
Trying to have a ring set in SF Bay Area - any recommendations on jewelers? (and Chubb insurance)

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Jan 17, 2008
Hello all,

I''ve been a lurker on the board for quite some time. Thanks to all the informative posts, I''ve finally selected a diamond and a ring setting. Yet the over-abundance of choices has tempted me to get a stone from one place and the setting from another. I now have to find a jeweler in my area (SF Bay) to get the ring set.

Does anyone have any recommendation on the workmanship of particular jewelers? I''m thinking of going to Davidson & Licht and I''d appreciate any comment on their experience.

Aside from that, I''m also trying to get Chubb insurance. I tried calling Carla at PLIB SF but it seems like she no longer works there. Left a message with Bill Castro just moments ago. I''ll give Dave Stone and Prince Wood a call to see if they could write one as well. If you have the contact of any local agent, please let me know.

Thanks again for all your help. Even though this is my first post, I owe my shopping experience to all you contributors out there!
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