
This is unforgivable.

Don't think I can watch it.
diamondseeker2006 said:
Don't think I can watch it.

I ... believe in the act of witnessing, but am with DS in not wanting to click on a link with that title without knowing what awaits. The fact that so many horrifying possibilities occur speaks poorly of our species.
Circe|1391226788|3605549 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Don't think I can watch it.

I ... believe in the act of witnessing, but am with DS in not wanting to click on a link with that title without knowing what awaits. The fact that so many horrifying possibilities occur speaks poorly of our species.

Wow, I wish I did not watch that. She was already assaulted, and then again by the police. What possible reason could they have for doing that? Everyone who witnessed that should be punished, not just the woman with the scissors.
Circe|1391226788|3605549 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
Don't think I can watch it.

I ... believe in the act of witnessing, but am with DS in not wanting to click on a link with that title without knowing what awaits. The fact that so many horrifying possibilities occur speaks poorly of our species.

Yes, I agree with both Circe and Diamondseeker. DS, I too just cannot click onto this link because I know it will be horrible and upsetting.

Circe, haven't our species already proven how awful they can be and how poorly they can act? Look at how we torture and murder innocent animals every day and how we put to sleep millions of healthy animals per year. 2.7 million are put down every year in the USA. Healthy adoptable animals- about one every 11 seconds- murdered. Sorry to mini threadjack but what you wrote resounded with me. Gandhi was very wise indeed and these words remain true to this day and I paraphrase so forgive me...the moral progress of a nation can be judged by how they treat their weakest members the animals.

I would go as far to say not only has our moral progress not improved it is stunted. :blackeye:
Interestingly (I kept thinking about this because I felt oddly guilty about *not* clicking), it's only videos. Articles I can read at my own pace, put down - or throw down - if they infuriate or upset me. Videos, on the other hand, especially in the days of 4Chan ... yeurgh. Something about it makes me respond more viscerally.
You're right, completely. All of them should be fired and stripped of all benefits. Thencharged with something!!
I read the woman cop was fired and the others are underiinvestigation. my husband has said that our cops and criminals come from the same side of town... it's a scary world.
Wow. I watched the video Gypsy and I feel so sorry for that poor woman. I understand that you have to remove hair weave and other artificial hair like wigs in jail and/or prison. But the way that woman treated her was just callous. It's scary how basic human rights are lost in the system. This woman said that she was possibly raped after waking up after a party in a hotel room. They didn't help her. Instead, they took her to jail. Unbelievable. Did you read the part about how Detroit is currently under an extreme law with the loss of citizen rights at this time? That would be scary to me as a Detroit citizen.
abominable behavior, and absolutely nothing can justify what they did. I can't bring myself to watch the video, but I read the article - and I hope the young lady comes out hale and hearty, and that those men get punished (which is a very mild word for what I think ought to be done to them).
I just think it's horrible that these things are happening, and NOT ONCE have I seen TV news coverage about this... for the love of all that's holy.

There are real abuses happening right now in Detroit and I think its deplorable.
Circe|1391261023|3605706 said:
Interestingly (I kept thinking about this because I felt oddly guilty about *not* clicking), it's only videos. Articles I can read at my own pace, put down - or throw down - if they infuriate or upset me. Videos, on the other hand, especially in the days of 4Chan ... yeurgh. Something about it makes me respond more viscerally.

It makes it more real, and puts a face to the suffering she's going through. I agree though, I can read about things like that (assaults, rapes, kidnappings, etc.), and be upset, but it's manageable. When I see a video of an actual act, it just breaks my heart. If a picture's worth a thousand words...
Yes, it is. It absolutely is.