
Week 21 - Share Photos: Favorite Honeymoon Pic


Mar 21, 2008
just slightly off the wedding topic but still having to do with being married, this week please share your favorite honeymoon photo. it can have people in it, or be a photo of your honeymoon suite or a breathtaking landscape you saw on your honeymoon. it doesn''t matter, as long as it happened on your honeymoon.

the rule of the game remains: please share only ONE photo per weekly thread.
This is the view from our balcony at the Hilton in Cabo, Mexico. We spent a lot of time out there, just reading and enjoying the beautiful view!

Oh poo, I can''t even post on this one because we didn''t have one yet, maybe I should post a pic of my cubicle 4 days after the wedding lol
Date: 3/15/2010 7:04:51 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
Oh poo, I can''t even post on this one because we didn''t have one yet, maybe I should post a pic of my cubicle 4 days after the wedding lol

Haha this is looking more and more likely for us too smurf! Though better a pic of my cubicle than FI''s lab..
We didn't get to explore Kauai that much since DH really wanted to just relax by the pool/beach during our HM but we managed to fit in a couple of half-day trips here and there. One of my favourites was driving up to Waimea Canyon (the Grand Canyon of the Pacific) with the car top down. The view, once we got there, was gorgeous.

I have a lot of favorites however I love this one as it was our last night on our honeymoon. I don''t have photoshop otherwise I would try and lighten this up.

Tough one! This is on the beach at our resort where DH wrote I Love You in the sand and then went to look at the ocean....

Quito, from the top of El Panecillo.
me doing a silly pose, but I love the background

My DH and I honeymooned in Australia and New Zealand. It was hard to choose just one picture, but this one at Ayers Rock is breathtaking!

This was my view of the water the day we visited Jost Van Dyke, BVI. It was bliss. DH and I literally spent the entire day drinking icy fruity cocktails and reading on the beach. I was in a hammock the whole day, too, which was especially enjoyable.

Oh, AND there was a dolphin right near the beach when we first got there. It was so cool.

We honeymoon in St. John, USVI.

such beautiful pictures - we haven''t had a honeymoon yet either, so I''m totally jealous!
We were supposed to go to the Cayman Islands right after our wedding but DH realized, the day before we were leaving, that his passport had expired
A couple of months later, we decided to change gears and went to Paris instead

Booked our honeymoon before we were even engaged. My cousin got married in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Booked the trip in September, got engaged in November, moved up the wedding to June, went on the trip in August/September of last year. We were there for about two weeks.

This was a coral beach on the island. I really really love the macro mode.

This is my fave. We went to Aruba, and had a private dinner on the beach 3 feet from the water!!!

This was on our one week anniversary, lol.

This was after DH "re-proposed" to me on a gondola in Venice. I said yes

Where on earth was that picture taken? What a beautiful place!
OOPS! sorry, that question was for Noelwr.
This is us in St. Lucia. We did a bikeriding tour, and then a hike in the forest!

Date: 3/18/2010 7:52:28 AM
Author: babyblues
Where on earth was that picture taken? What a beautiful place!

the Club Med resort in the Maldives. we stayed in one of the water bungalows. it was pure bliss waking up in the morning and taking your own little ladder straight into the ocean (wate was shallow enough to stand).
Date: 3/16/2010 5:48:20 PM
Author: Haven
This was my view of the water the day we visited Jost Van Dyke, BVI. It was bliss. DH and I literally spent the entire day drinking icy fruity cocktails and reading on the beach. I was in a hammock the whole day, too, which was especially enjoyable.

Oh, AND there was a dolphin right near the beach when we first got there. It was so cool.

We honeymoon in St. John, USVI.
Haven - I LOVE jost van Dyke!! Did you go to the soggy dollar bar?
I saw your picture before your comment and said "ah!! BVI!!!!"

i love it there!
Dh took this one just before our high tea arrived. Here at Peppers Anchorage, Nelson Bay. Stunning. We spent a few romantic hours on the balcony, polished off the entire bottle of Moet and ate a massive high tea together. Then afternoon nap and swim in the pool. This is what honeymoons are made of!!!

I love this pic because of the color. We''ve got the vivid blue water of the Caribbean ocean, some bananas, the coffee, croissants...mmmm. And my kickin'' pj pants.
This was heaven, breakfast every morning on the balcony of our stateroom.

Caribbean 028 - Copy.JPG
I love this photo in particular for a few reasons.

1.) We had just arrived in Paris and our hotel was right on the Champs Elysee near the Arc de Triomphe.
2.) DH was sneaky and snapped it as I was asking him a question.
3.) My hair looks cute.
4.) It inadvertently looks like the Abbey Road cover, though slightly less planned out and undoubtedly less cool ;P

champs elysee.jpg
Hvar, Croatia. We got married here.

hvar port rs1.jpg
From the top of Mount Constitution on Orcas Island

Date: 3/29/2010 8:18:41 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
Hvar, Croatia. We got married here.

that looks like such a neat place. My parents have travelled all over Europe and say that Croatia was the most beautiful place they''ve been to yet :)
Here is one of my favourite photos from our honeymoon in Bali. This is the second hotel we stayed at in the jungle - we didn''t get to stay in this crazy room on stilts, but some lucky soul did and the monkeys loved the view!

Jimbaran Bay Bali... we went to the local fish market and bought fish, prawns and squid. We were watching the sun set on the beach whilst we were waiting for it to be cooked. It was a great night!!

Grand Canyon, right before sunset