
Upgardes now or later?

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Nov 19, 2004

So I''m having a very long, tedious day and thought I would ask a question that has been burning in my brain all week now. I''m especially intrested in this because around where I live, there''s no basis of comparision, and I know you lovely ladies have access to more bling

So for all you size gals out there, HYPOTHETICALLY, if you could only have 1 diamond purchase (no upgrades etc.) this ONE IS IT. Would you get a 2 carat diamond today (as in tomorrow), or would you wait for 4 years for a 2.5 upgrade? Both stats being absolutely equal.

I''ve been going back and forth on this for some reason...I keep saying, well I may be dead in 4 years. Basically instant gratification for size, or patience for the ideal. (Oh and is the difference noticeable? I''ve been stalking SMTR folder, but there''s all sorts of different hand sizes, settings etc... so if any of you gals happened to be lucky enough to make this comparision, I would love to know).

Back to studying now. Thanks ladies.


Without having to give it much thought, I''d get a 2 carat today. I''m not a very patient girl. I know I''d sit and obsess for the ENTIRE 4 years because I tend to be just a little OCD...Especially about diamonds. Then I''d add bands down the road. Hehehe
I''m also having a long, tedious day, so a question like this is just right for me.

Ok, what shape?
for the sake of the question, why would i want to wait 4 years for a 2c? is it because of money?

if it's like would you want a 2c now or later flat out and you can afford it anytime, of course NOW. why would i want to wait?

i feel silly asking but this is just hypothetical right ally ? because you shouldn't even have be wearing or thinking about upgrading your e-ring right now right considering that you're moving on??
Not a girl, but I am going to pretend I am and respond

I would generally not use diamonds as an investment, however.... with time the trend has been that diamonds increase in value..maybe not naturally, but that has been the trend. So, if it is not a question of whether you can afford it, than do it most likely will be able to get more for your money now than you will be able to in in several years from now.
If I could *never* switch it or upgrade it I think I would hold off and get the bigger one. But four years is a long time. If it were a two year period I would 100% wait and take all the time and fun I wanted to pick out the ring.

Four years is a long slog and I would have to buy some other stuff to *compensate* for the tedious wait! But to my eyes there is a very big difference in a 2ct compared to a 2.5ct, so that is what I would rather have.
oh! i see 2c now or 2.5 in 4 years?

2c now definitely! there is not that much difference between 2 and 2.5 to make me wait FOUR YEARS. i couldn''t even wait three. hahaha.

but if it was more like 2c or 3c or 2c or 3.5..i would TOTALLY wait. a 3c is where i want to be anyway. but not 2.5.
Miranda: I'm not a patient girl either...but I wonder if I would think to myself 'oh the 2 carat is too small'

emeraldlover: I think this is a strange form of procastination.... I have exams which I'm going to be DEAD for if I don't study I suppose any shape you want, although I was thinking rb.

Mara: what I was looking or thinking about actually to be ultra precise, was a 2 carat now or something 2.7 ish (saw such an intresting one on WF) in 4 years. And yes uniquely money issue, because that's a big jump in price. As for your other question...there's SO much stuff that has changed recently that it would take a six page post on the LIW thread, but I AM asking hypothetically. Because it's more fun to think diamonds then uhmmm.....prostate cancer

mtrb they are getting kind of expensive..

beacon: I'm wondering though, maybe your priorities change four years in and you start to spend on other stuff. And then you never get the upgrade you knowÉ
2 carats in the hand is worth 4 carats in the bush. Don''t you know that old saying?

I wouldn''t wait four years for *anything* voluntarily.
I hear you, Alleycat. It''s my favorite time to be on PS.

I say the 2c. 4 years is just too long and who knows what can happen in 4 years? I hesitated because the other day I tried on a 2.4 asscher that I really thought I could wait for, but in reality, now is the time for almost everything.
But you''re talking to the girl who still hasn''t picked out her e-ring out of indecision/time constraints.
Hmmmm, that''s a tough one 2 now or 2.5 in 4 years...tough question.

I think a lot of this would depend on your age and how long you''ve waited already. I''m going to assume you are young and you haven''t waited that long yet. If this is the case...and you only get *one* upgrade, I wait for the big 2.5.

However, if you''ve already been waiting years and years or are a little older, then I would definitely go with the 2.0 now.
Deco: I don''t think anything defined as ''waiting'' is ever voluntary
2.gif''s kind of waiting for what you REALLY want now, or getting to look at something beautiful now although it might not be EXACTLY what you want. I''m also imagining about price inflation too though. Maybe I won''t ever to be able to afford the dream 2.7 ish in 4 years ya know? I might have to concentrate on more practical things...(although I can''t imagine anything more practical

emeraldlover: well if you keep this up, it will magically be the time for the 2.4 carat. Congrats on your engagement by the way. We would all love to help you pick if you *really can''t decide*

kcoursolle: that''s a really good point about how long has the actual waiting been going on. I think I''m instant gratification kind of girl though. Any kind of waiting seems long.
Hmmmm... let''s see if I have this hypothetical situation correct...

1. A 2 carat stone NOW and forever...
2. No diamond now, and a 2.5 carat stone in 4 years?

Definitely #1. I''m with Mara, just not THAAAAAT much size difference to be worth waiting 4 long, torturous years for!

Now change that to a 3 carat stone in 4 years... and that''s a better difference, and I would certainly consider waiting. And make it a 3.5 or more and I''d definitely wait. But if I got hit by a bus in the meantime, I would be REALLY pi$$ed!!!!
Aww Lynn, if you only KNEW how long I spent on your thread. You have size 4.5 fingers on a 2mm band..... I have 4.25 strong and I''ve already picked out my hypothetical setting which has a 2mm band and four prongs too.....I wanted to ask you for about a million more hand shots for us diamond obsessed...dreaming gals. If you have time and are bored....
So here''s the thing. I was PSing diamonds. Found a 2.74 H S1 1, with med flour, which is the stats I want, and the price is affordable now and in 4 years. Those are the diamonds available. I have no idea what a 3 carat H SI 1 would cost (that is the ideal size) so I have no idea what the jump from 2.74 to 3 would be. So I don''t know if it''s something I could ever see myself justifying to purchase. Probably if a 3 carat was within the realm of reason, I would wait. If not....then it all becomes more murky you know? Although those 2.3 ish stones, look gorgrous (ever get diamond shrinkage by the way?) I think like every one else, there''s this magic number I KNOW I will never spend more then, because it''s too much.
hi allycat, i think i would wait for a 2.7 bc a well cut 2.7 will look bigger than it actually is... btw, is there a way to PM on PS?
Date: 12/11/2006 5:07:01 PM
Author: allycat0303
Aww Lynn, if you only KNEW how long I spent on your thread. You have size 4.5 fingers on a 2mm band..... I have 4.25 strong and I''ve already picked out my hypothetical setting which has a 2mm band and four prongs too.....I wanted to ask you for about a million more hand shots for us diamond obsessed...dreaming gals. If you have time and are bored....
So here''s the thing. I was PSing diamonds. Found a 2.74 H S1 1, with med flour, which is the stats I want, and the price is affordable now and in 4 years. Those are the diamonds available. I have no idea what a 3 carat H SI 1 would cost (that is the ideal size) so I have no idea what the jump from 2.74 to 3 would be. So I don''t know if it''s something I could ever see myself justifying to purchase. Probably if a 3 carat was within the realm of reason, I would wait. If not....then it all becomes more murky you know? Although those 2.3 ish stones, look gorgrous (ever get diamond shrinkage by the way?) I think like every one else, there''s this magic number I KNOW I will never spend more then, because it''s too much.

Are you saying you found a 2.74 with specs that you like that you can afford NOW? DO IT!!! And the jump from 2.74 to 3 would probably be visually very small, if noticeable at all, so I would rather have a 2.74 now and forever than wait for a 3.
Ally- I would go 2 carat NOW. Waiting 4 years for just a .5 jump in size isn''t worth it! Plus, I would much rather have my e-ring now (assuming it''s the time to buy one) than wait 4 years (and be already married at that point).

Could you give us a mini update?? Please??

Hope all is well!
Date: 12/11/2006 5:07:01 PM
Author: allycat0303

Aww Lynn, if you only KNEW how long I spent on your thread. You have size 4.5 fingers on a 2mm band..... I have 4.25 strong and I've already picked out my hypothetical setting which has a 2mm band and four prongs too.....I wanted to ask you for about a million more hand shots for us diamond obsessed...dreaming gals. If you have time and are bored....
...Although those 2.3 ish stones, look gorgrous (ever get diamond shrinkage by the way?)
Awwww, Ally, thanks for the note! I do plan to take and post some new photos soon, so stay tuned!

And as for shrinkage... dangit, yes! I do suffer from DSS, the darn 2.36 is shrinking right in front of my eyes!!! But I really think I am just going to have to learn to *COPE* with it, because the diamond so beautiful, and frankly, I just don't want to spend any more money on a bauble!!! I feel like I would have to jump over 3 carats to really see a satisfying, NOTICEABLE difference in size -- and the price jump is HUGE! If I didn't LOVE my stone, I know I would feel differently. But the bottom line is -- I know that while I could find a BIGGER stone, I honestly don't think I could find a PRETTIER one!
I would go for the 2ct NOW!!! The waiting would drive me nuts! And why not enjoy a 2ct diamond now if you can afford it?!
I would get the two carat now, and worry about something down the line at a later date. As you said, not to be morbid, but you might not be around for it if you wait, not that that is the likely case, but enjoy it now!! Live in the moment...
Given the exact situation you asked about, no question I would take the 2c now. Of course, since my current ring is 1.13 ct and since 2 ct is what I hope to upgrade to, it is kind of a no brainer for me! In fact, DH and I were just having a fun conversaton about what we would do if we had $30K to spend on fun stuff! I said $20K upgrade my ring, and the rest towards a pendent and earrings. He said a boat :)
Anyway, hope all is well with you!
Dee*Jay: Yes it's affordable now. But the thing is, it is more then I'm comfortable spending
How it first started was I said "of if I find a 2.00 H SI 1 or S12 with medium blue flour then we'll go for it." Then my baby said "ok. that's a good idea because it will be hard to find, it will be a sign" but the thing is right now I have a 1.27 and it's in a halo so I'm used to seeing something that covers x amount of I'm worried that 2 carats may look a little small comparitively. But all this time, we've known that I want something around the 3 carat (a little less is fine) for the FINAL upgrade. So the thing is in 4 years the house will be completely paid off. And it just seems to me that it should only be something you buy when you finish the house? The thing is that the 2 carat after I get rid of my current ring, would take just a little extra money, where else the 2.7 would take A LOT more money. And there's the fact that in Canada we don't do big bling. AND EVERYONE asks me if my current ring is fake. My teacher who is a doctor asked me that on thursday, she said "are all the diamonds real or just the setting?" So aside from PS and the US (where you ladies really have the most beautiful bling) a 2 carats is considered big here so maybe I should be content with that.

And my baby has a lot of issues with the ring because it's not what he set out to buy (he wanted to buy more at the time) and I (delusional....actually thought it was too much. Diamond shrinkage set in like 3 seconds after I got it. BAD ALLY) And he associates it with a lot of bad luck, etc. He's not superstitious, but he feels that this ring is REALLY unlucky. So he wants it gone too.

Anyways, we have a buyer for the ring, so we would barely take a hit for the setting and the diamond.

February2003Bride: I did post an update in LIW. Thanks for thinking of me

Happygal: there is no PM on PS, but if you have a question for me or any of the other people you can usually post them on a thread. And welcome

LynnB: Your stone and setting is beautiful. But the jump to price for the two the 3 is HUGE. I always wondered if you get any diamond shrinkage with the massive rock. Funny, but my sister always thought 1 carat was a massive, gaudy stone. In any case, she got a 0.9 carat with 2 0.3 sidestones (pics to come) she has a size 3.25 finger. In any case, YESTURDAY (two days after she got engaged) she says "It looks so small on me" She's super sentimental though, won't even get is sized upgrade for her. I think it's a pretty common affliction, even if you're not that into jewelery. Please hurry with the pics. I love all the up close pics, but all the gals trying to buy, we're stalking the hand pics to gauge what it would look like on us. You're a sweetie, I'll keep checking back

Diamondfan, snlee: Thanks for the feeback

Gailrmv: Well I hope you would win out over the boat

In any case, I'm the kind of person that debates a lot but once the decision is taken, there's no going back. But at this point, I'm really unsure. Actually, my baby might be lurking
this thread because he's really intrested on what you ladies think about this too. He thinks that the issue is there is a good chance a two carat might mean that it's not *over*
Well, if I had a 1.3ct, I probably would be willing to wait a little for the bigger stone... But since I have a .5ct, I actually wish I could have a 1.3ct, so what do I know, right?

I hope you''re doing well, and take care.
Date: 12/13/2006 6:35:37 AM
Author: allycat0303
Dee*Jay: Yes it's affordable now. But the thing is, it is more then I'm comfortable spending
How it first started was I said 'of if I find a 2.00 H SI 1 or S12 with medium blue flour then we'll go for it.' Then my baby said 'ok. that's a good idea because it will be hard to find, it will be a sign' but the thing is right now I have a 1.27 and it's in a halo so I'm used to seeing something that covers x amount of I'm worried that 2 carats may look a little small comparitively. But all this time, we've known that I want something around the 3 carat (a little less is fine) for the FINAL upgrade. So the thing is in 4 years the house will be completely paid off. And it just seems to me that it should only be something you buy when you finish the house? The thing is that the 2 carat after I get rid of my current ring, would take just a little extra money, where else the 2.7 would take A LOT more money. And there's the fact that in Canada we don't do big bling. AND EVERYONE asks me if my current ring is fake. My teacher who is a doctor asked me that on thursday, she said 'are all the diamonds real or just the setting?' So aside from PS and the US (where you ladies really have the most beautiful bling) a 2 carats is considered big here so maybe I should be content with that.

And my baby has a lot of issues with the ring because it's not what he set out to buy (he wanted to buy more at the time) and I (delusional....actually thought it was too much. Diamond shrinkage set in like 3 seconds after I got it. BAD ALLY) And he associates it with a lot of bad luck, etc. He's not superstitious, but he feels that this ring is REALLY unlucky. So he wants it gone too.

Anyways, we have a buyer for the ring, so we would barely take a hit for the setting and the diamond.

OK, now I get it. Hmmm... I have to stick by my suggestion of getting the 2.74 now, especially since you brought up the concept of the 2 ct only covering as much finger space as your current ring with the halo (and you said that DSS set in with that one immediately anyway), and wouldn't it be nice to go into this next phase of your relationship with somethat that makes you really really happy and scream "wow" every time you look at it? I'm would never suggest that you spend more than you can afford, but you did say that you could swing it. As for buying the bigger stone when you pay off the house; I do see that point in that too, but really what if it takes you a year longer to pay off the house--that's hardly a tragedy? Or, circumstances change all the time, who knows if you'll even still be living there in 4 years? I fully appreciate having a "plan" but it just seems like you won't be happy for all that time if you're sitting around just waiting for the bigger rock.

Also, what does you FI say? I know he wants the current ring gone, but what is his opinion about getting the 2 or the 2.74 now?
Ally''s fiancé really wants to buy the 2.74 diamond right NOW. I haven''t gotten all the stats on it yet, but an H si1 with medium-strong flour was exactly what she wanted. And it is listed as a hearts and arrows diamond on other sites so i would like to call whiteflash to get the report on it, but she is very set on keeping the old ring or a 2 carat. I like the option Dee*Jay suggested, because the price difference is alot, it''s only a portion of the christmas bonus and i think it would be worth it because she will be happy. Paying off the house is great too, but I don''t think it matters if I''m 31 or 32 when it happens. Although she does control the finances because she is incredible with it so i have to convince her first.

This is a great site. She said there were a lot of good people on here. I don''t get a lot of time on the computer when she''s around but since I have this day might as well make some trouble.
Date: 12/13/2006 12:34:11 PM
Author: hockeyguy
Ally''s fiancé really wants to buy the 2.74 diamond right NOW. I haven''t gotten all the stats on it yet, but an H si1 with medium-strong flour was exactly what she wanted. And it is listed as a hearts and arrows diamond on other sites so i would like to call whiteflash to get the report on it, but she is very set on keeping the old ring or a 2 carat. I like the option Dee*Jay suggested, because the price difference is alot, it''s only a portion of the christmas bonus and i think it would be worth it because she will be happy. Paying off the house is great too, but I don''t think it matters if I''m 31 or 32 when it happens. Although she does control the finances because she is incredible with it so i have to convince her first.

This is a great site. She said there were a lot of good people on here. I don''t get a lot of time on the computer when she''s around but since I have this day might as well make some trouble.
Hehehe! You are a peach! Ally is a lucky girl! Maybe you could have it shipped to a local appraiser so she can seeeeeeee it and tooooooouch it! There won''t be a question at that point! She''ll WANT it! How ''would'' this lovely be set?
Wow - lots of complexities. If you have someone to buy the ring that is perhaps a good moment to sell it. If he thinks your current ring is bad luck and wants it gone maybe you should make him happy. I can understand about bad luck/good luck totems and I hate keeping it around if he thinks it is bad luck.

BUT, if you have a ~1.3 in a halo, that 2ct is not going to make you all that warm and fuzzy in my opinion. It''ll just be around the same size, but all diamond as opposed to halo/diamond. I honestly think you''ll get shrinkage.

So there is the dilemma. The stage is set to get rid of the old one, but I don''t know if the 2ct alternative is really wise.

If the people around you think your current is fake - OMG, they''ll flip if you get something near 3ct! But that is another story.

well ally if your guy wants you to get the 2.7 now then what is your hangup girlfriend?! come over here and just let me smack some sense into you.

as the proud owner of a 2.3 that could always just be a tad bit bigger, i think you should do it now. because who knows what prices could be like in 4 years. sure they could stay the same, or be lower but there is a chance they could be higher too. i mean look at 2-3 years ago...things were so much cheaper in the diamond world!! now i really kick myself for not starting larger back then, if only i knew.

i agree re :the whole halo thing are tiny ally but your halo probably looks huge on you...a 2c without halo will most likely be disappointing. now a 2.7c could never be disappointing.

oh and as for the whole 'the 2c won't be the end''s NEVER the end. you guys should know that!
Ally, just get the 2.74 now, even your FI seems to be rooting for it for heaven''s sake! In four years, we''ll be telling you the same thing about a 4 ct., I''m sure...LOL!
Date: 12/13/2006 12:34:11 PM
Author: hockeyguy
Ally''s fiancé really wants to buy the 2.74 diamond right NOW. I haven''t gotten all the stats on it yet, but an H si1 with medium-strong flour was exactly what she wanted. And it is listed as a hearts and arrows diamond on other sites so i would like to call whiteflash to get the report on it, but she is very set on keeping the old ring or a 2 carat. I like the option Dee*Jay suggested, because the price difference is alot, it''s only a portion of the christmas bonus and i think it would be worth it because she will be happy. Paying off the house is great too, but I don''t think it matters if I''m 31 or 32 when it happens. Although she does control the finances because she is incredible with it so i have to convince her first.

This is a great site. She said there were a lot of good people on here. I don''t get a lot of time on the computer when she''s around but since I have this day might as well make some trouble.
Haha... I love the name (I''m a Québécoise too) and the matching avatar!
You sound pretty sweet. If she wants it, and you want to get it for her, then get it!
(Yes ally, it''s a conspiracy!
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