
Weekly Workout Thread 23rd July till 29th July

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Hi everyone

I'm off to the gym for a late Sunday workout.

Just started Muay Thai's the #1 sport in Thailand and it's a good addition to my Brazilian Jujitsu workouts.

Martial arts is fun because you never stop learning and it helps your mental memory as well as your physical well being.

I'm a late starter at 50 years old, but you're never too old to punch, kick, and torment an opponent

Have a nice day
Hehehe...that sounds like fun Jeff, have a great time!
jeff i love hearing about your unusual ways of getting the workouts in, the martial arts are way more than the elliptical at the gym i bet!!

speaking of the elliptical, i did my time on it, 45 minutes for 380 cals burned, then did about 15 min of arm weights. went to the market and got some staples, also am trying this 1% portioned ''to-go'' cottage cheese, 80 cals and 11g protein, so i can mix some fruit into it i guess for snacks and see if i like some new pitas, new loaf of the delightful bread, some more 2% cheese etc. now i am enjoying a late lunch of TJ''s onion chive and spicy habanero egg white salads mixed together with a bit of salt and pepper stuffed in 1/2 a pita, and some sweet cherry tomatoes, yummy...they are so fun to just pop into your mouth! and a celsius cola. greg and the boys are off at the race, i can hear the cars zooming around...hope they are having fun and he remembered to put sunscreen on hehee.

later we''ll head to our friends house for the bbq...can''t wait to have some yummy marinated tri tip and a hot dog!!! mmmm. hope everyone is having a productive or relaxing day, whichever you choose. enjoy!
Date: 7/29/2007 2:11:23 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/29/2007 2:00:11 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Good morning ya''ll! No exercise for me today--my quads are barking at me from yesterday''s work out. The groceries I''ll be hauling around today will be enough!

DeeJay--it was my pleasure! But hold off on the jumping jacks for a few more days.......

Lorelei: is it still wet and flooding in your neck of the woods? Because we have a nice dry, and I might add rather warm room for you here.....don''t know where we''d put your four legged munchkin tho...

Has anyone tried those GNC Muscle Milk protein bars?

Sharon - the weather is now * slightly pants* a little bit of sun, a little bit of rain, so not sure what it is going to do next!! I think things are better in the flooded areas of the country now. Thank you so much for the offer of accomodation for us all, I would need the Ark for all my kiddies, I horse, 2 ponies, 9 cats, 4 chickens and a horrible little rabbit! I think that is all....Can we still visit??

Sure LL, the more the merrier (or would it be hairier?)

Makes sense about those protein bars Mara--they do have a considerable amount of fat. They were touted by trainer guy to the stars (J,. Lo et al), and I saw them at GNC, but didn''t want to buy a box. Next time I''ll see if I can just get one--I don''t want 8 of them if they taste like pants!

Didn''t really enjoy my meal out last night--so I''ll BBQ in the heat....


Happy afternoon all,

Skip, I hope you''re feeling better this afternoon.

Mara, thanks for the b-day wishes.

Sharon, I eat protein bars for lunch a lot along with some fruit and a handful of almonds. Luna bars are good and 180 calories and I also like Zone bars which are 220 calories (if memory serves). The definitely arent'' a good snack, but I''m good with that until dinner a lot of days.

J ended up convincing me that birthday''s shouldn''t involve working out, and then my mom called and I got sidetracked so no exercise for me today. But I still got in 5 decent days of exercise this week, so I''m okay with taking the day off.

We went to Nathan''s for lunch at the maul before shopping. I ate a chicky sandwich and some the whole day is going to be a wash as far as food goes, oh well!

DeeJay, sounds like car hunting is going to take a while. The names you and the HH invent for things keeps me in stitches (pun intended).

Hello everyone! Just a quick check in. I got back from NCal late on Tuesday eve, and spent the rest of the week catching up and getting ready for the upcoming week as I''ll be out of the office for all of it
I HATE being gone from home that long, but it just couldn''t be helped. My one comfort is that I''ll be Houston mid-week and plan to visit Whiteflash. YAHOO!!

Anyway, I''ve been getting some sort of activity in since I got home, and plan to do so while I''m out of town. The gym clothes and shoes are packed.

My eating has been VERY good this weekend, even with going out with friends and socializing. We''re having a spanish-themed dinner party this afternoon, so we''ve been in the kitchen a good part of the day. Just made the sangria and the paella will go on the grill shortly.

I''m off to catch up on all the posts- have a great remainder of the weekend!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIMBERLY!! Here''s to a fabulous day.
Kimberly, I feel great! Thanks for asking. I am dying to find out about your watch.
ETA: It is beautiful! I saw it in Hangout.

Lorelei, what is your favorite episode of the Brady Bunch?

Chargergirl good for you taking along your workout clothes.

ETA: Jas, yay for working out and a big hug to you. hehehe You are too cute!
Hello all!

A brief stop in...I''ve been swamped for the last three days, but have been getting in Batliptical workouts! Whoo! Wednesday/Thursday I was so ill, though...yuck. My workout was moving from couch to hammock for a nap.

It looks like I''ll be able to dig out a little tomorrow, so...fresh week, more posting!

Dee Jay -- DH and I love to eat at a lot of places -- Sushi Wabi, Sushi Loop, Pegasus, Perez (which is the best and biggest burrito in the world for only 6 dollars!), Marche, 160 Blue (if you''re up to spending a bazillion GOOD! I''ve only been once for a celebration, though), Flat Top Grill, Third Rail has really good Portabello Burgers (and onion rings to die for), Giordanos...those are our West Loop favs...

We have about 20 go-to places downtown, too. So maybe it''s better to ask what y''all like to eat and work backwards.

Happy Birthday Kimberly!

Hugs to all of you...I''ve been reading and following closely.

Happy Sunday! May the coming week exceed our expectations!

Kimberly H – happy birthday, girl! Enjoy your day!

Monarch64 – I love beagles. I have always had hound dogs. My current dog is a coonhound/basset hound mix. Beagles are super cute…all that personality in a smaller dog.

Skippy – all that dancing sounds like a good workout to me!

Dee*Jay – good luck on that car search. I am contemplating a new car but am really undecided on what to buy as well.

Mara – I have worked with a really good PT over the years and it really can make a huge difference. I went with one who had a military boot camp style and really worked me with free weights and the “hard core” gym equipment a la body builder. He got called up to serve in Iraq for a year and while he was away referred me to someone else who I just never really liked. That trainer wasted my time stretching me afterwards (15 of my 60 minutes) or doing things that I could do myself. State what you want up front and find someone who will do the style of workout you want. Clearly you know how to do ab work and cardio and are clearly motivated enough to do it yourself, so I wouldn’t pay someone to stand there while you do abs and push the cardio machine buttons for you. Get that work in before you train or after the session and spend the 60 minutes doing the hard core stuff with your trainer. My trainer kicked my butt and got me to a point where I only need to hook up with him about 1x every 6-8 weeks for a new workout model. I think you will be very happy with the results.

It’s been a crazy weekend here. My little brother was in a really bad car accident Friday – hit a telephone pole and a house (!) in the rain. Fortunately he was the only person involved and walked away with minor injuries. His girlfriend’s car is a total loss though and I image the repairs to both the pole and house will be expensive. He’s pretty young and just starting out so it sucks b/c this will set him back financially. And on top of it he was driving her car b/c his car died last week and he was looking for a new one. Seems like bad luck always happens that way.

So, my workouts have been a bit scattered and I will just be getting to my weekend long run in a few minutes here. Today starts week 1 of my Fall marathon training. 18 weeks til the Memphis marathon!

Have a great week!
Date: 7/29/2007 7:49:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Kimberly, I feel great! Thanks for asking. I am dying to find out about your watch.
ETA: It is beautiful! I saw it in Hangout.

Lorelei, what is your favorite episode of the Brady Bunch?

Chargergirl good for you taking along your workout clothes.

ETA: Jas, yay for working out and a big hug to you. hehehe You are too cute!
I can''t help but answer this question (sorry Lorelei) because I had a crush on Marcia
(what young boy didn''t??)
It would have to be the "My Nose, My Nose" episode when she got hit with a football.
Date: 7/29/2007 8:08:39 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant

Date: 7/29/2007 7:49:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Kimberly, I feel great! Thanks for asking. I am dying to find out about your watch.
ETA: It is beautiful! I saw it in Hangout.

Lorelei, what is your favorite episode of the Brady Bunch?

Chargergirl good for you taking along your workout clothes.

ETA: Jas, yay for working out and a big hug to you. hehehe You are too cute!
I can't help but answer this question (sorry Lorelei) because I had a crush on Marcia
(what young boy didn't??)
It would have to be the 'My Nose, My Nose' episode when she got hit with a football.
hehe, when I was a kid I always wished to have a Brady Bunch kitchen (when I grew up) in orange.

I use to think Greg was dreamy. hehehe

Tdiddy, how scary about your brother. I hope you and your family are okay; those things can be super scary. I am sorry.
Date: 7/29/2007 8:01:23 PM
Author: jas

Dee Jay -- DH and I love to eat at a lot of places -- Sushi Wabi, Sushi Loop, Pegasus, Perez (which is the best and biggest burrito in the world for only 6 dollars!), Marche, 160 Blue (if you're up to spending a bazillion GOOD! I've only been once for a celebration, though), Flat Top Grill, Third Rail has really good Portabello Burgers (and onion rings to die for), Giordanos...those are our West Loop favs...
jas, thanks for the info! We go to the places on Randolph Street pretty frequently since we're just a few blocks away. And LOL about 160 Blue--we went there last night! Last time we went to 160 before that though the HH peed beside Michael Jordan (who is part owner of the place) so that was quite a thrill for him. I asked the *obvious question* but he apparently wasn't paying attention, if you know what I mean.

We also love Carnivale, which has not only great food but also the best diamond lighting I've ever seen!
The watch is lovely Kimi!! So''s the hand attached to the lovely watch. Even if it''s not the Chopard, I thought you should have. And......."If I Were A Rich Man" (there he goes singing again), Rod would send you that Chopard. Since he''s not, you''ll have to take this electronic hug and kiss (on the cheek, don''t want to make John jealous) instead!!

We had a nice Sunday as usual. Lunch was Panera and they have a new Low Fat veggie/mexican corn soup, which is yummy, so I had a bowl of that and half a Chicken Pomodoro sandwich. I also had chips to have some extra carbs for my workout. Then we hit Starbucks which was very pleasant. We got to the gym around 2 and did our normal heavy duty workout. For dinner, we had salads with fresh hot off the cooker roasted turkey breast. So good. Charlie had to leave right after dinner to catch his flight to Raleigh and I''m waiting for him to call and let me know he got there safely. It will be the first time either of us has been in Raleigh, since we left in April. I imagine it will be a bit odd after living there nearly 5 months.

I took a nice leisurly swim in the pool and then soaked in the hot tub while the sun was setting which was very pleasant. I''m about to watch some TV with the kitties on my lap and have a Fuji Apple.

Yay on 45 minutes and 380 calories burned on the elliptical Mara. Someday, you''ll have to come visit and get on the elliptical next to me. We''ll push you hard!! HaHa.

Good to see your still working out with Martial Arts Jeff. That can be really challenging for sure!!

Sharon, I''ve never had a Muscle Milk protein bar, but I am big fan of Muscle Milk as my protein when I have a protein shake after a workout. Personally, I don''t typically do protein bars too often. Not because of the fat or calories, but they give me indigestion big time.

I surely didn''t live in a Brady Bunch house, but like everyone else, I really wanted to. I thought their house was just the most beautiful house on the planet and that organge kitchen, WOW!! I loved the open staircase. I thought that was just incredible. I was more a Bewitched guy though. I thought it would have been so cool to have a witch for a wife. All she had to do was twitch her nose and poof, you''d be in Paris having dinner. Darren, her husband was a total boob. LOL

Hope you''re all having a nice Sunday evening!
Good evening to everyone.

Lorelei, I am glad the Sun is shining some for you. We had another hard rain this afternoon. We need moisture around here but there are little lakes all over town.
Have fun at your workout, Jeff. It is fun to torment your opponent (or whoever else is handy). Ha Ha. I like to tease people.

Mara, have fun at the bbq tonight. It sounds like you had a great workout today.
Sharon, enjoy your BBQ too.
Kimberly, I am glad you are taking it easy on your b-day. You certainly deserve it. Chicky sandwiches are my favorite.
ChargerGirl, have fun visiting WF. I would go crazy looking at everything.
Jas, sorry you were sick this week. LOL about your exercise was moving from the couch to the hammock.
Tdiddy, I am relieved to hear your brother walked away from his horrible accident with only scratches. That is really awful that he had such a bad accident.
Rod, it sounds like you have the kitties to keep you company while Charlie is gone. My hubby is going to be gone Wed thru Fri and we don’t have any pets. I’m allergic but I love kitties.
Hi DeeJay and Skippy.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Tomorrow the week starts again.
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