
The Official TTC Thread!


Apr 12, 2006
Ebree - yay for marathon! GL this cycle!

Thanks for the tip on the cervix position. I''m going to try it again today. At first, I was kind of grossed out by it, but hopefully it will be second nature just like temping has been for me.

Mela and Pandora - yay for BBT. This is just my second month charting and it''s a love and hate relationship for me. I love it because I know what''s going on with my body. I hate it because it makes me more obsessed than I already am (which isn''t hard to do). Mela, AF came for me the day my temp dropped closest to my coverline. It''s pretty amazing what you find out with your body when you chart.

GL everyone!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Weird question coming up and TMI warning.

I was reading that you should wait 24 hours between each session and for 3 days before you start. eg. if O is CD14, then you should BD on days 12, 13, 14, 15 but not CD 9, 10, 11.

Is this correct?

The thing I was vaguely worrying about is that DH doesn''t have a refractory period at all. In other words, in one session, he can easily come 4 or 5 times without us having to take a break (I''m talking in 20 minutes here, not some 6 hour marathon). However, I was wondering if this could end up meaning that there was less sperm overall, and if he would be better just to go for once? I can''t seem to find any info on this anywhere.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 10:20:27 AM
Author: blushingbride

Radiant - I have always wanted to discuss this. I have no clue what I''m feeling for when ''I''m puppetering.'' When DD says your cervix should be high, soft and open, I have no clue if I''m feeling the right thing or not. I even went online to try figure this all out w/ no success other than to insert your finger up to at least the middle knuckle. Also, I have nails and those suckers can hurt - anyone else with this problem?

Mela and Pandora - now that you have your thermometers, will you be charting on FF? Ah, the joys of DH loves the sound of my thermometer going off every morning in addition to our alarm. Lucky for him, the beeping is pretty quiet.

Anyone out there in TTC land on CD 13 like moi??? We are going to start tonight since we will be at my parent''s house this if the do the F-tastic tonight, tomorrow before we leave, skip Sat. and then back into it on Sun, we should be OK!
I''ve been filling in the FF charts for a while, just on CM, CP, but now I have the thermometer I can have way more fun!

On the cervix thing, here''s what I have come up with.

After AF it will be low (you can feel it pretty close to the opening of your whoohaa), will feel firm and the tip will feel closed if you prod it a bit.

As you get toward O it will start to feel softer and will rise higher, to the point where you might find it really hard to reach. It will also feel more open (I think the tip of your nose versus your lips is quite a good analogy of what you should be feeling regarding the end of your cervix. More like lips around O, more like nose around AF).

After O, it should start to go lower, feel firmer and more closed - although just before AF arrives it should feel more open, but still low and firm.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/14/2008 10:32:05 AM
Author: Pandora II
Weird question coming up and TMI warning.

I was reading that you should wait 24 hours between each session and for 3 days before you start. eg. if O is CD14, then you should BD on days 12, 13, 14, 15 but not CD 9, 10, 11.

Is this correct?

The thing I was vaguely worrying about is that DH doesn''t have a refractory period at all. In other words, in one session, he can easily come 4 or 5 times without us having to take a break (I''m talking in 20 minutes here, not some 6 hour marathon). However, I was wondering if this could end up meaning that there was less sperm overall, and if he would be better just to go for once? I can''t seem to find any info on this anywhere.
The first time probably sends in all the swimmers, and subsequent times in one session it is probably only seminal fluid... that would be my guess, but who knows. We all researched the heck out of this a few months ago (Thanks Indy!) and it seems that if there is no known or suspected problem with the man''s sperm count, then go ahead and do it every day and don''t worry about waiting before starting TTC or making sure it is 24 hours between sessions (can go PM one day and then AM the next). So if he wants to go 4 times in 20 minutes, it probably makes no difference at all in the long run, as long as there is a decent amount of time in between sessions!

Hee hee... does he know you are posting this question here? Wait... he would probably he happy that you are telling us about his superman abilities!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Thanks for all the great input. I betcha my temp will nose-dive tomorrow, when AF is due. We'll see.

It's so weird how before I actually started "trying" to get pg, I swore I wouldn't temp or get too obsessed about it. Being the Taurus that I am, I have charged full-throttle into this venture and have become completely obsessed/engrossed; even engrossed with the gross. I'm now a temper, a charter, a pupeteer, and a CSI fluid scene investigator. Alas, it's diamonds all over again.

good luck to all of you getting your F-straveganza's on. A crop dusting of baby dust to all you girlies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: hahahaha. Pandora and her Superhubby! Sorry I have no insight on that.
ETA #2: DD -Thanks for that article on DH's and coping with the marathon. It's been fwd'd to DH!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 10:40:42 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

The first time probably sends in all the swimmers, and subsequent times in one session it is probably only seminal fluid... that would be my guess, but who knows. We all researched the heck out of this a few months ago (Thanks Indy!) and it seems that if there is no known or suspected problem with the man's sperm count, then go ahead and do it every day and don't worry about waiting before starting TTC or making sure it is 24 hours between sessions (can go PM one day and then AM the next). So if he wants to go 4 times in 20 minutes, it probably makes no difference at all in the long run, as long as there is a decent amount of time in between sessions!

Hee hee... does he know you are posting this question here? Wait... he would probably he happy that you are telling us about his superman abilities!
LOL, he does NOT know I'm posting that! Being that I am his first serious partner, he didn't actually know that it wasn't normal!

I shall go back and look at all your research - do you reckon we could all get a joint PhD for all the 'original' research work being carried out here?


Nov 10, 2006
Thanks for all the input Pandora and DD - I never felt an opening, but I was never really looking for it. I was simply just sampling the goo and then getting the hell out of dodge since I was in uncharted territory!

Thanks for the baby dusting Mela! I know this charting and temping stuff does sound obsessive, but it really is a great way to know what''s going on down there. As I mentioned, when we were in Europe I was really just going about things blindly - I felt so lost without my trusty thermometer and FF. Good luck to both you and Pandora with your temping!


Oct 19, 2005
Mornin'' all. terrible night sleep due to Paul and his inability to fall asleep- thus asking me every few minutes, "Honey, are you asleep?" Still, I was able to get a good 5 hours in, so that''s okay.

I don''t cervix check (I remember hearing from my doc that I have a tilted uterus, and I''ve decided to keep my arms outta that zone as much as possible, we''ll see how long that lasts), nor do I know anything about different teams of swimmers in one day at the pool. I''m lucky if I get one small group every solstice.

Anywho... going to try to take a nap at work. Be back later!

CD26- nada,


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/13/2008 4:53:30 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/13/2008 4:27:29 PM

Author: littlelysser

Hey ladies.

Indy - still goo like crazy. This cycle is very weird. messing with things on FF didn't make any difference. Feh.

This suggests you haven't O'd yet! Keep DTD and see what happens. My last cycle I was expecting O every day for 10 days, that was too much F-tastic for my taste, but in the end it worked out. So don't worry yet. As long as there is goo, there is no O, since it will dry up after O and become stick, creamy, or dry.

This actually isn't exactly true for everyone. I almost always have EWCM for a day or so after I ovulate, which is making me question if I O'd earlier than I think this cycle since I haven't had any since the date I think I O'd this cycle.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 10:42:44 AM
Author: mela lu
Thanks for all the great input. I betcha my temp will nose-dive tomorrow, when AF is due. We'll see.

It's so weird how before I actually started 'trying' to get pg, I swore I wouldn't temp or get too obsessed about it. Being the Taurus that I am, I have charged full-throttle into this venture and have become completely obsessed/engrossed; even engrossed with the gross. I'm now a temper, a charter, a pupeteer, and a CSI fluid scene investigator. Alas, it's diamonds all over again.

good luck to all of you getting your F-straveganza's on. A crop dusting of baby dust to all you girlies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: hahahaha. Pandora and her Superhubby! Sorry I have no insight on that.
ETA #2: DD -Thanks for that article on DH's and coping with the marathon. It's been fwd'd to DH!
Um, I lied. I didn't forward that ovusoft thread thing to DH. no no no. Just cut and pasted a couple 'ideas' is all... I wouldn't want him reading all that and getting all grossed out and stressy. nope. Just some relevant info was shared, is all.

Reading that thread is a cold wake-up call to people who are REALLY struggling with fertility issues. some of them have been TTC for a long long time. saddies. I hope they get their babydust crop dusting soon.


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 11:02:01 AM
Author: blushingbride
Thanks for all the input Pandora and DD - I never felt an opening, but I was never really looking for it. I was simply just sampling the goo and then getting the hell out of dodge since I was in uncharted territory!

Thanks for the baby dusting Mela! I know this charting and temping stuff does sound obsessive, but it really is a great way to know what''s going on down there. As I mentioned, when we were in Europe I was really just going about things blindly - I felt so lost without my trusty thermometer and FF. Good luck to both you and Pandora with your temping!

Hahahah! That''s great! I tried checking CP when I first started charting and I just couldn''t figure out anything and felt like I was charting garbage so I stopped.

I was talking to DH the other night on the phone (I was on a business trip) debating about whether or not I should cut my hair really short and I decided against it because then I wouldn''t be able to pull my hair back away from my mouth when I''m puking from morning sickness. After I said that DH got all excited and said, "You''re having morning sickness?!" Haha, silly DH. Like I wouldn''t tell him about that. Not to mention the fact that I''m only about 5 DPO (estimated). In his defense, he''s been pretty sick for the last week.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/14/2008 11:03:17 AM
Author: robbie3982

Date: 8/13/2008 4:53:30 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 8/13/2008 4:27:29 PM

Author: littlelysser

Hey ladies.

Indy - still goo like crazy. This cycle is very weird. messing with things on FF didn't make any difference. Feh.
This suggests you haven't O'd yet! Keep DTD and see what happens. My last cycle I was expecting O every day for 10 days, that was too much F-tastic for my taste, but in the end it worked out. So don't worry yet. As long as there is goo, there is no O, since it will dry up after O and become stick, creamy, or dry.

This actually isn't exactly true for everyone. I almost always have EWCM for a day or so after I ovulate, which is making me question if I O'd earlier than I think this cycle since I haven't had any since the date I think I O'd this cycle.
Good catch Robbie, I also have EWCM for a day or so after O-day... but I notice it is a little different, sometimes midway between creamy and EW...

If your pattern is to see EW after O, then you may indeed have O'd sooner than you think! I typically O'd the day before peak day. Maybe your time in the knitting club will be shorter than you thought it would be! Good luck!

ETA you may not get puking m/s, many women don't, so don't let that be the sole determinant of a really short haircut. I chopped all mine off about 2 months ago and it never gets in my face anyways. I love short hair!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Well, that''s me out of the game. Now I can stop stressing for another 2 weeks and I get to buy my new garnet consolation prize.

I know that this should be the 1st day of the next cycle. Does that mean I put tomorrow''s temp in as day 2 or does AF have to be there for a full day to count as day 1?

It''s our 4th anniversary today, so I might go and indulge in hideous amounts of sashimi while I still can.


Dec 16, 2007
I'm sorry Pandora!! I know we all hope for a one-shot hole-in-one, but 3-6 months is the "average" with 12 months being totally common. It will happen!

If you use FF, as soon as you mark something down for "menses/spotting" in the signs section, it will start a new chart for you. If it is only spotting, though, that is still the present cycle. The first day of your next cycle will be the first day of full flow (whatever that is for you).

ETA: if it is eveing or night time there, then make tomorrow Day 1 of your cycle. Only count today as CD 1 if AF arrived before noon, say...

I am jealous you get a new garnet, those are such beautiful stones.


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 11:46:07 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
I''m sorry Pandora!! I know we all hope for a one-shot hole-in-one, but 3-6 months is the ''average'' with 12 months being totally common. It will happen!

If you use FF, as soon as you mark something down for ''menses/spotting'' in the signs section, it will start a new chart for you. If it is only spotting, though, that is still the present cycle. The first day of your next cycle will be the first day of full flow (whatever that is for you).

ETA: if it is eveing or night time there, then make tomorrow Day 1 of your cycle. Only count today as CD 1 if AF arrived before noon, say...

I am jealous you get a new garnet, those are such beautiful stones.

Awe, **hugs** Pandora

DD, I didn''t know that there was a time limit on AFF''s arrival! I''ve been calling it whatever calendar day it falls on wether it was at 12:01 am or 11:59 pm.


Oct 19, 2005
Awww, so sorry Pandora.

I''ve been doing the same thing as Robbie- I''d get full flow at like, 6pm, and mark it day one. Since I don''t really spot or anyth8ing.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Aw, thanks guys.

Since we didn't actually even think of trying until CD 11, I really can't complain. And, what would I have done with my new themometer, 100 POAS test etc???And it would have screwed up both my brother's and DH's bestman's weddings.

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
So sorry Pandora! At least all of your new tools won''t go to waste
Ok, I know that''s not very helpful, sorry.
Onward and upwards as they say I guess.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/14/2008 11:52:45 AM
Author: robbie3982

DD, I didn''t know that there was a time limit on AFF''s arrival! I''ve been calling it whatever calendar day it falls on wether it was at 12:01 am or 11:59 pm.
In reality is doesn''t really matter, but there is lots of talk about this issue on the TCOYF message boards. They seem to think that if it shows up late in the day then count CD-1 from the next day...

But it probably makes no difference at all!


Nov 10, 2006
There''s that pesky Aunt Flow showing up went she''s sooooo not invited! Sorry Pandora - like HIL said, you get a fresh start with all your fun tools this cycle! Come join the over-obessive fun w/ those of us who are temping & charting!


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 8/14/2008 10:32:05 AM
Author: Pandora II
Weird question coming up and TMI warning.

I was reading that you should wait 24 hours between each session and for 3 days before you start. eg. if O is CD14, then you should BD on days 12, 13, 14, 15 but not CD 9, 10, 11.

Is this correct?

The thing I was vaguely worrying about is that DH doesn''t have a refractory period at all. In other words, in one session, he can easily come 4 or 5 times without us having to take a break (I''m talking in 20 minutes here, not some 6 hour marathon). However, I was wondering if this could end up meaning that there was less sperm overall, and if he would be better just to go for once? I can''t seem to find any info on this anywhere.

Hi Pandora based on our more than scrutinized semen explorations (we had semen analysis done and 3 inseminations which provide detailed info. on all things sperm) BD every other day should be fine/ideal (per Dr. too). They really want 2 days inbetween but we had a back-to-back insem. and Dh''s counts were even better the second day (24 hr. inbetween).

So the data supported the Dr''s recommendation. So, yes ejaculation once per 24-48 hrs is ideal.


Aug 14, 2008
Hi there, I''m Sherry (or Sher) and I''m new here (see thread below).

We have also been TTC for almost a year now (Sept will be a year), I did get pregnant while on clomid in April but miscarried shortly after, next month I will be starting clomid again so hopefully I will be pregnant again soon.

I''m 36, my husband is 28.


Jan 16, 2008
Hey Sher,

I just got my BFP after fert. treatments (not Clomid, injectibles and IUI). Ebree on here is doing the Clomid too.

Any side effects? I researched Clomid and didn''t want to chance it. Plus you should only do 3-4 cycles (pretty much for any ovulation induction med.) as Clomid can thin your uterine lining and dry-up all CM. That''s why a lot of women opt for the insem. to bypass this pesky prob.

Are you seeing an OB or RE?


Jul 6, 2005
regarding when to kickoff CD1 - I was counting like amber and robbie in that regardless of the time of the day, if AFF arrived I recorded it as day 1. However, according to the instructions on my clear blue easy - if AFF comes later in the day, I wait until the next morning to start counting cycle days. That's why I've been typing "I'm at CD 12/13"

welcome sher! sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I hope that this will be the cycle that sticks!!

pandora -
to aff. here's to looking to the future! eta: wow about your husband's *unique* abilities BTW.


Oct 19, 2005
Welcome Sher! Hope you have a very short stay in TTC town!


Aug 14, 2008
Date: 8/14/2008 12:52:54 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Hey Sher,

I just got my BFP after fert. treatments (not Clomid, injectibles and IUI). Ebree on here is doing the Clomid too.

Any side effects? I researched Clomid and didn''t want to chance it. Plus you should only do 3-4 cycles (pretty much for any ovulation induction med.) as Clomid can thin your uterine lining and dry-up all CM. That''s why a lot of women opt for the insem. to bypass this pesky prob.

Are you seeing an OB or RE?


I did 3 rounds of clomid, started off with 50mg and ended with 100mg (which is when I got pregnant).

My side effects were hot flashes, night sweets, and I''d like to say all my irritability was from clomid but I can''t...I was just a little more irritable than normal. The side effects didn''t really amplify on the higher dose, just lasted a little longer.

I am seeing an OB. My OB monitors me with blood work and an ultra sound to make sure my lining wasn''t thining (it didn''t), I was not getting cysts on my ovaries (all good there) and my follicles were a good size (they were).

So hopefully it will work right away, if not, we still figure out our next step.

Thanks for the welcome!!


Jul 6, 2005
on a completely non-TTC related tanget: my office just swapped out or supremely uncomfortable desk chairs for lovely new aeron chairs. the difference is amazing!


Dec 8, 2005
DD - I am very relieved. I know it sounds odd, but I''m such a that is ONE less thing for me worry about! Also, I know this may make me lame, but man, all that bding really takes it out of a girl!

Radiant - I check the position of my cervix, but I don''t feel qualified to judge whether it is hard or soft or open or closed...I''d suggest what everyone else has done...sort of check it every now and again. I check mine when I check for I''ve gotten to know the positions of it pretty well. Now that I''ve got the lips/nose analogy, I''ll be checking the firmness too! It amazes me how much there is to learn about my own body.

Mela - I totally told my mom that I am who I am...and I am a person that goes WHOLE HOG as soon as I want something. All part of my charm...And I totally hear you on the temperature kind of drives me nuts too. I have a feeling tonight is going to be especially I''m going to be waiting for a higher temp to confirm O...Oh, and when we started TTC, I told everyone I was going to try to be laid back about temping, just going with the flow. That lasted for exactly three seconds! My whole take on it is that when you know you want it, might as well do just about everything in your power to make it happen!

Lulu - I totally understand not checking the cervix. I wasn''t sure if I would...but see my prior whole hog comment...if I can check it, I WILL!

Pandora - I hear on the uninformed DH had NO idea of what was going on...he pretty much thought you have sexy time without protection and voila, BABY. Although when I told him last night was another night of sexy time, he said, "oh, are your temps up?" So he is trying...but I just think it is so foreign to them. And I''m sorry about AFF arriving. Eat some sushi! Have some wine! Do the fun stuffs you can''t do when you KTFU.

BB - I TOTALLY FEEL YOU ON THE NAILS THING! And, um, I was so confused about what I was looking for that I actually googled cervix...just to see what I should be feeling. I have since figured it out, and scratched some delicate tissue in the process!!! Good luck on the BDing!

Amber - Before I left my job with the judge I was known to take the occasional cat nap at work. Work naps are the best. Getting paid to sleep ROCKS.

Welcome Sher - We are an odd bunch, for sure, but this is a great and supporting group...Welcome!

Oh, and I record AFF arriving on the day she does, regardless of what time - although I know the evil wench is coming because my CM turns pink a day or two earlier. I don''t record that though.

Hope I haven''t forgot anyone!


Mar 5, 2006
Kind of bummed out today -- might have missed my O day. I just switched to new OPKs from the internet, and I am thinking that they read a bit different than the store ones that I''m used to. With OPKs the test line has to be equally as dark, or darker than the control line. Well last Saturday CD22 was the closest it got, and since then the line has been getting lighter. Today it was almost invisible? Can OPKs get darker and lighter before O''ing? May cycles run 40-45 days so I shouldn''t really be O''ing until CD26-33 range. Today is CD27. So what do you think -- did I miss the boat? I am so annoyed, because usually we BD like every day, just for fun, and of course we had a dry spell from last Wednesday to this Monday. Ugh.


Jul 23, 2006
hi everyone!! well i''m in the 2 week wait right now so we''ll see. we are just letting nature take it''s course...i haven''t charted or anything, but i am very in tune to when i ovulate so its just wait and see right now.
anyways i''ve been having a lot more ovulation cramping and bloating than usual this month. anyone else get bloated during o time?
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