
The Official TTC Thread!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/13/2008 12:43:47 PM
Author: mela lu
CD 27 of a typical 28 day cycle. Approximately 13DPO. (In an ideal cycle)

I awoke to a BFN this morning. Just as I thought. I can feel Aunt Flo a comin’; it’s like she’s coming down the street chanting “yoo hooo” and waving her basketweave purse in the air. I hate her. And the cramps she’s brought me. I’m disappointed, but I got a thermometer so I’ll be temping next month to have a better idea of what’s going on.

To pull me out of my poopy pitty party, I’m focusing on all the good things in my life. First off, the new granite kitchen countertops that were installed yesterday. LOVE THEM! We’ll be installing the backsplash this weekend (DIY) so look forward to the pics next week ;-)
Mela, seems like you and I have identical cycles. I''m CD 27 of a typical 27/28 day cycle as well.

I''m so glad I checked here before celebrating my evap. line.

Migraine is still there, but don''t dare take the Zomig as it''s so tetragenic. Thank god I''m be temping next month so I''ll have a better idea of what is going on (I hope).

I love your new ring, so pretty - well done to your husband.

I like the granite too. We put the black in our kitchen, but I have this wonderful stuff called Lithofin which cleans it without smudges really easily.

DH and I went to measure up our probable new house (we''re in the middle of exchanging contracts but it''s sooooo slow in the UK) with the builder and had a granite discussion. Not sure what colour this time, I shall obsess over that next month rather than my fake pg symptoms!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Pandora - I was thinking about our twin cycles earlier. In theory, we will always be cycle buddies until one of us gets KTFU!

Indy - GREAT synopsis of cycle tracking, espesh with the addition of the Luteal phase info. Very helpful!


Aug 17, 2007
LL, BB, Indy and Pandora- Thank you for the info. It does make my head spin a bit! I know it must get repetitive, but it''s helpful! I am always amazed by what I don''t know in life. It''s so fun to learn this stuff!

My doctor did say that there was nothing in my history that concerned her, so maybe that''s why she didn''t mention a pre-conception exam. I also had an ultrasound recently (around March) and was told that I have a "beautiful uterus"
Which I found a bit odd, but sounded like a good thing.
I don''t know this doctor very well, but I really like her, and have friends that have had babies with her, so I am not going to worry about it.

Mela- I LOVE your ring- especially stacked with the other two bands. Looks very cool together. What a sweet hubby! And I really like the light-colored granite. Putting on my mental wish-list!

Mela, Pandora, and anyone else doing the waiting dance- I am in the "it ain''t over till the F''in Fat Lady flows" camp. Until she shows, there is hope. Throwing baby dust your way!

As for me, I am trying to focus on doing those things that I am afraid I will never do once a baby comes to take my mind of WTTC. Kinda like one last hurrah of selfishness. That helps me be grateful for this time I have to sleep, eat, drink lots and lots of wine and champers, get back into yoga and running, do some last-minute traveling and other mini-goals I have for myself.


Dec 8, 2005
Hey ladies.

Now that I have had some time to look at my chart, and de-freak myself, I''m feeling much less sure that I O'' I''m good for now. If I still haven''t anything that registers as an O on my chart after a few more days of higher temps, well, I''ll probably post it then...

Indy - still goo like crazy. This cycle is very weird. messing with things on FF didn''t make any difference. Feh.

Fisher - I just read what your Doc said to you about losing weight...and that is just redonkulous. I have quite a few poundages between me and my ideal weight...way more than a few even...and my doc has said NOTHING about not having a child or waiting because of it. In fact, at my visit yesterday she even suggested I consider a nurse/midwife because I am so healthy, weight notwithstanding. I''m working on getting it down, but my doc said it wasn''t something she was concerned about. So I''m glad that you are alright with it, but it seems to be a warning sign for the vibe of the place where you''ll be going for the 9 months when you are preggo...I''d be tempted to run fast!

Amber - I have stayed up late watching too. Poor Elisa Sacremone. I really felt for her, and her MANY errors. That would stink.

Mela - Love the ring and the new counter tops! Very nice!

Happy - I''m totally over looking at s/s of pregnancy...because I''ve had EVERY single one...other than the most important, the BFP... so frustrating.

CC - I didn''t do a pre-conception type visit with doc. She''s a GP and Gyno...not an OB...but we talked at my visit yesterday. I''d recommend you get on some prenatals ASAP. My doc recommended GNC prenatals. I''ve been happy with them.

I''m CD 19...not sure if I''ve O''d or not, so the f-statisticing continues. Oh, the horror.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
LL If you've still got goo, you probably haven't ov yet, and that's why you can't get your crosshairs. How much higher have your temps gone? Mine had gone up about .3 for several (4?) days before egg day actually arrived. Then they went way up after that. That's why I was confused about egg day.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/13/2008 4:27:29 PM
Author: littlelysser
Hey ladies.

Indy - still goo like crazy. This cycle is very weird. messing with things on FF didn''t make any difference. Feh.
This suggests you haven''t O''d yet! Keep DTD and see what happens. My last cycle I was expecting O every day for 10 days, that was too much F-tastic for my taste, but in the end it worked out. So don''t worry yet. As long as there is goo, there is no O, since it will dry up after O and become stick, creamy, or dry.


Jul 6, 2005
so far, my plan of staying at a safe distance from this thread during the dreaded TWW is not going so well


Oct 19, 2005
Lulu, you know that never works! I have a baby-gate over my crotch (No DH! BAD DH! We''re not trying this month!) and yet, must still post and bother all of you in the 2ww and so forth.

Can I say how much I love Michael Phelps(''s body)?


Jul 6, 2005
amber - keep on posting away - your humor is definitely a distraction

m. phelps has a freakishly long torso


Oct 19, 2005
Is it just me, or is Phelps like a weird non-mythological Centaur? Which was my high school mascot, btw.


Dec 16, 2007
I watched the olympics just to see this so-called greek god, and I have two comments 1) he isn''t so ugly really, compared to real-life men he is kind of cute, he just doesn''t comapre to Brad Pitt or anything; and b) I don''t like the swimmer body, I like ''em beefier, more like the sprinters, like Russell Crowe in "Gladiator".


Oct 19, 2005
DD, I actually like ''em bulky and dare I say... chubby? This is why it''s odd to me to be drooling over this guy- I think it''s the way he makes those underwater turns. HELLO sexy undulations! Lord help me.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
oh Amber!! might I suggest DTD with all them slippery serpentine thoughts going through your head...


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/13/2008 10:20:12 AM
Author: lovelylulu
thanks ebree, i was hoping that you''d chime in!! and too funny about your *schedule* that second day - sounds like your egg basically has no choice in the matter

knit, knit, knit.

It sure doesn''t!

I''m at CD 9 today, and having wet CM. Quite a bit, actually. Hmmm. Apparently, you''re (I''m?) supposed to ovulate 5-8 days after taking the last pill, but TONIGHT is the last pill. Maybe I''ll go a bit earlier?

I''m so glad my monitor will tell me when! My body doesn''t give very clear clues.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/13/2008 8:57:58 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 8/13/2008 10:20:12 AM
Author: lovelylulu
thanks ebree, i was hoping that you''d chime in!! and too funny about your *schedule* that second day - sounds like your egg basically has no choice in the matter

knit, knit, knit.

It sure doesn''t!

I''m at CD 9 today, and having wet CM. Quite a bit, actually. Hmmm. Apparently, you''re (I''m?) supposed to ovulate 5-8 days after taking the last pill, but TONIGHT is the last pill. Maybe I''ll go a bit earlier?

I''m so glad my monitor will tell me when! My body doesn''t give very clear clues.
To be safe, you might want to DTD every second day or every day until O-day just in case... I wonder if clomid affects CF? I think it can... does it affect the hormones that are monitored by the monitor too?

Have fun covering those bases gal!


Dec 8, 2005
Amber - I for real just LOLed at sexy undulations. In fact, I''m giggling again just typing it. Cause I''m 13. And also, it is true! sister and my mom think he''s cute. I think they are blind. and he does have a freaky long torso! And he pulls his swim suit down really far after he''s run his part of the relay. It is often close to scandalous.

See, I just think he''s fug. Bless his heart...but phew...he is built. I like very tall and skinny boys. I think it the worlds way of making sure that my child has a chance of being taller than 5''4" and not "big boned."

DD and Indy - I agree that the goo can often mean no O, BUT I get really sore (*)(*) around CD 16 each month. Which I know can be a sign of O...and it goes away before AFF comes...and that has happened. So yeah. Oh, and um, I really think I was smoking crack...and I was reading my chart like a lawyer...saying, well, IF you look at this this way, and consider that factor...then I O''d on day blahblah. However, my ovaries are not easily persuaded by these arguments.

Oh - and I thought y''all would appreciate I''m at breakfast with my mom and she mentions that she thinks I''m being really intense with this TTC thing. Because I was temping. Suggested that I relax and just see what happens. I got a bit frustrated and explained why I wasn''t being a total lunatic - although I did openly admit to being a slight lunatic, I mean I didn''t kick butt in law school because I was so relaxed about studying...anyway, it was a pain. Feh.

Mela and Pandora - hope you ladies are both doing well and have NO unwelcome visitors anytime soon!


Aug 31, 2005
DD- That's a good idea. We'll start "the marathon" either today or tomorrow and go every day until I get the "low" after the second "peak."

littlelysser- I agree about Phelps. I don't find him that attractive. But that body- does it have an ounce of fat on it? His body looks great. I don't generally like muscles, but his aren't obnoxious. He just looks incredibly toned.

Is anyone around CD 9 like I am? I feel like all of you are waiting for BFP or AF, and I've just begun! I have no one to wait with! Wah.


Dec 8, 2005
Ebree - I''m ahead of you...CD 18, but, for whatever O I''m not knitting yet!


Oct 19, 2005
So yeah. I''m bored as DH is playing Madden, and I just tried to rename all our Hawaii files (Ha,not so easy when there are 500 of them- how many "kauairooster" pics can I have? TOO MANY) but then I got tired of it and am itching to see what''s on the Olympics. I want to see my boyfriend in action, with the body of a god and a face like a bag of hammers...

All I ate for dinner tonight was about 4 small roasted red potatoes. And I keep chugging from a tremendously bitter jug of grapefruit juice from Trader Joes. It''s like I never learn my lesson. "Hmmm, I''m thirsty. Oh! Juice! *ACK, that crap hurts my jaw*" ten minutes later.... "Hmmmm, what is there to drink? Oooh! Grapefruit juice! *crap that is painful*" And on and on for about two hours. Speaking of.... I''m thirsty again. In case you were wondering, yes, I was that kid who ALWAYS took a bite of the unsweetened baker''s chocolate, DESPITE seeing the previous attempt''s teethmarks still in it like a freaking tooth scrape on a dinosaur bone.

CD25 here, 10dpo, just toodling along not peeing on sticks or anything. *ahem, that one from today didn''t count*


Dec 8, 2005
Morning all. CD 19 here.

So, I played around a bit with FF, and given my rise in temp today...coupled with my rise yesterday...if I mess with the numbers for tomorrow, it is giving me an O date of CD 17. Temp for CD 17 was 97.2, CD 18 was 97.57 and today was 97.77. Which I can live with. We f-stat-ed on the 15, 16 and 18...So I guess we are fairly well covered. I''m a bit peeved that I appear to have O''d on the ONE day there was no BDing...but I guess that doesn''t really matter. Right?

I think I''m one of those weirdos with goo beyond the date when I O. Which is lovely. Cause really what is better than unnecessary tw*t sn*t...but looks like I''m I''m a happy camper.

Hope everyone is having a good day!!


Apr 12, 2006
Amber - I love your humor! You are freakin hilarious! I actually love M. Phelps'' body. I was a swimmer in high school, so I really like the lean and toned look. His torso is really long, but he really has the ideal body for a swimmer.

Ebree - I am on CD 10, so just one day ahead of you. We''ll be in the tww together this cycle, I hope.

LL - It sounds like you''re about to O any day now. Keep bding until you get your sustained temp rise. GL!

Do any of you girls try to feel your cervix position? I just tried it yesterday and not sure what I am supposed to feel. I will start my OPKs tomorrow and hopefully will O sometime next week. Last month, I o''d really late on cd 23, so I''m hoping my body will go back to normal after my d & c.


Dec 16, 2007
Yeah Lysser! That is great! Isn't is a releif? And it sounds like you timed the good ol' f-stat really well for the two days prior to O. As for goo after O-day, I am in that boat too (1-2 days extra), lots of women are, it's normal it just makes it harder to ID O-day without temping.

ETA Radiant, I monitored my cervix. It took me three months to figure out what was going on, but if you note what it feels like during you fertile CF days versus your infertile period it is easier to learn. When you are infertile, it will be lower and feel like the tip of your nose. When you are fertile it will be high (maybe even hard to reach!) and it will feel more like your lips. Also, when you are fertile you can feel the opening more, though I personally found this unreliable.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Hi gals,
I finally got my Basal thermometer, and wanted to try it out (even though I''m expecting AFF tomorrow) - and wouldn''t you know it, I woke up about every 30mins from 3am on thinking it was "time to wake up and check my temp". Which totally ruined my sleep and therefore effed up my temp. Anyways, Yesterday''s temp was 97.7 and today''s was 98.0 Sheesh. Who cares anyways - i''ll start a fresh again on CD1.

Um, LittleL - Go goooo! Oh well, at least your O''ing! Who cares if you''re approaching this TTC thing a bit "intensely" as per your mom. OB we would, being the researchers/detailed people we are. It just means that you will likely get your BFP sooner than most - so what''s the harm in that?!

Radiant. Goooood luck this cycle. I truly hope that your body plays nice-nice and does what it''s supposed to do. Mine didn''t this cycle (I''m not even sure that I O''d) but I''m trying to stay optimistic. Look and listen for the signs, and DTD
. re: cervix positions. I do check daily. Every morning before my shower. Once you get in a routine of it, there is no mistaking the differnce. When it''s low and closed, you will feel it right away without much searching. It will feel dome shaped and it will be firm like the tip of your nose. When it''s high and open, you may have to "dig" way up there a bit, and it will be more flesh like you lips. It''s like night and day. I know it''s not for everyone, but if you can get into it (pun intended) then it''s a really great indicator.

hope that helps!


Jul 6, 2005
Ebree: I''m at CD 12/13 and DPO 2/3 so not too far ahead of you if you o on the earlier side...

DH is leaving today for vegas. i''m really hoping that he doesn''t squander all our money in the casino. he''s not actually a gambler, but i think that could be more dangerous

cervix - while i''m comfortable with my body, i''m not a cervix checker and likely will never become one...just a POAS kind of a gal.


Dec 16, 2007
Hey Lovely, you O'd before your hubby left! That's great! This was an early O for you, wasn't it? Your body must have known.

Mela those temps sound like post-ovulation numbers. If you temp tomorrow and the next few days, you should see a nose-dive in temps the day you get AF (if she even comes!
)... some women get a temp drop the day before they get AF, some the day of AF (though some don't drop til after AF, but most see a drop before). So it may be worthwhile to temp for the next couple days, because even if AF comes, if you see a drop then you will KNOW you ovulated this month, which will be good news no matter what! And if you don't see a drop, well you know what that means...

everyone else I found this thread interesting on the TCOYF forum--it's about hubby's who have a hard time with the DTD marathon and how to deal:

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
My thermometer arrived this morning - Yay!

I do the cervix thing as well, it is useful information.

Well, AF is due today and so far no sign. My cervix is also really high and soft - unlike how it should be. I will be super PO'd if I have stressed to much and have now screwed my nice, clockwork cycle up.

However, I just don't feel like there is going to be anything this time round. In fact, I wish AF would hurry up and get a move on - my migraine is now on day 3 and I really want to take something for it.

Can anyone suggest a good book I can buy for DH. He has absolutely zero knowledge of how lady's bits work at all. He even asked me last week if I have periods at all!
I suppose because I never get cramps or PMS that there has never really been any discussion about it, but he might wonder what all the paraphernalia in the bathroom might be...

Anyway, he's now called me 5 times today to see if AF has, I thought a nice book explaining everything might be a good idea.

He has said that anytime we need to DTD for procreational reasons that no matter how ill, tired or whatever he will pull himself together. I hadn't realised he was THAT baby crazy!


Aug 31, 2005
radiant- I''m on CD 10 today too! I just got my first "High" on my monitor, so the marathon begins.

lulu- Yay, another person to wait with! Did you O on CD 10?

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 10:12:16 AM
Author: EBree
radiant- I''m on CD 10 today too! I just got my first ''High'' on my monitor, so the marathon begins.

lulu- Yay, another person to wait with! Did you O on CD 10?
Whoopee, let the BDing commence!

The best of British luck to you, old sport!


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 8/14/2008 9:32:34 AM
Author: radiantgirl
Amber - I love your humor! You are freakin hilarious! I actually love M. Phelps' body. I was a swimmer in high school, so I really like the lean and toned look. His torso is really long, but he really has the ideal body for a swimmer.

Ebree - I am on CD 10, so just one day ahead of you. We'll be in the tww together this cycle, I hope.

LL - It sounds like you're about to O any day now. Keep bding until you get your sustained temp rise. GL!

Do any of you girls try to feel your cervix position? I just tried it yesterday and not sure what I am supposed to feel. I will start my OPKs tomorrow and hopefully will O sometime next week. Last month, I o'd really late on cd 23, so I'm hoping my body will go back to normal after my d & c.
Radiant - I have always wanted to discuss this. I have no clue what I'm feeling for when I'm "puppetering." When DD says your cervix should be high, soft and open, I have no clue if I'm feeling the right thing or not. I even went online to try figure this all out w/ no success other than to insert your finger up to at least the middle knuckle. Also, I have nails and those suckers can hurt - anyone else with this problem?

Mela and Pandora - now that you have your thermometers, will you be charting on FF? Ah, the joys of DH loves the sound of my thermometer going off every morning in addition to our alarm. Lucky for him, the beeping is pretty quiet.

Anyone out there in TTC land on CD 13 like moi??? We are going to start tonight since we will be at my parent's house this if the do the F-tastic tonight, tomorrow before we leave, skip Sat. and then back into it on Sun, we should be OK!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/14/2008 10:20:27 AM
Author: blushingbride

Radiant - I have always wanted to discuss this. I have no clue what I''m feeling for when ''I''m puppetering.'' When DD says your cervix should be high, soft and open, I have no clue if I''m feeling the right thing or not. I even went online to try figure this all out w/ no success other than to insert your finger up to at least the middle knuckle. Also, I have nails and those suckers can hurt - anyone else with this problem?
BB the only way I could figure it out was to go "Okay, my temps are low and I have no CF, what does it fell like?...[puppeteer motions]...okay got it." 2 weeks later "Okay, my CF is fertile, what does it feel like?...[puppeteer motions]...okay, I see..." then repeat for three months. So I tought myself what the difference is through repeated months of monitoring. The online descriptions etc really didn''t seem to help me.
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