
Weekly Workout Thread 25th March till 31st March

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Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/30/2008 11:35:35 AM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 3/30/2008 11:24:22 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Marcy, Marcy, Marcy!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, you are just so amazing, and you are absolutely GLOWING in the most recent shots. I wish I could hug you! I never noticed the shoes before you mentioned it, it must have been someone else who caught onto that. How''s your sister doing?

Dee, you can be my sick twin. I am a big tea drinker (I don''t like coffee much), I had three cups yesterday with soy milk, but no honey. Perhaps I should add it in.

Sharon, take good care of yourself. How are you feeling after surgery? It''s been a few weeks now, if memory serves (please forgive me if I''m totally wrong, my brain is on overload).

It''s an icky day here in SD, rained last night and lots of fog, so no walk for me. Will do a short elliptical workout. Have some more school work to attend to and perhaps we''ll go to a movie and out to dinner depending on how I feel.

Kim, I wish I could find the link to the research article I read recently about the medicinal ''effects'' of honey (wound healing actually)--I really love it and use it when I need a sweetener in my drinks. (I make hot lemondae with fresh lemons and ginger for health and honey to taste....). And I love it on toast....... Hope you get better soon, you seem to have had a rough go of cold related issues this winter--do you take a fish oil supplement? I take Wild Salmon Oil (18% EPA and 12% DHA) daily, and ''believe'' it helps my immunity

I am 5 week post-op and getting better, thank you. No exercise only light activities, so I am envious of you exercisers!!

I read that too about honey
; in fact lots of people here swear by the stuff. I also heard it helps w/allergies

Hope you feel better soon, Sharon and Kimi. I also take fish oil daily along w/my multivitamin and glucosomine (sp?)


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 3/30/2008 11:52:33 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/30/2008 11:35:35 AM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 3/30/2008 11:24:22 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Marcy, Marcy, Marcy!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, you are just so amazing, and you are absolutely GLOWING in the most recent shots. I wish I could hug you! I never noticed the shoes before you mentioned it, it must have been someone else who caught onto that. How''s your sister doing?

Dee, you can be my sick twin. I am a big tea drinker (I don''t like coffee much), I had three cups yesterday with soy milk, but no honey. Perhaps I should add it in.

Sharon, take good care of yourself. How are you feeling after surgery? It''s been a few weeks now, if memory serves (please forgive me if I''m totally wrong, my brain is on overload).

It''s an icky day here in SD, rained last night and lots of fog, so no walk for me. Will do a short elliptical workout. Have some more school work to attend to and perhaps we''ll go to a movie and out to dinner depending on how I feel.

Kim, I wish I could find the link to the research article I read recently about the medicinal ''effects'' of honey (wound healing actually)--I really love it and use it when I need a sweetener in my drinks. (I make hot lemondae with fresh lemons and ginger for health and honey to taste....). And I love it on toast....... Hope you get better soon, you seem to have had a rough go of cold related issues this winter--do you take a fish oil supplement? I take Wild Salmon Oil (18% EPA and 12% DHA) daily, and ''believe'' it helps my immunity

I am 5 week post-op and getting better, thank you. No exercise only light activities, so I am envious of you exercisers!!

I read that too about honey
; in fact lots of people here swear by the stuff. I also heard it helps w/allergies

Hope you feel better soon, Sharon and Kimi. I also take fish oil daily along w/my multivitamin and glucosomine (sp?)
HI Miss Skippy:

Do you think the Glucosamine has been helping your knee? MY DH swears by it......



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/30/2008 11:56:30 AM
Author: canuk-gal
HI Miss Skippy:

Do you think the Glucosamine has been helping your knee? MY DH swears by it......

Miss Sharon, I do think it helps a bit more than not taking it which is good, but I can't go on my super long walks like I use to or my knee starts to hurt ( I can only do about 3 or 4 miles). Did you ever get your MRI?? How is your knee?


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 3/30/2008 12:01:38 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/30/2008 11:56:30 AM
Author: canuk-gal
HI Miss Skippy:

Do you think the Glucosamine has been helping your knee? MY DH swears by it......

Miss Sharon, I do think it helps a bit more than not taking it which is good, but I can''t go on my super long walks like I use to or my knee starts to hurt ( I can only do about 3 or 4 miles). Did you ever get your MRI?? How is your knee?

With no exercise my knee is fine!! But even when I was swimming before my surgery, I didn''t suffer as much as when I did the regular ground punding stuff. I find the water running much easier and just as fulfilling as the treadmill or bike. Do you ever think of swimming/water walking? The resistence is great for muscle strengthening.



Jun 15, 2006
No, I don''t take fish oil, my grandfather swore by it, though. I also don''t eat seafood, with a few exceptions, and I know it''s so good for us. I did put honey in my tea this morning, though, and I''m making a second cup that I''ll put honey in as well!

As for being jealous of "us" exercisers, I haven''t had much time for that lately. I''m lucky to get in two or three days a week, not including the walks I do when I participate in running club with my students a few days a week. In 7 weeks I''ll be back to my normal life and get to return to my exercise routine.

I''m glad you''re healing and have found alternate forms of exercise (swimming), to keep you feeling healthy.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday! We woke up to snow on the ground. The wind isn’t blowing for a change so the snow is actually even instead of in drifts. I made pancakes for BF today. I had one with some lite cool whip and strawberries. Very tasty. I am going to clean house today and work on laundry.
Mara, thanks for the compliment and encouragement to send in my pictures to People magazine. That would be fun to see myself in a magazine. Glad you had fun at the crab fest and zumba.
Lorelei, thanks for the many congratulations and I agree I think the treadmill is making a big difference.
Bee, you had a short night but glad you danced the evening away. How fun. That’s awesome the wedding was amazing. Thank you for the kind words about me.
Dee, it would be hard for something at work to ruin my parade right now. Thanks for doing more happy dances for me. I hope you feel better soon.
Shortblonde, thanks and how nice of you to say I am an inspiration. Glad you had a great workout at your class.
Sharon, thank you and I appreciate your suggestion about getting my story out there. I would really like to let other people know they can do this too. I am glad to hear you are feeling better.
Kimi, thank you so much, I admit I have a hard time not smiling right now. I thought it was you who commented the only thing I had in common in old pictures was my shoes. Anyway, I just had to wear different shoes for my photo yesterday. Sorry to hear it’s not nice enough for a walk today; I do hope you feel up to going to the movies today. It’s always a nice break.
Ladypirate, thanks, I appreciate it. Your chicken chili sounds good.
Well, I’m off to clean bathrooms. Rats. Maybe I’ll use my IPOD – it’ll be more entertaining that way. Of course that will just tempt my DH to try and scare me which he’ll easily succeed at doing.
Have a great day.


Nov 29, 2004
DH and I walked for 50 minutes in the neighborhood (2.5-3 miles not sure), we would have gone for 60 but it started raining.

MARCY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! You look look great, and I see a sexy hour glass figure starting to develop. Your face looks so much younger, maybe its the glow from that giant smile of yours.


Feb 27, 2007
Appletini, glad you guys had a great walk today. Thank you so much for the nice compliment.


May 14, 2006
Morning all.....I mean this evening
After a marathon sleeping session, I''m not sure if I''ll be able to sleep the night!! So no exercise for me today and my eating has only been so so. I had a big Irish fry this morning, it cures everything!! Just about to have a youghurt and tea and that''s about as far as my eating has gone today. Back on the bandwagon tomorrow.

Lorelei-yep, there was no way I could serve that woman. I''m sure her new puppy is an absolute dote, but her other beautiful baby should not have been put to sleep!

Deelight-yep, Irish weddings are great until you get no sleep the next day!
The sing-song in the bar was still going on when we left in the early am! Next week will definitely be better!!

Marcy-I love snow! I wish we would get some decent white snow instead of slush! You really do look amazing though!

Well I''m off to get tea. Hope you all have a great Sunday evening!!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I went to REI to get some shoes and they are super comfy, they are Keens sandals. Also I ran to the grocery store to get some chicken for grilling tonight on the barbecue. For lunch I had a sandwich on double fiber bread and turkey. I saw this recipe before lunch and made it; it is super yummy and it is from hungry girl.

HG's Sweet 'n Sassy Slaw
PER SERVING (1/4th of recipe): 60 calories, 1.5g fat, 415mg sodium, 10g carbs, 3g fiber, 6g sugars, 2g protein

One 12-ounce package broccoli cole slaw mix
1/2 cup Newman's Own Lighten Up Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing

Just toss the slaw and dressing together, and then give the two some alone time in the fridge. (The longer this stuff marinates, the better it'll taste!) Enjoy!


Linky from here

Sharon, I hear ya; everything you say hits home for me on the knee. I will try more biking, good idea! I hope you heal soon and feel better soon from your surgery; it is good to see you.

Marcy, great pics!!! You are doing awesome!

Bee, sweet dreams and glad you had fun!

Kimi, have a great trip and enjoy the pool you lukcy duck!!!

Rod, hope you have a wonderful day and glad you made it to sushi yesterday!!

Mara, yay for zumba and being sore. Yay Apple!

Everyone else have a great evening


Mar 26, 2006
Hey kids--Just checking in! Due to a small quirk of stupidity (
) I have a few free hours here on a Sunday afternoon so I thought I''d see what everyone was up to. Look all this working out going on!

Thanks to a miserable migraine these past few days I''ve actually droppped a couple of pounds (even food makes my head hurt, LOL!), but sadly there have been no trips to the gym...

Mara, I had a dream about CUPCAKES two nights ago and I hold you fully responsible!

BTW, I just started a thread in Hangout asking for creative suggestions on naming a company so if anyone has any good ideas feel free to chime in!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Well I got the bathrooms cleaned and cooked us a nice homemade dinner. DH has a friend over playing Rainbox 6 Vegas on the PS3 so I didn’t dust and vacuum. I am starving so I think I’ll have a PB sandwich in awhile. I bought some of the SL 45 calorie wheat bread and want to give it a try. These guys probably aren’t hungry because they are having too much fun with their game.
Bee, glad you caught up on your sleep. What is a big Irish fry? The snow is really pretty today but will probably melt in a day or 2. This time of year it doesn’t stay for weeks to months like in October to February.
Skippy, I was looking at Merrill and Keen sandals yesterday but didn’t buy anything yet. I still have a few months to decide on what I want.
Dee, good to hear from you.
Take care everyone and have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Sunday Evening All.........

We had a lovely day. The weather is just so unbelievable this time of year. We had our fruit, scone and coffee on the terrace and read the paper and watched cruise ships and sailboats and jetskis, etc on the bay. It was just the perferct lounge around morning. Then we headed out for a quick lunch at Panera, followed of course by coffee under the oak. It was just too beautiful to coupe ourselves up in the gym, so we went grocery shopping and I bought jumbo lump crab meat and fresh silver queen corn, and came home and hooked up with our next door neighbor and we went for a fast paced 4 mile walk on the waterfront sidewalk we live on. It was just so glorious to be outside. We'll go to the gym tomorrow instead. It's funny how moving one day from our gym schedule throws our weekly workouts off. We usually go Saturday/Sunday, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday with Friday and Monday off. So, we were thinking since we didn't go today, we'd go tomorrow and take Tuesday off instead of Monday, but that would mean only 4 gym days for the week, not 5, so we'll just miss an extra day this week, then return to our normal 5 gym days a week next week. Dinner was fantastic. The crabcakes were great and the corn was just so sweet and crackly. To make our day extra special, we went down to the pool and spa level of our condo and sat in the spa as the sun set, which was just perfect.

OH MARCY!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY!!!!!! You are so beatiful and beaming and it's hard to believe you once weighed 150 pounds more than you do today. We're all so proud of you girl!!
Too bad you don't live here in Tampa. Every Sunday our paper has a 4 You section, which is all about health and fitness. And every week there's a story about someone who lost a lot of weight (though none quite as much as you), with before pics and after pics and a special story about why and how they lost the weight. Your story would perfect for this weekly supplement.

Thanks Lorelei, I'll be looking forward to those carrot cake cup cakes for sure!!!!

bee*, I couldn't have faced that woman either. I would have wanted to slap her silly.......

Deelight, we all have our days and this is a great place to vent our frustrations. Lord knows I've been the King of Pity Party Central the last few months. I hope your week coming up is better for you. I'm with you, winning the lotto would sure solve a lot of our current problems!!

SB, the African dance class sounded like fun. If you're sore, then you worked some muscles for sure!! Hope you enjoyed your walk.

Still snowing Sharon???? Sorry, as you know, Rod does not do snow. I'm glad you're getting better and your appetite is back! I certainly take fish oil supplements daily. I take all sorts of vitamins and supplements. Maybe it's just a mental boost, but I do think they help.

Sorry the day was icky in SD Kimberly........

Hope you enjoyed your wallk with you mom LP!

Skippy, I'm glad to see you still are taking your Glucosamine. It's one of the supplements I take and I truly believe it has helped my joints a lot. Before I started taking it, my knee's often hurt after an intense elliptical run, now there's never any pain and I do some pretty tough weighted squats too and no pain whatsoever. Keens are the greatest sandals BTW. I have three pairs of them in different colors and wear mine pretty much all the time. Plus they never seem to age. My first pair which is now over 3 years old, still look as good as the day I bought them.

Hey DeeJay, I was thinking of you the other day. I'm glad you're ok, but sorry about the migraines.

I guess that's about it for the day. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend a lot!

Too bad the rain ended your nice walk Appletini. You should have been here today, you could have walked forever in this fabulous weather we're having.


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I am glad you had such a marvelous and perfect day. I think the walk was an awesome thing to do today instead of going to the gym. I picked up some corn on the cob for us too; we’ll have it tomorrow evening with some leftover pasta. Thanks for the very nice compliment about me. My husband had a friend over today to play games on the PS3 and he saw my new pictures. He commented he doesn’t even remember me looking like that. My husband said he’s was thinking the same thing when he saw my old photos and had on my old clothes. That is very neat the local paper features a story on someone who lost weight. Did they do a story on you? I am sure you’d be a great one to feature in one of their stories.


Aug 12, 2005
Marcy, again...I am just so happy for you. You are a shining example of the fact that people CAN change, and succeed, at their personal goals and dreams. You continue to impress and inspire me, as does everyone else who participates on these weekly threads.

Rod, see are another inspiration every week when I read through this thread. Your dinner tonight sounded fab. Even though I went veg over two years ago I don''t think I can ever kick the seafood cravings...corn, OTOH, is something that sticks in Monnie''s braces and isn''t so attractive, ha ha. Plus being midwestern girl I''m not so fond of corn anymore unless it is sweet corn shortly after harvest and I can slice the ears off the cob and eat it that way!! Also, I had the strangest job-search thing ever happen on friday of this past week: I was just goofing off and looking at the craigslist job listings in the panhandle area...I responded to a listing that would be perfect for me and the manager of the retailer called me back less than 5 minutes later. It was an 815 area code (chicagoland) so I picked up the phone thinking maybe they were recruiting in this area as well. Turned out it was a mgr. from the Destin store who had recently relocated to FL, and she recognized my area code and thought that maybe I was actually in the area. She wanted to interview me...long story short, we figured out that she was down there and I was up here! She asked me to keep in touch as they were very interested in meeting with me. I think I will email her again and see if they will at least do a phone interview and possibly fly me down if they''re sincerely interested. With DH being open to relocation at this point, it just may be a possibility that we would be able to move to FL.

Today I met with Dixie for lunch in a nearby suburb at a Corner Bakery, then we did some shopping. Later I visited another friend of mine who just got back from Vegas with her BF and wanted to tell me all about it. No workout, but lots of fun socializing... Tomorrow it is supposed to be almost 60 degrees! But it''s also supposed to rain/storm, so I probably won''t get to take advantage of the warm weather for a walk. I''ll try to do an exerciseTV workout instead, unless I find a break in the rain to get outside.


May 14, 2006
Morning all! Due to the fact that I slept for so long yesterday evening, there was no way I could sleep last night-I hate it when that happens!!

Skippy=that recipe looks good! I''ll have to give it a whirl!

Marcy-hope your husband had fun with his friend! At least it gives you an excuse not to dust!! I''ll find a picture of an irish fry-it''s so so fattening but it cures everything!!

Rod-sounds like you had a fab day! I can just picture the weather that you''re having! I''m very envious!

Monarch=glad you had fun socialising!


May 14, 2006
Found a photo Marcy-a "full Irish", aka, bacon, sausage, egg, tomato, hash browns, white pudding, mushrooms and beans.



Nov 24, 2006
Oh my goodness, that looks good Bee! I love the English breakfast with the toast and beans; that was the best! My friend who is a doctor sent me an article from the Mayo clinic saying the toast and bean breakfast had brain boosting power. Lorelei do you eat beans and toast?

Bee, I am sorry you didn't sleep; that is awful. I hope you sleep well tonight.


Apr 30, 2005
I must have got my dates wrong last week - aaagh - so I will start a new thread tomorrow! Yes Skip, I do eat beans on toast on rare occasion!

Bee, what are the black and pale meatball looking things?

Did more cardio last night!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/31/2008 5:37:44 AM
Author: Lorelei
I must have got my dates wrong last week - aaagh - so I will start a new thread tomorrow! Yes Skip, I do eat beans on toast on rare occasion!

Did more cardio last night!
I didn't notice the dates, okay sounds good I will look for the new thread tomorrow. You lucky, yum! Great job on the cardio!!!! Miss L


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/31/2008 5:41:12 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/31/2008 5:37:44 AM
Author: Lorelei
I must have got my dates wrong last week - aaagh - so I will start a new thread tomorrow! Yes Skip, I do eat beans on toast on rare occasion!

Did more cardio last night!
I didn''t notice the dates. You lucky, yum! Great job on the cardio!!!! Miss L
Thanks Skip! I was feeling guilty after all those CC cuppies, so I did cardio Sat and Sun!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/31/2008 5:42:21 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 3/31/2008 5:41:12 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 3/31/2008 5:37:44 AM
Author: Lorelei
I must have got my dates wrong last week - aaagh - so I will start a new thread tomorrow! Yes Skip, I do eat beans on toast on rare occasion!

Did more cardio last night!
I didn''t notice the dates. You lucky, yum! Great job on the cardio!!!! Miss L
Thanks Skip! I was feeling guilty after all those CC cuppies, so I did cardio Sat and Sun!
hehe I know that guilt. Are you at your goal weight? I think you are so I am sure a few cupcakes aren''t bad.


May 14, 2006
Skippy-I adore beans on toast but I prefer it for lunch than breakfast-actually you''ve give me an idea of lunch today.

Lorelei-I think that they''re black and white pudding. Black pudding is
but the white can be quite nice if it''s done properly.


Oct 4, 2007
Bee dare I ask what white pudding is? Minus the pudding looks like what Aussies eat for a hangover as well :razz:

I personally love baked beans on toasted Vienna bread cut length ways and topped with a little grated cheese and melt it


May 14, 2006
Hi Deelight-I had to look it up as I wasn''t 100% sure-how bad is that!! Anyway here''s what I found

White pudding is made from pork, onion, oatmeal and barley and flavouring

There''s also black pudding which I just can''t eat as it''s basically just blood

It''s definitely the best cure for a hangover!


Oct 4, 2007
Hey Bee :) that sounds okay I would try it if it were on my plate :)

Yeah I was thinking along the lines of black pudding which essentially creeps me out


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/31/2008 7:29:52 AM
Author: bee*
Hi Deelight-I had to look it up as I wasn''t 100% sure-how bad is that!! Anyway here''s what I found

White pudding is made from pork, onion, oatmeal and barley and flavouring

There''s also black pudding which I just can''t eat as it''s basically just blood

It''s definitely the best cure for a hangover!


May 14, 2006
Do you guys not eat pudding in the UK?


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/31/2008 8:04:39 AM
Author: bee*
Do you guys not eat pudding in the UK?
I have seen it occasionally, but could never bring myself to try it! That is normal for me, as I am very funny with meat anyway) terrified of bones and gristle...)


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
OMG – I made it in to the 160’s this morning – 169.8 and now I’m minus 151 pounds. I doubt I’ve weighed this little since sometime in the 1980’s. Life is good.
Monnie, I am very excited to hear about your possible job in Florida. You wouldn’t have to shovel snow anymore. Thanks so much for the lovely compliment about me. I truly appreciate it.
Bee, your breakfast looks good and fattening. Yummy. Rats for not sleeping.
Hi Dee. Lorelei and Skippy.
I must go wake up DH and get dressed for work.
Have a great day.
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