i am very, very new at this and extremely uneducated when it comes to diamonds. my knowledge is very basic in the sense that i know what the 4 C's are and that's about it.my question for y'all is......i'm about to get ripped off getting a diamond ring from either tiffany or cartier
and i'm wondering if there's a noticeable difference to the untrained eye between the colors G and I. i really can't tell the difference even when i stare at it for a long long time. would most/any layperson be able to differentiate between these two colors? because i sure can't.second, is it possible that a high end retailer such as tiffany and/or cartier have tighter tolerances for color. i.e. is it possible that their I is better than other I's???? like i said, i'm a novice so take it easy on me.thanks in advance.