
Thoughts on this 5.52 Asscher?


Mar 28, 2022
Brand new here so thank you for your comments. Looking at this 5.52 Asscher for an engagement solitaire. VS1, G, 9.92 X 9.68 X 6.33 mm, 65.4% depth, 69.5% table.

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

I am waiting on the ASET. It looks to be a very nice stone, and I was perhaps only expecting a little more contrast in the patterns. Wondering if that's valid or the lighting... It's priced well, so would welcome thoughts.

Many thanks!
I am not a fan (to be honest), because it looks somewhat lifeless to me. Not enough scintilation /contrast in the steps. It mostly just looks "glassy" and doesnt have the fire I would want if it were me
I agree with @lovedogs . The stone you posted almost looks glassine.

Here's an example of a lively beauty that @ksluice just had set (not an asscher but close)

I'd be interested to see the ASET - in the first two videos I don't see much contrast, but the third video is nice. Step cuts are so hard to vet from video and photos, too. Can you see it in person, or does the seller have a good return policy? It might be worth getting someone to help you source a diamond like this given the size. I've heard Jonathan @Rhino is great at evaluating step cuts (and I bet at sourcing them too!)
Thank you everyone for the assistance -- very much appreciated.

ASETs linked here, plus other videos / photo and this stone is the bottom one in all. (the top one is also available FYI.)

ASET 1 ASET 2 Video 4 Video 5 Photo 1
Thank you everyone for the assistance -- very much appreciated.

ASETs linked here, plus other videos / photo and this stone is the bottom one in all. (the top one is also available FYI.)

ASET 1 ASET 2 Video 4 Video 5 Photo 1

I’ll leave it to the experts but I feel like the top one looks less glassy?
in terms of color and clarity, it’s gorgeous. Would your vendor be able to get 3 asschers so you can compare (probably hard to find them at this size)?

what is the return policy?

the windmills are a bit thin and the table is large.
when will you be able to see it in person?

it’s hard to tell in these videos because we like to see them in all lighting and moving around, so the videos aren’t enough IMO to tell.

you really have to see an asscher in person
Sorry, but it has a gigantic table. I think an essential part of the beauty of an asscher is the upper part above the height and smaller table. I don't think I'd buy any diamond that has an almost 70% table. For a modern asscher, I might go from 60-65% for a table. My antique asscher has a 51% table!

In a stone of that size and price range, I would absolutely not settle for a stone that is not well cut.

IMG_0094 (Edited).jpg
Sorry, but it has a gigantic table. I think an essential part of the beauty of an asscher is the upper part above the height and smaller table. I don't think I'd buy any diamond that has an almost 70% table. For a modern asscher, I might go from 60-65% for a table. My antique asscher has a 51% table!

In a stone of that size and price range, I would absolutely not settle for a stone that is not well cut.

IMG_0094 (Edited).jpg

I completely agree. I just don't care for the stone posted by the OP because the table is large and it seems somewhat "lifeless" in terms of fire.
reasonably bright but on the its just there side rather than dynamic and lively.
not a fan of the other one either, same reason
The diamond is described as "glassy" but maybe that appeals to you? As whitewave said, the color and clarity are gorgeous. It's possible that you could compare that Asscher and one with the cut qualities endorsed by this forum, and still prefer the one you're showing us. And you would not be wrong. Asschers write their own rules,