
What’s your holiday tradition?


Aug 12, 2005
I just read my daily NYT email and the focus was holiday traditions. Interested in PSrs rituals, traditions, and of course anti- behaviors!

I’ll go first: decorating a Christmas tree is really important to me and I don’t think I’ve ever gone a year without doing so.


Jun 8, 2008
Nice thread idea Monnie ❤️

1. Getting Pythagorus out of storage to join us during our holiday cycling (November and December) and this year we added a friend haha


2. Putting up a Christmas tree (no more decorating it because the cats attack and ruin the decorations and the tree with decorations on the tree) with our homemade Star

We have not yet done this. I want to straighten up around here first as it needs it and then we will put up the tree

3. Get a good cat in the tree pic as soon as we get the tree out...the cats will come :lol:
From previous Christmases

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4. In years past we baked Christmas cookies for all our friends far and near...this year we probably are not baking. Greg did find a decent gluten free recipe for the cookies (we are both now gluten free for health reasons) but I don't think either of us have the energy this year. It had been our holiday tradition for well over a decade and it was very gratifying to see how much our friends loved the cookies so maybe one year we will resume

5. See my parents on their anniversary December 25th. It's their 59th anniversary this year ❤️

Last year we wore our masks inside when we visited them on their anniversary



Aug 12, 2005
Oh @missy you always know how to holiday! Thanks for sharing. I bought my daughter a really pretty menorah this year for her to keep at my house. I’m so excited for her to see it; it’s from Anthropologie and is kind of grown up but I figure she’ll have it for years if she wants.

My daughter does Hanukkah with her dad as he is Jewish so they have their own traditions, but I like to support in any way I can without being intrusive. When I found $5 GAP Hanukkah themed kids pjs months ago I grabbed two and gave him a pair for her to have at his house. Lol


Dec 12, 2006
my holiday traditions have shifted...when the kids were little the one thing we always did was make Christmas are grown now so I wonder why bother, I guess I am scrooge this year, last year it was hubby and me the cookies and they end up getting thrown away, you can only eat so many cookies, we do freeze them but still...anyway I wasn't even going to bother with the cookies this year and them bam out of nowhere when my oldest son was here and he said when are you making cookies me and Hazel would like to help...Hazel is my 3 year old grand daughter, so I guess the cookie baking is back I need to find some Christmas spirit...since covid has hit the joy of the holidays has almost left me.....


Aug 12, 2005
my holiday traditions have shifted...when the kids were little the one thing we always did was make Christmas are grown now so I wonder why bother, I guess I am scrooge this year, last year it was hubby and me the cookies and they end up getting thrown away, you can only eat so many cookies, we do freeze them but still...anyway I wasn't even going to bother with the cookies this year and them bam out of nowhere when my oldest son was here and he said when are you making cookies me and Hazel would like to help...Hazel is my 3 year old grand daughter, so I guess the cookie baking is back I need to find some Christmas spirit...since covid has hit the joy of the holidays has almost left me.....

I want your cookies! I love decorating cookies every year with friends and family. My daughter got to decorate a batch with my dad not too many years ago. It was the sweetest thing watching them!

Hey! You are loved!


Feb 2, 2016
We always go to DH’s cousins house for dinner and opening presents on Christmas day. All the kids open their presents at the same time and it is quite chaotic but fun.

Growing up we would drive around the neighborhood and look at the lights, always loved that and still enjoy seeing houses all lit up.

I usually (like for the past 15 years) setup the Christmas tree by myself the day after Thanksgiving. Pretty well over that this year, so I have setup this tree and told DH and the kids if they want the big tree they can do it themselves. Otherwise the presents will go around this tree:



May 1, 2007
We (the kids, DH, and I) get a tree the day after Thanksgiving. We found a *great* cut-your-own place this year. We pull out the decorations and at the very least we get the main tree decorated with lights and ornaments. We play xmas music for the first time. DH makes a turkey soup from the stock he makes the day before. I like to leave puzzles out for people to poke their noses into - there is always one going on this day, usually of a warm and cozy winter scene.

The rest of the decorations go up throughout the weekend.

My mom let us (my sister & I) open our stockings whenever we woke up, so long as it was after midnight. For me, that usually meant 2-3am. I loved that quiet, private time reveling in the treats she filled my stocking with. DH & I carried on that tradition for our kids.

My dad always made pineapple muffins on xmas morning. When he is with us for xmas, he brings them.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
the last 10 years or so i like to buy a new angel or fairy every year to add to the collection
the stipulation is she must have a lovely face -have a look -some do not
i got one this year next door to work at the chemist (suburban pharmacies usually have nice gift lines here)
otherwise our tradition is to over endulge
when you work in retail there isnt a lot of spair energy at this time of year


Jun 27, 2014
I haven't done bupkis yet this year.
I just don't have the energy for it for whatever reason.
When the kids were small we'd do the house inside and outside, and the store/barn with all kinds of lights and such. We'll probably do the inside tree and a few inside garlands and put the little tree on the store porch with some lights and that's it. I used to make several hundred cookies every holiday with at least three to four types. It took weeks to do! It ballooned into more of a job than fun when people started hinting at it in October and the volume just grew.
My youngest is in high school, I think I've put in my years.:tongue:
I'll only make a few batches for the family this year, I think.
We usually have several family gatherings to go to.
We celebrate Krampus here in our house, we also do the Victorian tradition of ghost stories, scary-ish Christmas movies and we hide a pickle for an extra little prize for the kids.
I only have a few pics from last year so here is one of the many Krampus style ornaments, the pickle, Christmas spider and some cookie examples.
Gruss Vom Krampus!

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Apr 19, 2004

Despite living in a different city from my family, we would always travel home and stay with my parents. Always watched Scrooge (Alister Sims) and Charlie Brown Christmas on TV Christmas Eve. Made cookies and butter tarts.

Now my parents are gone, we will be home this year. Still watch Scrooge and CB and Die Hard (lol), and I'll prolly make butter tarts. We always have a tree and at least three Poinsettias. I can't live without Poinsettias. They were my Mom's favorite and they are mine also. I'll try and find a really small butterball to stuff for dinner.

And I have 6 CD's with my favorite artists singing Christmas songs. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without hearing Jim Reeves (my Dad's favorite).

ETA: Christmas cards--I still send some!

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Jan 20, 2012
Love reading about everyone's holiday celebrations! We have too many to share (read: bore you all with). But the one I look forward to the most? Watching all of the old Rankin/Bass films. I'm transported right back to snow days as a kid eating pancakes in my footie pajamas. Pure bliss.

And I still tear up during this song - gets me every time. "Ignatius Thistlewhite... nice name too."



Jun 20, 2020
So funny that everyone’s talking about skipping cookies. I was just thinking the same thing. Making huge batches of many different kinds of cookies and then giving those out as token presents to basically everyone you interact with regularly was my family tradition. COVID really put a nail in that coffin. Most of my cookies went to coworkers, but with no one going into the office still, why freaking bother?


Jun 27, 2014
So funny that everyone’s talking about skipping cookies. I was just thinking the same thing. Making huge batches of many different kinds of cookies and then giving those out as token presents to basically everyone you interact with regularly was my family tradition. COVID really put a nail in that coffin. Most of my cookies went to coworkers, but with no one going into the office still, why freaking bother?

I feel this down to my toes! :lol:


May 15, 2014
I have always put up a tree. Unfortunately I'm allergic to most "real" trees and can't touch them, so used to have a fake one that looked like a real tree. The first Christmas after Covid struck I knew I wouldn't have visitors so I decided to change up my tree and bought this little branch type tree and to decorate, using only my painted eggs that I used to pick up every year at various European markets while visiting over the holidays. Anyway, turns out I like it's simplicity and I've continued to use it. Still need a different topper, though.
I don't bake cookies. Really never have. I do try to have champagne on hand and Chambord, to make Kir Royale.
We always went to my daughter's uncle and aunt's house for Christmas dinner, but he passed away last year on Christmas, so I have no idea how his wife will deal with that this year. It will be a very tough day for her so I certainly don't expect her to host anything.
Anyway, here's my egg tree


Nov 8, 2011
Every year, my mom always cooks turkey dinner. On Christmas, my sister and I will see a's the only time I'll go to a movie theater. We go to the VIP ones with reclining leather seats and you can order real food/alcohol and the experience is always great. Since the pandemic hit, we haven't gone but I think I'd like to start it back up this year.

My favorite part of the holidays is putting up my tree and other decorations. I know most people don't start thinking about it till after Thanksgiving but I'm Canadian and our Thanksgiving was in October so the first week of November, my tree is already up. I do a different theme each year. This year's theme is Candyland. I DIY'ed some of the ornaments and really enjoyed it. Think I'll do the same next year. The Candyland Christmas tree...


And I do a tiny bit of baking. Just made these keto pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting the other day..


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i dont think we do that xmas cookies thing here much
its summer so we have so much fruit at this time of year
i mean sometimes kids bake tree decoration biscuits and decorate them but they never look very apatizing
ive always wanted to bake a gingerbread church but never had the energy
its hot at xmas, so slaving over a hot stove is not ideal


Oct 23, 2011
I’m a Scrooge. Lol. The only traditions I followed were for the sake of DD. We do put up a tree when she comes home for the holidays since I have zero interest in decorating it. Hate Xmas lights and I don’t nag hubby enough to put them up.
Xmas eve morning involves 3 hours of making tamales with mom, and 4 sisters, 1 sil, 9 nieces and my bil who loves to cook. Goes by fast and is fun. We then arrive for Xmas eve at 5 pm and eat freshly steamed tamales among other sides and desserts.
As our family has expanded, Xmas eve is a revolving door and couples come in and out as they split their time with other families. We open gifts at midnight, those of us who are still there.
Xmas day every family does their own thing. Hubby and I take mom to casino and have a nice buffet.


Jan 22, 2014
I have a “thing” about Christmas lights. I love them. Every year I spend hours putting them out, then more hours bringing them in in the New Year. Every January after putting the away I swear no more…... then December comes and I’m at it again.
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Jul 7, 2013
I like to spend the two big days on my own with the pets, to do/eat/watch whatever and whenever I fancy.

DK :))


Mar 13, 2004
I love Christmas, so do my kids. We usually put up outdoor lighting and put up tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. We also put on Christmas music and I make hot chocolate while decorating the tree. We usually host Christmas Day dinner with both my side and DH’s side of the family so a total of around 12-20 people, and a must have for the dinner table is prime rib with creamy horseradish. This year we are adding my parents and cousin’s family so I have asked them to bring a side dish to share, so Christmas will be semi potluck (new tradition)


Apr 30, 2005
Of course to each their own, but since you asked ...
I do nothing.
Nothing. Zip, Zero, Nada.
In fact, we do not recognize any holidays.
Each year has 365 equally wonderful days to celebrate our brief time being alive.


I enjoy being free from all that, :)) and I'm thrilled to have a husband who feels the same.

One poster referred to herself as a scrooge.
I recognize that term to be a manipulative invention used by the majority to force the minority into compliance.
Once again, not letting people vary is pretty ugly. :knockout:
So, y'allz enjoy your holidays. :)
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Sep 1, 2009
When we remember, we light candles for Hanukkah. Usually make latkes at least twice (once with fresh made applesauce and once with roast beef and gravy).

One Christmas tradition I have seen a couple of people talking about is something they are calling a Thankful Tree. My understanding is that every day from December 1 until Christmas, they add one ornament. Each ornament has a name of someone or something in their life they are thankful for. This looks like a small tree in addition to the one their families decorate. I saw that and thought it was a cool idea my grandmother would have loved.
Which brings my grandmother's tradition growing up. She always did multiple trees. Most were themed and she did them and allowed careful help but one was for the kids. We each had our own box of ornaments to hang up. They were the ones she had bought for us each year. Every year, she selected a new special ornament for each of us grandkids and gave it to us before we decorated our tree. I still have my box of ornaments with one for every year of my life until the year she passed. It also has some of the family ornaments that were given to my parents and neither wanted to keep after the divorce. A few were even my father's when he was growing up.


Jul 24, 2003
I always put my tree up days after Thanksgiving. I make treat bags for my and my husbands co-workers to include: My mom's secret recipe peanut butter fudge, toffee, Christmas crack and oreo balls. Then I alm always baking throughout the holidays and taking it into work. My daughter usually helps me with the treat bags. We will include some for her and her fiance's co-workers as well this year.

We have dessert contests at work around Christmas (I won the last 2 years).

We take a trip to Myrtle Beach to do some Christmas shopping as well.


Jun 26, 2007
I'm not religious at all, so I don't really have any traditions, except for the tree.

I have a small fiber optic tree that I put in the front window. It lights up with changing rainbow colors. I put it up because the neighbors have told me how pretty it is from their view of my house!
So I do it for them.


Aug 18, 2013
I have always put up a tree. Unfortunately I'm allergic to most "real" trees and can't touch them, so used to have a fake one that looked like a real tree. The first Christmas after Covid struck I knew I wouldn't have visitors so I decided to change up my tree and bought this little branch type tree and to decorate, using only my painted eggs that I used to pick up every year at various European markets while visiting over the holidays. Anyway, turns out I like it's simplicity and I've continued to use it. Still need a different topper, though.
I don't bake cookies. Really never have. I do try to have champagne on hand and Chambord, to make Kir Royale.
We always went to my daughter's uncle and aunt's house for Christmas dinner, but he passed away last year on Christmas, so I have no idea how his wife will deal with that this year. It will be a very tough day for her so I certainly don't expect her to host anything.
Anyway, here's my egg tree

@Lookinagain -

If it happens that you're home by yourself on Christmas Day, PLEASE! - come to my house! I'm preparing all sorts of food - enough for an army - and I have one spare seat at my table that I would be THRILLED to give to you! Christmas celebrations start at noon with nibbles and games, then Christmas dinner is at 2.30pm.

Here's the menu:

At noon -

cheese platter, vegan spinach and cheese tarts, seafood platter, vegan deviled eggs (They're baby halved roasted potatoes stuffed with curried hummus).

At 2.30pm -

roasted corn and sun-dried tomato chowder
Cream of oyster soup

Salmon Wellington (like beef Wellington, but with salmon)
Prime rib with brandy peppercorn cream sauce
Morel mushroom casserole au jus with mashed potatoes

Vegetables Napoleon
Roasted greens

Home made baklava with whipped cream
Gingerbread, chocolate mousse and pear trifle

Hot bread
Various wines

We intend to play trivial pursuit and charades between courses and there will be 7 of us - me and Tim, my daughter and godson, their dad (my best friend), and my best girlfriend from Australia and her husband. REALLY nice people - all socially articulate and a bunch of fun. Due to Tim's and my immune compromised state, I'll be asking everyone to be bivalent vaccinated and flu vaccinated before they come and everyone will be given a Binax test when they arrive.

Let me know if you have any interest - it would be wonderful to see you!

ETA. Alternately, feel free to drop round to 'Christmas Central' any time prior to Christmas for a coffee, a catch-up and more tinsel and fairy lights than should be legal! :wavey:


May 15, 2014
@mrs-b thank you so much for the invite. One way or the other my daughter will be here so I won't be home by myself. Your menu sounds amazing! What a lot of work for you, but I know you love Christmas.
Why don't we try to find a time to catch up for coffee or even one of those cocktails that you had when we had our last "date"? I'm up for either. Just let me know if you are and maybe we can make a plan.


Sep 25, 2008
It's all about FOOD in our family - full roast turkey with all the trimmings on Christmas Eve (pretty hot here in Dec! :lol:) with champagne and pudding, brandy custard etc. Then Christmas Day morning is opening presents under the real tree & having tea with Christmas cake. Late lunch is seafood platter & salads and Pavlova or Trifle, again with loads of icy champagne.... :dance:


Oct 16, 2020
I have always put up a tree. Unfortunately I'm allergic to most "real" trees and can't touch them, so used to have a fake one that looked like a real tree. The first Christmas after Covid struck I knew I wouldn't have visitors so I decided to change up my tree and bought this little branch type tree and to decorate, using only my painted eggs that I used to pick up every year at various European markets while visiting over the holidays. Anyway, turns out I like it's simplicity and I've continued to use it. Still need a different topper, though.
I don't bake cookies. Really never have. I do try to have champagne on hand and Chambord, to make Kir Royale.
We always went to my daughter's uncle and aunt's house for Christmas dinner, but he passed away last year on Christmas, so I have no idea how his wife will deal with that this year. It will be a very tough day for her so I certainly don't expect her to host anything.
Anyway, here's my egg tree

I absolutely love this. Where did you find such a lovely tree? Also I’m totally envisioning a chicken at the top of your tree! Is that too silly? Lol 4522FEC3-4277-4EB8-ADB3-EC63A044735F.jpeg

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I'm not religious at all, so I don't really have any traditions, except for the tree.

I have a small fiber optic tree that I put in the front window. It lights up with changing rainbow colors. I put it up because the neighbors have told me how pretty it is from their view of my house!
So I do it for them.

you have reminded me i have one of those
ill get it out tomorrow
meanwhile the big (well really medium) artifical pine waits to be dressed
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