
Weekly Workout Thread 18th Dec till 24th Dec

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week to all

Often as I do my workouts, I think back over the years to how I actually came to be in this great place of being able to control and care for my body and shape. It has been a difficult process at times and one which has brought me much heartache, but eventually wisdom came, and now I have the key to be able to stay slim and healthy forever now. Expecting perfection was a major cause of my previous failures and brought me many feelings of guilt. Once I stopped expecting and aiming for perfection, success came. In other words, getting back to last weeks thoughts of ' blowing it,' if I ate a cream cake it didn't mean my eating plan was shot, just a sign that I was human. I could use this slip as a tool to learn how to avoid the cakes next time, or even accept the fact that I enjoyed the cake and could work out a bit harder to compensate! It really is true, that success can stem from a positive attitude and feelings of guilt rarely are helpful.

Which brings us back to the Holiday season we are just starting
Us WWTers are pretty well prepared as to how we are going to eat, drink and be merry and also try to keep up our workouts, but for those who may be struggling with thoughts of how to cope with the huge amounts of fattening food available this time of year and may be worried about it - I say try not to worry
There are various ways of managing, you can fill up with lower calorie foods such as more turkey, pickles, veggies, some starches, but watch the fats and hidden fats in gravies, cream sauces etc, this way you won't be as hungry or feel as deprived and you can still have some chips and chocolates, piece of pie - whatever is your indulgence! Also keep up the water consumption, not only will it help to keep you feeling full, but will help digestion and dehydration if the odd drop of eggnog is consumed
Also keep the bigger picture in mind - the Holidays come once a year, it is a time to be with family and friends and with that comes sharing food. So you can indulge as you wish, it really won't make much difference in the end to your eating and exercise plan, as long as you get back to your routines after the Holidays and workouts.

So my plan for this week is to keep up the workouts and usual eating, we don't have any visiting to do or parties, so I can confine my Holiday eating to the main three days beginning Sunday, Xmas day and the day after. Then I plan to try to get back to normal eating, this shouldn't be a problem for me as I get sickened by all the food quite quickly!

So have a great week all, work hard, but don't forget to play hard too - IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Rod - I just wanted to say, hang in there with Sakai, it might take her a little while to become interested in actually eating for herself again, it is so frustrating when a timeframe of when they might respond isn't known or given, but let us know what your vet says and keep us posted. I am still sending out prayers for you all, I so feel for you, I know how hard this is, but hopefully she will start to eat and perk up soon.


Aug 3, 2006
Dee Jay, I''ve done bikram yoga and yes, it will help you lose weight. You burn alot of calories. It''s actually exhausting if you really push yourself, but it''s refreshing in a way too, b/c you''re sweating and drinking so much water so it works sort of as a detox. So yeah, it''s not just stretching, it''s that and aerobic and muscle-building

sevens one

Apr 14, 2004
Date: 12/18/2006 5:06:46 AM
Happy new week to all

Often as I do my workouts, I think back over the years to how I actually came to be in this great place of being able to control and care for my body and shape. It has been a difficult process at times and one which has brought me much heartache, but eventually wisdom came, and now I have the key to be able to stay slim and healthy forever now. Expecting perfection was a major cause of my previous failures and brought me many feelings of guilt. Once I stopped expecting and aiming for perfection, success came. In other words, getting back to last weeks thoughts of '' blowing it,'' if I ate a cream cake it didn''t mean my eating plan was shot, just a sign that I was human. I could use this slip as a tool to learn how to avoid the cakes next time, or even accept the fact that I enjoyed the cake and could work out a bit harder to compensate! It really is true, that success can stem from a positive attitude and feelings of guilt rarely are helpful.

Which brings us back to the Holiday season we are just starting
Us WWTers are pretty well prepared as to how we are going to eat, drink and be merry and also try to keep up our workouts, but for those who may be struggling with thoughts of how to cope with the huge amounts of fattening food available this time of year and may be worried about it - I say try not to worry
There are various ways of managing, you can fill up with lower calorie foods such as more turkey, pickles, veggies, some starches, but watch the fats and hidden fats in gravies, cream sauces etc, this way you won''t be as hungry or feel as deprived and you can still have some chips and chocolates, piece of pie - whatever is your indulgence! Also keep up the water consumption, not only will it help to keep you feeling full, but will help digestion and dehydration if the odd drop of eggnog is consumed
Also keep the bigger picture in mind - the Holidays come once a year, it is a time to be with family and friends and with that comes sharing food. So you can indulge as you wish, it really won''t make much difference in the end to your eating and exercise plan, as long as you get back to your routines after the Holidays and workouts.

So my plan for this week is to keep up the workouts and usual eating, we don''t have any visiting to do or parties, so I can confine my Holiday eating to the main three days beginning Sunday, Xmas day and the day after. Then I plan to try to get back to normal eating, this shouldn''t be a problem for me as I get sickened by all the food quite quickly!

So have a great week all, work hard, but don''t forget to play hard too - IT''S NEARLY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Rod - I just wanted to say, hang in there with Sakai, it might take her a little while to become interested in actually eating for herself again, it is so frustrating when a timeframe of when they might respond isn''t known or given, but let us know what your vet says and keep us posted. I am still sending out prayers for you all, I so feel for you, I know how hard this is, but hopefully she will start to eat and perk up soon.

I like to read these threads when I have time but this one made me want to chime right in.

I must say



Your entries are so uplifting without being preachy! Your tips are always easy to follow and

So from someone who benefits without participating I just wanted to say a huge
Your post today as always was a winner!

(and the tip about aiming and expecting perfection- was spot on sista!)



Mar 26, 2006
I''m happy to report that my knee doesn''t hurt this morning, even when I go down stairs, which is always the test for me. It didn''t hurt at all while I was on the eliptical machine yesterday (I kept the tension at only 5 becuase I didn''t want to push it) but after my nap yesterday afternoon it was quite sore so I did''t know what to expect today. I did take two Aleve so maybe that helped a bit too.

Last night we went to dinner with friends. Lot''s of bad things--not eveng going to report on the food!

Should I try to work out again today? If so I imagine I should do something different like the stationary bike and not the eliptical again, right?

Thanks nejarb for the info on Bikram. We have so many holiday events over the next two weeks that I don''t know when we''ll be able to get in for our first class but I am looking forward to it.

Hello Lorelei -- happy new week to you!

And Rod, I''m sorry to hear that your kitty isn''t responding to food yet. But give her a little more time and see if she comes around. Sometimes when The Demon is sick and the vet gives us a time frame I get anxious when he doesn''t respond in that time frame, but it just sometimes takes a little longer. Big hugs outgoing to all of you.


Apr 30, 2005
Sevens, that is a wonderful compliment coming from someone like you!!
Thank you so much for saying that my thoughts are helpful, it is so good to know that they do help people that maybe don''t have time to participate, but like to follow the threads. It took me a long time to finally get it figured out how to maintain a healthy weight and still be able to enjoy life, if I can spare other people some of the misery of what I have been through with this over the years, then that makes me really happy! Weight maintenance isn''t about perfection, but the ability to forgive yourself the slip ups and make the right choice to find a realistic plan you can stick too and begin again with it if you tumble. I wasted so much time before I realised this...


Mar 14, 2006
Date: 12/18/2006 10:03:14 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sevens, that is a wonderful compliment coming from someone like you!!
Thank you so much for saying that my thoughts are helpful, it is so good to know that they do help people that maybe don''t have time to participate, but like to follow the threads. It took me a long time to finally get it figured out how to maintain a healthy weight and still be able to enjoy life, if I can spare other people some of the misery of what I have been through with this over the years, then that makes me really happy! Weight maintenance isn''t about perfection, but the ability to forgive yourself the slip ups and make the right choice to find a realistic plan you can stick too and begin again with it if you tumble. I wasted so much time before I realised this...
Lorelei -

I have to agree with Sevens...your weekly "starter" posts really get me motivated, and really puts things in perspective. You and the post are HIGHLY appreciated!
Thanks so much for taking the time and energy to get us WWTers up and at ''em!

I''ve been MIA with my schedule this past week but I have been getting to the gym. I ran 4 times last week and ran again this morning. I have one more exam so I''m hoping after today I''ll get back on a very regular work out schedule. I''ll take Lorelei''s tips and let myself splurge a little bit during the holidays (we''ll be in GA and there will definitely be some yummy soul food to consume)...but I won''t freak out about every pound.

Looks like everyone is doing well!

Rod-I am sending prayers to you and your family. You just have to keep the hope. I think animals can read their humans very well so you have to show her that you still believe and you know she''ll keep on fighting!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

I am back home and now need to buckle down both food and workout wise, but first comes a day dedicated to school.

Last night I was craving fresh, light food so DH made us lemon chicken, long grain rice and a big salad for dinner. YUM!

I have a paper due today that I haven''t even started so working out will be on the backburner unless this paper gets done quickly.

I didn''t gain any weight in Chicago, probably because all of the walking balanced out the food and while I ate bad for me foods, I did so in moderation.

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week.

Rod, I''m still thinking about you, Charlie and your sweet kitty.


Feb 10, 2006
As someone who is still in that struggling mode, Lorelei, I definitely appreciate your posts. I take every bit I can to help me stay on track and not get too down. Lately, I haven''t been feeling too great about myself since I keep going back and forth. I do good for awhile, something happens to get me off track, then it takes quite awhile to get back on track. Consistency is certainly an area I am constantly working on!

But today, I am feeling good about things. Last week, no workouts b/c I''m unsure of the pain in my leg. If it''s related to prior back pain or what it is! But this week I''m going to go ahead and work out anyway, just not do the gym class which I know is what started this pain again (even though I really like that class). I''m thinking about starting swimming once /wk again. I used to love it and now am so lazy to get to the pool at night, all wet in the cold.. blah! But I''m attempting to re-think my routine and change it up a bit. Get back on track w/workouts and eating right!

So happy Monday to everyone!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks guys for your very kind compliments, I appreciate them more than you know!!

Dixie - I hear you about staying on track, sometimes it is just so hard when life intrudes and demolishes all your good work and intentions.
What helped me was to again see the bigger picture. You have made a commitment now to take care of yourself and workout for the rest of your life, just try to focus on one manageable thing towards your health goals to keep yourself going - such as drinking your 2 litres of water daily, or fitting in a 10 minute walk, even a few minutes spend on stretching exercises - just something. This gives you a feeling of control back, things may not be perfect, but you still have a handle on taking care of yourself and know you will do more when you are able. Remember it is the LONG TERM that matters. I was reading in a fitness mag recently about when life gets in the way of your workouts, it said that 20 mins twice a week or something similar was enough to maintain current fitness level over a couple of months, enough time to sort out whatever is going on in your life, so you can get back to it. So don't forget all the great things you have accomplished already and the gains you have made, just set about maintaining them until you are able to get back to speed again! Also if you aren't feeling as good as you could be figurewise, again think about all the benefits you can't see such as I mentioned before such as lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure etc. Just take it easy with the leg and if it hurts while exercising STOP!!!


Jun 27, 2006
Well, I''m pretty frustrated.

I''ve gained 6 lbs since the start of December!! Argh. I''ve been eating very healthy, with only a few "splurges", and working out at least 3 times per week. We''ve been cooking at home, usually some fish on the grill pan with a vegetable and a small helping of brown rice, and fruit for dessert. When we visited my fiance''s parents, we went to 2 Chinese restaurants and I was forced to eat a lot to avoid the awkward conversation. And one meal this weekend to a fancy restaurant where I ordered dessert and had 2 glasses of wine because it was our anniversary/Christmas party dinner. But otherwise I feel like everything I''ve been eating has been healthy! I guess I''m just eating too much

I guess in January after my fiance leaves, I''ll be back to my old habits of diet pizzas, etc. You would think there could be a happy medium between healthy and chubby, and unhealthy and thin, though.


Oct 30, 2002
Lorelei your posts are always so spot on!!! I love how each week you start off with something really inspiring, and it''s so true everything you say. I have definitely learned it too...and I think much of it is due to just finally being mature enough to accept that nothing about me is ''perfect'' and that we all have flaws and that I can only do the best that I can to be the ''better'' ME rather than wishing I could look like someone else.

In Vegas we actually just saw Greg''s sister, who last time she was here was about 10 lbs lighter most likely than she is now. She has a busy work schedule, slacked on working out and and eating well and now she''s unhappy with herself. She was ecstatic at how wonderful I have been doing (and done better since she last saw me) and kept saying she wanted to get back into it and this and that. When we got back and I found some time I wrote her and just said, hey I know you are working on this, if you ever need anything, let me know! I know how hard it is obviously to keep it up and to really get to where you want to be but you can do it, and while people may be telling you that you look fine ... I can TOTALLY relate to knowing inside that you can be a ''better'' you and that you want to reach that goal. That is totally where I was. People keep telling me...well you didn''t really need to lose weight or you looked fine before. But that''s not what I wanted for myself...I knew that I could strive to reach a goal and become a ''better'' me and I didn''t feel happy with looking ''fine''. I wanted to be BETTER. And it was within my reach. It was ALL ME.

Anyway, at the gym I have been reading Shape and Self while on the elliptical and I find it passes the time faster and I like reading about working out and eating healthily while at the''s kind of like a ''hand in hand'' thing. hehe. So I have seen a few really cool recipes I''d like to try and a bunch of random factoids. But in the mags they also have a bunch of tips and motivational things. One of them was similar to what you said today Lorelei which is...if you fall off the wagon or have a splurge, GET RIGHT BACK ON. Don''t think ''oh well I just had 10 cookies yesterday so today I''m going to eat 3 slices of pie''. If you have to, eat the 10 cookies. And hit up the gym for an extra 15 minutes the next day but get right back to your healthy lifestyle living ASAP. Don''t take it as an opportunity to be all wild and crazy for 5 days. I think part of that speaks to deprivation of your FAVORITE things too. If you deprive yourself continuously, you will eventually snap and want to eat 10 cookies! I do it sometimes myself...and then I''m like JEESH i coulda just had 1 cookie for 5 days rather than just scarfing down 5 at once.

Another tip in reading the Katherine McPhee article about bulemia and how she got better...she said in the eating disorded clinic that if you have a particular love of something, in her case, snickers bars, they make you eat them EVERY DAY while you are in there. She was like yeah that gets old really fast and now she doesn''t even crave them. I thought that was an interesting way to go about it. Of course, MODERATION. But yeah if you have a craving for something, it just reinforces that moderation and small portions thing but eat it!!! And don''t feel guilty about it. Don''t eat like 5 candy bars. But one small one won''t make you gain a pound.

Lastly, the other factoid I read recently that I thought was really interesting, I mean who knows if it''s valid but here it is. It said that research lately has shown that eating 500mg a day of Vit C actually increases your body''s fat burn up to 30%. It didn''t really have more than that, but I thought HMM that''s interesting. And couldn''t we all use more fat burn? and Vit C really especially right now with all the germs and winter colds going around. hehehe. So I''m going to start taking a vit C pill a day and see if it does anything. I will report back.

That''s it for me this morning. I am debating on working out tonite as I am trying to keep it scaled to ~4 days a week burning about 500 cals each time for at total of 2k a week (vs when I was doing more like 2500-2800 a week and losing weight, now I just want to maintain).... and I am going Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun of this week but if I go tonite then I won''t have to go on Sat or Sun which MIGHT work out because who knows how busy I will be around the holiday and I''d rather get in a workout tonite for sure than have to skip one on the weekend and be bummed. So I will probably go tonite and do the elliptical for an hour.

Anyhow, hope everyone has a wonderful day. I have to say that the last week I have really gotten some positive accolades about my new physique. Last nite we had a christmas party for our best group of friends (10 of them including SO''s) and some of them haven''t seen me in a few months...or saw me when I''d lost maybe 5 lbs but not since then. One of my friends who hadn''t seen me in 6 months was asking my other friend what I was doing (to look like this I suppose) and my girlfriend filled her in on my whole thing. It felt good to have people want to know what was working for me...I feel like I''ve finally reached my mental success and now I hope that anyone else around me can do the same if they want to. It''s definitely doable...if I can do it...I used to hate working out at the gym and I am one of the biggest foodies EVER. I love to eat and I love to eat really good food. Now I even love cooking lighter for us at home as long as it tastes good and I''m at the gym 4x a week and I look fwd to going (mostly). hehee. Stick with it everyone!!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks too Mara for your very kind words! Also I must return the compliment, you were a huge source of inspiration for me starting to work out in the first place! I thought to myself if you can find the time being as busy as you are, then there is no reason why I can''t find the time! Now I look forward to my workout sessions, I always feel so much better for them, not only physically but mentally, they are such a good stress reliever and for someone like me who worries about EVERYTHING, that is a really great side effect!


Jul 26, 2004
Hurray for a new week!
My last week was just so stinky, I''m ready to start fresh this beautiful Monday!

Rod, still thinking about you, Charlie, and your sweet kitty. Having lived with and loved so many animals (small and big) I know how much these trying times can really wear you down, so while you are nursing your kitty back to health, remember to be good to yourselves.

Today my knee is feeling better, it''s not swollen at all, and feels like it bends normally. I will take it easy again today and avoid running. I''ll opt for the elliptical trainer instead. I''m loving watching the video ipod, it really makes the time go faster, and I can pump it up much more than when I''m reading a magazine. Plus I can get my guilty pleasures out. Fun!

I''ve taken a break on major leg work outs, and would like to slowly reincorportate some lunges into my work out today, feeling a little dumpy and bloated from my bad week.

Just typing this is a reminder that I need to refill my water bottle up.

Mara, I wonder if I can get vitamin C from the lemon juice that I have to add to my water (I HATE the taste of water and always add a significant squeeze of lemon.) I''ll have to find out. I had to laugh at imagining myself eating a snickers a day. I wonder if that would actually curb my appetite for Snickers?

Have a great week all!


Nov 29, 2004
I did my Total Body Training class during lunch...and OMG he worked us extra hard b/c he knows it will be about 2 weeks before we really start exercising again due to vacation and the holidays. I''m having a sandwhich on wheat bread with lettuce, a slice of swiss cheese, and turkey with a side of fruit for lunch.

This week will be another foodgasm week with celebrating a friends b-day and trying to find time to celebrate Christmas with my family and DHs family. I''m going to try to fit in some works on the elliptical when I can and try to save most of my splurging for Christmas day.


Aug 3, 2006
mara, de jay asked you on another thread about what parts to measure to keep track of improvements and i was wondering the same thing. also, when you measure waist do you suck it in?

i''m glad to hear everyone''s doing well and staying motivated. and lorelei, i love your posts , they''re really uplifting.

i''m a pretty lucky girl. in fact, i have an incredible opportunity over the next few months (maybe even 4 or 5 months) to focus almost exclusively on self-improvement and really whatever i want. i actually feel bad posting this b/c i don''t want to make anybody jealous, but i feel like it''s a good way to maintain my perspective about what a good position i''m in and so not to waste it....

i graduated from law school this weekend and i''m not taking the bar in february. i don''t have a job and i don''t have any kids. my fi has a great job but he''s not going to stay there--he''ll either go back to school or he''ll take another job. but we don''t know which one or where it''ll be (hence why i''m holding off on taking the bar) yet. i was sort of worried about what i should do when i graduate, thinking "who will hire me when i tell them i may move in a few months or next summer? should i even mention that? is it wrong if i don''t? etc"

but my fi said just to try to find a job that''s part time where that stuff doesn''t matter, like tutoring in the afternoons or maybe doing research for a small law firm or something like that. but really i don''t even need to work at all if i don''t want to, i just think that i will want to, to meet people, maybe make a little money, and all that.

i have been craving more exercise and wanting to read more (not cases or law books). just haven''t had enough time for the last 3 years. but now i have all the time i could ask for and i feel like i could do so much with myself but i want to be systematic (well, at least organized) about it as far as weight loss/exercise goes. and i also plan to read and volunteer but that''s not what this thread is about!

so, i don''t have a scale, but i think i weigh 145 lbs (5''8"). i need to get one of those flexible tape measurers so i can record my measurements. i currently (last 6 months) go through cycles where i exercise for 60 min about 5 times a week and do this for a few weeks then a few weeks where i only exercise about 1-2 times a week then back to 5-6 times. and it''s just fast walking/a little jogging on treadmill. haven''t been lifting weights or doing ab work since college. and for about a year (all of 2005) i didn;''t really exercise very much at all. it was a really bad year for me. i''m 26 and wear a size 6 (a little snug but i like my cloths to fit that way). i really related to what mara said about feeling like i look okay and knowing others think i look fine, but thinking that this is not how i want to be and it''s not how i should be.

also, this may be unfounded or irrational or something, but i actually believe that i have a really fast metabolism b/c i eat so much. my diet is pretty healthy and well-balanced, but when i look at the amt of food it seems like other people are eating who are eitehr loosing or maintaining ideal weights (i.e. when people post their diets on WWT), i think wow, if that was all i ate, i would drop some weight fast--even without exercising! so, as i said, i want to be systematic about it, but using a tool like sparkpeople (is that right? haven''t checked it out) scares me b/c i feel like maybe it won''t let me eat enough food b/c it won''t take into account my metabolism. or is a fast metablism just a myth and maybe i think i''m eating more than i really am?

to be more specific, a typical day of food for me is maybe:
bkfst--a big bowl of hi-fiber cereal w/ 2% milk and a banana
lunch--tuna sandwich (reg mayo and all) w/ swiss cheese on whole grain or wheat pita and corn chips w/ salsa (and maybe even some soup too)
snack--some pastry or big cookie w/ probably 300-500 calories OR maybe a banana and an apple
dinner--2 or 3 slices of veggie pizza, a salad w/ bals. vin and olive oil, a glass of wine, a handful of almonds.

isn''t this over 2000 calories? i''m not gaining weight eating like this but i did gain about 5 lbs eating this way over a 1 yr period when i wasn''t exercising at all.

i don;t think i have any parasites.


Sep 26, 2006
Lorelei your opening post will definitely be in my mind for the rest of the week. My biggest struggle with food is that I love it, all kinds (especially french and japanese food and seafood) and in LARGE amounts. I think this might be ok if I were extremely active, but as a student, I often have to choose the library over working out. This is something I really need to work to reconcile the quantity and quality of food. When amazing food is put in front of me, I lose all self-control and eat a LOT of it.

On a more exciting note, I went for a second run yesterday afternoon with my fiance and his marathon runner friend. I really didn't want to go with them, for fear of "ruining" their workout because they run much longer and faster than me. In the end, both guys were great about my pace. They just talked through the whole run and made sure I was ok. We ran to the reservoir (about one mile), walked for about 5 minutes, ran around the reservoir, walked for another 5 minutes, and then ran back home. In all, we ran about 3 miles. I felt great! Well, except for the left shin. I had problems last week with it too and it came back yesterday. That's the leg that was operated on, so I'm guessing some muscles are still weak. Hopefully it'll go away in a few weeks.

I hope everyone has a good week.

ETA: I totally forgot to mention that running with the guys helped me to shave off 3 minutes from my reservoir time. Yay!


Oct 30, 2002
nejarb i don''t think your daily eating sounds like a lot. if you are working out, that''s probably a good diet to maintain your weight. but yeah if you are not working out, possibly stuff like high fat regular mayo or a cookie a day could add SLOWLY over time. those are really the only two ''partially unhealthy'' things you eat it looks like so i wouldn''t see you packing on weight or anything like that with what you posted for your daily kinda meal. and some people DO have higher metabolisms...!

when i was gaining a bit of weight, we had chicken pot pie (1000 calories) or fish and chips (probably another 1000 calories) like 2 nights a week, coupled with KFC maybe once once a week (another 1k calories i''m sure). so basically me eating like a 1k calorie dinner per night and then not watching what i was eating during the day, being ''kinda good'' but not great or whatever, was not a recipe for success without working out.

for me to maintain according to sparkpeople, i am supposed to be consuming like ~1500 calories per day. and thats without working out. when i work out i should be eating up to 1800ish calories per day.

on the measuring doesn''t matter really where you measure as much i think as much as it does matter on being consistent with where. like make sure to measure the same areas each time. i always measure in the mornings. i measure at the natural indent in my waist (and no of course you don''t suck it in! you want a realistic reading...), at right underneath my belly button for a lower waist kinda thing (aka where low rise jeans hit me) and also my hips (biggest part of your butt all the way around and don''t pull the tape all tight. imagine that is how you want your pants to fit. i don''t really measure my arms or legs but some people do if they have thighs they want to slim down or similar. for me the waist, hips and lower waist were all i wanted to really track.


Jun 15, 2006

Oprah''s Dr. Oz recommends measuring as follows: suck in (yes, you read it right, suck in) and measure around your belly button. The measurement should be 1/2 your height, so if you are 64 inches tall you should have no more than a 32 inch waist.

I''m taking a quick break from writing the most torturous paper ever...I''ve been sitting her for 4 hours and I''m not even 1/2 finished, it''s only a 500-800 word paper, I am not cut out for writing research proposals!



Oct 18, 2005
The last three weeks haven''t been exactly healthy because of the finals craze (I can''t believe I''m done!), but I''ll try to get back on track now that I have a break!
I''m hoping to be able to take yoga classes next term, it''ll most probably be better than the DIY stuff.

I hope everyone''s doing well.


Oct 30, 2002
okay WHY would you suck it in to measure? that''s totally cheating!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 12/18/2006 4:16:20 PM
Author: Mara
okay WHY would you suck it in to measure? that''s totally cheating!!!

Ha Ha -- that''s what I was thinking!


Aug 3, 2006
about sucking it in: maybe it''s analagous to what mara said about it not matering where you measure but that you do it consistently. if you suck it in every time, then it''s consistent. but then still the Q is why suck it in? yeah, that sounds weird.

and 1/2 your height sucking it in???! so i''m 68 inches tall and sucking it in my waist should be 34 inches? no thanks! i understand that that''s a maximum but i''m telling you that is a big old waist, i mean not sucking it in would be what? 36 or 37 inches? sorry if i''m offending anyone but that doesn''t sound healthy! unless you''re pregnant or a man over 6''2''''.


Oct 30, 2002
lol nejarb i know i recently heard the 1/2 your height thing too... and was like damn that would mean my waist would be 33.5 inches!! yikes. that doesn''t seem healthy at all to me. even at my heaviest i think it was 31. and that felt totally unhealthy mentally.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 12/18/2006 4:16:20 PM
Author: Mara
okay WHY would you suck it in to measure? that''s totally cheating!!!
Dr. Oz says that there''s a layer of fat that cannot be sucked in when measuring the waist and that is where the bad fat is stored so you aren''t cheating your measuring this thing where your fat lives and that''s what counts. It does sound like cheating but for whatever reason this is what he says matters.


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 12/18/2006 5:58:34 PM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 12/18/2006 4:16:20 PM
Author: Mara
okay WHY would you suck it in to measure? that''s totally cheating!!!
Dr. Oz says that there''s a layer of fat that cannot be sucked in when measuring the waist and that is where the bad fat is stored so you aren''t cheating your measuring this thing where your fat lives and that''s what counts. It does sound like cheating but for whatever reason this is what he says matters.
Dr Oz sounds like he''s smoking some crack!!

Regardless of sucking it in or not, the key IS being consistent about how you measure yourself. So whether you suck it in or not...hehee. But also if you suck it in then don''t be buying your clothes based on that waist measurements since then they won''t fit!!


Jun 15, 2006
I just did a REALLY quick search to figure out his reasoning but I couldn''t find it. He''s a super healthnut guy and it''s supposedly his tried and true way of measuring fitness. I don''t use this as a means for measurement (I don''t measure myself at all), I just thought it was interesting and funny. Maybe someone else who knows more about him and his methods can shed some light on the reasons behind it.


Aug 3, 2006
oh kimberly,

i write alot and i find that just getting it all out and not worrying about how clear your writing is or how many words it is is the most effective way to start. even if you write some incomplete sentences or you'';re repetative or whatever. just say everything, then go back through and edit it in stages--1st for clarity and flow (e.g. re-arange sentences), 2nd edit for length by cutting out anything unnecessary or repetative, and 3rd edit for grammatical and mechanical mistakes. actually that was just an example and it shouldn''t matter what order you arrange the editing stages in, but the idea is just to do the editing process in stages in any order.

a research proposal sounds like fun to write! is that like a grant proposal? for a school district?


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 12/18/2006 6:07:21 PM
Author: nejarb
oh kimberly,

i write alot and i find that just getting it all out and not worrying about how clear your writing is or how many words it is is the most effective way to start. even if you write some incomplete sentences or you'';re repetative or whatever. just say everything, then go back through and edit it in stages--1st for clarity and flow (e.g. re-arange sentences), 2nd edit for length by cutting out anything unnecessary or repetative, and 3rd edit for grammatical and mechanical mistakes. actually that was just an example and it shouldn''t matter what order you arrange the editing stages in, but the idea is just to do the editing process in stages in any order.

a research proposal sounds like fun to write! is that like a grant proposal? for a school district?
I just finished it. I''ve been sitting in front of the computer since 7 this morning working on it, minus a few 5 minute breaks. It''s for an action research class for school. I had to pick a topic that I want to research and do a literature review to discover what''s already known about the topic and then summarize the literature and what my methods for reasearch would be.

I need to get outside and go on a nice long walk, my brain is fried.

Thanks for the encouragement, I don''t think my teacher will think much of what I''ve done but it''s all I''ve got in me. Good think she allows for revisions after she gives suggestions!


Feb 10, 2006
Ok, I''m off to workout! Not 100% thrilled about it but I said I would do it today so here I go!!

Lorelei, thanks for what you said! I have decided to make some small goals to help keep me motivated. For me, it brings me down when I plan to workout but don''t do it (not if I don''t have time, just choose not to) so I''m hoping daily and weekly goals will push me a bit more. I also decided to buy myself some nail polish this weekend if I workout 4 days.... kinda silly but it''s something to remember.
You''re right, life can get in the way but more often than not, it''s me in the way, not life. Sure, I am busy but as Mara said once before, generally, I''m watching tv during the time I could be working out, or on the computer. I''m not studying or working in the evenings and my son''s homework doesn''t take up my whole night. My excuses are generally just being pooped and wanting to lay down. Which is how I feel now so I''ve gotta get up and go get that workout in!
Thanks for the leg advice. Unfortunately, it''s hurting right now but I''m hoping it won''t as I go workout. We''ll see.


Oct 30, 2002
dixie, i find that even when i am tired and i go workout, i can easily make it through the time on the that kind of debunked my whole ''i''m so tired, i just want to go lay down'' excuseor ''i can''t do it because i''m so tired''. i find that when i get over to the gym i can do the workout i sometimes can feel better or more energized OR the same as before. so it''s like well i could have gone home and laid on the couch and felt bad for being inactive and not felt any more ENERGETIC because let''s face it, does laying on the couch or relaxing make you feel more energized? Nope. I tend to just feel more tired and relaxed!. hehehe . so now that i know that i think it helps. i also basically have not made it a ''decision'' to go work out anymore. it''s just part of my routine. i have to have a REAL reason to not go workout. like wednesday we have to be in SF for a show. and friday same thing. so obviously i''m not working out those 2 days.
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