
UPDATE. Need your BEST advice.


Apr 19, 2011
FI just called me and ask if I wanted to come have lunch and go talk to the jeweler about the situation (found in my other thread). He has to call the guy first and make sure he has time during our lunch, but I assume that he will. Here is where I am at right now.

I have been observing my ring over the last 5 days (have only had it since last Friday). Up close, the "speck" is visible TO ME in any lighting. However, the first day I really had it was Saturday, a gorgeous day here in New York where we were guests at an event outside. On a nice day outside, I can see the "speck" from what I consider pretty far away; it's clear to me while my hand is in my lap when I'm sitting up straight. It's been kinda of blah weather here since then, and it doesn't jump out at me as much from that kind of a distance. Other than that, I love everything about the ring - the color, size, sparkle, etc.

I think we both are hoping something can be done to hide it, detract from it, remove it (polishing compound?), or do something about it so that I can keep it. If nothing can be done, and I decide I cannot live with this, please give me your BEST ADVICE on looking at other stones, ESPECIALLY about clarity. Specifically, as to the following:

1. Should I even bother looking at other SI1s, or just FORGET IT at this point?

2. I currently have a G/SI1. Would a stone that is H/VS2 be in a relatively comparable price range (assuming everything else is roughly the same)?

3. The stone is 1.92 carats. I'm told that is a really great size economically, because there is a big jump at 2.00 carats. What kind of jump are we talking about?
What was the price on your G-SI1? I would think with a 2.0ct of comparable specs or slightly better specs, you will easily be in the low to mid 20's.
300GCP|1304523522|2912018 said:
FI just called me and ask if I wanted to come have lunch and go talk to the jeweler about the situation (found in my other thread). He has to call the guy first and make sure he has time during our lunch, but I assume that he will. Here is where I am at right now.

I have been observing my ring over the last 5 days (have only had it since last Friday). Up close, the "speck" is visible TO ME in any lighting. However, the first day I really had it was Saturday, a gorgeous day here in New York where we were guests at an event outside. On a nice day outside, I can see the "speck" from what I consider pretty far away; it's clear to me while my hand is in my lap when I'm sitting up straight. It's been kinda of blah weather here since then, and it doesn't jump out at me as much from that kind of a distance. Other than that, I love everything about the ring - the color, size, sparkle, etc.

I think we both are hoping something can be done to hide it, detract from it, remove it (polishing compound?), or do something about it so that I can keep it. If nothing can be done, and I decide I cannot live with this, please give me your BEST ADVICE on looking at other stones, ESPECIALLY about clarity. Specifically, as to the following:

1. Should I even bother looking at other SI1s, or just FORGET IT at this point?

2. I currently have a G/SI1. Would a stone that is H/VS2 be in a relatively comparable price range (assuming everything else is roughly the same)?

3. The stone is 1.92 carats. I'm told that is a really great size economically, because there is a big jump at 2.00 carats. What kind of jump are we talking about?

OK. I am really glad your FI is going to go to the jeweler with you to get everything straightened out.

step 1. please find out if it is polishing compound. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

I did a search on some of the PS Vendors...trying to see what the jump is. It seems pretty substantial although I have mostly been comparing 1.7 with 2 carat diamonds since I have not been able to find a 1.9 to compare with. H VS2 seems to be comparable in terms of price. I would definitely compare G and H in different lighting to see if you can notice the difference, and if you can, if it is important to you. I would also look at SI1 in different lighting from different angles, really scrutinize the heck out of it, look at the plot, loupe the inclusions so you know where they are, and then see if you can see them. But some people don't like knowing that the inclusions are there, so you may be more mind-clean with a VS2. Bottom line, I would look at G/H/VS2/SI1 and see what you like the best. Good luck!
austere|1304524634|2912034 said:
What was the price on your G-SI1? I would think with a 2.0ct of comparable specs or slightly better specs, you will easily be in the low to mid 20's.

I suppose the price is the only part of this that has been kept secret. I don't know exactly.
You can use the toolbar at the top of the page to input color, clarity and size to hopefully give you some idea about pricing. It is a good deal economically but money is only one part of this. It clearly bothers you and I think others here have said it would bother them too. That's not a poor reflection on you - it is just a fact.

I wouldn't throw any SI or VS stone out the window based on clarity grade alone. Use the jewelers loupe to look closely at any contender. Show the jeweler what you see and tell him you want nothing like that. I would rather have a smaller stone that didn't bug me in any major way. There are inclusions like twining wisps that are very often not visible to the naked eye at all. Ask to take a stone outside, near a window, in as many lighting situations as you can. This will give you a pretty good idea of how it will look - it didn't take you long to spot the 'spot' in this one.

Kudos to your fiance for giving this another shot. Don't settle for something you don't want - even if the jeweler needs to get more stones in. Try to shoot for an AGS0 or GIA xxx stone as you can feel pretty secure about the cut of those stones. There is nothing wrong with an H color either - small differences between G and H. You will have to judge each stone on its own merits - unless you are buying a D, IF stone there will be something to sacrifice on. I think you have a better idea than what you know of what you like and dislike.

Good luck - can't wait to hear about your adventure. Lastly, don't let them make you feel like you are being picky. Stick to your guns about what you want - a lifetime is a long time to have to wear something you're not thrilled about!
Yikes. I am nervous. I'm leaving my office now!
Good luck! I hope it goes well! :)
After all of this, GET WHAT YOU WANT. A deal is ONLY A deal when you're happy. I say forgo the SI1s and see if color bothers you. Take it outside, in darkness whatever you need to do and look at this diamond as IT.. then of COURSE, post pics!
Sizzle|1304529051|2912113 said:
After all of this, GET WHAT YOU WANT. A deal is ONLY A deal when you're happy. I say forgo the SI1s and see if color bothers you. Take it outside, in darkness whatever you need to do and look at this diamond as IT.. then of COURSE, post pics!

Yeah, trade it in...otherwise, you're going to keep obsessing over this forever! ;)

Good luck!
Ask to see 2-3 options. Look at them in *many* different lighting environments. And let your eyes pick. Make sure to look at it in the most critical lighting environments like, for me, bright sunlight or in sim lighting (I had a similar inclusion in a stone I traded in and it bugged me to death). After that, I personally would also look at the clarity plot so I knew where the inclusions were and then see if, knowing where they are, can I see them. Yup, I am that picky, so I would want to konw *for sure*.

Me, I would go for the H VS2 under the 2ct mark, or else I would drop to a 1.7ct to get a G VS2. You can't really see the size difference from 1.7 - 2ct anyways, not once set and worn.
300GCP|1304523522|2912018 said:
1. Should I even bother looking at other SI1s, or just FORGET IT at this point?
I would only consider it if YOU will be viewing the stone personally in different types of lighting. Some SI1's are eyeclean but it may be safer for you to stick with VS2 and above.
2. I currently have a G/SI1. Would a stone that is H/VS2 be in a relatively comparable price range (assuming everything else is roughly the same)?You can check the search bar up top to see if it would be comparable.
3. The stone is 1.92 carats. I'm told that is a really great size economically, because there is a big jump at 2.00 carats. What kind of jump are we talking about?Again- you can check it with the search but I believe the jump is significant. Are you looking for that round 2.00 number?

Sorry- I was soexcited for you that I didn't see you had already left- good luck! I can't wait to hear how it all turns out!
I am so happy for you ! Hopefully third time is a charm !!! Good luck :)
I'm sorry I missed the chance to wish you luck! But my advice would have been to ask for VS2 and to tell you that he may have to call in some stone from a supplier for you to look at. So he may not have what you want to look at today.
I'm baaaaaaaaack.

Well, this starts with a bit of a sad tale (for my FI). When we had lunch, he said he wanted to look at it one more time before we went into the jeweler. He was struggling and squinting. There is a small convenience shop in the lobby of his building, so we stopped in there to see if maybe they had reading glasses. They did, but we weren't sure of the strengths. I told him to just try on a pair to see if it helped (+3.00). He held a small packet of aleve to his face and could read it only when it was VERY close, and then put on a pair of the glasses and went back to the aleve and nearly fell over. He could see! He was so happy for a minute, and then sooooooooo upset that he has "old man eyes" and needs the glasses. We bought the glasses and when he put them on, he was much better able to see the inclusion. He felt so bad about it.

Anyhow, we showed the jeweler who said that it is NOT polishing compound, but an inclusion. :((

He said he could turn the stone so that the prong was near it, which might draw attention away from it (no guarantees).

We then looked at 3 other stones he had in house - a 1.52 F, VS2, Very Good Cut, a 1.70 G, VS1, Excellent Cut, and a 2.06, H, VS2, Good Cut. HATED the 2.06 carat. Actually, I couldn't even come close to telling the difference between the G and H as far as color went (also couldn't really tell between G and F for the record, not very color sensitive I guess). But the fact that the cut was not good was SO obvious. Even FI thought so. The table was huge and it was very grey looking. The 1.52 carat was beautiful, but ultimately I don't need to go up in color and down in carat to be happy so I don't think that one is really on the table. The 1.70, G, VS1 was gooooooooooooooorgeous. That is for sure the winner right now, if we replace the stone.

These are the stones he can "give us a deal" on because he owns them. Our other option, if we want to replace, is to see what he ends up with in the next two weeks or so. He gets stones in various ways (because they trade, do insurance work, do estate work, etc. in addition to having a retail store) and he said he could go out seeking something else, but he can give us the best deal if it comes to him in another way.

So right now we are weighing our options and trying to decide what to do.
Sorry about his eyesight - most of us lose some of this vision as we age.

Hooray for the 1.70 stone! At least you have an alternative that you love - did you notice a huge size difference between it and the one you have now? How did that stone compare look wise to your current stone?

So glad this has worked out and your fiance now knows and SEES what you were talking about! I guess you now decide if you take the stone he has in stock or wait for some others to come in. I know money will factor into this at some point and that may be your deciding factor as well.

All in all, sounds like it went well. Always good when there is an alternative!!
MissGotRocks|1304536534|2912245 said:
Sorry about his eyesight - most of us lose some of this vision as we age.

Hooray for the 1.70 stone! At least you have an alternative that you love - did you notice a huge size difference between it and the one you have now? How did that stone compare look wise to your current stone?

So glad this has worked out and your fiance now knows and SEES what you were talking about! I guess you now decide if you take the stone he has in stock or wait for some others to come in. I know money will factor into this at some point and that may be your deciding factor as well.

All in all, sounds like it went well. Always good when there is an alternative!!

As far as the size, it was hard to tell while this one was loose and that one was set. However, the jeweler put the 1.70 on my hand (like between two of my fingers) and he put the 2.06 on my hand right under it. You could definitely tell the difference between those and I was actually surprised how much so. There was a larger difference in carats between my prior 1.51 and this current 1.92, but I don't think it was near as obvious. I am fairly certain it was because the 2.06 only had a good cut and its table looked tremendous.

In the end, when I knew an engagement was coming and I was "dreaming" of what I might get, it was something about 1.75. I never expected 1.92. Don't get me wrong, I love the size, but it was actually beyond my expectations.

Well, basically FI and the jeweler just had a phone call and decided that he will hold this stone for two weeks. He will wait and see what comes in over the next two weeks to see if anything VS2 but a bit bigger comes in, and if anything does, he will put that on hold also. Then we can decide. And he will take back the current stone, dollar for dollar, in two weeks.

I checked out what Blue Nile would be charging for a stone of these specs, and the price he is quoting us is several thousands less, so I take it this is a pretty good deal.
Hope springs eternal - you've got a good alternative choice and the possibility of something else. Couldn't ask for a better scenario IMO - what looked so hopeless a few days ago now looks as though it will have a happy ending.

I'm thrilled for you!!
An excellent cut 1.7 G VS1 sounds like perfection to me, and I guess it should because it is very close to what I have! (Mine is technically graded H but a colorimeter machine graded it as a G, so it is at least borderline G-H.) Did you get the measurements of that stone? Mine is 7.6mm, so you could get a good idea how it would look set from the pictures I linked on one of your other threads.
What would the savings be to wait for a VS2 to come in?

I adore the sound of a G VS1, that is my dream stone too. I have a J VS1 and love knowing it is spotless on the inside, though would have been equally happy with a VS2.
Dreamer_D|1304545485|2912363 said:
What would the savings be to wait for a VS2 to come in?

I adore the sound of a G VS1, that is my dream stone too. I have a J VS1 and love knowing it is spotless on the inside, though would have been equally happy with a VS2.

I would be totally happy with a VS2 as well, and would be happy with an H. We had F, G, and H all lined up in a row and I really couldn't tell the difference. Maybe if we took the G out of the equation and put F and H together I could've, but honestly I think the difference was slight.

I'm not sure about the savings. I think the idea is that the G/VS1 1.7 is a price that works for us, but we'd hold out maybe for a G/VS2 or H/VS2 that was a bit bigger if it were the same price. The ONLY reason for doing this is that I currently have a 1.92, so we'd try to make the change in stone not super noticeable. Frankly, this is not a huge concern for me because I never expected a stone this big, but FI has been getting lots of kudos from everyone for it and I kinda he wishes it would stay so big because he feels good about that.
can your jeweler call in some stones from online? maybe you could find some potential candidates and he could call them in for you to see.
slg47|1304549778|2912422 said:
can your jeweler call in some stones from online? maybe you could find some potential candidates and he could call them in for you to see.

He could do that but he siad there is not as much room for him to "hook us up" on price when he gets a stone that way. He has contracts with insurance agencies and does a lot of estate work and can work more with things he gets that way somehow. FI and I were debating how exactly it is that an insurance company would have diamonds and we wonder if perhaps they pay for replacement diamonds and then people find their original diamonds and they take back either the original stone or the replacement stone?
Sure, that is one way. Another is when one of a pair is lost you can turn in the second stone and start over. There also may be stones that are chipped and then repaired and recertified. It sounds like you may be getting a great deal if your stone is several thousand less than a comparable stone from BN, so that is really terrific that he even had an excellent cut stone with good color/clarity!
Hurray!!! It sounds like you and your FI are getting along swimmingly!! That is the best part of the story!!

In regard to the size difference... It sounds like you love the 1.7 stone, but your FI is worried that people who already saw the diamond, and gave him great praise for the size will notice the difference in the new one? I highly doubt it! Especially if the diamond is in the same type setting. Most folks in this world do not have the discriminating eye of the PSer. I think they will just assume it is the same exact stone.

Am I right everyone?
Sounds wonderful. Can"t wait to see the new stone after all of this. You have my absolute best wishes!!!! :appl: :wavey:
Sounds like the 1.7 G VS1 is the way to go. The difference in diameter between 1.7 and 1.9 carats, ~0.3mm, is barely big enough of a difference to be noticeable to me when loose. I agree with Ickeymouse that the size difference, especially if set in a similar setting, is most likely not noticeable.

The size difference going from 1.7 to 2+ carats will be more noticeable, but the increase in price will be substantial.

The $/carat for G VS1 for similarly cut stones listed on WF jumps 25%+ going from 1.7 to 2+ carats. All together, a 2 ct G VS1 will most likely cost ~50% more than than a 1.7 ct G VS1.

Dropping the color and clarity grade to H VS2 will help, but a 2 ct H VS2 is still listed for ~20% more than a 1.7 G VS1 on WF.