
Tweets from a lunatic

Deb, I'm sorry to hear that about Griffin!! Poor baby, hope he's feeling better soon.
Oh no, Deb!!!! I am so sorry to hear about Griffin! Do they know what might be making him sick? I know how much we all love our fur babies, so I am sure you are very worried. I am wishing him and you the best!
Deb big hugs to you and Griff!!!!
Deb big hugs to you and Griff!!!!

Redwood, how is your son? We have had a number of US naval mishaps in my neck of the woods lately and every time there is one I think of you and your son and hope he is safe and well.

Deb, I sincerely hop Griffin will be O.K!!!

, how is your son? We have had a number of US naval mishaps in my neck of the woods lately and every time there is one I think of you and your son and hope he is safe and well.

Deb, I sincerely hop Griffin will be O.K!!!

I have to admit that I never associated naval mishaps with red's sons, arkie! You are a very sweet woman. I am going to excuse myself on the grounds that the US Navy is an enormous entity, but I am still awed by how kind you are!

And, of course, we all wish both your wonderful sons well, red!

Deb :wavey:
Redwood, how is your son? We have had a number of US naval mishaps in my neck of the woods lately and every time there is one I think of you and your son and hope he is safe and well.

Deb, I sincerely hop Griffin will be O.K!!!

Thank you ever so much for your concern. Actually both are out right now and home. The one that was on the Fitzgerald is about to reenlist in the reserves with a plan to go active duty because he actually misses being in the Navy. The other one just got out and will be in college in the spring as his plan is civil engineering.

Deb please let us know how Griff is doing.
Where is Kermit? We are getting closer and closer to The Russian Connection :appl:
IMG_3772.JPG .
Deb please let us know how Griff is doing.

I thank you and the other posters who asked about Griffin, red. I believe he is going to make it although, of course, nothing is ever 100% sure in life. I will tell the whole story somewhere (maybe tomorrow), perhaps in his thread. (He has his own thread somewhere, the lucky boy!) I saw him today (actually that was yesterday) and he was far better than the day before. He was able to stand up, at least briefly. His kidneys and his skin are involved, but there may also be some neurological component. he was running a high fever and couldn't walk and was urinating on himself and became unresponsive. As i said, i will tell the saga elsewhere so as not to threadjack this entire thread! Thank you all.

I will post a link here now so that any further discussion can go into that thread.

Griffin's Thread...

Deb :wavey:
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Another informed voter :rolleyes:

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I've heard Trump is calling for Americans to donate to Hurricane Harvey relief. I would love to see what he donates. For a man with billions I'm sure he would be able to donate a large sum of money. I'm assuming he hasn't made a donation as of yet. We all know he would be sure to tweet the amount he donated.

I hope Trump rethinks his disaster relief cuts. Wasn't he wantIng to cut FMEA's budget by $667 Million for disaster preparedness and response?
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"Trump supporters be like...

He did't say that.
And if he did, he didn't mean that.
And if he did, you didn't understand it.
And if you did, it's not a big deal.
And if it is, others have said worse."

, you don't understand! What about the e-mails?


, you don't understand! What about the e-mails?
What about em??...:Up_to_something:.The 30K Email was all about her daughter's wedding...;)2. I'll receive a dozen "likes" from PSer left wingers for this post...:praise:
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, you don't understand! What about the e-mails?
Deb, you don't understand! What about his tax returns?...:read:
Thand you, soxfan, for posting those.

I have to say that I despise The Idiot President so much that I almost can't believe it. I don't think I've felt this negatively about anyone, ever.

Here are a few various "as seen on twitter":

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And here's a "classic" Trump tweet that I don't recall ever posting in this thread - these are the kinds of things that illustrate how absolutely stupid he is.

@katharath I seriously thought that had to be a joke tweet. There are many of them floating around.
Nope, its real, and still active on his twitter =\
@katharath I seriously thought that had to be a joke tweet. There are many of them floating around.
Nope, its real, and still active on his twitter =\

Oh I know. It's hard to believe that they're real. He has written thousands of tweets that are incredibly stupid, racist, sexist, or just generally vile. And he's quite proud of them, he never deletes any of his old ones (that I'm aware of). They are all still right there, forever proudly showcasing his stupidity! The only time he deletes is when it takes him 4 times to spell something right.
Thand you, soxfan, for posting those.

I have to say that I despise The Idiot President so much that I almost can't believe it. I don't think I've felt this negatively about anyone, ever.

Here are a few various "as seen on twitter":

WTF????:wall::wall::wall: How is this even real life?

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Wait, is Trump saying/disclosing the fact that the people/person who made and planted the bomb in London was being investigated by Scotland Yard?
And here's a "classic" Trump tweet that I don't recall ever posting in this thread - these are the kinds of things that illustrate how absolutely stupid he is.


Oh look -- he has ESP. He predicted racism at the highest level and he was right! Bless his tiny little hands. Trump was right about something -- that prediction about the world ending this month may come true after all.
So now Trump is asking for the ESPN reporter to apologize for saying he is a white supremacist who surrounds himself with other white supremacists. He is demanding an apology for the untruth. I loved it when a reporter asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders today when Trump was going to apologize to president Obama for the untruths Trump said about him.
So now Trump is asking for the ESPN reporter to apologize for saying he is a white supremacist who surrounds himself with other white supremacists. He is demanding an apology for the untruth. I loved it when a reporter asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders today when Trump was going to apologize to president Obama for the untruths Trump said about him.

LMFAO! Omg what did she say in response? She's such a piece of crap. :angryfire:
@soxfan Huckabee-Sanders didn't respond to the reporter.. I found it comical that she was up there demanding an apology from someone who Trump feels told a lie about him. All the while this president lies on a daily basis and is never held accountable for anything he says.

Why the heck would Trump even be thinking about an ESPN reporter, much less tweet about her. I would think with all that is happening with North Korea he would have better things to focus on. He is such an a&&