
Weekly Workout Thread 26th Feb till 4th March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all

Been MIA due to some other things and my delightful back of course
, but with luck I can get going again this week. I hope everyone is feeling better too.

My thoughts for this week are knowing that I practise what I preach so naturally now. In the old days, I would have got in a grump that I had missed some workouts and therefore my plans were spoiled etc and what was the point of trying? Now I accept that I have a bad back and now and then I won''t be able to workout, but I will be able to again soon, it isn''t a big deal. So much of it depends on a good attitude and now I can say that I basically have that. So Dee and everyone else who is hurting right now, concentrate on resting and getting yourselves better, you will be able to begin again soon!

Have a great week!


Jan 13, 2006
Morning you, you''ve been missed!

Hope you''re feeling better soon Lorelei.

BTW, I put on a pair of my jeans the other day, they ride low on me, and it was the second time I had worn them since washing. They were somewhat falling down as I crossed the parking lot, had to stop and pull them up.



Apr 30, 2005
*blush!* Thanks El and how great is that with the jeans falling down??? Well done!!!!!!!!! I hope to workout a bit later, with luck I shall be able to today...


Jun 15, 2006
Morning Ladies and Gents,

You should be so excited and proud of yourself, Ellen!!

And Lorelei, I so appreciate your positive attitude! You have definitely been missed.

So no work out today, I have to get ready to embark on my new career...substitute teaching, AH!! I have a 1st grade class today and it''s raining, of course. Lunch will be intereseting. I slept terribly last night, due to nerves I am sure. My tummy is really upset this morning. I hate being a worrier, I wish I could just take things in stride.

So there won''t be a workout today, but perhaps a nice walk this afternoon, if the rain stops.

I averaged 1587 calories a day last week and burned 2200 cals total working out. That calorie count is a bit high for me, I usually end up below 1550, but not terrible.

Hope everyone has a great Monday.



Aug 3, 2006
so weird! i haven''t been to the gym in 8 days b/c of my back and then i needed to finish my wedding stuff that i''d been putting off forever, and during that time, i''ve lost 1.5 lbs! what''s going on there? i wasn''t eating that much less than when i was going to the gym almost every day.

well, this isn''t going to keep me from the gym or anything, i''m about to go right now. i think i''ll just stop lifting weights for a few weeks and only do cardio. or maybe just one set of really light arm weights for my shoulders and back like twice a week.

hope everyone is doing well!


Jul 6, 2005
hi thread!

it''s been a little while, but I have been faithfully plugging along.

my weight on wednesday was still the same 138 which is great! I''ve been losing weight and getting fit for over a year now, but i''m finally reaching the "end" results. the point at which i''m really getting proud of my body. believe me, i totally embrace having curves, i just like appreciate them when they fit "better" into my clothing. however, i realize that i was probably stuffing myself into clothing that was perhaps one size smaller back a year and a half ago. i know it''s been brought up a lot on this thread, but for some reason we are often too beholden to certain numbers. i know that for me, an 8/10 was as high as i was mentally willing to go...even if maybe my body would have been better flattered withn something a little roomier

so, i''ve been doing cardio at the gym at least three times a week (i''m hoping for four this week) and then a pilates routine three times. maybe someday i''ll actually make it into a pilates studio, but for now, i''m pretty content with my DVDs. i love it! immensely.

yesterday, DC was a winter wonderland, so my husband and i donned our boots and coats and we took our dog to rock creek park for a bit of a snowy frolic. it was so fun. gracie (pup) grew up largely in the south (durham, NC and new orleans), so snow is still absolutely a treat for her. and actually my husband too.

food has been decent. i had the best roast chicken of my life at a neighborhood restaurant. i just don''t know how they did it. perfectly seasoned. juicy. divine.

also, i was reading blueprint magazine and came across a great tip. i eat a lot of waffles and this weekend we made whole grain pancakes. i generally just eat the waffles plain and they are delicious, but with pancakes, syrup seemed necessary. tip: heat some berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc) in a small saucepan over low/med heat. add a little water and sugar if you like (but that sort of defeats the avoidance of sugar purpose) and voila a simple, fantastic syrup substitute. so tasty.


Mar 26, 2006
Today I''m happy to report that I feel better (again). I am going to talk to the doc today and see if I can get permission to work out maybe tomorrow and Thursday--but nothing crazy, just a nice walk on the treadmill.

And nejarb, I''m in the same boat. I stopped working out for 8 days and lost a pound.

Kimberly, I''m sure you''ll be a hit as a teacher! I''ll be looking forward to your report tonight about how the day went.

Lulu, your tip about the berries reminds me of a dream I had last night about jelly. JELLY??? I don''t even like jelly, so who knows why I was dreaming about it, LOL.


Oct 30, 2002
happy new week all...

DJ i would definitely see if you can at least do some low impact low incline treadmill walking.

lulu i hear you about being at peace with your body. it sounds great that you are at that point!! oh and your tip on the berries is awesome, i read that in a mag recently, and thought that was such a good idea for pancakes and it hardly adds any cals or fat to the whole thing.

congrats on loose jeans ellen, whee!

nejarb you are probably losing muscle like DJ''s not a huge deal, 1.5lbs can just be water weight as well, but i wouldn''t necessarily cut back on any weights unless you are lifting heavy commando stuff. otherwise, building a bit more muscle does help your body burn more FAT in the long run. so at least stick with weights maybe once a week...i wouldn''t nix them completely.

good luck with the new sub gig Kim!

lorelei i hope you can get back with the workout program soon!!

i feel a bit better this morning with the cold, but i know i will be ready for a nap come 3pm. so hopefully i can trudge through a workday then come home and take a nap before dinner. no workout day for me today, a much needed, well-earned rest!!

breakfast this morning was my last low-fat cinnamon roll (love those things, saw them at the store again yesterday but said i''d wait a few more days before getting more, am glad now that we have DONUTS here..ugh!)...with coffee, and emergenC water. i sent greg off to work with a chocolate donut, which means one less donut i will be tempted to consume later.
donuts are to me like oreos are. i love them! but i have budgeted one for dessert tonite so if i can look fwd to that it should keep me from snacking on them later hehe. i''m taking banana nut muffins to work in leiu!

hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Jul 23, 2006
hopefully its a healthy workout and eating week for all...i lost 1.8 lbs of water weight this week!! so i''m back to my previous weeks weight. i had friends over yesterday and i made 2 yummy trays of baked ziti (using low fat cheeses) and its all gone...thank goodness or i would have over eaten today.
i think i''m making a chicken veggie dish for dinner tonight...i love casseroles when it snows....happy day to all!


Jul 6, 2005
NYC sparkle - re: casseroles, we did the same thing
I baked some delicious mac and cheese. then later, I made cookies. i''m normally not a baker, but hot chocolate and warm cookies seemed like such a good idea!


Jan 3, 2005
I just love reading this thread and hearing about all the progress everyone is making.

congrats ellen on the jeans. that is just the best feeling when one day your jeans are too big.

so, i''ve kept up with my 6:00am walks with Zoe. She actually needs to loose a little weight too according to the vet during her last checkup. too many snacks of dropped food from my girls. anyway, we go for about 45-60 minutes depending on when I get out the door and how much time I have. the weather is warming up which makes it so much easier for me to feel motivated to go out because I actually WANT to be outside and enjoy the temp.

i love donuts too mara and gave in to one this morning myself. I took my girls to krispy creme on the way to school and was going to skip but just can''t resist. anyway, did you all know that now have whole wheat original glazed there? i have to look up the nutritional info and i have no idea if they taste good or not, but thought that''s an impovement if a donut shop is making them whole wheat!

have a great day everyone!


Oct 30, 2002
mrs salvo it''s funny because donuts are so hit or miss. like krispy kreme, tim hortons, and dunkin donuts all have their nutritional information online. as does panera and starbucks. so you can pretty much look up anything on their websites. but many other places don''t have them and especially like little mom and pop shops are not going to have the info online. but if you look up the websites above, the range of calories and fat from donut type/style to the brand totally ranges! so its really hard to ''estimate'' what you are eating if you go elsewhere. so i was happy to at least see that TH had their stuff online.

interestingly enough something like a plain yeast (puffy) donut with maple or chocolate icing/glaze on it is typically the ''healthiest'' donut, unless the place has a ''french cruller'' which are typically pretty good (like 210ish) the old fashioned and ''cake'' style ones are the ones that are the worst...because they are so dense. like the TH''s regular yeast maple or chocolate glazed is like 210 cals and 8g of fat. not bad. the cakey old fashioned glazed is more like 320 and 15g of fat. so a huge difference in terms of fat and cals. and if you compare donuts to other things, at times they are not THAT bad if you just have one (hehee)...because if you compare some of these to the starbucks ''muffins'' even ''healthy'' muffins...which can run like 450-600 each...i''d so much rather have a donut. hehe. though i was like ''honey did you have to get like 8 donuts? wasn''t 2 enough?''...oh but greg was very sweet ...he''s like ''oh i got you a diet donut''..i was like ''what?''. and he goes ''the sour cream glazed one had a diet thumbs up'' so i go online and check and the sour cream glazed was like one of the worst ones, i had to laugh. but he was sweet to try.

and that''s why i also like these cinnamon rolls i got...260 cals and 1g of fat for one and they are huge. so it''s like a donut kinda treat but much ''better'' hehe.


Oct 22, 2005
WOW, everyone''s been making great progress, just from reading the last few threads! Good job, everyone! I haven''t been posting daily, but I''ve been on track! I''ve worked out only 3x per week the last couple weeks, but at least it''s consistant! And, I''ve managed to lose the 6 pounds I gained when I moved here (I''m not sure when I started losing it though, I hadn''t weighed myself in a couple months, so it was probably a gradual loss). I put off weighing myself for a long time, but I''m glad I did now! I made sure to pay attention to what I was eating, and not "diet" but just be conscious of it. I never stick with calorie counting, but now I''ve got healthy food in the fridge!

Now I''ve got major toning up work to do. I did 40 mins of pilates yesterday and today I''m going to a Kwando class at Bally''s--has anyone ever gone to this class before? I''m trying to find classes I like b/c I''m already getting bored of routine!

Stat''s as of now:
Height: 5''7"
Weight: 123
bust: 32.5
waist: 25.5
lower waist: 27
Hips: 36 at largest part around (boo) -- I don''t have wide hips, I have a big booty! Hopefully some weights will help tone it up!

Anyone know a good arm/back routine?


Jan 3, 2005
well i checked the KK website and the whole wheat glazed info isn''t on the nutritional page yet, it does say on the homepage that they are only 180 calories and maybe there is a little fiber in them?? I much prefer duncan donuts though if i''m going to splurge, but next time i''m at KK i''ll get one and try it to see if it tastes good b/c I''m so not wasting 180 calories if it''s not YUMMY!!


Oct 30, 2002
yeah actually KK''s arent THAT bad for you in terms of calories and fat but the problem is...can you just eat one? hehee. not me. so that''s where i get into trouble!

so far today i''ve just had breakast, and a 10 cal jello cup and a cup of hot green tea for my cold. my boss called me in this morning to talk about transition and she was scarily friendly during the discussion, so i just went with it, hahaa. i just want to fly under the radar til i go. in a few minutes my coworker and i are bailing to go shop at TJ''s because we have to get out of here for a while! it''s still pretty awkward. so hopefully i can get some new goodies at TJ, like more 0% fage, some more shirataki noodles, rosemary chicken and rice etc.

hope everyone is having an okay monday!


Dec 29, 2004
Lorelei, I hope you feel better. Back pain is the worst.

Ellen, gotta love the case of the sagging jeans! Whoo hoo!

Kimberly, looking forward to see how your first big day went.

lulu, that is an awesome tip, thanks! I love fruit topings on pancakes, but they are so high in cal.

Dee, I hope you continue to feel better.

Mara, I hope you feel better too. It will be interesting to see how the rest of your time pans out out work...

The scale for me right now is all over the place. On Friday, I weighed 2.2 pounds less than the official wed weigh in stats. I got in 5 workouts last week, so I am happy about that. Right now, I''m not worrying about that scale.

Over the weekend, we treated 14 of our friends to the Charthouse Restaurant for TGuy''s bday. Fun get together, and I splurged and had prime rib. Yum! Man, I forgot how much our friends can party...but was reminded when I got the bill. Worth every penny, as they have been so good to us since TGuy moved here.

But back to being good today. Breakfast was honey bunches of oats, and lunch a cup of corn torilla soup accompanied by a horitaki salad I whipped up. Mmm mmm.

I have some leftover tenderloin, so I think we will have filet for dinner and some asparagus. The steaks are small, probably no more than 4 oz. I am having a very low cal day so far, so it should be fine. Pilates this afternoon...

Have a great Monday everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey, I needed a break so I'm logged in from work for a change. So glad you're feeling better Lorelei and up to some mild workouts. You know how much I believe in core training to help strengthen your back muscles. Believe me, it works. I used to have to visit the chiropractor mulitple times a week. Now, I can go months without needing an adjustment!!

Nejarb: I have to agree with Mara on the weight loss. When I have hurt my back and needed to take some time off from the gym, I always lost weight. And I have to believe it's because I was losing muscle weight. Remember, the muscles not only grow from shredding the fibrous tissues and being rebuilt, but they also hold more blood (fluid) from being torn. When you don't use them as hard they lose some of the fluids they hold from being torn. You'll probably gain the weight right back when you start shredding those muscles again!

Mara: Oh my, first you want KFC, now you're eating donuts
. I still live vicariously through your food adventures. I haven't had a donut in at least 1.5 years. Not that I was big on them to begin with, but sometimes a good old glazed donut and a hot cup of coffee could be so darn good. Of course chances are the scones I eat are up there with donut calories, but maybe (I hope) a tad less fat.

We're going for Sushi tonight. We take Monday's off and have a nice dinner as reward for how hard we workout the rest of the week. We haven't decided which restaurant to go to, but I'm looking forward to it no matter which one!!

Hey everyone. I really need some PS Fairy Dust BIG TIME. Our realtor from Tampa says we have two showings scheduled in our condo in Tampa on Wednesdsay. We so desperately need to sell this place so we can move on with our lives, so I'm asking for you to add us in your prayers and send that dust our way, OK?

Good for you Ellen on the jeans!!
It's such a great thing when that happens!!

Hope your first day with first graders is going well there Kimberly!! You'll have to let us know how your day went.

LuLu......I'm originally from the DC area. So the mental image you gave of Rock Creek Park in the snow really brought back memories!!

DeeJay, I hope you're cleared for gym takeoff. I know how anxious you must be to get back in the saddle!!!

Mrssalvo.........glad to hear of your morning walks. Careful on the Krispy Creams though.........
Please feel to chime in anytime you can!!


Oct 30, 2002
hehehe Rod, well since you mentioned it....i always see that you eat the tart cherry scones at Panera and I always have to bite my tongue, since from what I read, Panera is really not all that healthy (i have looked up a bunch of their stuff online because we are getting them here too and i was curious about if i should ever go there for lunch!).

BUT since you mentioned it up above re: donuts...and i know how you are about 'splurging'...lets do a little comparison on donut vs scone here and knock out some of those misconceptions you have about donuts vs something like a scone (this is like the pizza thing)

Panera's Tart Cherry Scone: "Filled with cherries, baked with cream and topped with powdered sugar. "
Serving Size 4 ounces (114g)
Calories 380
Calories from Fat 150
Total Fat 16g
Saturated Fat 10g
Trans Fat 0g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 26g
Protein 9g

Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donut:
Serving Size 52g
Calories 200
Calories from Fat 100
Total Fat 12g
Sat Fat 3g
Trans Fat 4g
Fiber less than 1g
Sugars 10g
Protein 2g

Krispy Kreme Raspberry Filled Glazed Donut:
Serving Size 85g
Calories 300
Calories from Fat 140
Total Fat 16g
Sat Fat 4g
Trans Fat 5g
Fiber less than 1g
Sugars 22g
Protein 3g

Dunkin Donuts Original Glazed Cake Donut:
Serving Size 1 Donut
Calories 300
Calories from Fat 170
Total Fat 19g
Sat Fat 5g
Trans Fat 4g
Fiber 1g
Sugars 9g
Protein 4g

Most of the Krispy Kremes are around the same in terms of cals and fat and all that..a range from like 200-320ish for cals, similar with Dunkin Donuts

Same with the Tim Horton ones Greg brought home. Range is like 210-350 with similar kind of fat ranges aka 8-15g.

Anyway the point here is to underscore that you can have a DONUT and coffee once in a while, just like you have the Tart Cherry Scone with coffee 1-2x a week.
And the donut might even be HEALTHIER in a way. Kind of.
Same with things like many bakery muffins, even 'healthy' ones like oat bran blueberry or whatever are mega calories and fat. And people think 'oh fresh baked oat muffin, must be healthy!'.

This is the same as what I say about Pizza!! Have you checked out the Trader Joe's pizzas I always talk about? They are personal portion sized and the one I get, Chicken, Mushroom and Artichoke which is YUMMY is only 440 cals and 12g of fat for the whole pizza. And it's FILLING. 4 Large slices basically. So again, people can have their pizza AND eat it too. Stuff like donuts and pizza don't have to be 'bad' for you.

Okay soapbox over...but you guys know me, I am all about tasting pleasure in my food. I don't know if I'd be happy if I could never have a donut, or pizza again...hehe.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/26/2007 5:20:09 PM
Author: Rod

Mrssalvo.........glad to hear of your morning walks. Careful on the Krispy Creams though.........
Please feel to chime in anytime you can!!

don't worry, I'm not a big fan of KK, it's just a once in a while treat for my kids. I'm actually not trying to loose weight, i'm 5'3" and 106 so my doc. would be upset with me if I lost any.(in case we decide to have another baby, it can be difficult if your underweight) I just used to be teach spinning and aerobics and since having 2 kids don't work out like I used too and my body isn't as toned as I'd like. So, that's my goal, cardiovascular fitness along with some muscle toning which I know I've got to get to the gym to do..that will come soon, I promise.

and good luck with your showings. we've got our house up for sale now and I can relate to the anxiety of just wanted it sold already


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 2/26/2007 5:55:45 PM
Author: Mara
I am all about tasting pleasure in my food. I don't know if I'd be happy if I could never have a donut, or pizza again...hehe.

ditto, ditto, ditto!! that's why I love when I can find a healthy version of something and it tastes good or even better than the real thing. this is also the point I'm trying to get across to my hubby. he looses weight on the atkins type diets but they are impossible to keep up long term. i'm trying to get him to rethink his eating habits and just start eating better and smaller portions, but not eliminate fruits for goodness sake. I wish we had a TJ's here. our friends just moved here from chicago and were talking about how great it is and how the food is better than wildoats but much cheaper. wildoats is the best i've got and they are $$. you're right mara it does cost a lot more to eat healthy..


Mar 26, 2006
Just talked to the doc. I have to keep taking the Aleve through Friday, but I can try working out LIGHLY on Wednesday or Thursday night and see how it goes. Woo hoo!!! Maybe working out again will curb all these nasty food tendencies I''m having lately too, ha ha.

The happy hubby is on his way home from Tahoe right now. The flight was already delayed once, but hopefully he''ll get in at some reasonable hour (translation: early enough that HE can walk The Demon, LOL!).

Having something small and low cal for dinner to offset all the non-small non-low call things I ate earlier today.
And hopefully the HH will make me some of those no pudge brownies and/or pumpkin muffins within the next few days so I have something sweet but *good* to munch on when the urge hits.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Today was quite the mishap. John had planned to make a lovely dinner for me, but those plans got foiled by some property emergency and my non-subbing day (he wanted to make me a special first day dinner, but since my first day isn't really until tomorrow, stupid me, he's going to wait) so I think we're going to the much dreaded Outback tonight. I've only eaten 450 calories so far today, so it's not a big deal that we're going out, it's just early in the week for us to use up one of our two nights out.

ETA: Good news about getting to do a light workout, DJ! Keep taking good care of yourself, you've done an amazing job of sticking to it even when you hit a rough patch! You should be super proud of yourself.
My workouts are going to be crammed into the end of this week, I hate that! I'm going to try to get one in tomorrow morning just to avoid that being the case.

TG, I LOVE the Charthouse. It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of dining there, YUMMY!!!


Oct 30, 2002
i know mrs salvo re: costing more to eat healthy!! i mean it''s great and all. but jeez. hehe. i spend like $40 at TJ''s a week and then also add on the regular stuff i buy for us at like nob hill is like another $50+ and thats not including any toiletry kinda things. it''s all just food/perishables kinda thing. and making recipes costs $$ too. hehe.

oh so i went to TJ''s earlier with my coworker as a little escapist trip...three new discoveries. a yummy looking black bean and corn enchilada dish that has 2 enchiladas you heat up in the microwave and total dish is 260 cals. my coworker had it for lunch and LOVED it. so i got one for me and a chicken notsohealthy one for Greg for us to eat at some point soon. it''s frozen by the way. and also 2 frozen bean and rice burritos, almost fat free, and they are 260 cals each burrito and like 1g of fat. so i figure i can have one of those for lunch one of these days, also frozen. and lastly, a chicken marsala and indian rice frozen dish...the whole container is like 330 cals. so i got 2 of those for us again for one night soon. and i got rosemary chicken breast and rice, and 2 pizzas for this week as well. some 0% fage, a reduced fat greek salad (love that one), more frozen steel cut oatmeal, and some other random things i can''t remember right now.

i had to laugh because i saw the offending chicken chili verde that DJ didn''t like. i told my coworker to steer clear of it and it''s brown chicken bits.

lunch was a LC with garlic chicken and some sort of creamed spinach side, not great but not bad and 180 cals. then i had my banana nut muffin from this morning, and a bite of my coworker''s chocolate mousse. i have grapes in the fridge and i could eat something else if i wanted but i am not feeling it right taste buds are still a little wonky. and tonite i know we''ll be eating some more DONUTS ... i budgeted 1.5 for my dessert (because lets face it, eating 1 is just so not happening), so i figure if i don''t eat the snacks now, i will make up for it later lol. dinner is leftover lasagna (i swear that 9x9 dish makes so many portions, i always cut it into 6 but then i end up cutting one of them into halves for me typically!), multigrain bread and basic salads.


Oct 2, 2005
Happy new week everyone! So after a several-month hiatus, I am back on PS and back on the WWT
At my best, I think I only kept up with it for about a month. I am definitely not a serial-poster, but that doesn''t mean that I don''t visit PS 20 times a day!!!

Anyhow, major marital issues made it too depressing for me to visit the forums regularly. Unfortunately, I''ve gained about 5 pounds since that time (things have been rocky since Thanksgiving) due to the stress, the holiday eating, and the emotional overeating. Well, I''ve decided to go back on Weight Watchers. Today is my first day. YAY!

As for exercise, I''ve been running for two years now. I sometimes do alternate forms of cardio and pilates, but mainly I''m either on the treadmill or the trail. Although I have lost a lot of weight and toned up in the past 2 years, I am still far from my goal due to the diet thing. I just ran my 3rd full marathon back in December, my 5th half marathon earlier this month, and am ramping up for another full marathon end of April. My problem is food portions. I''ll do a 16 mile training run, then justify that I can eat however much I want in the days that follow. I generally eat pretty healthy - no fast food (I shop at TJ''s ALL THE TIME). It''s just that I eat TOO much. So anyhow, I look forward to maintaining a sense of accountability here on WWT.

As for this whole donut thing, I''m one of the lucky ones...I absolutely HATE donuts. But chocolate...that will be the death of me! Here''s to a great week


Jun 15, 2006

I''m so sorry you''ve been faced with difficult personal challenges as of late. We''re glad to have you back! I hope you''re able to find some comfort and encouragement by being back on the WWT thread.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/26/2007 5:55:45 PM
Author: Mara
hehehe Rod, well since you mentioned it....i always see that you eat the tart cherry scones at Panera and I always have to bite my tongue, since from what I read, Panera is really not all that healthy (i have looked up a bunch of their stuff online because we are getting them here too and i was curious about if i should ever go there for lunch!).

BUT since you mentioned it up above re: donuts...and i know how you are about ''splurging''...lets do a little comparison on donut vs scone here and knock out some of those misconceptions you have about donuts vs something like a scone (this is like the pizza thing)

Panera''s Tart Cherry Scone: ''Filled with cherries, baked with cream and topped with powdered sugar. ''
Serving Size 4 ounces (114g)
Calories 380
Calories from Fat 150
Total Fat 16g
Saturated Fat 10g
Trans Fat 0g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 26g
Protein 9g

Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donut:
Serving Size 52g
Calories 200
Calories from Fat 100
Total Fat 12g
Sat Fat 3g
Trans Fat 4g
Fiber less than 1g
Sugars 10g
Protein 2g

Krispy Kreme Raspberry Filled Glazed Donut:
Serving Size 85g
Calories 300
Calories from Fat 140
Total Fat 16g
Sat Fat 4g
Trans Fat 5g
Fiber less than 1g
Sugars 22g
Protein 3g

Dunkin Donuts Original Glazed Cake Donut:
Serving Size 1 Donut
Calories 300
Calories from Fat 170
Total Fat 19g
Sat Fat 5g
Trans Fat 4g
Fiber 1g
Sugars 9g
Protein 4g

Most of the Krispy Kremes are around the same in terms of cals and fat and all that..a range from like 200-320ish for cals, similar with Dunkin Donuts

Same with the Tim Horton ones Greg brought home. Range is like 210-350 with similar kind of fat ranges aka 8-15g.

Anyway the point here is to underscore that you can have a DONUT and coffee once in a while, just like you have the Tart Cherry Scone with coffee 1-2x a week.
And the donut might even be HEALTHIER in a way. Kind of.
Same with things like many bakery muffins, even ''healthy'' ones like oat bran blueberry or whatever are mega calories and fat. And people think ''oh fresh baked oat muffin, must be healthy!''.

This is the same as what I say about Pizza!! Have you checked out the Trader Joe''s pizzas I always talk about? They are personal portion sized and the one I get, Chicken, Mushroom and Artichoke which is YUMMY is only 440 cals and 12g of fat for the whole pizza. And it''s FILLING. 4 Large slices basically. So again, people can have their pizza AND eat it too. Stuff like donuts and pizza don''t have to be ''bad'' for you.

Okay soapbox over...but you guys know me, I am all about tasting pleasure in my food. I don''t know if I''d be happy if I could never have a donut, or pizza again...hehe.
Well, there you go
At least my scone has a little more protein.......LOL You''re absolutely right. We should all be able to indulge once in a while and I do so love indulging with my Cherry Scone that it''s worth the fat and calories!! And Mara.......NEVER feel you have to bite your tongue. I''m a big (well formerly was big) boy and I can take it!!


Dec 28, 2005
We just back from a wonderful dinner at the Sushi restaurant walking distance from where we hope to live. It was terrific as usual. We did hear about a Sushi place that we''re going to try this weekend, called Shaba Shabu (love the name). Otherwise, it was a non-workout day, so we get to indulge on the only two days a week we don''t work out. Tomorrow, we''ll be back in the gym for the next 3 consuecutive nights.

I hope everyone''s having a good beginning to the week.

Mrssalvo: Isn''t selling a home just awful??
We''ve been in Raleigh in this crappy corporate apartment for going on 4 months now with all our things still in our condo in Tampa. I never dreamed I would miss having a home so much. I''ll send some PS Fairy Dust to you and send some to me. Deal??!!


Oct 30, 2002
lol rod no worries...i just know you LOVE that scone...and i was always like...hmm does he know about it, lol. and you know me, obsessed with numbers in things i eat. anyway, you should by all means indulge sometimes! but the whole point of my post was that when you say things like ''i''d love to sit with a donut and coffee sometimes''...that you CAN DO IT. it''s just like eating the scone. but it''s a donut. and it''s even less cals. lol! so next time you think i''d love a donut, DO IT! or pizza or whatever! i totally know about mental hangups, trust me...thats why i dont keep oreos in the house, haha!!! but if they came out with a reduced cal oreo or something i would totally try it. AND i get my oreos cookies and cream in slow churned ice cream which is okay for me to have. hehee.

anyhow..just came home and put all my goodies away from TJ'' was really mellow today which is kind of scary. i was thinking gosh if this is the way it was all the time i''d never want to leave. but NOT the case. i''m going to update my resume tonite as well and i have been putting out feelers with friends and old colleagues to start the networking. just ate a jello 10 cal cup and when greg gets home around 7ish we''ll heat up our lasagna in the oven and eat up! it''s nice to have a day off working body totally needs the rest. i might even snooze a bit on the couch before greg gets home, the cold has held up quite well thus far today but i know i need some rest.

hope everyone is having a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/26/2007 8:46:34 PM
Author: Mara
lol rod no worries...i just know you LOVE that scone...and i was always like...hmm does he know about it, lol. and you know me, obsessed with numbers in things i eat. anyway, you should by all means indulge sometimes! but the whole point of my post was that when you say things like ''i''d love to sit with a donut and coffee sometimes''...that you CAN DO IT. it''s just like eating the scone. but it''s a donut. and it''s even less cals. lol! so next time you think i''d love a donut, DO IT! or pizza or whatever! i totally know about mental hangups, trust me...thats why i dont keep oreos in the house, haha!!! but if they came out with a reduced cal oreo or something i would totally try it. AND i get my oreos cookies and cream in slow churned ice cream which is okay for me to have. hehee.

anyhow..just came home and put all my goodies away from TJ'' was really mellow today which is kind of scary. i was thinking gosh if this is the way it was all the time i''d never want to leave. but NOT the case. i''m going to update my resume tonite as well and i have been putting out feelers with friends and old colleagues to start the networking. just ate a jello 10 cal cup and when greg gets home around 7ish we''ll heat up our lasagna in the oven and eat up! it''s nice to have a day off working body totally needs the rest. i might even snooze a bit on the couch before greg gets home, the cold has held up quite well thus far today but i know i need some rest.

hope everyone is having a great evening.
It''s funny what the mind does to you. I can eat a scone and not feel too guilty, but a mind says no. And Pizza? My mind says no. It''s taken me a long time to be able to indulge, but there are only a few things my mind will permit my mouth to indulge in.........LOL
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