
Weekly Workout Thread 11th Sept till 17th Sept

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Apr 30, 2005
"Hard to believe it's almost time for Lorelei to wake up on her side of the world and start a new week's thread. Where does the time go?"

I know Rod, the weeks are flying by!

Happy new week to everyone. Well, we went out yesterday and found a Gold's Gym multi gym which was just what Hubby wanted!!! So we bought it and brought it home and it is now set up
I plan to try Monday, Weds and Fridays with it to see what it can do for me, along with the cardio 5 days as usual.

I had another shocked acquaintance yesterday whom I hadn't seen for a while gasping over how much more weight I had lost. I can tell I have lost some more fat anyway, where mid rise jeans sit, there isn't any fat there which is great. I am trying to tell myself that fat loss isn't the same as weight loss and b-gger what the scales say, I am looking leaner and more toned which is what matters

So I will let you know how I get on with the new instrument of torture! Off to do my cardio now and catch up with an episode of Little House on the Prairie

Have a great week everyone


Mar 1, 2005
This week I''m going to take it easy. I will probably only do 3 runs at the most with the longest being 5 miles. I want to make sure my legs are well rested for Sunday.

Lorelei, you''re really getting into this home gym stuff. Isn''t it so much better to work out at home? I was never a big fan of going to the gym, so I set up my own home gym with a treadmill and some free weights. I haven''t been doing the weights as much for now, but I plan on getting back into it next week.

I hope everyone has a great workout week, and thanks to everyone for all the encouragement on the race!


Apr 30, 2005
I love our little home gym Coda and it is so much better than driving all that way to workout

We have the treadmill, elliptical with our TV and DVD player, swivel wall mount for the telly, fridge filled with mineral water, stereo and now the multigym thingie! So we are well equipped! I watched LHOTP this morning while I did my cardio and it made the time go so much faster!

I hope your leg feels better Coda, do take it easy so you have plenty in you for the race, not long now!


Oct 30, 2002
coda i thought of you last nite...i called my parents and my dad was telling me that he ran 17 miles yesterday to prep for this marathon he's doing in october. he said he did 12 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. i was mind boggled at the thought of going out for TWO separate times of torture. hehee.

lorelei, the clothes are much more important than that evil scale! i went to the gym on friday and weighed myself for the first time since a week before and i gained back 2 lbs of the 5 i 'lost'...but the measurements on my bod are the same as last week. so really the movement of the scale doesn't bother me, but just reinforces the fact that it's EVIL and incorrect. hehee. greg's sister who visited this weekend said it looked like i had lost weight. she said that it wasn't a HUGE difference because i wasn't large before but that i looked more toned and fit and muscular...woo hoo. and she's right, i'm sure it's not a glaring difference but more small changes because i think much of what my body did was turn fat to muscle. is a new week!! i was thinking of doing the modified detox again this week....i may add some elements in like all veggie nights and stuff, or maybe we can do all fish this week and no meat. i'm still curious about the whole meat thing. my coworker who is veggie brought a cookbook for me that she LOVES so i am going to get some recipes out of it for the next detox and even just to try in general. she also said that studies had been done that show that your body takes 24 hours to process and entirely digest any sort of animal product. so if you have pasta, meat and milk in one meal, your body can only digest one thing at a time. so some things stay in your body A LOT longer than other things, isn't that kind of gross to think about? whereas she said veggies and similar are typically gone within 2-4 hours. anyway, i am not going to go veggie or anything because i love meat too much but it is definitely making me think more about eating it...and being more choosy about when and how kind of thing.

hope everyone has a wonderful day!! i'm going to kbox tonite and not sure what we are having for dinner just yet. i just had my coffee with soy milk and some honey puffed kashi with 1/2 nectarine for breakfast.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Monday Everyone!

Like Mara, I believe the scale is indeed an evil instrument, made my companies who wish to inflict torture upon us healthier minded individuals. My scale taunts me daily and it's constant stare is an ongoing reminder that I am its' slave and must do its' evil bidding on a ritualistic ongoing basis. Buahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! That said, I'm with Mara in that as long as my clothes fit fine, I'm just not going to let the damn evil thing get me down.

Lorelei, you should start selling memberships in that home gym of yours. It's sounding quite outstanding. They finally opened the fitness center in our new condo tower over the weekend. So, now I can just go downstairs if I want and they have free weights, a rack system (like a Gold's Gym center), a couple of ellipticals, a couple of treadmills (with motors to incline), and stationery bikes. Even so, we're still more likely going to continue working out at the gym. Our gym is huge and has every toy imaginable and for whatever reason, I just get so focused going there. My fear is I'd come home from work and fully intend to go downstairs, but would become distracted and not do it. Having to pack my gym bag in the morning and going directly from the office to the gym puts us in the position of not having the opportunity to miss our workout. Anway, that's what works for us.

Tonight, we'll go for a 4 mile run, which I'm really looking forward to. Then when we get home from the run, we'll have a big salad with fresh baked turkey breast and the russion dressing we make with the Vegannaise, which is lower in calories and fat than mayonnaise, is cholesterol free and just tastes wonderful.

To all a great week.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/11/2006 11:25:34 AM
Author: Rod
Happy Monday Everyone!

Like Mara, I believe the scale is indeed an evil instrument, made my companies who wish to inflict torture upon us healthier minded individuals. My scale taunts me daily and it's constant stare is an ongoing reminder that I am its' slave and must do its' evil bidding on a ritualistic ongoing basis. Buahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! That said, I'm with Mara in that as long as my clothes fit fine, I'm just not going to let the damn evil thing get me down.

Lorelei, you should start selling memberships in that home gym of yours. It's sounding quite outstanding. They finally opened the fitness center in our new condo tower over the weekend. So, now I can just go downstairs if I want and they have free weights, a rack system (like a Gold's Gym center), a couple of ellipticals, a couple of treadmills (with motors to incline), and stationery bikes. Even so, we're still more likely going to continue working out at the gym. Our gym is huge and has every toy imaginable and for whatever reason, I just get so focused going there. My fear is I'd come home from work and fully intend to go downstairs, but would become distracted and not do it. Having to pack my gym bag in the morning and going directly from the office to the gym puts us in the position of not having the opportunity to miss our workout. Anway, that's what works for us.

Tonight, we'll go for a 4 mile run, which I'm really looking forward to. Then when we get home from the run, we'll have a big salad with fresh baked turkey breast and the russion dressing we make with the Vegannaise, which is lower in calories and fat than mayonnaise, is cholesterol free and just tastes wonderful.

To all a great week.

I couldn't agree more

Nanny nanny boo boo
scales are doo doo

I will be off in a bit to try out our Gold's Gym thingie with Hubby! We should start selling memberships - I can imagine all the tractors parked outside with all the local farmers doing their workouts!

Mara don't worry about the 2 pounds, I bet it is a fluctuation and that you look slimmer and more toned and people notice is the main thing!

I need to rethink my eating, getting bored...Your dins sounds yummy Rod


Dec 23, 2004
Well, I gained weight at Weight Watchers this Saturday. No surprise since I ate like a pig and drank like a fish. Still five down from my original weigh in but... not happy.

Today I had my trainer and she''s decided enough is enough and is really kicking my butt. Thank goodness! I did 25 minutes of cardio before she got there.

I need to do at least 40 minutes of cardio tomorrow.

Liposuction... take me away!


Jun 15, 2006
Amanda, we all have our bad weeks, use it as motivation! Remember how much it sucks to feel like you did at weigh in. And allow yourself some "bad" my opinion they are necessary.

I finally feel back to normal after my little stair incident and did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning. I wanted to take it easy my first day back. Tonight we''re going to watch the Chargers game, so I''ll have boiled chicken tacos from the restaurants healthy menu and allow myself a few chips and lots of yummy, fat free salsa!

Happy Monday everyone.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/11/2006 1:10:10 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Amanda, we all have our bad weeks, use it as motivation! Remember how much it sucks to feel like you did at weigh in. And allow yourself some 'bad' my opinion they are necessary.

I finally feel back to normal after my little stair incident and did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning. I wanted to take it easy my first day back. Tonight we're going to watch the Chargers game, so I'll have boiled chicken tacos from the restaurants healthy menu and allow myself a few chips and lots of yummy, fat free salsa!

Happy Monday everyone.
Agree with Kimberly, we all have bad weeks. Just don't let them disuade you from the goals you have set for yourself and you'll be fine!

And Kimberly......glad to hear you're feeling better and able to work out again. You go!!


Oct 30, 2002
AP..maybe the scale is not your friend this week, but I am sure you have converted fat to muscle with all of your workouts!! That is a big deal.


May 1, 2005
i think i am going to try to join this thread. i was part of it back when it was ladies in waiting thread....and I was a lady in waiting.

i''ve gained 5 pounds since my wedding (a month ago) and i work in a 4star hotel full of food. i need to make healthy eating choices (not like the fresh baked chocolate chip cookie i swiped out of pastries earlier today). I have signed up for sparkpeople and am trying to log my calories and workouts, its just hard. I know the scale isnt everything, yes it is evil. but i''ve used it as a measurement for so long...

today i ate okay, other than my cookie and took an hour long strenght core class at the gym this morning! Heres to a great week for us all!


Oct 30, 2002
welcome back msflutter!! you looked fab in your wedding dress, you are tiny!!

i love sparkpeople''s community boards! i don''t post but i just read. i love reading their threads like ''what do you eat for snacks'' and ''what is on your ipod right now''''s such a huge community, it''s cool to see what other people are doing out there yanno.

it''s really hard for me to keep sweets around the house, i can''t even imagine working in a place where they hang out all the time! can you try to keep healthy things like oats or granola in your desk? also i recently discovered hazelnut almond biscotti, it''s only something like 80 calories and 3g of fat per biscotti and it can be a tasty snack if you don''t want something that screams ''healthy''.


Mar 26, 2006
Hi everyone,

I''m joining in this week. Fall/Winter is always such a busy, hectic time filled with deadlines, so I figured it was an excellent time to keep an eye on my health.

My goal is to work out twice this week. Not very much, I know, but I find I do better if I start gently at first.
I''m also limiting myself to 2 cups of coffee per day, but most importantly, I am going to count the number of glasses of water I drink, and have a large, serious vegetable dish every day. I am starting with roasted beets with caramelized onions tonight.

Everyone sounds really motivated and I am impressed!



Mar 3, 2005
Okay, I’m ready to join this thread. I moved to China a few months ago and I’m finding it hard to be healthy. Hubby and I are going to Shanghai this weekend to celebrate our two year anniversary. I’m going to take an extra suitcase to stock up on some dried herbs, decent olive oil, etc… In a few weeks my in-laws are coming to visit and are smuggling in various seeds so I can attempt an indoor garden with fresh herbs, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and lettuce.

I sat down a few days ago and set some short and long term goals which I’m sharing with all of you (that way I will stick with them)

Short Term Goals …
1) Work out 5x a week. Cardio all five and lift three days. Right now for cardio I am just walking for an hour. I use to jog, but since it has been so long since I’ve exercised I find that my heart rate is where it should be by just walking at a good pace.
2) Drink more water. I use to drink at least 64 oz everyday, but I’m terrified of the public restrooms. I don’t know which is worse … rolling up your pant legs, standing in other peoples urine while holding on to your purse (no hooks) with your toilet paper in your mouth trying not to get it wet (You have to carry your own TP and it’s to hard to get it out of my purse afterwards) … or realizing half way through that as a woman it is hard to aim and I have to walk around with a wet pant leg…hmmm both are equally traumatizing
for me so I just stopped drinking water which I know isn’t good for me.

Long Term Goals ….
1) Lose the twenty pounds that I’ve gained in the last seven months
2) Get back to being able to run at least five miles without having to stop in fear that I’m going to die of exhaustion
3) Get rid of the bat wings that are some how forming at an alarming rate

OK wish me luck


Jun 15, 2006
Here''s to the new joiners, from a fairly new joiner...but I''ll toast with water instead of wine, because it''s the healthy choice!


Mar 3, 2005
This is why I’m traumatized every time I have to go the bathroom in public.



Dec 29, 2004
ARGH...wrote a reply and PS ate here goes again...

OK, that toilet does look icky...I''d rather go in the woods (and I''ve done that).

msflutter, glad to see you here! But I have to agree with the others that you are a tiny thing...

My weekend was shot...friends threw me a surprise bachelorette. I had insisted I DID NOT want one, but they did it anyway. Oh well. Drank way too much so I am not going to get on the scale until I have a few healthy days tucked in my belt. On the good side, I think I mentioned my wedding dress fits? I took it to get fixed this weekend on good faith that it will still fit on my wedding day. I finally posted a pic of me in it on the BIW dress thread.

Good luck to everyone this week on being "good!"


Oct 30, 2002
thanks for the visual rebot...
i can''t wait til this thread moves to 2 pages so i don''t have to scroll past that toilet for the next few days...haha.

TG you look AWESOME in your dress, girl!!!!! very fit! congrats!!! love it.

worked out tonite at kbox...the class turned out to be very hard tonite even though it started out kind of the end it was a great workout! then had some sushi with my girlfriend afterwards. yum!!

i had a munchie snackie feeling kind of day even though i guess i didn''t end up EATING very much....i had my regular kashi breakfast with nectarine, and then for lunch i was starving so i ended up having my fave salad from whole foods and i ate the whole thing!! when i looked up calorie estimation online, it was kind of scary, i think i consumed about 650 calories in my salad!!! and then i felt like snacking all afternoon, but i managed to just get by with eating the rest of the hummus (not much at all) and some sesame seed crackers. so i don''t know why i was feeling so ''snackie'' but at least i managed to stay away from the BAD hersheys syrup...mmmmm.


Dec 28, 2005
Welcome New Ladies!!! As a somewhat recent convert to a healthier lifestyle, I love to see other people joining the bandwagon!!

We ran last night as planned, only we ran faster and longer. We actually clocked about 5 miles this time, which considering we''re pretty new to this running thing was pretty good. My legs were tired afterward, but today I feel fine. Tonight is a gym night, so we''ll be at the gym the next three nights in a row.

I agree with Mara, we need to have lot''s of posts so the toilet doesn''t frighten us everytime we log into this thread. Ugh, what a frightening picture. That alone would make me want to not eat, so I wouldn''t have to use that thing......

Again, welcome to our new friends emeraldlover and Rebot!!!


Dec 23, 2004
Yeah! I dragged my butt off the couch this morning and did a little over 40 minutes of cardio. Not that that really made up for sampling all the yummy mashed potatoes that we made in culinary school yesterday... but still. Better than watching tv!

I think we''re only tasting veggies today so that should be good.

Goal weight, here I come!


Apr 30, 2005

...welcome new ladies! Rebot I feel for you!

I did my 45 mins cardio this morning, sulked last night as Hubby was hogging the new gym thingie, tried it myself this morning after cardio and kept tying myself up in knots with it.... I think using that contraption will take practise.

I did some leg presses I think and some arm exercises too on it, but I need to get the feel for the machine.

Great job everyone!


Aug 12, 2005
Hey people--I''m back!
(Rebot, that toilet is too disgusting. Hopefully we move onto a second page of this thread today, like Mara said.

So, I went back to my gym last night for the first time in, oh I don''t know, 2 months?! I did the "gluteal hill" program on the treadmill for 40 minutes, then came home and worked on my arms for 10 minutes. I am happy just to be back in the swing of things. I''m shooting for 5 workouts this week.

DH''s YMCA is closing, *sigh*. He was really happy there as it was a very "no frills" atmosphere and they had raquetball and swimming, which he loves. There are no other gyms in our area that he''s interested in joining, so I am encouraging him to join a men''s basketball league or something. He''s been really good lately about trying to eat healthy and work out, he even went shopping for healthy groceries last night and brought home all kinds of things he thought would interest me, including green tea, lol!

Glad to see all the new "faces" here...the more the merrier! Sounds like you are all doing well, good job on the workouts!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/12/2006 10:12:14 AM
Author: monarch64
Hey people--I''m back!
(Rebot, that toilet is too disgusting. Hopefully we move onto a second page of this thread today, like Mara said.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/12/2006 10:15:01 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 9/12/2006 10:12:14 AM
Author: monarch64
Hey people--I''m back!
(Rebot, that toilet is too disgusting. Hopefully we move onto a second page of this thread today, like Mara said.
aaand again!


Mar 1, 2005
I''m getting very excited for my race. I did an easy run of 4 miles last night, and it went well although my muscles in my legs almost always seem to be aching now. I''ll be glad when the race is over, and I can go back to a slower training pace. I plan on doing another 4 miles tonight and that will probably be the last outdoor running I will do before the race since it''s supposed to rain tomorrow and Thursday.

Mara, I''m with you, I can''t imagine running twice in one day. One time of torture is enough. I admire your Dad''s stamina. Hopefully I''ll be able to run a marathon someday (I''m shooting for next year).

Newcomers, welcome to our thread! We''re all very good at keeping each other motivated.


Apr 30, 2005
Yay - counting down for you Coda


Oct 30, 2002
woo hoo coda so the race is soon right?

kudos amanda for working out...mmmm mashed potatoes! lorelei, you should post a picture of your little home gym, we''d love to see it!! hehee. i am imagining this whole big thing since every time you guys go out you seem to buy a new piece?!?

rod your run sounds fantastic!! you guys are turning into workout powerhouses.

i had a parfait last nite for dessert, woops. but it was the cooking light ones that we are both totally addicted to so it was only 300 calories and about 4g of fat. not too bad. but i probably didn''t NEED it.

this morning i had kashi heart to heart oatmeal and coffee. i ran out of soy milk so i had to have REAL milk today...bah! hehee. i keep getting a bad mental image of my body having to digest extra animal products now. thanks vegetarian friend at work!! i can see much more fish in our future.

tonite for dinner i am thinking either curry thai mussels which i made for us a few weeks ago OR some sort of thai stir fry with shrimp like i did last week....greg has a rehearsal tonite so it means he gets home somewhat late so i don''t think the mussels will work out as they kind of have a small ''eat me'' maybe the stir fry tonite and mussels tomorrow.

i''m going to the gym today to do the hill program again. oh here''s a story for you guys. i was telling this to a friend last nite but i was at the gym last friday and there was a gal next to me on the treadmill doing a static program and her incline bars were totally all filling the screen. but she didn''t seem THAT high up on the incline. anyway, she worked out for an hour, she was 1/2 way done when i got there and her pace was the same as mine which was 3.8 and she ended up burning 700 calories! i burned 375 in 51 minutes. i totally wish i could get the incline higher on mine for longer periods of time but i NEED that hill up and down resting portion or else i seem to pant and wheeze. she hardly seemed out of breath and i swear she wasn''t even sweating. what is the deal?! oh and i looked more ''fit'' than her in the mirror. totally random....i was thinking man i''d love to burn 700 calories in an hour on the treadmill. maybe it''s something i have to work up to??? any thoughts from the peanut gallery?


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/12/2006 12:00:38 PM
Author: Mara
woo hoo coda so the race is soon right?

kudos amanda for working out...mmmm mashed potatoes! lorelei, you should post a picture of your little home gym, we''d love to see it!! hehee. i am imagining this whole big thing since every time you guys go out you seem to buy a new piece?!?

rod your run sounds fantastic!! you guys are turning into workout powerhouses.

i had a parfait last nite for dessert, woops. but it was the cooking light ones that we are both totally addicted to so it was only 300 calories and about 4g of fat. not too bad. but i probably didn''t NEED it.

this morning i had kashi heart to heart oatmeal and coffee. i ran out of soy milk so i had to have REAL milk today...bah! hehee. i keep getting a bad mental image of my body having to digest extra animal products now. thanks vegetarian friend at work!! i can see much more fish in our future.

tonite for dinner i am thinking either curry thai mussels which i made for us a few weeks ago OR some sort of thai stir fry with shrimp like i did last week....greg has a rehearsal tonite so it means he gets home somewhat late so i don''t think the mussels will work out as they kind of have a small ''eat me'' maybe the stir fry tonite and mussels tomorrow.

i''m going to the gym today to do the hill program again. oh here''s a story for you guys. i was telling this to a friend last nite but i was at the gym last friday and there was a gal next to me on the treadmill doing a static program and her incline bars were totally all filling the screen. but she didn''t seem THAT high up on the incline. anyway, she worked out for an hour, she was 1/2 way done when i got there and her pace was the same as mine which was 3.8 and she ended up burning 700 calories! i burned 375 in 51 minutes. i totally wish i could get the incline higher on mine for longer periods of time but i NEED that hill up and down resting portion or else i seem to pant and wheeze. she hardly seemed out of breath and i swear she wasn''t even sweating. what is the deal?! oh and i looked more ''fit'' than her in the mirror. totally random....i was thinking man i''d love to burn 700 calories in an hour on the treadmill. maybe it''s something i have to work up to??? any thoughts from the peanut gallery?
Careful on the Soy Mara. I''ve been reading some articles on how the Soy lobby is really powerful and that soy can be bad for us. Google the following and read some of the articles: "dangers of soy" I found a lot of articles that make me rethink having much soy in my diet.

And on the calories the lady burned, one thought comes to mind and that is she may have overstated her weight when she started her session. I accidentally put in much more weight on one of my elliptical sessions and just decided it wasn''t worth clearing everything out and starting the measurements over and the amount of calories it said I burned was like a zillion more than I could have possibly burned. Just a thought.


Oct 30, 2002
thanks''s so hard to know who''s really telling ''the truth'' about stuff like that...what''s better for you, animal or soy etc. kind of the whole ''don''t beliee the hype'' going both ways really. but i really only have the soy milk in the mornings. and typically i have read that if you just have a bit of soy it''s not a huge deal, but if you take soy supplements OR drink like 3 glasses of soy milk a day and eat are overconsuming and it could be bad. in any case, it seems like EVERYTHING is bad for you in some way, shape or form yanno?!?! kind of interesting though. thanks for the links!

as for the gal on the treadmill, maybe she overstated, but her incline was pretty high the whole time so i would imagine she DID burn more calories than i did because of that, i notice when my incline is up for longer intervals i burn way more calories than just walking ''faster''. so maybe i will try to condition myself to walk at a higher incline for longer and see if it does anything for calories.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/12/2006 12:28:20 PM
Author: Mara
thanks''s so hard to know who''s really telling ''the truth'' about stuff like that...what''s better for you, animal or soy etc. kind of the whole ''don''t beliee the hype'' going both ways really. but i really only have the soy milk in the mornings. and typically i have read that if you just have a bit of soy it''s not a huge deal, but if you take soy supplements OR drink like 3 glasses of soy milk a day and eat are overconsuming and it could be bad. in any case, it seems like EVERYTHING is bad for you in some way, shape or form yanno?!?! kind of interesting though. thanks for the links!

as for the gal on the treadmill, maybe she overstated, but her incline was pretty high the whole time so i would imagine she DID burn more calories than i did because of that, i notice when my incline is up for longer intervals i burn way more calories than just walking ''faster''. so maybe i will try to condition myself to walk at a higher incline for longer and see if it does anything for calories.
Boy, isn''t that the truth. I was just so surprised to read about the negatives associated with Soy. I had been lead to believe it was this wonder vegetable and that "all" things soy, would be good for you. I guess the reality is that anything overdone can be bad and everything in moderation, less so.
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