
Thicker bands


Jul 23, 2006
Hi all! Is there a thread where I can see 7-9mm bands? I'd like to see them on an actual hand for reference. I'm having a ring made and need to tell the jeweler how wide I want the band. If anyone has wider bands please post. If possible, I'd also like to know finger sizes. It's so easy to find thin women's bands.
Thank you for finding that thread! If anyone else has pics and finger sizes, that would be helpful. I'm just trying to get an idea of how much finger coverage it'll have. I'm having a filigree and diamond band made.
I have short fingers and cannot comfortably wear anything over 6mm and 4mm is my general comfort zone. I have one pic of my poor finger with about 9-10mm, looks ridiculous!

Here's mine. It's 10mm wide. I have fairly small hands (with short, stubby fingers). The ring is a size 6.

I was going to post my ring but realized that u were having filigree- then yennyfire posted! Nice ring and hopefully you will have a nice comparison.

Here is a pic of my 9mm wide band. It's solid ring on a size 9 finger, which also is dislocated therefore permanently looks like a swollen finger...

Have u considered drawing on your finger the mm size u have been considering? Or make a paper ring of the width that u are considering? It may help visualize the coverage. Just an idea....

Measure a 9mm width piece of paper. Cut it to 3 inches. Wrap the paper around the finger and tape down. May not have the best effect as it is a solid piece of paper and not filigree... But an idea.

Here's my wide band. I think it's 11 or 12mm wide, total. The pear is 10mm long and 6+ mm wide. I wear a size 7 ring normally, but had this sized up to 7.5 due to the width. You'll definitely want it sized bigger the more bands you stack on.

I love all the visuals. Everyone has such unique and great taste in rings. I find myself drawn to the 9mm on my finger. The jeweler recommended a 6 3/4 ring. I usually wear a 6 1/2. Now I'm just waiting for the cads. I find myself second guessing everything I told the jeweler. Lol. I know my ps friends will understand deciding between an 8 or 9mm thickness. :lol: my dh thinks I'm nuts.
8mm plain gold band. Size 6 on a size 5 finger.This is my super comfy super low key no bling ring. I wish I would have gone with a 10mm but there was a significant price jump from 8 to 10 mm for a band I only occasionally wear. My freaky long fingers can comfortably wear up to 12mm.wp_20150719_003.jpg
My band is about 10mm of unplated white gold loveliness in a size 6-6.25. I have long fingers though, matching my 5'9" frame...
Mine is a fairly recent addition. I wear it all the time and find it comfortable. I wasn't sure I would like it as my hands are quite small.
Finger size is 3.75-4.00 depending on the weather, etc. This ring is around 4.25 but despite the current heat and humidity all is good. The band is 8 mm wide.

gorgeous bands!! :love: :love:
Wow, lots of lovely bands on this thread! :appl:
Beautiful bands!! :dance: :love: :clap:

This is mine, not sure what happened to mine and Baby Monster's earlier posts (disappeared :confused: ) Anyway, mine is around 9 to 10 mm wide. It's my wedding band and is around 26 years old now. I wear it everyday. I love thicker bands.