
Weekly Workout Thread 3rd March till 9th March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week!

I was pondering my past the other day, which is something we all find ourselves doing perhaps, and now a lot of things are clicking into place as to why I have always found it difficult to control my weight until now. I used to grab onto many crackpot schemes and diets when I was in my late teens and early twenties as I knew nothing about nutrition, or how to eat and exercise to get and maintain a healthy weight. I used to have a couple of friends who were models, they were obsessive to the last degree about their figures. To maintain their shapes, they often used to only eat once a day, and that meal would consist of a poached egg on toast in the evening, with perhaps a bit of spinach on top. The rest of the time they would eat nothing. As I had no clue how to start knocking off the excess pounds, I saw that doing this ' worked' for them, so I would do the same, then wonder why I would start to eat anything which wasn't nailed down every couple of days.

My saint versus sin eating habits had begun.
And indeed this period lasted for years, during which I caused myself untold misery and wrecked my metabolism. I would try to be ' good' and stick to the interminable 1000 cals a day law or less, then get so darned hungry I would give myself permission to ' eat' as I was so hungry - then even foods I didn't particularly like were fair game. On and on I went with this miserable existence, I would sometimes be thinner and sometimes fatter, but I thought this was how things were done, also 'encouraged' in the ' slim figures are only given to the most self sacrificing and worthy' implications by ultra strict diet companies who made me feel a failure if I ate too much cake on occasion. Also by those who should have loved me most ( not Hubby!) I was judged harshly I feel and made to feel a failure if I gained a few pounds, and only reaching ' expected standards) if I had lost some. I even found I was having panic attacks due to lack of food, it wasn't until I began to eat properly that I finally was able to stop them ( this is what I found personally with panic attacks.)

But thankfully these days are in the past, and how different things are now from 20 years ago, with all the information and real support available, and greater ease for the average person to be able to workout. I am so glad I was finally able to break away from my old mentality, weight isn't the be all and end all, but by getting into the best shape you can for you, it is amazing how this can have such a positive influence on so many areas of your life, as I have found. It is well worth allowing yourself to create your own healthy journey and finally stop expecting perfection from yourself. As I like to say, perfection isn't what will get you a healthy and trim body, slow and steady effort and persistance is what WILL!

Have a great week


Nov 24, 2006
Lorelei, great opening! I totally agree that we need balance and that there is no magic crockpot meal or magic pill! Thanks, and I think you are pretty sexy speaking French.
hehe I saw your post at the airport in French when I left for my trip and loved your French; I think French sounds so lovely.
It was nice to be on your side of the pond!!

Marcy, I hope you are safe and sound after picking up hubby!! Great for being minus 148!

Rod, sending good vibes to you!!! Glad you enjoyed the pizza!!

Mara, what is going on w/the hand? I am sorry, how scary; I pray things get better soon.

Steph, we got all new appliances 1 yr and a half ago and I love them; enjoy them!! Yay for being moved in!

Kimi, how are you feeling? I hope you get better soon!

DeeJay, it is good to see you! Come visit more often; we miss ya!

Sorry if I missed anyone; I am trying to catch up and sort of have jetlag going on too. I am soooo falling asleep at 6pm the last 2 nights but I force myself to stay up till 9pm and then wake at 2 am or something so I hope to get back on track soon! I was so happy when I got home because I cleaned like a crazy woman and the house was kept neat by the house sitter so it was nice to come home to a clean house!! Our trip was fun and packed w/activities and lots of walking, stair (they have tons of stairs all over) and lots of good food. I am glad to get back into a routine! Tuesday is muscle hour and today I have errands to do. I missed all of you and thank you for the wonderful Welcome, you all make me feel wuved. hehe xoxox
back! p.s. glad you enjoy the pictures of my trip too; it really was a good time!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/3/2008 6:57:42 AM
Author: Skippy123
Lorelei, great opening! I totally agree that we need balance and that there is no magic crockpot meal or magic pill! Thanks, and I think you are pretty sexy speaking French.
hehe I saw your post at the airport in French when I left for my trip and loved your French; I think French sounds so lovely.
It was nice to be on your side of the pond!!
Merci - mon chere Skippers! Vous et magnifique!
* kisses fingers*

'Avez-vous obtenu du temps de pantalon ?"did you get any pants weather?


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/3/2008 7:05:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

Merci - mon chere Skippers! Vous et magnifique!
* kisses fingers*

'Avez-vous obtenu du temps de pantalon ?'did you get any pants weather?
hehe Wow, I am impressed Mademoiselle! I had no clue what people were saying to me half the time and I would just smile and say Merci! Thank goodness I knew enough Spanish to squeak by in Spain. hehe No rainy weather, maybe a few grey days here and there and it spit for a few minutes in Versailles. It was so cold in Paris though for the first few days; I wore long underwear under my pants to stay toasty! In Barcelona it was warm and one grey day there. Thanks!!! kiss kiss, Lorelei


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/3/2008 7:14:56 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/3/2008 7:05:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

Merci - mon chere Skippers! Vous et magnifique!
* kisses fingers*

'Avez-vous obtenu du temps de pantalon ?'did you get any pants weather?
hehe Wow, I am impressed Mademoiselle! I had no clue what people were saying to me half the time and I would just smile and say Merci! Thank goodness I knew enough Spanish to squeak by in Spain. hehe No rainy weather, maybe a few grey days here and there and it spit for a few minutes in Versailles. It was so cold in Paris though for the first few days; I wore long underwear under my pants to stay toasty! In Barcelona it was warm and one grey day there. Thanks!!! kiss kiss, Lorelei
Hehehe! My French needs some work, but I can stumble through mainly! I can read itand understand it far easier than speak it! * blowing kisses back*


Dec 30, 2006
What an excellent post Lorelei!

I am at the point now where I just want to be healthy. Its not about looks anymore. My hubby loves me whatever I look like, but its always been hard to accept myself overweight. I know now that its far more important to take care of my heart than to squeeze into tiny clothes.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/3/2008 8:45:50 AM
Author: Maisie
What an excellent post Lorelei!

I am at the point now where I just want to be healthy. Its not about looks anymore. My hubby loves me whatever I look like, but its always been hard to accept myself overweight. I know now that its far more important to take care of my heart than to squeeze into tiny clothes.
Thanks Maisie! That means a lot. I was saying to Hubby last night how strange life is, somehow I have been given this ' voice' in the WWT, and I can use the misery I have gone through in a positive way to help others. I used to feel so alone with it, like I was the only one struggling with my weight, and that everyone else had been miraculously blessed with a naturally good figure and could eat normally and even chips on occasion, yet I couldn't. I really used to feel that I had been singled out and punished in some way - that sounds a bit self pitying - but it was how I felt. So if I can help others in some way by speaking about how I have felt, also with those who read and don't post, I am very pleased to do so.

I know you are going to do great with your new lifestyle, because it works!! No guilt involved, there is no need or place for it. If you overdo it one day, no problem, just pick yourself up and try again and again. THAT is what will get you there and it is so liberating to know you can enjoy life and yummy food treats, just try to make good food choices most of the time and exercise if you can.


Dec 30, 2006
I absolutely agree!! I would much rather get advice from someone who has been there done that!

I have a younger sister who is really thin, she has never been able to gain weight. I often wish I was built like her, she can eat anything she wants. Its hard being the ''fat'' one. My Dad recently had quite serious back surgery. When he was all doped up with morphine we went to visit him. We took him some snacks. When my sister put them on the table he went ....''quick hide them before she eats them''.... and pointed to me. I was mortified, he said it really loud. I suppose thats what he must think of me, the morphine just helped him to say it.

My husband asked me the other day how come I am overweight, he says he never see''s me eat. I don''t think I overeat, I''m just not active enough. I suppose I must have eaten the wrong stuff to put the weight on, but its crept up on me for about 3 years now.

Anyway, its coming off now, thats the main thing!


Apr 30, 2005
I know, people can be so hurtful, even family, I think you are probably right that it was the medication with your Dad, but it still stabs at you.

I know how you feel, I was about 30 pounds overweight when I started this, I didn't use to eat huge amounts, but I was eating too many carbs, not enough protein when I did eat. Also I didn't exercise as such, I was active with the horses etc, but that isn't the same as working on a treadmill. So I think it was a combination of things, also I would still let myself get too hungry in an effort to ' diet' and then spend a long time filling up on cr-p foods as I couldn't stand it any longer.

Once I made the decision to eat right 80% of the time, and have a treat at weekends, but not to be hungry ever, things started to change for the better. Once I threw exercise into the mix, things were better still. I also try to eat more protein now to keep me fuller for longer. I don't like meat or fish very much, so I have a whey shake each morning to top up any protein I may be lacking, and I think that has helped keep me full longer and leaned me out perhaps a bit more. But the main thing is that this lifestyle is so doable, that it becomes a good way to live. No more strict diets and lectures and guilt, you take control and tailor it to suit you!

I forgot to say congrats on the 4 pound loss, great job Maisie!


Dec 30, 2006

Its definitely inspiring to hear how well you have done. I feel like I am at the bottom of a steep hill and my ideal weight is at the top! I think its easier for me to look at it in stages, maybe 7 lbs at a time. I feel overwhelmed at the thought of losing so much weight!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/3/2008 9:11:11 AM
Author: Maisie

Its definitely inspiring to hear how well you have done. I feel like I am at the bottom of a steep hill and my ideal weight is at the top! I think its easier for me to look at it in stages, maybe 7 lbs at a time. I feel overwhelmed at the thought of losing so much weight!
I understand. What helped me was giving myself time to lose the weight and enjoy the process. I didn't gain the weight overnight and this time, I was going to lose it slowly and forever! I wasn't looking for instant results this time, but permanent ones, and I feel I have finally achieved this. Also you will notice little changes all the time now Maisie now you have embarked on this journey, they will help keep you motivated. One thing though I saw in the other thread on panic disorder, drinking plenty of water helps you burn fat, so try to start drinking if you can. If plain water is difficult, try a low cal flavouring or squash perhaps. Aim for 2 litres of fluid a day as a guide, but you need this liquid to help the fat burning process, and you will feel much better once you are properly hydrated.

I bet the others can give you lots of encouragement on how to keep going through the process of shedding the extra pounds, I know Rod lost a lot, Kimmy did and Marcy too!


Dec 30, 2006
I am hoping to get a lot of help here, and once I lose it I will stick around to see if I can help anyone else. And I hope to be supportive to the people losing weight along side me

I will definitely try to drink more water, its a bit daunting as I honestly never really drink at all.... maybe one glass of juice a day. I tried to drink more water a while back but I just ended up running to the loo all the time!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

A drive by post, as I need to eat and get dressed. The fever returned yesterday, bleh! But I don''t have one this morning, and it wouldn''t matter if I did because I must go to my first day of student teaching, YAHOO! She''s going to ease me in slowly, so for now I''ll be observing and then take over bits and pieces of instruction until I''m leading the class by myself for about 3/4 of the 12 weeks. I still don''t have a strong voice and am having throat issues, medicine, medicine, medicine.

Had 1/2 a hamburger, tater tots and fruit salad for dinner last night. Veal and brussel sprouts the night before.

Have a great day all! WIll check in this afternoon.



Dec 30, 2006
Have a great day Kimi, and I hope you feel better soon!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/3/2008 9:18:02 AM
Author: Maisie
I am hoping to get a lot of help here, and once I lose it I will stick around to see if I can help anyone else. And I hope to be supportive to the people losing weight along side me

I will definitely try to drink more water, its a bit daunting as I honestly never really drink at all.... maybe one glass of juice a day. I tried to drink more water a while back but I just ended up running to the loo all the time!
You have been of help already Maisie and I know you will continue to be a great member of team WWT! I know what you mean about tiddling all the time with the extra water, but it seems that if you aren't drinking enough, the body retains water to compensate. So once you start drinking adequate liquid, the body will release the retained fluid and you may be widdling all the time until this is flushed out, then things will settle!

Is that all the fluid you drink, one glass of juice a day, any tea or coffee? One thing you could try get those small water bottles and dot them around where you hang out, try to drink 4 of those a day, it is less daunting that way. Try it for 10 days then see how you feel and how it helps the weight loss!

I hope you feel better soon Kimmy!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 3/3/2008 9:15:59 AM
Author: Lorelei

I understand. What helped me was giving myself time to lose the weight and enjoy the process. I didn''t gain the weight overnight and this time, I was going to lose it slowly and forever! I wasn''t looking for instant results this time, but permanent ones, and I feel I have finally achieved this. Also you will notice little changes all the time now Maisie now you have embarked on this journey, they will help keep you motivated. One thing though I saw in the other thread on panic disorder, drinking plenty of water helps you burn fat, so try to start drinking if you can. If plain water is difficult, try a low cal flavouring or squash perhaps. Aim for 2 litres of fluid a day as a guide, but you need this liquid to help the fat burning process, and you will feel much better once you are properly hydrated.

I bet the others can give you lots of encouragement on how to keep going through the process of shedding the extra pounds, I know Rod lost a lot, Kimmy did and Marcy too!
This is really the crux of exercising for me. I don''t weigh much, in the grand scheme of things, but what weight I have put on has been over ten years. It came on slooooowwly. So why do I get frustrated after three weeks when I don''t see huge changes? My little sister lectures me about this all the time when I complain. She is my exercise hero; she started at nothing and now runs half marathons and did a quarter Iron Man last year. She started in far worse shape than I''ve ever been in, about three years ago. Now she''s a machine, at the gym every day, putting in her best effort. I wish I had the discipline she does, but since I don''t, the best plan is to never give up.

If you fall down, get up. All is not lost as long as you keep getting up.

Fantastic opener this week, by the way.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Jules! I love this also -" All is not lost as long as you keep getting up." It really is so true!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 3/3/2008 9:18:02 AM
Author: Maisie
I am hoping to get a lot of help here, and once I lose it I will stick around to see if I can help anyone else. And I hope to be supportive to the people losing weight along side me

I will definitely try to drink more water, its a bit daunting as I honestly never really drink at all.... maybe one glass of juice a day. I tried to drink more water a while back but I just ended up running to the loo all the time!
Me too me too! I don't drink anything! Ever! Everytime I try to push fluids I need to zoom to the bathroom every 10 minutes and it irks the heck out of me so I always give up. I guess the principle is that your body gets more used to it as time goes by, but I've never successfully reached that point. BLEH.

If it weren't for Starbucks chai, I would have no liquids at all. This cannot be good.

ETA: Lor, I love your many euphemisms for using the potty in your above post. Oh the synonyms!!


Apr 30, 2005
I think drinking lots of fluids can take practice, I am an old hand at it from trying to quell my hunger with diet soda or water in my silly diet/ starvation days! Keep trying ladies, as it really makes a difference to how you feel, assists with fat loss, and keeps your skin glowing, it seems to keep most of the body well oiled so to speak!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to my TBT class was a good workout as always. I was hoping to go for a long walk yesterday, but the sky kept looking like it was going to rain, and then it never did.

Tomorrow no workout, I''ll be lunching with a co-worker but she''s been trying really hard to lose weight, so I know wherever we go, it will be healthy lunch.


Oct 30, 2002
i had a big long response written up this morning but then PS crashed and i saved my response at home and now i''m at work and alas...can''t remember what i wrote.

i think it was something like...while it''s great to have sneaky tricks to fool your body into thinking you are more full than you are (water, chewing gum etc), sometimes you DO need to eat more esp if you are working out a lot or lifting weights trying to build muscle, so just listen to your body about whether or not you are forreals hungry or just need to chew on something. and check sparkpeople to find out how many cals to eat if you have not already and are just starting out!

anyhow, i am back on my routine today!! seeing my trainer tonite, woo hoo. happy monday all..and i''ll try to see what i saved for my post later and if any of it is still applicable, post then.


Dec 28, 2005

Terrific opener as usual Lorelei. Maise, many of us made the decision some time ago to make significant changes in our lives. It took years to degenerate our bodies and one day I just realized I had to Rebuild myself, but I also realized it wouldn't happen overnight. That's the problem many people experience. In this age of instant gratification, people who don't see instant results often just give up. Lorelei is the voice of sensible reason and her reminders that Slow and Steady Wins the Race is such great advice......!!

We had a nice day today. Charlie wanted his first day of unemployment to be relaxing, so we went out for breakfast which was fun, then we hung out at Sbucks and had coffee under the oak, then we drove to Ft. Desoto Beach (it was just named America's Best Beach BTW) and we walked along the Gulf of Mexico for several miles and just enjoyed the beauty of it all. The water was so calm and blue today. It was just beautiful to say the least. We had our usual Sushi, FroYo and coffee under the oak Monday evening too!

Not a single peep from the company I interviewed with last week. I'm very disappointed this company would take 4 hours of my time and provide no feedback whatsoever. It all seemed so positive and they promised to let me know. I'm interpreting this as lack of interest on their part, so the job search will just continue until something else good comes along. C'est La Vie!

Skippy, I loved every single picture of your trip. We saw all the same places in Paris and your pics brought back such wonderful memories. I would love love to go to Spain. I just love the architecture of the European cities and when you consider that many of the buildings you saw or were in, were there long before there was a United States of America is really amazing. I remember seeing pictures of Place Vendome during the French Revolution and we walked by the same buildings and they were completely unchanged and had been there for about a century before the photo's were taken. Anyway, loved the pics, but of course my favorite was you walking up the steps in Spain!!

Kimberly, I hope your first day of student teaching went well. I hope you are feeling better too!

Mara, I hope you enjoy being back with your trainer. I'm so glad you are better. Oh and even after eating 4 huge slices of pizza, two days later the scale gods are still smiling on me and I have not gained any weight!!

Steph, we did have FroYo tonight and the location of the one in Orlando is in Clermont. I don't remember where Clermont is in relation to Oviedo, but you can check them out at Just remember, it's quite addictive, but at only 25 calories an ounce and with no cholesterol or fat, it's an indulgence you can feel good about having. ETA: I just checked out the site and it doesn't list the Clermont store, so I went to Mapquest and ooops. Clermont is like 40 miles from Oviedo. If you decide to check it out, don't go on a Sunday. The owner does not believe in being open on Sunday. I'm not sure I would drive 40 miles for some frozen yogurt myself......

I guess that's about all I have for today. Sleep well everyone and I hope you're week is off to a good and healthy start.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. My DH sat in the Phoenix airport from noon until about 8 pm before getting to board the plane. He got in to Denver about 10 pm so we got home about 1 am this morning. What a short night! Aak. The roads weren’t too bad – there was a little ice out in the open but that was it. I packed all sorts of stuff in the car with me – snow boots, extra clothes, blankets, water and almonds just in case.
Steph, yay for having the clubhouse to yourself this morning. That will work out great for you. Enjoy your new appliances. My knee is a little better today, thanks. I would love to see your new home too.
Hi Linda.
Blondie, we live in Cheyenne but we go down to Denver quite a bit. Small world, eh?
Rod, my DH asked me what all the stuff in the back seat was for – I told him it was my winter survival kit and I figured if I had it all with me I would never need it. I think they moved DIA away from everything because the Denver is expanding all the time. The roads were completely dry except for the last 20 miles and they weren’t that bad. My sister lives about 20 minutes from the airport so I visited with them until Marty was on the plane.
DeeJay, glad to hear real estate is doing so well for you – sorry you are so crazy busy though.
Mara, glad you are back to your regular workouts this week because you are feeling like your normal self.
Lorelei, thanks for the great opener. I am so glad I found the right formula for me and stopped the poor health / poor eating habits I accumulated over my entire life. Slow and steady does win the race and making unreasonable demands and having unobtainable expectations for yourself can only lead to failure. I am glad you are our “voice”.
Skippy, I am glad you had a wonderful time. I hope you get over the jet lag, I kind of have it too today after my late night last night. I hate when you know you have so little time to sleep because you keep waking up looking at the clock. Oh well, I will try to get to bed on time tonight. Thanks for the kind words about making minus 148.
Maisie, taking care of your heart is very important – I’m glad I started taking care of mine. Yay for the weight coming off now. I focused on small goals along the way so it didn’t seem so overwhelming how much I had to loose. Even as I close in on my ultimate goal I am still doing small steps. 7 pounds at a time sounds very doable. I pack around water bottles everywhere and drink about 10 glasses of water a day.
Kimi, I hope you enjoyed your first day of student teaching in spite of being sick. Feel better soon.
Julianna, that is right – as long as we keep trying we have not failed.
Appletini, glad to hear you had a great workout today – have fun at lunch tomorrow.
Have a great evening.



Feb 27, 2007
Rod, sorry to hear that you didn''t get a call from that company today.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks''s just par for the course in the wonderful world of job hunting.


Jul 22, 2007
Hello everyone!

Thanks once again for an intriguing opener, Lorelei!

Glad you''re back safe and sound, Skippy!

Kimi, hope you had a great day teaching!

Julianna, I don''t drink enough water, either. For some reason, Diet Dew doesn''t break the seal, but straight H2O does it every time!!

Rod, I hope you get some info soon.

have a great tomorrow, everyone!

Oh, and check out my thread in SMTR. I just got my .25 pear from my original ering reset into a pendant. (Marcy, you inspired me!!! I''m completely devoted to rework!)


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Thanks for all the first day well wishes. It was pretty uneventful, overall. I am going to start taking over lessons/planning sooner than the University recommends, because my master teacher knows I''m chompin'' at the bit. So I''ll start teaching science this Thursday, and if all goes well I''ll maintain that piece of the puzzle until the end of my ST experience. I''m excited.

I came home and did some lesson planning, then had dinner. I''m still under the weather and need to decide it''s time to start working out again and then somehow work it back into my life. I haven''t been affected weight-wise, but I certainly miss doing so.

Tomorrow we have play tickets, so it won''t be the day of my return to exercise. Perhaps Wed.

Have a wonderful evening all.

Rod, I''m sorry you haven''t heard from the company, that''s frustrating.
Apple, glad you had a great workout.
Marcy, I bet you''re tired!
SS, must go check out SMTR, when I''m more awake.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
OMG Rod,

The beach you and Charlie walked on is BEAUTIFUL. I googled it. ha ha ha. The only beach here, I see like that is in Monterey. How lucky you, Charlie and Steph are. Those beaches remind me of our trip to Mexico.

Well it was so nice here today, Mazie and I went for a nice walk. It felt so good. Over the weekend, the wind was blowing like crazy and we didn''t feel like going out in it much. My allergies would have flared up for sure.

Hi Marcy

Mara: SO Glad you are better.

Glad everyone else is doing well.



Feb 27, 2007
Rod, job hunting is tough; I am sending copious amounts of good luck PS dust your way.
Somethingshiny, I am glad you are finding new ways to remake old jewelry. I’ve spent quite a few dollars doing the same over the years but my favorite is my heart pendant that I had made out of my original ering. I wear it all the time.
Kimi, teaching science will be fun. Enjoy the play tomorrow. I am very tired so I think I’ll try to get to bed about an hour early.
Linda, I’m with you on wishing we had a nice beach around here. Wyoming is pretty land locked. I am glad you were able to get out for a nice walk.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

Wyoming is beautiful. DH and I saw it on the travel channel once, also on the Food Channel with Rachael Ray. Beautiful country.

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