixed

Get an electrician in to install some more plugs and lights

Get some rings resized

find my missing jewlery
Missy, after RW and Greg's knee you need some time to veg out my friend
How excitting
May i just say don't chest yourself short and spend too little time in the South Island
Im a Dunedin girl born and bread
Plenty to do and see in Dunedin alone to fill in 3 days and if you want to see penguins i recommend a night in Oamaru an hour up the coast. A really beaitiful town with the oldest intact Victorian era central bussiness district still in use
The penguins come out at dusk and there is a fantastic facility there to see them come ashore, practically right in town
Just remember we are an island nation and the weather is unpredictable

Thank you so much. I shall bear all that in mind.

I shall come back and ask for detailed recommendations closer to the time.=)2
Am i allowed to add to my list ????
Its a smallish house with a tiny bathroom so i want to add a bathroom remodel
That's what Gary before he retired so labour is free at least
i want a wet room

Also the washing machine needs a service - it won't do a hot wash

Id also like to get my perals restrung and also my amber and Whitby Jet necklases
Earrings. Diamond dormeuses, which requires buying one last OEC and designing the settings..... (So, work work work work work work work to pay for them!) I have to discipline myself to stop buying all the old mine cuts I stumble across. Focus! Ack!

I need to learn Spanish quickly for a job assignment, so after the 1st of the year I’ll start that process. I’m actually excited at the prospect because it will be something of value that I’ll be able to offer my team. Sounds super cheesy (or should I say mucho queso) but I love what I do, so every day is a chance to have a good time. If I can swing being even conversationally bilingual, it will be great.
Am i allowed to add to my list ????
Its a smallish house with a tiny bathroom so i want to add a bathroom remodel
That's what Gary before he retired so labour is free at least
i want a wet room

Also the washing machine needs a service - it won't do a hot wash

Id also like to get my perals restrung and also my amber and Whitby Jet necklases

What's a "wet room"?
I'm currently taking swim lessons. Hopefully by the summer of 2020, I should be swimming (crossing fingers and toes).

I need to resize my wedding rings so I can wear both ER and WR together. Currently only the ER fits.

Declutter. I just moved to a new place in October and it's already cluttered.

And unpack the rest of the boxes.

On that note, I need to buy book shelves for the books in the boxes.

Look for colleges with/for daughter.

Maybe, very far maybe, I would like to buy blue and pink mmd. Small ones.

This should go before the mmd: I would like to start exercising and eat less sugar.

Hmmm, this is starting to sound like my yearly (failed) resolutions.

Heck. I'll add learn French and Spanish too. After almost 18 years of marriage (and over 20 together) with a French man, I still can't speak the language. And after 8 years of studying Spanish I can speak broken Spanish. And I live in NYC, where people approach me daily speaking in Spanish:oops2:
I'm currently taking swim lessons. Hopefully by the summer of 2020, I should be swimming (crossing fingers and toes).

I need to resize my wedding rings so I can wear both ER and WR together. Currently only the ER fits.

Declutter. I just moved to a new place in October and it's already cluttered.

And unpack the rest of the boxes.

On that note, I need to buy book shelves for the books in the boxes.

Look for colleges with/for daughter.

Maybe, very far maybe, I would like to buy blue and pink mmd. Small ones.

This should go before the mmd: I would like to start exercising and eat less sugar.

Hmmm, this is starting to sound like my yearly (failed) resolutions.

Heck. I'll add learn French and Spanish too. After almost 18 years of marriage (and over 20 together) with a French man, I still can't speak the language. And after 8 years of studying Spanish I can speak broken Spanish. And I live in NYC, where people approach me daily speaking in Spanish:oops2:

I thought I was the only adult in the whole world that can't swim!! this despite having tried 3 times and living in a house with a pool, lol.

I really hope you succeed. Fingers crossed.
Get the courage for some changes that are necessary.
Get the energy for the said changes.
Work at my family tree.
Travels I leave up to my husband...We go to the country of origin twice a year, and this time I reserved a week to visit my uncle, but the fate has decided otherwise (sigh). So maybe, go to Norway, as befits the fan of Scandinavian crime novels? Everything is close in Europe.
This year I met a real US relative. I think her father and my grandfather were cousins. She is a lovely, funny, kind woman and maybe we should visit them? It is not that far.
Mostly, we all should survive.
As to the stones. Sell something, set something. Whatever.
Throw out the furniture that we managed to push into my room in the second floor and can not pull out. How can it happen? Push in new furniture.
@OoohShiny Good luck to you! I hope the job search is good to you. It can be so stressful. :(

@missy Oh that’s a lot! Are you a reverse snow bird? We only learned snow birds are a thing recently and I love the idea of it. Best wishes to your husband on his surgery. I hope he has an easy a recovery as possible!

Oh no lol. I love the change of seasons. I don’t think (I never say never however) I’d ever be a snowbird reverse or not. We generally enjoy both homes in all seasons and just go back and forth as the mood strikes and our schedules allow.

Thank you so much for the good wishes for my DH’s upcoming knee replacement. I’m a little nervous as he’s the shopper and the chef in the family. Hopefully we won’t both starve while he’s recuperating :lol: