
What are you buying him or

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Feb 10, 2006
if you are a "him", what would you like for the holidays?

I am trying hard to think of non-traditional gifts for my bf but always have a hard time. He is one of those guys that aren''t into sports/tools or regular guy sorts of things. So I thought I''d see what everyone else is doing.
My hubby is SO hard to buy for. He hates when I spend money on him and he wants nothing....Ugh. So I have to get a few "thoughtful" gifts.....

A black leather notebook that he liked
A navy lacoste baseball cap
A few french cuff shirts (his new "thing")
Cuff links

Aren''t those"exciting"? LOL.NOT.
Ick, I''m in the exact same situation. He''s on deployment so I have to send him something, but have NO idea what to do. And I don''t want to spend a lot of money because the mail system has a tendency to let us down in the good old navy (ALL sarcasm intended for BOTH parties). I''m thinking clothing of some sort (that''s safe right?) and a few cd''s that I mixed myself as a sentimental gesture. When he gets back I''m hoping to get him some awesome camera stuff as it''s his other faithful companion (besides me), and he LOVES getting camera things. Or maybe a new watch instead because he has a cheapo one now from wal mart. Those can be belated Christmas gifts/ early birthday stuff. I also think that doing a nice picture collage of the two of you throughout the year is a sweet thing to do in addition to store bought gifts (I''m big on crafty stuff!).

The only thing DH wants is fruit trees, yes you read it right, fruit trees. We moved into a new house in August and he misses his citrus and apples and such. Nevermind that we have 80+ avacado trees. He asks so he shall receive, he is going shopping for new fruit trees.

I''ll probably get him a few DVDs and a coupon book of lovey-dovey type stuff, homemade. He''s as hard to buy for as the rest of your guys seem to be!
Kimberly, well, if he wants fruit trees then he''ll get his fruit trees! Actually, when I know he wants something specific, it makes it easier. I have always preferred to do gifts that are unique and a surprise but when it comes to him, it''s hard to think of anything. I try to listen throughout the year to things that he says he wants... he just does it so rarely!

More, I try to get thoughtful/useful type of gifts too. I usually include ties w/whatever other gift I purchase or else possibly buy tickets to an activity. One time I got him a flying lesson but I would like to do something that''s not outdoors since it''s cold in our area. I''d like him to enjoy it now.

Poptart, he might like food also if you can send that. Or even other essentials that he might need... not the most exciting but what can you do.

It is tough!

Anyone else??
Date: 11/27/2006 3:39:36 PM
Author: dixie94
Kimberly, well, if he wants fruit trees then he''ll get his fruit trees! Actually, when I know he wants something specific, it makes it easier. I have always preferred to do gifts that are unique and a surprise but when it comes to him, it''s hard to think of anything. I try to listen throughout the year to things that he says he wants... he just does it so rarely!

More, I try to get thoughtful/useful type of gifts too. I usually include ties w/whatever other gift I purchase or else possibly buy tickets to an activity. One time I got him a flying lesson but I would like to do something that''s not outdoors since it''s cold in our area. I''d like him to enjoy it now.

Poptart, he might like food also if you can send that. Or even other essentials that he might need... not the most exciting but what can you do.

It is tough!

Anyone else??
Yea, I talked to him yesterday... he wants candy, letters from me, and cds... so that''s what he''s getting! As for your DH, is their anything that he kind of hinted at throughout the year even? My hubby does this a lot. What I mean is, do you walk into a store and he says, "Oh, well THAT''S nice!" and continues to stare at it for an obnoxiously long time? Maybe that is his way of "asking" or "wanting". If not, movies are always safe, albeit not that interesting. Or a gift card to his favorite store and then he can pick something. That''s what we get for my uncle each year. A SEARS gift card. And his eyes STILL light up when he opens up the package, haha.
FI and I set a limit of $200 to spend on each other this year because we have so many other expenses right now. I''m completely drawing a blank on what to get him as the main present but thus far I''ve picked up Family Guy season 4 dvd and a gauge for the propane tank on his grill. Both should make him happy, and the total spent thus far is $50, so I still have some room to play but I have NO idea what''s next. Maybe I should extend his Sirius subscription but while he''ll use it everyday, it''s not that "wrappable". He loves to get clothes but he really needs to try things on these days.

I''ll be watching this to see if anybody else has any ideas.
For my hubby, I'm getting:
1. A massage at a spa near his office
2. 1 pair of Gap jeans (he just discovered the wonders of their loose boot cut jeans)
3. Calendar made with our kids' pictures
4. Some kind of Kansas City Chiefs fan gear

If your hubby is hard to buy for and isn't into sports, you could do "universal" man gifts such as tickets to a comedy club, dinner for 2 at his favorite fancy restaurant, a gift certificate to a bookstore, or a gift cert to a spa for a massage.
My DH is so difficult this time of year...silly man! First of all, he hates spending money...especially on himself. Christmas and his birthday(Dec. 31st) are so close that he says just to do something small, if I have to. He is kind of a scrooge each year, to tell you the truth. I am a very frugal Christmas shopper with 9 kids to buy for so I try to spend no more than $250 to $300 on each person. This year, its more like $250 per person. DH is in charge of deciding for his brothers. I already got his mom and our niece something. For DH?

I decided that since he loved it when I did a boudior glamour pic of myself years ago, I would do something like that on a smaller scale. Just one really nice glamour shot for just him. So, I did that on Saturday and I will see it Dec. 16th. I hate my pics so I hope it turns out ok. If it doesn''t, I am screwed!!!
I''m having such a hard time with this, he actually asked for a sport watch he doesn''t have to worry about breaking. When I asked him what he was specifically looking for, he was like, "Um, I don''t know." Greaaat. I already got him a DVD, a subscription to a magazine he loves and I know I''m going to get him socks (he LOOOOVES socks), but he really needs to tell me what kind of watch he wants, otherwise he''s getting a pepsi-swatch watch.
Date: 11/27/2006 4:42:37 PM
Author: AmberWaves
I''m having such a hard time with this, he actually asked for a sport watch he doesn''t have to worry about breaking. When I asked him what he was specifically looking for, he was like, ''Um, I don''t know.'' Greaaat. I already got him a DVD, a subscription to a magazine he loves and I know I''m going to get him socks (he LOOOOVES socks), but he really needs to tell me what kind of watch he wants, otherwise he''s getting a pepsi-swatch watch.
LOL re: pepsi swatch and socks.
Well, I *TRIED* to buy him a watch, but that didn''t fly. However, he just called me from the car to tell me that somehow Santa and I got together and bought him a surround sound system today a lunch. Hmm... wonder how that happened? (I blame Mrs. Salvo''s husband for all this, but that''s another topic!)

Other than the surround sound system that I magically got him today, all the rest are "joke" presents.
- walker shortbread cookies in animal shapes (he LOVES these cookies and i have never seen them in animal shapes before)
- Dilbert desk calendar (I get him this every year)
- Christmas tree ornament of a dog that looks like The Demon wearing a ski sweater (I know, I know... )
- cocktail napkins with a guy holding up a weiner dog that say "There he goes showing off his weiner again" because he refers to The Demon as The Weiner sometimes (I wonder what impression I''m giving you people of our household when I post these things... )

There are two more things that I can''t think of at the moment (but they''re all about this level of goofiness).

His real gift is two ski trips out west in January and February so he''s just getting stupid stuff under the tree.
Hm...does he like to eat? I was thinking of getting TGuy membership to a wine club or something where they send you stuff every month. Or maybe a cheese club. He loves sports, so anything golf related is easy.

The stuff he loves though is any kind of garbage I bring back from crap like baseball caps and T-shirts. He''s pretty easy to please!
Ha ha ha, Dee*Jay, I HAVE a wiener dog, and SO want to get a t-shirt that says something about wieners, but he is an elementary school teacher, and a "Check out my wiener" shirt wouldn''t fly.
I''m thinking of just getting him a month''s supply of sausage. The one thing I know he''ll always eat. That and that Swatch I was talking about.
DeeJay, that''s hilarious.

I got my FI a Playstation 2. He''s been wanting one, plus our DVD player is mostly broken and it can be used as one as well. I made the mistake of buying it with him, though, and he''s asking about once an hour if he can open it yet. And since I bought it on Friday morning, not only was it on sale but it also came with a free wireless controller, which FI has broken into and keeps playing with. (I think he hopes I''ll take pity on him and get out the system so he can actually USE the controller.) I''ve tried hiding the PS2, but it''s awfully hard to hide things in an apartment.
greg is totally the type who wants NOTHING. so i have to be really creative from year to year since he would literally be happy with...NOTHING!
last year i got him cirque du soleil tickets since it was coming to town in jan, and a gift cert to this online/catalog car accessories shop he likes, some clothes (which he always needs).

this year i am giving him a new leather weekender duffel bag which he definitely needs, some new clothes (a staple as pretty much gifts of clothes from me are where he gets his weekend wardrobe...hehe), and beyond that i'm not sure! he still hasn't used the massage cert i gave him for his bday. i also typically find one or two fun smaller gifts to give him during my shopping trails for other people. so those are supplemental!

oh eta i wanted to get him a mini dvd player for flights but that's really more for 'us' that's still up in the air...not sure if i will do it now.
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I''ve only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He''s a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I''ll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD''s calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
We aren''t exchanging gifts this year as we are going south for the holidays, but if I was buying for him, I would definitely get him a new leather 3/4 length coat (which I will probably pick up in the New Year when the sales are on).
Living in China is putting a crimp on my Christmas gifts. Almost everything is being shipped to my parents house in Michigan then shipped here so I''m trying to keep it as light as I can. So far he is getting:

- a flash for his Canon Rebel camera
- a rolling computer bag
- the Dilbert desk calendar which I put in his stocking every year
- a wooden bull that is about 2''long x 1'' tall. I still haven''t figured out the love he has for this gift but he has been talking about it for two years.
- clothes

I have run out of any other idea''s, so unless I get a brainstorm that might be it for this year.

poptart - I''m not sure if you can insure items to the APO boxes, but I put a little insurance on everything that I get sent here. It keeps stuff from getting "misplace". I don''t even normally put the actual amount that the stuff is worth. If something that is insured gets lost, people have to answer a lot of questions, which is why I think things tend to get delivered if there is insurance.
Thanks for the advice! I was planning on insuring it since I was going to put CDs in there and hopefully it will get there. He got a "test letter" I sent him, so that''s good news.

Yeah, my guy is hard to buy for also. He actually told me he wanted some new software for his GPS system. He uses this little device while kayaking on the lake.
So his gifts so far;

software for GPS
recreational atlas of New Mexico (he wants to explore the Gila Wilderness)
small leather book of maps of US National Parks (Orvis) monogrammed
3 shirts
bison leather driving shoes

I''m looking for a nice lightweight winter jacket - have no idea what though
and I''m sure as I stroll (!) through the stores, I''ll find other tempting goodies.

Stocking stuff to be determined
Dee Jay, he sure made it easy for you! Is he learning from us gals who scope out our own gifts and magically tell dh about our selection?!

My dh is tough to buy for. He tends to shop in spurts, he hates it and wants to get it over with. Occasionally I will get him something he needs (new briefcase or wallet, but must be one I know he likes as his is particular). He does not really wear cologne and even if I buy him something nice like and Hermes tie, he usually has a bunch just like it and I feel like he does not really need it. He gets himself big things that he wants so I cannot really do that either.

I usually just ask him what he wants, or he just seems to go and get it, and we have never been really big on giving gifts at this time of year, though it is my birthday in December and I usually have my gift selected long before then!
Date: 11/27/2006 7:03:36 PM
Author: Miranda
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I've only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He's a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I'll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD's calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
Who's making it? Must see pictures! Maybe I'll get b/f a wetsuit...thanks for the idea
Date: 11/27/2006 7:03:36 PM
Author: Miranda
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I''ve only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He''s a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I''ll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD''s calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
You got him a custom made skateboard?!? You must elaborate. My husband would seriously FLIP over this as we spent nearly EVERY DAY at the skate park during highschool (I have a feeling he may never truly grow up, haha). I didn''t even know you could GET a custom made skateboard!

A Wii. He whines every day and demands to know why I won''t let him go out and get one for himself.
Date: 11/28/2006 1:27:16 AM
Author: diamondfan
Dee Jay, he sure made it easy for you! Is he learning from us gals who scope out our own gifts and magically tell dh about our selection?!

Diamondfan, he NEVER does things like this, so I was THRILLED that now the pressure''s off and I really don''t have to think of anything else. And he somehow "magically" bought me a pair of earrings when we were in Phoenix last week, so he also got off easy this year (in terms of effort, not $$$s!). I bet he''ll be surprised when those magic earrings show up Fed Ex this afternoon
. Maybe I can get the delivery guy to wear a Santa hat and stand downstairs with me in the entry way while I explain...
Date: 11/28/2006 1:55:18 AM
Author: marvel

Date: 11/27/2006 7:03:36 PM
Author: Miranda
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I''ve only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He''s a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I''ll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD''s calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
Who''s making it? Must see pictures! Maybe I''ll get b/f a wetsuit...thanks for the idea
Well, I''m not sure yet. He has a friend in Newport that is just getting into making them. That may be a little risky, though, since he''s new to it. DH LOVES surprises so I''m just going to make a paper mock up or photo collage or something and wrap it up for xmas morn. I really think he should pick it out...I don''t know what size it should be, or color, or how it should cut!!! This is how I look at it, if I REALLY wanted a custom designed ring and he surprised me with something else I may feel a little dissapointed. I don''t want him to feel like that. I want him to get exactly what he wants...That means he needs to be a part of the planning. I''ll post pics when it''s done. I think it takes a few months, though. BTW...DH''s parents are getting him a new wetsuit. has pretty good prices and free shipping.
Date: 11/28/2006 2:03:43 AM
Author: poptart

Date: 11/27/2006 7:03:36 PM
Author: Miranda
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I''ve only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He''s a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I''ll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD''s calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
You got him a custom made skateboard?!? You must elaborate. My husband would seriously FLIP over this as we spent nearly EVERY DAY at the skate park during highschool (I have a feeling he may never truly grow up, haha). I didn''t even know you could GET a custom made skateboard!

No, not a custom skateboard, just a custom surfboard. His skateboard was bought as individual parts and then put together so I guess that''s semi custom. I haven''t ever heard of a custom skateboard....gets me thinkin''.
Hey guys! I just found the coolest little gadget.
It''s $59 at Amazon. My hubby is always at work-related dinners or happy hours and I harp at him a lot about being careful not to drink and drive. This FDA approved thingamabob could come in pretty handy! And he does love nifty electronic doodads.

BreathKey keychain breathalyzer, approved by FDA!

Date: 11/28/2006 2:40:59 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 11/28/2006 2:03:43 AM
Author: poptart

Date: 11/27/2006 7:03:36 PM
Author: Miranda
A custom made surfboard. Once it was a skateboard. It has been Playstation 2 games many many times. *sigh* I''ve only gotten him grown up gifts a couple of times. He''s a total kid which is quite a contrast to his apppearance and career, both conservative. My nickname for him is Corporate Ken because so many people have said he looks like a Ken doll (not the new yucko haired ones). I''ll probably get him a few little things...framed pics of the kids, KD''s calendar gift gave me an idea, maybe some Chargers stuff. You know, the same kinds of things we get our 12 year old.
You got him a custom made skateboard?!? You must elaborate. My husband would seriously FLIP over this as we spent nearly EVERY DAY at the skate park during highschool (I have a feeling he may never truly grow up, haha). I didn''t even know you could GET a custom made skateboard!

No, not a custom skateboard, just a custom surfboard. His skateboard was bought as individual parts and then put together so I guess that''s semi custom. I haven''t ever heard of a custom skateboard....gets me thinkin''.
Well, that''s semi-custom and a lot cheaper. Too bad you can''t have like a custom design put on the bottom of it or something... hmm.... I bet SOMEBODY must do that. He would be so psyched if I got him a new skateboard since I''m fairly certain he either sold his old one or it got stolen.

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