
UC Berkeley


Mar 2, 2013
Re: US Berkeley

I knew it had to be Milo just by reading the link. :lol: :lol:

The visit had been sponsored by the college's Republican club.
NO WAY! :o Is participating in an anti-(anyone-but-dems) protest, like, a requirement now for a liberal arts degree; maybe kids earn extra credit for being the organizer or something? :shifty:

Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators carrying signs that read "Hate Speech Is Not Free Speech" had been protesting for hours before the event.
And then, all Donkey Kong broke loose! :doh: :doh:

I can hear 'em now ... "I don't like what you have to say, what you believe, or who you used to work for, and I know you are not even an elected official who actually HAS an impact on my life ... so rather than go about my own business tonight, maybe meet friends for pizza and beers :think: :think: I think I'll remove all doubt about my idiocy by setting fires, destroying school property, annnnd maybe if I'm lucky, accidentally hurt a fellow classmate or two in the process. Because "free speech" and all!" :dance: :dance:

Yes, that really IS how ridiculous these children appear. Way to make the 'rents proud! :clap:


Feb 5, 2004
Re: US Berkeley

JoCoJenn|1486011182|4123154 said:
I knew it had to be Milo just by reading the link. :lol: :lol:

The visit had been sponsored by the college's Republican club.
NO WAY! :o Is participating in an anti-(anyone-but-dems) protest, like, a requirement now for a liberal arts degree; maybe kids earn extra credit for being the organizer or something? :shifty:

Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators carrying signs that read "Hate Speech Is Not Free Speech" had been protesting for hours before the event.
And then, all Donkey Kong broke loose! :doh: :doh:

I can hear 'em now ... "I don't like what you have to say, what you believe, or who you used to work for, and I know you are not even an elected official who actually HAS an impact on my life ... so rather than go about my own business tonight, maybe meet friends for pizza and beers :think: :think: I think I'll remove all doubt about my idiocy by setting fires, destroying school property, annnnd maybe if I'm lucky, accidentally hurt a fellow classmate or two in the process. Because "free speech" and all!" :dance: :dance:

Yes, that really IS how ridiculous these children appear. Way to make the 'rents proud! :clap:

I may find the speaker reprehensible.

So show her/him what I think by having her/him speak to an empty auditorium.

You know who will destroy this country? Those who cannot accept any opinion other then their own. And if they do not hear what they like, they will just set in on fire Scorched earth is this group of morons answers to everything.

Let us have a one day national strike. This way we can loot, destroy, and burn many parts of the country all at once.

Trump did not mention Holocaust day. That anti semite.

He did mention Black History Day, but it was not very eloquent. That bigot.

And ,Let us now get back to a bigger concern of this board - Kutchner may have lost some weight so he is at war with Trump.

And how "randy" Ivanka is because she has 3 kids. Yea like that is why it was mentioned.


Feb 5, 2004
Watching the video.

Why do these so called proud Americans have their faces covered?


Jul 13, 2008
Re: US Berkeley

ruby59|1486011809|4123155 said:
You know who will destroy this country? Those who cannot accept any opinion other then their own. And if they do not hear what they like, they will just set in on fire

You know what? We finally agree! That IS who will destroy this country, and he's sitting in the white house as we speak!


Mar 2, 2013
I don't know if it's the lack of sleep, or just an overwhelming sense of oh-what-the-heck-ever- :hand: as a result of all the non-stop childishness ... I just can't help but laugh at most of it anymore because I sure can't take it/them seriously. :doh: Like, I really do want to fly out there, to this campus, stand across the street, and just









:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I know the fire/flames will be out, and the precious little angels will already be back home & tucked safely into their bubbles...I mean beds. And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Deity-of-your-choice help them when the doors swing open to the real world. :shock:


Feb 12, 2013
Ruby and Jenn, exactly!


Jul 27, 2007
What, specifically, since he has taken office, has this president said or done to try to unite our country, heal wounds, start to bring the country together?


Dec 25, 2012
I don't agree with violent protest for any reason, ever. Someone could have been killed.

I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.

Some people don't get pissed about gay people losing their rights, shoving religion into EVERYTHING and white supremacy. They will justify and point fingers until they are dead. Well, now the people are pushing back. Things get messy. People get hurt.

It's sad, but when you see alt right groups at rallies making the Nazi salute and its 2017 maybe that's a sign that things aren't going so well for Mr. Trump and his cabinet.

And instead of trying to unite a very divided country, he TWEETS some threat about Berkeley losing its federal funding.


Dec 25, 2012
siamese3|1486049027|4123264 said:
What, specifically, since he has taken office, has this president said or done to try to unite our country, heal wounds, start to bring the country together?

Tweet vague threats and give sub par tone deaf speeches?


Aug 31, 2005
You all do know that the violence was cause by anarchists, right? I honestly can't tell. They're part of a group called the "Black Bloc" that have, apparently, terrorized Oakland over the years.

Violence is never okay, but don't lump people who seek to create chaos in with people peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights.


Dec 25, 2012
E B|1486049867|4123271 said:
You all do know that the violence was cause by anarchists, right? I honestly can't tell. They're part of a group called the "Black Bloc" that have, apparently, terrorized Oakland over the years.

Violence is never okay, but don't lump people who seek to create chaos in with people peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

I did know this but failed to mention so yes thank you! This isn't your average student protest. However some will slam ANY who speak out as sheltered, spoiled and entitled.


Aug 31, 2005
Elliot86|1486049261|4123266 said:
I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.

That's part of the big old puzzle of things to be embarrassed by that's missing: inviting that POS to speak? Of all the amazing conservative speakers- and I do mean almost anyone would be better, here- they choose him?

Since this is related, I thought I'd get some thoughts here rather than starting a new thread. From this morning:


What are your thoughts on withholding federal funding of a public university due to protests/riots of a few?


Oct 23, 2011
Elliot86|1486050077|4123272 said:
E B|1486049867|4123271 said:
You all do know that the violence was cause by anarchists, right? I honestly can't tell. They're part of a group called the "Black Bloc" that have, apparently, terrorized Oakland over the years.

Violence is never okay, but don't lump people who seek to create chaos in with people peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

I did know this but failed to mention so yes thank you! This isn't your average student protest. However some will slam ANY who speak out as sheltered, spoiled and entitled.

This!!!! My daughter is a student there and was on her at to work when she walked by the peaceful protest. Then all hell broke loose by anarchists! Don't blame the students! Btw, this speaker has been cancelled at lots of great universities as a result of the protests that precede him.


Oct 23, 2011
E B|1486050177|4123273 said:
Elliot86|1486049261|4123266 said:
I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.

That's part of the big old puzzle of things to be embarrassed by that's missing: inviting that POS to speak? Of all the amazing conservative speakers- and I do mean almost anyone would be better, here- they choose him?

Since this is related, I thought I'd get some thoughts here rather than starting a new thread. From this morning:


What are your thoughts on withholding federal funding of a public university due to protests/riots of a few?

Really Trump? Spoken like the true dictator that he is. Trying to censor our most basic rights. Yet e can "joke" as he threatens other countries with our military. He can label another country's "bad hombres" but he was just kidding right???


Jul 31, 2014
E B|1486050177|4123273 said:
Elliot86|1486049261|4123266 said:
I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.

That's part of the big old puzzle of things to be embarrassed by that's missing: inviting that POS to speak? Of all the amazing conservative speakers- and I do mean almost anyone would be better, here- they choose him?

Since this is related, I thought I'd get some thoughts here rather than starting a new thread. From this morning:


What are your thoughts on withholding federal funding of a public university due to protests/riots of a few?

I absolutely DO NOT condone violence, and the people who turned a peaceful protest into something violent are definitely to blame. But I think what is said above is also important. WHY would the university invite someone who writes for a vile hate site???? There are so many other conservative speakers who should be heard--this guy isn't one of them, and of course will incite protests (apparently many other Universities have cancelled him as a speaker due to protests, so this is far from the first time).

And I have no words for Chump's threat to "withhold funding". That just absurd in every way. As usual.


Mar 2, 2013
siamese3|1486049027|4123264 said:
What, specifically, since he has taken office, has this president said or done to try to unite our country, heal wounds, start to bring the country together?

:wavey: Go check out the "Black History Month" thread (if you can stomach the the childish, disrespectful "barfing" and anti-chump posts mocking the event.) [URL=''][/URL]

Or save yourself the agony, and just read the official transcript from the event:

Elliot86 said:
I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.


And instead of trying to unite a very divided country, he TWEETS some threat about Berkeley losing its federal funding.

You are right (quick, screen shot that! :lol: ); it doesn't mean "freedom from consequence", but a 'rational' response is to protest the school administration (peacefully & respectfully). Petition them to cancel the event, or withdraw and attend a school that aligns with your 'beliefs', etc.

But from an educational perspective ('speaker'/topic/media aside), is there NOT value in someone presenting 'dissenting' opinions (albeit extreme), having dialogue both ways, and an opportunity to allow students to form their own opinions and judgments about not only the speaker, but his 'platform'? This teaches students to discuss & disagree respectfully as well as think critically & assess what they read & hear to discern facts from fiction. These are critical to being successful in adulthood/'the real world'. This is college; students go there for an education; not sheltered 'nap time'.

We need to teach kids HOW to think; not WHAT to think. If we surround ourselves with only those who agree with us, it tends to make us close-minded, 'thin-skinned', and less aware/receptive to others' differences - be them based on religion, race, beliefs, politics, etc. Why do you think I come here? :lol:

On your last point - if a college is going to suppress ANYONE'S constitutional rights, they deserve to lose their Federal funding. And I'd say the same if that 'right' being infringed was one's 'reproductive', religious, etc., or any other rights.

Politically speaking - if those on the left ever wanted someone to 'make the left's case', I'd think Milo would be THE guy to bring in.


Apr 30, 2005
So universities should invite speakers from the KKK and pedophile rights groups?
How bout crack dealers?

It's important to give these people the mic so the students can make up their own minds. :wall:


Jul 31, 2014
kenny|1486062093|4123360 said:
So universities should invite speakers from the KKK and pedophile rights groups?
How bout crack dealers?

It's important to give these people the mic so the students can make up their own minds. :wall:
Lol Kenny I came back to reply about speakers from the KKK. thanks for getting here first :appl:


Feb 5, 2004
kenny|1486062093|4123360 said:
So universities should invite speakers from the KKK and pedophile rights groups?
How bout crack dealers?

It's important to give these people the mic so the students can make up their own minds. :wall:

I do not even know if this is a man or a woman, neither do I care to even look "it" up to find out.

I agree "it" is a troublemaker trying to cause problems for problem sake.

And I do agree that this would not even be my 1,000,000,000,000 choice as a speaker.

But was it the University who invited him, or the group of Republican students?

With freedom of speech just like I would not care to hear anything that came out of "its" mouth, don't those who want to, have the right to do so?

And relevant to the other thread, there probably were anarchists mingled in with these students. And this is why I fear a 1 day national strike. As someone said up thread, her daughter saw peaceful marches - until all Hell broke loose.

And what would be the consequences of people who did not follow the strike? Would their businesses be targeted, their customers and workers harassed?

How do you keep out these obvious troublemakers who are no better imo then that invited speaker?


Aug 31, 2005
JoCoJenn|1486061819|4123356 said:
On your last point - if a college is going to suppress ANYONE'S constitutional rights, they deserve to lose their Federal funding. And I'd say the same if that 'right' being infringed was one's 'reproductive', religious, etc., or any other rights.

Is that what happened here, in your opinion?


Mar 2, 2013
E B|1486063438|4123369 said:
JoCoJenn|1486061819|4123356 said:
On your last point - if a college is going to suppress ANYONE'S constitutional rights, they deserve to lose their Federal funding. And I'd say the same if that 'right' being infringed was one's 'reproductive', religious, etc., or any other rights.

Is that what happened here, in your opinion?

Obviously I don't have all the facts, which is why I said "IF". So let me ask you:

Students have a right to an education, yes?

Berkeley is a public college, providing students an "education" for a fee, yes?

Someone - the students, it seems, who PAY to attend this "educational institution" (not me) saw SOME value in learning something by having this person speak (even IF it is to learn he is a bigoted jerk), yes?

Mr. Milo was prevented from speaking (his 'right' by invitation), and the students were prevented from learning that 'something' by the event being canceled, yes?

If those statements are all correct, without digging into constitutional 'tests', case law, precedent, then YES, I think it is reasonable to believe people's rights were violated.

If students do not have a right to an education, then no - I don't think their rights were violated.

So tell me how would you answer at least the first question? Because if students don't have a right to an education, I would LOVE to understand why everyone is up in arms over Devos' nomination to Dept. of Ed.

Do I personally subscribe to THAT level of scrutiny? No. That same logic could be applied to defunding the military, if that were the case. But in a world so quick to feel constitutionally-violated by someone saying "bless you" when they sneeze, it seems to be the litmus test many use.


Jul 31, 2014
JoCoJenn|1486066504|4123386 said:
E B|1486063438|4123369 said:
JoCoJenn|1486061819|4123356 said:
On your last point - if a college is going to suppress ANYONE'S constitutional rights, they deserve to lose their Federal funding. And I'd say the same if that 'right' being infringed was one's 'reproductive', religious, etc., or any other rights.

Is that what happened here, in your opinion?

Obviously I don't have all the facts, which is why I said "IF". So let me ask you:

Students have a right to an education, yes?

Berkeley is a public college, providing students an "education" for a fee, yes?

Someone - the students, it seems, who PAY to attend this "educational institution" (not me) saw SOME value in learning something by having this person speak (even IF it is to learn he is a bigoted jerk), yes?

Mr. Milo was prevented from speaking (his 'right' by invitation), and the students were prevented from learning that 'something' by the event being canceled, yes?

If those statements are all correct, without digging into constitutional 'tests', case law, precedent, then YES, I think it is reasonable to believe people's rights were violated.

If students do not have a right to an education, then no - I don't think their rights were violated.

So tell me how would you answer at least the first question? Because if students don't have a right to an education, I would LOVE to understand why everyone is up in arms over Devos' nomination to Dept. of Ed.

Do I personally subscribe to THAT level of scrutiny? No. That same logic could be applied to defunding the military, if that were the case. But in a world so quick to feel constitutionally-violated by someone saying "bless you" when they sneeze, it seems to be the litmus test many use.

I think it's important to remember that UC Berkley isn't responsible for what the violent protesters did, so they don't deserve to lose federal funding regardless. Like I said, I disagree with violence and think the people responsible are the ones who should be punished for their actions, not the University at which the protests occurred


Jan 12, 2012
JoCoJenn|1486066504|4123386 said:
E B|1486063438|4123369 said:
JoCoJenn|1486061819|4123356 said:
On your last point - if a college is going to suppress ANYONE'S constitutional rights, they deserve to lose their Federal funding. And I'd say the same if that 'right' being infringed was one's 'reproductive', religious, etc., or any other rights.

Is that what happened here, in your opinion?

Obviously I don't have all the facts, which is why I said "IF". So let me ask you:

Students have a right to an education, yes?

Berkeley is a public college, providing students an "education" for a fee, yes?

Someone - the students, it seems, who PAY to attend this "educational institution" (not me) saw SOME value in learning something by having this person speak (even IF it is to learn he is a bigoted jerk), yes?

Mr. Milo was prevented from speaking (his 'right' by invitation), and the students were prevented from learning that 'something' by the event being canceled, yes?

If those statements are all correct, without digging into constitutional 'tests', case law, precedent, then YES, I think it is reasonable to believe people's rights were violated.

If students do not have a right to an education, then no - I don't think their rights were violated.

So tell me how would you answer at least the first question? Because if students don't have a right to an education, I would LOVE to understand why everyone is up in arms over Devos' nomination to Dept. of Ed.

Do I personally subscribe to THAT level of scrutiny? No. That same logic could be applied to defunding the military, if that were the case. But in a world so quick to feel constitutionally-violated by someone saying "bless you" when they sneeze, it seems to be the litmus test many use.

You seem to be starting with the assumption that the students have no idea what the speakers viewpoints are, as if he were some unknown entity, when in fact, he is already fairly high profile in political arenas. I suspect they know more about what's what in the political underbelly of the US political scene than possibly you or I do.

Could it be that they already have seen his viewpoints (it's not hard to find them, even I have read some of his "opinion articles" myself) and found it distasteful? (i know I did...)

You are casting the students as ignorant, and perhaps they are not. They are certainly old enough to have formed their own opinions.

And I in no way condone the violence of the anarchists.


Aug 31, 2005
lovedogs|1486066907|4123389 said:
I think it's important to remember that UC Berkley isn't responsible for what the violent protesters did, so they don't deserve to lose federal funding regardless. Like I said, I disagree with violence and think the people responsible are the ones who should be punished for their actions, not the University at which the protests occurred

Bingo. The only way the hypothetical holds up is if the university was responsible. The event wasn't cancelled to limit free speech, it was cancelled for safety concerns. The president's reaction doesn't surprise me in the least, incorrectly assuming UC Berkeley was at fault. Punish thousands of students for what a bunch of anarchists did? The anarchists responsible for the riots should be punished- properly- but there's really no line that I can see drawn from what happened to "yank federal funding for an entire university."


Jan 22, 2017
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
...And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Puh-leaze. I don't know what mamby-pamby university you are thinking of but UC Berkeley doesn't cancel classes. Bomb threats, earthquakes, blockades, doesn't matter -- classes continue.

Here, see:


Feb 5, 2004

Apparently it was not enough for them to throw rocks and bottles but they attacked people and sprayed one woman in the face with an unidentified liquid. They beat and bloodied another man.

Then went off campus and damaged some buildings in the city for good measure.

My question - why was no one arrested or held accountable?

Did the police just stand there why these people were being attacked?

If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.


Jan 22, 2017
E B|1486050177|4123273 said:
Elliot86|1486049261|4123266 said:
I am just baffled as to what Berkeley was thinking, having a journalist from Breitbart speak. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence, and it you write for a hate site (and make no mistake, that's what it is), people are going to be pissed.

That's part of the big old puzzle of things to be embarrassed by that's missing: inviting that POS to speak? Of all the amazing conservative speakers- and I do mean almost anyone would be better, here- they choose him?

Since this is related, I thought I'd get some thoughts here rather than starting a new thread. From this morning:


What are your thoughts on withholding federal funding of a public university due to protests/riots of a few?

Milo Yiannopoulos was invited by the Berkeley College Republicans, a student group that loves to troll the Berkeley liberals -- at least when my friend was its president. The university provided them the venue as it generally does not muzzle different viewpoints.

It is ridiculous that a sitting president would think such a thing and even more ridiculous that he would actually tweet it. It makes my stomach turn. I am more and more convinced that the donor states should just hold on to their money.


Feb 5, 2004
t-c|1486068938|4123403 said:
JoCoJenn|1486013298|4123161 said:
...And I'm sure tomorrow's classes will be canceled so as to allow everyone to process the events from the night before. Might as well tag Friday on as well, for good measure.

Puh-leaze. I don't know what mamby-pamby university you are thinking of but UC Berkeley doesn't cancel classes. Bomb threats, earthquakes, blockades, doesn't matter -- classes continue.

Here, see:

And how many were able to do their homework and study due to the chaos to prepare for the next day's classes.


Jan 22, 2017
ruby59|1486069491|4123407 said:

Apparently it was not enough for them to throw rocks and bottles but they attacked people and sprayed one woman in the face with an unidentified liquid. They beat and bloodied another man.

Then went off campus and damaged some buildings in the city for good measure.

My question - why was no one arrested or held accountable?

Did the police just stand there why these people were being attacked?

If the school does not take action against these agitators, then yes they deserve to be punished for it.

I think you will find that police don't regularly jump into active riots. It risks their own safety.

You think because of the event that happened on this one day, it is okay to cut federal funding from one of the leading universities in the world and from its students? Cut off federal funds to a university that produced 22 Nobel laureates, 6 Fields medalists, 4 Pulitzer prize winners, 10 Turing winners, over 50 MacArthur genius grant winners, produced people who've made discoveries, started businesses, and generated intellectual content that served and benefited this country for over a hundred years because of what happened today? Because we have a ridiculous, reactionary bully tweeter for president?
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