
Umm, Grocery Shower?

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Iowa Lizzy

Jul 2, 2008
Backstory: Two of FI''s aunts (whom I''ve never met) offered to throw a joint bridal shower for myself and two of FI''s cousins who are also getting married this summer. I was initially just thrilled that someone had offered to do this for me. My mother keeps telling me I''m too old for a bridal shower (I''m 28) and I already own a house so I don''t need anything (most of my kitchen and bathroom items are hand-me-downs that I''ve had since college). I have three bridesmaids. My MOH hasn''t offered to throw one, and that''s okay (I didn''t throw her shower last year when she was married). The second BM is my little sister and she''s only 19 so I wouldn''t ask her. My third BM is my older sister who has a slew of her own issues; let''s just say that it would be a very, very weird shower. But I digress.

So a few nights ago, FI''s mother calls to tell me they have a theme for the shower. I''m thinking, "cool, a theme could be fun." Turns out, it''s a GROCERY SHOWER. So instead of the usual items off the registry or other thoughtful gifts, it''s GROCERIES. As in, "let''s help the newlyweds stock their cupboards!"

Umm..... Here''s the thing. I don''t even like it with my FIANCE does the grocery shopping, let alone a bunch of people I''ve never even met. I mean, I could see if we were going straight from a dorm or something to our first house and we needed all the initial items that cost a boatload in the beginning like condiments and spices, but we''ve been living together for over two years! I could also see it being neat if maybe I was really close to these people and they knew all my favorite foods. Like "Oh, Liz has loved these cookies for as long as I''ve known her" or "She puts Hellman''s Light Mayo on everything." But no. I don''t know them. I''m not a picky eater, but I''m a pretty picky shopper. I like what I like. I have this feeling that I''m going to get 15 boxes of Jiffy Cornbread mix and Tuna Helper. Garbanzo beans. Creamed corn. Cans of peas.....

FI just keeps laughing at me because he warned me that this side of his family was a little strange and told me I shouldn''t have accepted the shower invitation to begin with. He told me that if we just get a bunch of pre-packaged food that we can take it directly to the food bank after the shower. Well, that''s all fine and good. But then I''d driving a total of four hours to pick up a bunch of non-freakin''-perishables to donate!

My friends and co-workers are having a hay day with this. My MOH sent me a text the other night. It said: "Stopping by the grocery store for some milk after work. Figured I''d get your shower gift while I''m there. Hope you like Ramen Noodles!" Someone else asked if I was registered at Cub Foods or ALDI. A couple of my coworkers said that after I open every gift, I should say "Oh great! Cake Mix! Sure wish I had something to COOK this in."

My mother thinks it''s the oddest thing ever but she keeps asking how many people from my side of the family I get to invite. I said, "probably just you, my bridesmaids, maybe grandma." She said "what about MY friends? Wouldn''t THEY be invited?" Ugh. NO MOTHER. If you want YOUR friends at a shower for me, then YOU CAN THROW ONE. (Did I mention I have a severe urge to throw my phone out the window every time my mother calls to discuss wedding details)?

So anyway. Has anyone ever heard of this "grocery shower" idea? Is it just me, or is this about the weirdest thing you''ve heard for a shower? Good grief. I can''t get out of it. I have to go. Wish I could just say "Oh shucks, I already went grocery shopping this week. Thanks anyway!" FI told me to say that I''m a vegan who only buys organic foods, I''m on a gluten-free diet and I''m allergic to nuts. They''d probably figure out it was a lie when they see me inhaling my steak and wedding cake at our reception.....

Yes yes yes, it''s the thought that counts. But WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!?!?!


Feb 13, 2006
Um, whoa, weird, no words. That is simply bizarre, and I have never heard of such a thing! Who even comes up with an idea like that?!?!?! There has got to be a way around this, to make them change the theme. You are allergic to Red 40 food coloring and polysaccharides? Because who can really figure the latter out. Lightly mention what you really need is kitchen items? Maybe your FI can talk to his aunts.

If I got that invite, I simply wouldn''t know what to do either. I honestly think, if it were me, I would get something off the registry anyways. Maybe we can all pray that''s what the majority of your guests do too!

kas baby

Jun 5, 2009
hahaha... I''m sorry, but that is funny. I''m sure their hearts are in the right place, but it would be terribly awkward in my opinion. Themes don''t really define the types of gifts people give (at least from what I''ve seen,) so ''grocery store'' just seems kind of weird. Unless they all have some unfulfilled dream of being grocery store employees and wanted to dress up as such... yeah, never mind, still weird

Just wondering, but doesn''t the bridal shower consist of most/all the women who are going to the wedding? this is the way I''ve always seen it done, so I guess whichever of your mom''s friends that are invited might be allowed to come?


Jul 30, 2007
Oh my goodness--that has to be one of the strangest themes for a shower I''ve ever heard! Maybe it''s a joke? Are you bringing gifts for FI''s cousins?

At least you''ll get to spend some time with your FI''s family and who knows--maybe it''ll be a lot of fun!

Iowa Lizzy

Jul 2, 2008
Date: 4/1/2010 9:39:51 PM
Author: kas baby
Just wondering, but doesn''t the bridal shower consist of most/all the women who are going to the wedding? this is the way I''ve always seen it done, so I guess whichever of your mom''s friends that are invited might be allowed to come?

Well, I could see doing that if maybe it was a bridal shower for just me. The fact that I''m sharing it with two other girls (did I mention that I''ve never these girls either?) this is mostly for people on FI''s side of the family. I guess most of the brides I know have two showers; one for women on the groom''s side and one for the women on the bride''s side. Since I''ve never met the women throwing the shower. I don''t really feel comfortable asking if I can have more people invited. Hell, I don''t even feel comfortable asking that they not buy my groceries.

kas baby

Jun 5, 2009
Date: 4/1/2010 9:52:34 PM
Author: Travel Goddess
Date: 4/1/2010 9:39:51 PM
Author: kas baby
Just wondering, but doesn''t the bridal shower consist of most/all the women who are going to the wedding? this is the way I''ve always seen it done, so I guess whichever of your mom''s friends that are invited might be allowed to come?
Well, I could see doing that if maybe it was a bridal shower for just me. The fact that I''m sharing it with two other girls (did I mention that I''ve never these girls either?) this is mostly for people on FI''s side of the family. I guess most of the brides I know have two showers; one for women on the groom''s side and one for the women on the bride''s side. Since I''ve never met the women throwing the shower. I don''t really feel comfortable asking if I can have more people invited. Hell, I don''t even feel comfortable asking that they not buy my groceries.

good call. I didn''t think about the "joint" bridal shower aspect. well, I hope you can make the best of it- it will at least be an interesting story


May 21, 2009
this. is. strange.

but, maybe, most ladies will get you a giftcard to the grocery store??? that''s what i''d do if i was invited to a grocery shower. every other option seems too weird or cheesy. i was thinking like a pot filled w/items to make spaghetti: noodles, sauce, spices but i would feel really strange giving that as a shower gift and surely they''re not going to buy just a bag of rice & wrap it
i don''t know. i''ve heard of kitchen showers before but never a bridal shower where guests are encouraged (through the theme) to give food items. well, i hope you can make the best of it & PLEASE, PLEASE come back and tell us all the gifts you receive!

so strange.


Jan 17, 2010
completely bizarre!


Jun 26, 2007
I''ve heard of a "pounding" before, where everyone brings a pound of something. A pound of flour, sugar, and then people get creative. But, I can''t imagine doing it for a couple that has lived together for two years... Weird...


Nov 10, 2006
It''s weird. But maybe it will be tons of fun! I mean, let''s be honest- most normal bridal showers are kind of boring. Maybe this one will have you laughing all day.

So, I would be amused if I were you, but I certainly wouldn''t let it get me all hot and bothered. Plus, as you said at the end of your post, I would focus on the fact that your FI''s aunts were thoughtful enough to include you when they certainly didn''t have to.


Oct 26, 2009
I believe this is known as a kitchen tea. It''s my understanding that this supplements a traditional bridal shower and is a separate event to stock the pantry of the newlyweds. Obviously this works better for people who haven''t lived together
I had never heard of it either until my best friend had to attend one for her FSIL. The FSIL/brother were moving from their parents'' homes to their marital home, so they needed pantry goods!


Oct 20, 2007
It sounds funny!

If I received an invitation like that I''d buy a bottle of wine or liquor or champagne - those can all be found in a grocery store. You''re going to have to report back...with photos!


Feb 20, 2009
Strange indeed...I''d feel pretty awkward giving a gift for that, lol!


Apr 8, 2008
I went to one similar to this for my aunt. Instead of "groceries" each guest was given a group of items to bring for example:

Paper-paper plates, napkins, paper towels
medicine cabinet: aspirin, band-aids, etc..

I think done like that is cute, maybe that''s what they mean? best of luck!


Aug 12, 2005
I can think of all sorts of ways to have fun with this, but then I'm a creative person who likes to do themed gifts.

Our Krogers have a very nice section (2-3 aisles) of kitchen gadgets, and then there are the wine and liquor aisles where fun little accoutrements can be found.

Hopefully your guests will "get it" and figure out that they don't need to just get you $50 worth of canned food and pasta, but that they can have fun with the idea and be creative. One of my shower gifts (actually a favorite) was a new laundry basket filled with detergents, dryer sheets, hangers, spray starch, a lingerie bag, etc. All of those can be found at the grocery store...

This could be really fun, TG. Try to relax and see the humor in it!


Jul 30, 2007
I just thought of something else--maybe you''ll get really nice spices? That is something that can be pricey but is really nice to have and can lead to experimenting. Or someone could give you a couple of recipes and everything you need to make them? It could be really cute!


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 4/2/2010 12:44:17 AM
Author: OUpeargirl
I''ve heard of a ''pounding'' before, where everyone brings a pound of something. A pound of flour, sugar, and then people get creative. But, I can''t imagine doing it for a couple that has lived together for two years... Weird...
*snort* I''m sorry, my mind is completely in the gutter today.


Jun 26, 2007
Date: 4/2/2010 11:39:29 AM
Author: monarch64
Date: 4/2/2010 12:44:17 AM

Author: OUpeargirl

I''ve heard of a ''pounding'' before, where everyone brings a pound of something. A pound of flour, sugar, and then people get creative. But, I can''t imagine doing it for a couple that has lived together for two years... Weird...
*snort* I''m sorry, my mind is completely in the gutter today.



Nov 5, 2007
This is interesting and weird. I mean the stuff would have to be non-perishable, right? Unless they stuck some meat in a cooler. But that''s really strange! Hahaha.

At least you''ll get some really nice wines? Hopefully? Maybe??

Iowa Lizzy

Jul 2, 2008
I''m generally a "keep on the sunny side" kind of person but the odds of getting nice wines and cool kitchen gadgets is slim and none. We''re talking small-town, one grocery store in the area. Every time I try to say "maybe it''ll be cool and fun...." FI starts laughing and saying "Lizzy, you really don''t know these people. Get ready for generic Mac&Cheese and garage sale knick-knacks."

When FMIL originally called to say they were throwing the shower, FI sat there shaking his head and mouthing "just say no." Let this be a lesson to me. He has clearly learned which family functions to avoid!

If this ends up being more fun than a barrel of monkeys, I will let you all know. I will eat my words.

....and all my new groceries.


Apr 2, 2006
I''ve never heard of a grocery shower and i have to admit that I''m chuckling at the thought of how bad it could be. Hamburger Helper and Bisquick, anyone? Hopefully people will put some thought into their gifts... you can hope, right?

I am sorry though that you aren''t getting more a traditional shower. I hope you get some wonderful, thoughtful wedding gifts to make up for it!


Apr 6, 2006
I can't imagine why anyone would think there is an age limit on bridal showers. The hand-me-downs you are using were not gifts to you and your FI. Even if I was invited to a "grocery" shower I would NOT bring groceries. I would be embarrassed to give a gift to food. I do that around Thanksgiving at a local food bank!

If they do go through with it please register and treat it like a traditional bridal shower because there might be others like myself who would rather pick out china or a toaster than go food shopping and haul $50 worth of Campbell's soup cans to a party.


Nov 9, 2007
Date: 4/2/2010 2:07:36 PM
Author: Travel Goddess
I''m generally a ''keep on the sunny side'' kind of person but the odds of getting nice wines and cool kitchen gadgets is slim and none. We''re talking small-town, one grocery store in the area. Every time I try to say ''maybe it''ll be cool and fun....'' FI starts laughing and saying ''Lizzy, you really don''t know these people. Get ready for generic Mac&Cheese and garage sale knick-knacks.''

When FMIL originally called to say they were throwing the shower, FI sat there shaking his head and mouthing ''just say no.'' Let this be a lesson to me. He has clearly learned which family functions to avoid!

If this ends up being more fun than a barrel of monkeys, I will let you all know. I will eat my words.

....and all my new groceries.

Oh no... I was thinking your last resort could be to return all the boxed/canned products, but if it''s a one grocery store kind of town, then I can throw that idea out the window. I''m hoping you get gift cards, but if you do end up with lots of food you don''t eat, how about you cook it all in one day and throw a party with it? If they brought it, maybe you should give them a chance to enjoy it!
It will make you look all thoughtful and sweet, hehe.

You can always donate stuff, too, though I don''t think it''s fair to you to be robbed of your share of mixers and toasters.
Just think of it that way - if you had gotten a traditional bridal shower, you might have ended up with 5 toasters like the rest of us, and I bet you already have most kitchen appliances anyways. Better to have 5 boxes of cake mix, no?


Nov 16, 2008

oh hun- this is just cracking me up.

tell them you need wine and liquor- you''d like to "stock the bar" instead of "stock the kitchen."

i just keep getting this picture in my head of what i donate when the kids come around to our house asking for donations around thanksgiving to donate to the foodbank. i pray they are a bit more creative.

sorry ''bout your luck




Aug 12, 2005
Date: 4/2/2010 2:07:36 PM
Author: Travel Goddess
I''m generally a ''keep on the sunny side'' kind of person but the odds of getting nice wines and cool kitchen gadgets is slim and none. We''re talking small-town, one grocery store in the area. Every time I try to say ''maybe it''ll be cool and fun....'' FI starts laughing and saying ''Lizzy, you really don''t know these people. Get ready for generic Mac&Cheese and garage sale knick-knacks.''

When FMIL originally called to say they were throwing the shower, FI sat there shaking his head and mouthing ''just say no.'' Let this be a lesson to me. He has clearly learned which family functions to avoid!

If this ends up being more fun than a barrel of monkeys, I will let you all know. I will eat my words.

....and all my new groceries.
TG, I hear you. I really do. However, it is your job as the bride to remain gracious and I hope your true feelings about this shower are not obvious to the hostesses during the event. Try not to let this get the best of you. If you''re dealing with a small town set of people, I''m going to take a wild guess and say that 1. not many have access to online shopping or are comfortable with it, and 2. there are no stores in the area at which you are registered, so this was the simplest, most useful sort of shower they thought would work for you and all the guests. An even more quaint (but more charming) idea might have been for all guests to make a quilt block and bring to your shower so that a wedding quilt could be made from it, that''s another thing that is sometimes done in small towns, although I haven''t ever heard of a grocery shower.

Here''s what you do if you receive 20 boxes of Jiffy mix and Bisquick, Mac-n-Cheese, etc: donate everything you don''t wish to keep. And from this point on, ever after, just realize that you will know exactly what to prepare for get-togethers should you decide to invite these people into your home, and if you ever are called upon again to attend functions of theirs you''ll know exactly what to bring! No guesswork involved, right?

I work in a really small town, and the cuisine people here prepare is super 1950''s as well--jell-o molds, Campbell''s soup recipes, canned veggies in everything, etc. When an area does not have access to things like Whole Foods/Trader Joe''s, etc. well then yeah...they eat Wonder Bread and processed cheese.


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 4/2/2010 11:41:08 AM
Author: OUpeargirl

Date: 4/2/2010 11:39:29 AM
Author: monarch64

Date: 4/2/2010 12:44:17 AM

Author: OUpeargirl

I''ve heard of a ''pounding'' before, where everyone brings a pound of something. A pound of flour, sugar, and then people get creative. But, I can''t imagine doing it for a couple that has lived together for two years... Weird...
*snort* I''m sorry, my mind is completely in the gutter today.

Don''t encourage me!!!


Jan 17, 2010
when is this grocery shower happening? I''m going to be on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about it :)

Iowa Lizzy

Jul 2, 2008
The shower is the first weekend in May. I will definitely be back with updates!


Feb 15, 2007
This sounds very strange to me, TG. I hope the other posters are correct that people will be creative with this theme and bring you things that you can actually use.

If you end up hauling hundreds of dollars of processed food home, well, that will probably be baffling and frustrating for you at the time. However, it really will make for a *fabulous* story later on.

Just think of how much joy you will bring to all of your PS friends when you post the details for us. That should get you through the most awful parts.


Mar 23, 2005
TG - I will agree that this is weird!

It is a shame that no one on your side of the family is throwing you a shower. I don''t follow your mom''s logic. It seems like someone would step up to the plate from your side. Technically, the mob is not supposed to throw a shower for the bride. I don''t necessarily agree with this, but I do think that a lot of people follow this rule.

I would go into this shower with the attitude that it is NOT a bridal shower. It is just a party with strange gifts.

Who knows, maybe it will end up being fun. I''ll be anxious to hear!
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