
Weekly Workout Thread 26th March till 1st April

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Date: 3/26/2007 4:49:33 PM
Author: FireGoddess

I just think it''s important, even for anyone randomly reading, to know that doing something is fantastic, no matter how slow or fast they are, or how much they do or don''t jiggle. I think it''s easy to forget how we felt when we were that person (bigger, or smaller, or whatever), and sometimes it wouldn''t hurt to remember. I''m not blasting you Rod, don''t get me wrong - but it just sounded insensitive. Not all of us out there are walking ''after'' photos.
Exactly!! Well said.

It''s my humble opinion that those who find pleasure & motivation in other people''s WEAKNESSES, are not so terribly secure in THEMSELVES.

Is the prospect of being overweight AGAIN so so so threatening that it takes internal mockery & demeaning of "before picture folks" to keep you on the straight & narrow?
Date: 3/26/2007 5:58:17 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 3/26/2007 4:49:33 PM
Author: FireGoddess

I just think it's important, even for anyone randomly reading, to know that doing something is fantastic, no matter how slow or fast they are, or how much they do or don't jiggle. I think it's easy to forget how we felt when we were that person (bigger, or smaller, or whatever), and sometimes it wouldn't hurt to remember. I'm not blasting you Rod, don't get me wrong - but it just sounded insensitive. Not all of us out there are walking 'after' photos.
Exactly!! Well said.

It's my humble opinion that those who find pleasure & motivation in other people's WEAKNESSES, are not so terribly secure in THEMSELVES.

Is the prospect of being overweight AGAIN so so so threatening that it takes internal mockery & demeaning of 'before picture folks' to keep you on the straight & narrow?
Actually, I totally regret even saying anything earlier about asking about it because I thought 'hmm this could be taken totally the wrong way' but I figured we were all pretty much grownup here and that we already knew that NO ONE who participates here is of the demaning type of personality but I guess that was expecting too much?

It has nothing to do with 'internal mockery' or demeaning anyone for me. So someone jiggles. My butt still jiggles. Greg pointed it out the other day and we laughed about it. I don't know why it jiggles but I don't really care either. If someone is using my butt on the elliptical in front of them as their motivation, sweet. At least it's motivating them!! I'm doing something good.

So I use the machines sometimes and yes seeing someone jiggling might make me work a little harder. I don't give them mean looks, and I don't do anything external in any way that connects to them at all. I just think something and I feel more motivated. That's it...I wish we could get off this topic now because it can really only go downhill when people start reading the wrong things into it and that is not what I meant at all..sorry.
Date: 3/26/2007 5:33:09 PM
Author: Mara
(by the way the vitalicious brownies right now i have only seen at safeway, in the organic frozen aisle...vitalicious''s website said WF had it but i have gone to 2 and not found them) either.
Thank you!!! I keep wondering where these brownies are. I wouldn''t have ever looked in the frozen section, duh.
Saw on the website too that they were at WF but never found any. Will check on my next trip to Safeway.
OK, here is the casserole recipe right out of the cookbook. Keep in mind the happy hubby substituted a milk/flour mixture in lieu of the heavy cream and some of the butter, and he also sauteed the vegetables in the second step in olive oil instead of butter. He served it over wild rice. Yum!!!

Monterey Shrimp, Asparagus, and Artichoke Roayle

6 tablespoons (3/4) stick butter
¼ pound fresh mushrooms
1 pound fresh asparagus, bottoms trimmed, steamed ‘till just tender, drained and quartered
One 14 oz. can artichoke hearts, drained and quartered
1 lb. fresh shrimp, cooked in boiling water ‘till just cooked through, drained, peeled and deveined
¾ cup all purpose flour
¾ cup milk
¾ cup half-and-half
¼ cup dry sherry
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
¼ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Paprika to taste

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Butter a 2-quart casserole dish and set aside.

In a skillet, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter over moderate heat, add the mushrooms, stir ‘till softened, about 8 minutes, and set aside.

Layer the asparagus in the bottom of the prepared casserole, then the artichokes over the asparagus, and the mushrooms over the artichokes, then layer the shrimp over the mushrooms.

Melt the remaining 4 tablespoons butter in a saucepan over moderate head, add the flour, and whisk for 1 minute. Add the milk and half-and-half and whisk ‘till thickened. Add the sherry and Worcestershire, season with salt and peppers, and continue to whisk ‘til thickened. Pour over the casserole, sprinkle with the cheese and paprika, and bake 20 to 25 minutes.

(Dee scampers upstairs to check for leftovers...!
Date: 3/26/2007 6:05:26 PM
Author: Mara
I''m not saying anyone here is intrinsically mean-spirited or attempting demean ANYONE. However -- I think it''s very important to *illustrate* the flip side with real live human emotion -- so it''s not all "lazy flabbys" people see & stereotype & feel sorry for & judge.

As hard as it is for any fit person to get to the gym & have a tough workout --- just freakin IMAGINE how hard it is for someone who KNOWS they''re going to be a target of judgement/speculation. The guts it takes ...

And - sheesh - to then think "Bet THEY won''t be back"???? Haa haa -- like so *superior*??
Not. Nice.

And I don''t think it''s un-"grown up" to point that out.
mmm that looks yummy DJ. actually it could probably be adapted using chicken broth for some of the butter, still using a bit of butter and flour but much less and mixing heavy cream with fat free milk to get some sort of similar consistency, hmmm!!! i will have to try it maybe next week, all our nights this week are already planned out for dinner hehe.

deco i agree it's important to be positive about how hard it is..and also not stereotype anyone, but seriously i don't think that anyone here is doing that. i surely try not to. obviously anyone who is an after WAS a before and i definitely remember my before time and how hard it was for me to get going and stick with it and even start learning to get to the gym. was random that my local safeway's tiny little organic frozen section has the vitalicious and WF doesn't! i made sure to point that out to WF hehee.

just had a crumpet with some emeril's kicked up tomato, low-fat mozz cheese and artichoke hearts with garlic powder baked in the oven at 400 for 15 minutes, and YUM YUM and YUM. total was about 170 cals and i was in absolute heaven, it is the best 'pizza substitute' i have had so far, and it beats hands down any of the frozen ones or the TJ fresh one, mostly because the crumpet is pretty fat on the crust and soft inside and i love love love the bread aspect of pizza. hehe. i can tell we'll be making these like umm daily.
Hello WWTers and happy Monday to all of you!

So the fever FINALLY broke and I got in a good walk over the weekend, but that''s about it as I''m still feeling a bit under the weather...GRRR! I spent the day observing in a classroom and it''s back on the workout regime tomorrow.

Food-wise I did terrific last week, especially considering I was out of town Monday-Wednesday. I managed to average 1593 calories per day for the week, which is much better than I expected.

Tonight John''s making gnocchi w/ a veal red sauce for dinner, sounds delicious!

I am totally craving a hamburger and french fries so we''re going to go to a little diner one night this week for a night out, which should be fun and a good splurge night.
Date: 3/26/2007 6:05:26 PM
Author: Mara

Actually, I totally regret even saying anything earlier about asking about it because I thought ''hmm this could be taken totally the wrong way'' but I figured we were all pretty much grownup here and that we already knew that NO ONE who participates here is of the demaning type of personality but I guess that was expecting too much?
Ha, I''ll admit I can actually be quite demeaning AND condescending. Not two of my better traits, but I try to keep it under wraps...

However, out of all the threads I read on PS, this one is continuously the most encouraging and positive. There are lots of lurkers who read but aren''t posting their "god awful" stats of 145 pounds *gasp* because their own stats seem worse to them. What I mean is that the folks who are posting their before and after shots looks great and are inspiring but there are lots of people who won''t because they are pretty far from getting there themselves. I would certainly hate to discourage anyone who isn''t posting a success story or brave enough to post their stats.

I''m kind of rambling, but I think what I am trying to say is it''s all great that so many of us have come a long way, but to say that one wonders what a fat person is even accomplishing at the gym because s/he is so slow and lumbering isn''t exactly motivational to a lot of people who are still taking those initial steps. It would be a shame to turn someone off these threads when all of us really do try to be encouraging.

Mara, I remembered you were the one who jammed your I took the tip from you. It''s very good!
Date: 3/26/2007 6:23:35 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
OK, here is the casserole recipe right out of the cookbook. Keep in mind the happy hubby substituted a milk/flour mixture in lieu of the heavy cream and some of the butter, and he also sauteed the vegetables in the second step in olive oil instead of butter. He served it over wild rice. Yum!!!
Can we say YUM?? Thanks Dee!
My apologies if anyone took my comments to be mean spirited in any way. They most certainly were not meant that way. I, after all, used to be fat and out of shape and smoked and did all the bad things. I was agreeing however with Mara, that someone who is not in the best of shape does somehow inspire me to continue my quest to a better healthier body as I worked really hard to be where I am and I don''t ever want to become overweight/out of shape again. My comments about seeing someone ''lumbering'' along and never coming back were not meant to be judgemental either. They were merely fact. I rarely, see some of the people who are really overweight coming back. Maybe, they felt embarrased, but I doubt it. I''ve personally never seen anyone at the gym trying to make someone who is out of shape feel bad. I don''t really know why some people find the courage to continue and workout and become healthier, while others make a small effort and give up before finding any success???

Anyway, I meant no disrespect and if it was interpreted any other way, I apologize.
well TG i ponder about many things in my 60 minutes of self-imposed torture at the gym...haha...and DJ''s story about someone who is going nuts on the machines and yet who is still out of shape also resonated with me because sometimes i see that and also think ''hmmm'' as well. i don''t think ''why are you here'' but i go ''okay what''s the story there...''. but really there are just so many kinds of people at the gym and the bottom line is that it is fabulous they are there. of course when they are on the machine i wanna use, not FABULOUS but still good. hahaa. anyhow, i''m over this discussion! it''s totally not what the spirit of this thread is about..and i''m really sorry i ever mentioned it.
i do hope lurkers find inspiration in this thread regardless!!

so onto happier cooking! lol. i ended up taking a wee nap this afternoon as it rained, kind of fitting i thought. at WF i picked up some dark chocolate raisins in their bulk bins...35 are 140 cals. i thought perfect, and got 40. haha. so i snacked on a few of those earlier after my crumpet pizza. they definitely hit the spot when you want a bit of chocolate but nothing overwhelming. and i only got 40 so that if i went nutso and ate them all it still would be entirely fine. hahaa.

my wild rice and barley pilaf is cooking on the''s my first time making barley so it''s kind of an experiment but it has fiber and also a lot of nutritional value and i have had it in restaurant dishes before and really liked it so i thought i would add it into my cooking repoitoire with wild''s cooking with onion and garlic in chicken broth and then i will add mushrooms and carrots later to mix it up. my tandoori chicken in marinating in the fridge and we''re having steamed artichokes with a lemon garlic aioli as the veggie...decided i didn''t want to do grilled veggies tonite and i can use my low-fat mayo. hehee.

kimberly, a burger and fries sounds yummy, sometimes that sooo hits the spot!! kudos on coming in low last week even after the days ''off''...hehe.

i am not sure what the weather is going to be like tomorrow but i''m hoping it won''t rain...i''m meeting a friend for lunch about a mile away and i would love to walk there and home as a little extra exercise but we''ll see. tomorrow''s a gym day anyway regardless...hehe.

does anyone eat the laughing cow cheese? i always see it recommended online and in hungry girl''s recipes but i have never had it. i saw they had a spreadable wedge version that''s great for things like crackers etc...just curious if anyone has tried it and if they like it. also do you get it at the regular store or is it at more like a TJ''s kinda thing?
Hi all,

I''ve been really good the past two weeks with working out - go me! I''ve definitely bumped up the elliptical workouts, which was really hard for me for some reason, but I''ve finally gotten past that wall. It''s funny but my hubby jumped on the machine next to me yesterday to kill some time b/c he was done working out and I was still going, and after six minutes, he had to get off because he found it really hard -- and he''s super-fit cyclist-man! So that made me feel better about how long it took me to really move forward on that machine. I guess each new cardio machine just works your body so differently that it takes some getting used to!

As for motivation, I find that I do better when I go in the back row too. I don''t really compare myself to anyone else, but I do like to use other people''s timers instead of looking at my own! If someone in front of me has 16 minutes left, I just say to myself, "OK, when she is at 10 minutes, that''ll be 6 more down!" -- for some reason, other people''s timers just seem to go faster than my own do

Now that I''ve said how good I''ve been ... I actually had a pretty lame gym day today. I drove to my gym after work, and there was NO parking to be found anywhere. Frustrating! That''s why I really don''t like going to the gym after work. Anyhow, so I drove a few miles away to the other local branch of the gym, and after about 23 minutes on the elliptical, I was just done.
I''ve been doing more along the lines of 40-45 minutes lately, so this was really pretty depressing for me. But I went to the gym last Wed, Thurs, Sat, and Sunday and had good workouts all those days, so I guess my body just wanted a break today. Also, in my defense, the cat was a *maniac* last night and he did not let us sleep at all, so I was literally just tired!

Mara, I haven''t found Vitalicious at WF either, even though the Web site says they carry them. I did find them in my local Stop & Shop in the tiny organic freezer after lots of searching! My first impression was "meh" but they''ve since grown on me, and now I find myself craving them! It''s not quite the same as a real homemade brownie (Oh God!), but it definitely hits the spot after dinner. Have you tried the muffins or muffin tops?? Very curious about those!!

BTW, we are totally hooked on the TJs chile lime chicken burgers
We use yummy pineapple salsa for condiment and make TJs brown rice and frozen corn. So delish and healthy!! So that and a split Vitalicious brownie was dinner/dessert tonight

OK, have a good night everyone!
I like the laughing cow''s not to die for or anything, but somehow just grows on you. I use the regular because I don''t like the light, but it could be like the fage and you just like what you start out eating. Back a few years ago when I didn''t know much about cooking, I did get the South Beach book for recipes (most of which I think are bleah) but I do like the celery stick with laughing cow as a snack. I sprinkle a little fresh ground pepper on it too. I used to put it on TJ''s mini toasts and top with a slice of cherry tomato and pepper. You can get it at the regular market, but it''s cheaper at TJs.

kimberly, a burger and fries sounds yummy, sometimes that sooo hits the spot!! kudos on coming in low last week even after the days ''off''...hehe.
It''s getting to be TTOTM, which must be why I''m craving the burger and fries...salt! I came in about 40 calories more per day than usual, but that''s better than a stick in the eye considering no real workouts (GRRR!) and three days of food that was beyond my control.

I think my weight is stagnating at just under the 130 mark, which is absolutely fine with me. My size 6 jeans are loose straight out of the dryer and I feel good, which is really what matters. I''m still not going to increase my calories as I''m comfortable eating about 1550 a day, it just seems to be enough food to keep me feeling like I''ve eaten but not so much that I''m feeling like a food gorging machine.

Everyone continues to do fantastically, weight loss or not (dixie, don''t let it get you down!!!). Go WWTers!!!
ela no i have been trying to find the vitatops and thats why i was going to the WF's! the local safeway has the brownies, the chocolate muffins and the oat bran, cranberry apple and blueberry muffins. but so far i just have had the brownies. i started out with the brownies making sundaes right away and have not had them any other way so maybe that is why i think they are so fantabulous, i mean come on, ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, nuts, and a brownie? it's gotta be fab. but i haven't had it plain yet...maybe i wouldn't love it as much then! that is kind of why i didn't do the chocolate muffins because i was like oh a brownie is so much more dessert worthy! hehe.

dinner came out very yummy...the wild rice and barley was super tasty and the chicken was wonderful (we've had it before and it's sooo easy and delicious). i get the tandoori paste at williams sonoma (40 cals for a tablespoon) and then you just mix it with fat free yogurt and marinate the chicken in it for a few hours, then i skewer chunks and grill it. it comes out so flavorful and moist and if you have leftovers you can use slices for sandwiches, but we hardly have leftovers haha.

kimberly, its TTOTM for me this week too so i can totally relate hahaa. but i actually don't get too many odd cravings typically only around this time, i get them all month long hehee. and i hear ya on the whole consuming a certain amount of calories thing per day. i feel way more comfortable eating around 1500-1600 during the week then having my 2 splurge days on the weekend. my weight kind of moves between 130-132 for the most part which is totally fine with me as i don't use the scale really, moreso the fit of my clothes.

so dessert is mixed berries in parfait glass cups with a simple sugar/water syrup and moscato poured over them and marinated for about an hour. i was going to serve it with biscotti but then i thought i would try the new vanilla bean gelato so i'll put a small scoop into the bowl with the berries and moscato, yum. should be fresh and tasty.

hope everyone is having a great night!!!
okay that dessert was really YUM. tart and sweet at the same time. the gelato is amazing! i looked it up online and it's a local watsonville company that makes it, and they have a ton of other flavors! and it seems like other flavors are around the same 120 cals. so i am jazzed, can't wait to find other flavors!

also i like reading the MSN articles and i came across this one tonite about raising metabolism by tricking your body...but also it mentions about how when you overeat one day your body naturally typically adjusts to make you less hungry the next day or two to find that natural 'balance'...kinda interesting and along the same lines of previous discussions on here about how when we have a big splurge one night or day, the next day we find we aren't as hungry or as tempted to do it again:

also along the same lines of dixie's frustration with no scale movements yet, this article seemed applicable, interesting stuff!
Hey WWTr''s! I''m still here, still not smoking!

Mara, I just picked up another tiramisu from TJ''s, and no, the calories aren''t that bad, but it''s something I will keep on hand in case we have unexpected company or something, you know? Because if I broke it open for myself and DH it would be gone in one night, lol! It is really, really good, though, I have to say.

So for workouts this week I''ve been outside a lot, hanging out with the dogs, walking the older one, keeping the little one from doing too much activity as she just got spayed this past Fri. And I''ve been doing arm workouts inside every night...I slacked off on those for a month or so and was noticing some definite atrophy, but in the last week my biceps/triceps feel firmer than ever--amazing how quickly muscle regenerates! I''ve done lots more "housework" as far as cleaning out closets and spring cleaning, hauling the vacuum up and down two flights of stairs to sweep up dust and debris, etc., and in general I feel like I''ve done so much work around the house that I''ve burned my fair share of cals!

Foodwise I''ve been doing much better than my junk/craving fest last week...I stocked up on healthy foods at two different stores over the weekend and have been eating a lot of soy protein foods (TJ''s soy and flaxseed tortilla chips and hummus are superb, btw), Morningstar black bean burgers, etc. I did treat myself to a grilled swiss sandwich on 7 grain wheat for dinner tonight...dipped in some sweet tomato pasta sauce (yeah, sort of like pizza, lol!
) I also discovered that if you add a black bean burger to a bowl of American salad mix from TJ''s and throw a little Light Done Right Ranch dressing on top and have a couple soy/flaxseed tortilla chips with it it''s a pretty good lunch! OK, so it''s not as gourmet as some of y''alls recipes, but it''s nutritious and tasty, and certainly easy to assemble!

Lastly I am glad to see that we are all being conscientious of others'' feelings here, as always. Sometimes a post comes across in a negative fashion when it''s not meant that way, and we can at least learn something from the interaction. There is a lot of encouragement and well-meaning here on this thread in the long run. I''m always gaining knowledge from others'' experiences via these threads and today was no exception.
Date: 3/26/2007 5:15:10 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 3/26/2007 4:42:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/26/2007 4:22:46 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 3/26/2007 3:58:23 PM
Author: Rod
I do use other people to help me be more motivated on the ellitptical. I know is sounds terrible but in our gym here in NC., the ellpticals are in two rows and I find myself fixating on someone in front of me who may be going slower or is often fatter. I should feel bad that they are inspiration to me, but truth be told they are. Yesterday for example, there was a man and his wife in front of me. The man was hugely overweight. His belly and handles jiggled with every push and he lumbered so slowly that I wondered what he was actually accomplishing. Then, I realized why I pushed so hard on the ellitpical and felt so good that I was traveling at 13 miles/hour while he was barely moving. I suppose I should feel bad, but I don''t. LOL
Rod, of course you have a right to your own opinion, but I must say your post was somewhat upsetting to me. Maybe because I am on the wrong side of the scale right now, as opposed to when I was my ideal weight and working out consistently, but this type of talk is why overweight people are intimidated to go to the gym or feel bad about themselves when they do go. That you take inspiration from overweight people is not a bad thing. But these people already know that some others at the gym are going to be looking at them with disdain and to reinforce that isn''t exactly helpful. The fact that the man was working out at all, whether it be slowly or not, should be commended, not questioned as to how much he was actually accomplishing. I''m sure he was burning calories, whether it be as much as you, well, that''s not the point. The point is, he was moving, not sitting on the couch.
Actually I have to say I am totally motivated by big people at the gym too, but for the opposite reason as Rod. I am so sad when I see overweight people gorging on unhealthy food, so when I see them at the gym knowing that people are probably looking at them and they still are diligent, I think that is awesome. Makes me think if they can get off their butts, I can too.
But the sad part is I usually see an overwieght person only once at the gym. If I saw them really trying to workout multiple times, I''d cheer them on too. I am sad when I see someone hugely overweight. But after one workout, they so rarely come back. At least I so rarely ever see them come back.
Maybe you haven''t given any thought to this, but it''s highly likely that you''re part of the reason that overweight person never comes back more than once.

He''s probably more acutely aware than you realize that you''re looking at him with a "why are you bothering when you''re that slow" look, or with a "gosh, if I don''t kill myself today, I might end up looking like HIM" look. Perhaps you mistake being overweight for being unintuitive, and if so, you''re dead wrong. Or maybe it''s just that you were oblivious when you were the ''what''s the point'' guy for someone else.

I really have to chime in here with FG. Most of the time, I really enjoy this thread and find a lot of inspiration in it, but today, it''s really struck a wrong chord with me....and especially your post, Rod. Over many weeks, I''ve read post after post exclaiming over society''s unhealthy habits and preaching about how people should just get up and move. That is, until some people DO.......and then the tune changes to "why bother if you aren''t going to exert yourself as much as I do......oh, and look at ME going 13 mph."

Maybe you don''t consider that others don''t mind taking a little longer to get to their goals. Maybe working out three hours a day just doesn''t work for their lifestyles. Maybe they just doesn''t give a rat''s ass about how their efforts compare to yours.

Or .........maybe they look at you and think "gee, why is he bothering to invest effort in being attractive on the outside if he''s going to neglect being attractive on the inside?"
Monarch, WOO HOO on your not smoking. You GO girl! (and go and go and go!)

Mara, GREAT articles...I found them both very interesting.

And speaking of berries, that sounds delish! A couple of weeks ago, I bought blackberries, strawberries and blueberries and took a bit of very good balsamic vinegar and sugar and marinated it for a couple of hours. The vinegar was great quality so I only needed less than a teaspoon of sugar for a very large bowl of berries. It was awesome, so I am interested to try it with moscato - as that was the last of my good vinegar and I haven''t gotten around to going to an upscale grocer to buy some more.
Date: 3/27/2007 1:25:34 AM
Author: monarch64
Hey WWTr''s! I''m still here, still not smoking!
Good for you!
hi! i read this topic everyday for tips and encouragement. i need to drop ten pounds myself so i can''t critize anybody. i hate discord and try to steer clear of contoversies that come up. early yesterday i noticed some comments on this thread that i felt would have been best unsaid but i did not feel it was my place to start anything. i do however need to say that i don''t agree with the comments that were made but i feel rod has been singled out and he was not alone in making the observation. apologies have been made i hope we can leave this behind. thanks!
Date: 3/27/2007 8:07:15 AM
Author: crown1
hi! i read this topic everyday for tips and encouragement. i need to drop ten pounds myself so i can't critize anybody. i hate discord and try to steer clear of contoversies that come up. early yesterday i noticed some comments on this thread that i felt would have been best unsaid but i did not feel it was my place to start anything. i do however need to say that i don't agree with the comments that were made but i feel rod has been singled out and he was not alone in making the observation. apologies have been made i hope we can leave this behind. thanks!
Actually my post could have been misconstrued as to being unkind and for that I apologize. The written word doesn't always encompass what the writer is thinking and feeling - no excuse - however when I wrote my post, I was also thinking a well done for the girl in my gym as she was making a real effort to get healthier and fitter besides my observations of how working out is so worth it. However I was in a rush doing my post and I didn't say that, which I should have maybe. My life has been made a misery for years regarding my weight even when I was only carrying a few extra pounds, also as I was overweight as a child I was bullied very harshly - and otherwise unkindly judged by those who should have loved and supported me regardless ( Ellen - you probably can read between the lines here as to my meaning.) Also on my first school report - the teacher wrote for physical exercise " a bit heavy, but tries hard.' GOOD GRIEF!!!! I was 5 years old. I also knew what was said on this school report from a young age and was never able to live it down. I have been judged on my weight my whole life and often felt that I didn't have much to offer if I wasn't thin enough.

If my post did come across in a negative light then it wasn't my intention. I try every week to share the good from my own miserable journey to the happier place I am in now and in actuality I would and do completely support anyone who is trying to get healthier, we all have to start somewhere and good for anyone no matter their size for going to a gym and exercising!!!

Also CONGRATS MONNIE - brilliant achievement!!!! How do you feel???
Date: 3/27/2007 1:50:12 AM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 3/26/2007 5:15:10 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 3/26/2007 4:42:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/26/2007 4:22:46 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 3/26/2007 3:58:23 PM
Author: Rod
I do use other people to help me be more motivated on the ellitptical. I know is sounds terrible but in our gym here in NC., the ellpticals are in two rows and I find myself fixating on someone in front of me who may be going slower or is often fatter. I should feel bad that they are inspiration to me, but truth be told they are. Yesterday for example, there was a man and his wife in front of me. The man was hugely overweight. His belly and handles jiggled with every push and he lumbered so slowly that I wondered what he was actually accomplishing. Then, I realized why I pushed so hard on the ellitpical and felt so good that I was traveling at 13 miles/hour while he was barely moving. I suppose I should feel bad, but I don't. LOL
Rod, of course you have a right to your own opinion, but I must say your post was somewhat upsetting to me. Maybe because I am on the wrong side of the scale right now, as opposed to when I was my ideal weight and working out consistently, but this type of talk is why overweight people are intimidated to go to the gym or feel bad about themselves when they do go. That you take inspiration from overweight people is not a bad thing. But these people already know that some others at the gym are going to be looking at them with disdain and to reinforce that isn't exactly helpful. The fact that the man was working out at all, whether it be slowly or not, should be commended, not questioned as to how much he was actually accomplishing. I'm sure he was burning calories, whether it be as much as you, well, that's not the point. The point is, he was moving, not sitting on the couch.
Actually I have to say I am totally motivated by big people at the gym too, but for the opposite reason as Rod. I am so sad when I see overweight people gorging on unhealthy food, so when I see them at the gym knowing that people are probably looking at them and they still are diligent, I think that is awesome. Makes me think if they can get off their butts, I can too.
But the sad part is I usually see an overwieght person only once at the gym. If I saw them really trying to workout multiple times, I'd cheer them on too. I am sad when I see someone hugely overweight. But after one workout, they so rarely come back. At least I so rarely ever see them come back.
Maybe you haven't given any thought to this, but it's highly likely that you're part of the reason that overweight person never comes back more than once.

He's probably more acutely aware than you realize that you're looking at him with a 'why are you bothering when you're that slow' look, or with a 'gosh, if I don't kill myself today, I might end up looking like HIM' look. Perhaps you mistake being overweight for being unintuitive, and if so, you're dead wrong. Or maybe it's just that you were oblivious when you were the 'what's the point' guy for someone else.

I really have to chime in here with FG. Most of the time, I really enjoy this thread and find a lot of inspiration in it, but today, it's really struck a wrong chord with me....and especially your post, Rod. Over many weeks, I've read post after post exclaiming over society's unhealthy habits and preaching about how people should just get up and move. That is, until some people DO.......and then the tune changes to 'why bother if you aren't going to exert yourself as much as I do......oh, and look at ME going 13 mph.'

Maybe you don't consider that others don't mind taking a little longer to get to their goals. Maybe working out three hours a day just doesn't work for their lifestyles. Maybe they just doesn't give a rat's ass about how their efforts compare to yours.

Or .........maybe they look at you and think 'gee, why is he bothering to invest effort in being attractive on the outside if he's going to neglect being attractive on the inside?'
Well that's just BUll Alj. I would NEVER look at someone in such a fashion. Again, I'm sorry my comments were taken so poorly. I don't stare at people. I don't do anything to make someone feel bad. I apologized earlier and I don't intend to say I'm sorry again. I'm about the most gentle and kind person you could find and I am truly offended anyone took my comments in such a negative way. Geesh, don't be so high and mighty.
72 DEGREES AND PARTLY SUNNY TODAY!!!!! finally some nice weather after the snow last week. i''ve been jealous of you west coast people and your nice weather.
i''m going walking today--i should do about 4 miles so that''ll be good. i made lo-fat baked ziti last night. it was delish as usual. i''m finding it hard to maintain weight without losing more. i try to eat bigger portions, but that doesn''t seem good to me either. i know its not a terrible problem, but i really don''t want to lose more and get the stick arm look. what does everyone do to maintain without losing?
well, I''ve been doing the calorie counting for a few weeks now and been consistant with the morning and/or afternoon walks but today I''m actually heading to the gym for a class, I''ll update on how I do but I''m very excited to really sweat and burn some calories and am actually looking forward to feeling sore b/c I''ll know I used muscles that have been dormant for way to long.

i hope everyone has a great day!!
Forgot to mention, did another 50 mins on the ellip, my legs were stinging with pain to begin with, like a muscle burn so it should be doing them good, burned about 650 cals too

Good luck with your class MrsSalvo!
It''s a beautiful Tuesday today, high in the 70s in NYC. I''m going to try to sneak away from the office for half hour or so during lunch so I can enjoy the weather in midtown.

Things have been a bit bumpy lately. About a week ago, FI and I got into a really bad car accident in northern NY, near the Canadian border, on our way back from a long weekend in Quebec. We were driving southbound in our SUV when we hit a patch of black ice. The car started to swerve to the right and FI turned the steering wheel left to try to stablize it. There was some pretty intense wind, which just pushed the car left. It went off the road, spun almost 180 degrees and then flipped over 4-5 times into a snow-filled embankment between the southbound and northbound lanes. It all happened in a matter of seconds, but I felt like the car would never stop rolling. I heard glass breaking and metal cracking, it was unbelievable. When the car finally stopped rolling, it was eerily quiet and then I saw blood on the snow. I panicked at first because I thought it was FI blood and I was terrified that he was hurt. But then he started shifting in his seat and we made sure time and time again that we were both alive and ok. We managed to each climb out of the side window and land on the snow. A passing truck driver had stopped to help us and that was when he said "Miss, stop walking, your head is bleeding." So I instinctively put my hand on my head and I felt so much blood. And then I looked down and there was blood all over my jacket and pants and all over the snow. I was shocked because although I knew I hit my head, it didn''t feel like I should be bleeding that much. The ambulance came really quickly (maybe 5 min) and they put a head-dress and brought us to the hospital, where we spent the rest of the afternoon.

I had to get 10 stitches on my head for a scalp laceration wound. My hand also got crushed, but luckily nothing was broken so it will just take some time to heal. FI was in better shape, he just had cuts and bruises on his hands and arms. The entire right side of my face had swollen and became numb in the days that followed. It was pretty scary because when there was a breeze, I couldnt really feel it on my right side. Despite my injuries, I couldnt bring myself to tell my parents. They are extremely overprotective and my mom would have totally freaked out. When they called to ask how our trip went, I put on a happy expression and told them it was great and that we were fine. They are going to Italy on vacation this week and I didnt want them to be worried while they were there. Not telling them has made the week a bit tougher for me. While FI has been great in taking care of me, at times I really just wanted my mom. I guess it''s one of those things that only your mom can give you the comfort you need, but I couldn''t lean on her b/c I didn''t want her to know and worry.

I''m having the stitches removed tomorrow and I''ve been back at work a couple days now. The day after the accident, we both took off from work to take it easy. We both have demanding and time-consuming jobs, so it felt like one of those stolen weekdays. We took a walk in the city and stopped to have a lot of treats along the way, things that I normally am pretty strict about (like these cream donuts, cookies and cider in union square, peanut butter chips, etc). We felt really alive that day and I thought about how lucky we were to be alive. I also began to think, why did I think that 5 or 10 pounds mattered so much every day when it''s just amazing to be alive and to be able to enjoy things in life? I don''t know what came over us, but we ate so much. I also think my body needed it from losing all that blood.

In any case, I didn''t go to the gym for a week but I went back for the first time last night. It was kind of tough because I still felt weak. I was only able to do about 400 cals instead of my usual 500-600. One step at a time I guess.
El, thank God you are both ok, take care of yourselves!
thank goodness you are ok eleguin. take it slow. you''ll be burning more calories before you know it! everyone sounds like they are on track. happy workouts and eating to all!
Date: 3/27/2007 10:14:16 AM
Author: Lorelei
El, thank God you are both ok, take care of yourselves!

oh yes, thank God. wow, please don''t push yourself into getting back to the gym too quickly. take time for your body and mind to heal.
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