
Weekly Workout Thread 18th Dec till 24th Dec

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Mar 26, 2006
Happy holidays everyone!

My plan was to go to the gym today for an hour but I have done something to my back. Hopefully I just slept wrong and it will be fine by tomorrow, but sitting on the floor opening Christmas presents was very uncomfortable. Ug.

And next week I'll keep up the eating healthy and working out (with the exception of a few extravagent dinners, I'm sure!) and by the first week in January I'll be at it hard core. I really look forward to being thin again!!!

Hope everyone has a merry merry day, and Rod I hope that Sakai decides to enjoy a little extra Christmas dinner to keep her improvement rolling right along!

Ho Ho Ho !!!


Oct 30, 2002
happy holidays wwt'ers!!!

well i'm feeling pretty tubby too lol...but at least i hit up the gym yesterday and did a little extra, burning 700 cals total, so i at least feel a little less rolly polly than could be going on...hehee. last nite we had a big gorgefest at my parents complete with a huge piece of fresh banana cream pie with graham cracker crust, seriously mouth watering. today we are going to my parents again for lunch and i'm making a fresh batch of mashed potatoes and taking over some fresh salad. i made the carrots that i loved for last nite and they were a huge hit so we'll have some more of those today. so at least i am feeling pretty good knowing that i am tempering some of the serious holiday craziness food with some healthy veggies and salad and not quite so bad for you mashed potatoes (i use more chicken stock and lowfat sour cream for flavor than relying entirely on butter though there is some of that in there too of course!). but that banana cream pie is calling me again!!! haha. and i'll be back at the gym tomorrow so i'm not worried!

hopefully we can go for a long walk later today after lunch....anyway HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone and have a wonderful day with your friends, family, loved ones and yummy food!!!! we are all very blessed.


Dec 28, 2005
Merry Ho Ho Everyone,

Like many of you, I too feel like a tub of fat. But, we''ve had a really nice Christmas day. We opened gifts this morning and mostly everything fit. We only have a few items to exchange. Charlie''s going to take the day off and do exchanges tomorrow. We went to some good friends house for Christmas dinner. They''re Italian and man was there ever food. We started with all types of appetizers, then the main meal started with two different kinds of lasagna, then chicken parmesan, ham, meatballs, eggplant parmesan (fabulous), caseroles (one of which was a fantastic cubed squash dish that was sort of yam like), and a few different salads. Then for desert there was cheesecake, ice-cream cake, chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting, and platters of homemade cookies. Of course we wanted to be good guests, so we ate a little of everything and I was reminded of the fat Rod who would have eaten like this all the time. I''m so glad I don''t eat like this anymore. I kept remembering Jeff''s holiday eating rule but just couldn''t bring myseslf to be TOO indulgent. We were sent home with bags of food, much of which we will likely give away, but it was a really nice day and full of love.

I''m working tomorrow, so it''s back to my normal routine. I''ll have a nice healthy salad for lunch and then go to the gym immediately after work.

Thanks for the all good wishes for Sakai. We will find out the results of her blood work tomorrow and we keep our fingers crossed that there''s nothing to worry about. She is doing really well today. She''s eating and drinking just like a healthy cat should.

I hope everyone has had a very special holiday with either family or friends.

Your friend,

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
My holiday eating rule will be abbreviated by one day. I''m getting back to normal on Tuesday instead
of Wednesday. Like Rod, I just can''t eat like this. It''s all about mind set and sticking with a healthy plan.
It''s easy to feel lousy now when we stray from our normal healthy eating habits. That''s a good thing, right??

For those who still aren''t "in an exercise groove" or "healthy eating plan" have until the 31st..then start
the new year off right. No excuses...just results! You know you CAN do it. You know you WANT to do it.
So what''s stopping you? It''s an old tired cliche but "JUST DO IT"

KEEP ON TRACKin and happy holidays.


Oct 30, 2002
hahaa Jeff I know how you feel!!!

i actually love pigging out sometimes, but man yesterday and today have just destroyed me!! my body is really out of wack because of the change in my eating habits.

as of right now i am heating up a small appetizer sized dish of 1/2 tamale, some carrots, some rice, a bit of mashed potatoes and a ukranian sweet bun with meat inside and that's my 'dinner'. we ate at about 2pm then we had dessert at like 4pm (banana cream pie slice, tiny slice of yule log, 2 small cookies and coffee!!) and i was just so insanely STUFFED after that. it's 9:30 here and i am not even really hungry but i know i need to eat before we go to bed. also i have one more small slice of yule log i brought from my mom's that we'll share. also if i eat this meal and then have one more tomorrow i will be so mentally DONE with eating this food that i will be DYING to go back to my regular ole bran meals by tomorrow night, so that's perfect timing. i do plan to make my light turkey lasagna for us tomorrow that will last us wed and thurs too for healthy dinners which is a great way for us to get back on track.

i'm hitting up the gym tomorrow, i cannot WAIT to get back there. i keep thinking about it! tomorrow is just a relaxation day so other than the gym there is not much going on. i am not worried about gaining weight in a day and a half of eating or anything like that, just mentally i need to get back into my groove where i feel good about what i'm eating and know i'm eating the 'right' things for my body. doing the holiday gorge-fest is fun for about 24 hours.

anyway, it feels good to know that i'm not missing much by not eating like this on a daily basis, except the stomach pains of overeating and also the grumbling body parts of unhappy digestive systems.
hope everyone had a great day, ate some fab food...and made some great memories with your loved ones.
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