
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 8/6/2008 1:32:34 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Jas and SBDE (hope I got the initials in the right order!):

Thanks for the tips SBDE, I''m definitely changing our habits- including eating, vitamins, exercise and planning nights out- I totally agree with you. We have the preseed, and that syringe is disgusting- nothing sexier than sticking a bulb full of goo into your hoo-town, right?
I much like the idea of ''pre'' sachets, though!

Jas: Totally would love to have a PS GTG while I''m in Chicago. The idea is almost a definite, I just need to find out exactly when I''m expected- it''s for a surprise baby shower.
LOL...looks like our girl is back ladies! OMG - I was literally laughing out loud at my desk when I read that''s sooooo true! We only used it once so far last cycle and that''s exactly how I felt. You totally nailed it - you''re one of the few people I "know" who always seems to say exactly everyone else is thinking.
Yes, I am back, only not TTC just yet. I''m planning on spending the next month or two vitamining the bejesus out of DH. Get him some herbs and goodness to get that blood flowing, and that libido racing. He''s a little wary, but I think that he''ll be fine with it once he feels the results. Of course, most likely they''ll be a complete placebo effect, won''t work, but the IDEA of them working will make him feel better. Does that make sense?

My emotions are still off-kilter, but I''m thinking forward to my possible surgery and trip to disneyland- if that doesn''t cheer me up and make me glad I won''t be full of babe, I don''t know what will. I''d hate to have a baby with a tail and wings just because I wanted to go on Indiana Jones.
Amber, I think what SBDE suggested is really smart! It seems like the last couple of cycles, things like being overtired or sunburned got in the way of things happening when they should. By trying to focus those days on lovin'', and doing it first thing in the morning if you can, before you get tired, that might help!

Oh, I''m pretty sure that I got knocked up first thing in the AM too.
This waiting lark is starting to drive me crazy. I can't concentrate on anything.

Since this is first time round and it was more of a 'oops, oh well what the heck' thing, I dread to think what I will be like once we start trying for real. And I apologise if this sounds loopy to those of you who have been trying for a while.

I've had really, really sore boobs for the last 24 hours - I'm starting to wonder if I'm imagining symptoms - is this NORMAL?????

I'm now on CD 21 - I'm normally on a 27/28 day cycle (or has been for the last 8 months or so).

I know there's no point in testing until 5 days before AF is due, but I gave in this morning and did an early response test - zilch... naturally.

How do all of you kill time? Doesn't help that DH is baby crazy. I'm just crazy...
hi pandora! the waiting is really the worst part
. basically, i just try not to think about it too much and keep myself busy with the many non-baby related things going on in my life. In fact, last month during my *knitting* time i was even steering clear from this thread in an attempt to focus on the non-TTC world. i''d say it worked pretty well up until it was legitimate POAS time. then finding out an answer was pretty much at the front of my brain...

as for me - i had my first POAS for the purposes of the monitor. I''m at CD 6 and low fertility. pretty normal. i''m just wishing that my hormones/fertility get a jumpstart this go-around so that i can take advantage of the limited time that my DH is going to be in town...

and good tips about AM BD -- thanks
Pandora - I thought I had pregnancy symptoms back when Blen found out she was preggos and listed them. However, as it turned out it was just my body readjusting to being back from my trip to Europe - that and the fact that we moved right after we got back from our trip so, it was probably just pure exhaustion for me.

LL- CD 6 for me too *yawn*
- these early days are so blah.
Hey ladies.

First off - Amber - I''m glad you are sticking around. This here place just wouldn''t be the same with you. And if there is some sort of Chitown get together - let me know! I don''t live there, but my BFF does and I''d be totally willing to make the journey...hang with my friend and get to see some PS folks.

Pandora - I kill time by analyzing every single twinge, ache or blip I might feel. Probably not the best way to do it, but is what it is. The TWW just sucks. No two ways about it.

I''m CD ewcm yet. Am charting with temps this month too. Like I thought, it is totally messing with my sleep...but I guess it is worth it to do one month. Make sure I am actually ovulating and stuffs.

Today if my 34th Birthday.
I feel OLD. I know in the grand scheme of life 34 isn''t that old...but in the scheme of TTC it is. Feh. Not having a good bday so far.

Hope all goes well for the knitters!
Hi Pandora & any of you POAS crazies............

If any of u have followed my hysteria then u know I am absolutely NO HELP in the self-control dept.

I decided to just go w/ it eventually and peed on practically everything at anytime I felt like it!

I guess I'm just a big enabler today!

(really though, it is so hard to wait esp. if ur having s/s)

For me it was also a practical thing as I had to power down of a cat. d med. so the earlier the better.

(until week 2-3 post O the embie is a neural tube so no organs exposed to le drugs except primitve CNS)

TW Torture.................
Date: 8/7/2008 11:03:54 AM
Author: littlelysser
Hey ladies.

First off - Amber - I''m glad you are sticking around. This here place just wouldn''t be the same with you. And if there is some sort of Chitown get together - let me know! I don''t live there, but my BFF does and I''d be totally willing to make the journey...hang with my friend and get to see some PS folks.

Pandora - I kill time by analyzing every single twinge, ache or blip I might feel. Probably not the best way to do it, but is what it is. The TWW just sucks. No two ways about it.

I''m CD ewcm yet. Am charting with temps this month too. Like I thought, it is totally messing with my sleep...but I guess it is worth it to do one month. Make sure I am actually ovulating and stuffs.

Today if my 34th Birthday.
I feel OLD. I know in the grand scheme of life 34 isn''t that old...but in the scheme of TTC it is. Feh. Not having a good bday so far.

Hope all goes well for the knitters!
Happy Birthday! If it makes you feel any better, I was 36 yesterday...
Date: 8/7/2008 11:10:34 AM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 8/7/2008 11:03:54 AM
Author: littlelysser
Hey ladies.

First off - Amber - I''m glad you are sticking around. This here place just wouldn''t be the same with you. And if there is some sort of Chitown get together - let me know! I don''t live there, but my BFF does and I''d be totally willing to make the journey...hang with my friend and get to see some PS folks.

Pandora - I kill time by analyzing every single twinge, ache or blip I might feel. Probably not the best way to do it, but is what it is. The TWW just sucks. No two ways about it.

I''m CD ewcm yet. Am charting with temps this month too. Like I thought, it is totally messing with my sleep...but I guess it is worth it to do one month. Make sure I am actually ovulating and stuffs.

Today if my 34th Birthday.
I feel OLD. I know in the grand scheme of life 34 isn''t that old...but in the scheme of TTC it is. Feh. Not having a good bday so far.

Hope all goes well for the knitters!
Happy Birthday! If it makes you feel any better, I was 36 yesterday...


I just hit me that I could be the oldest crone on the boards!

Anyone older than 39.5????

And for LL & Pandora I got pg. at 37.5 w/ one working ovary!!!! Only took 2 mos. So it can happen.

Date: 8/7/2008 11:10:07 AM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Hi Pandora & any of you POAS crazies............

If any of u have followed my hysteria then u know I am absolutely NO HELP in the self-control dept.

I decided to just go w/ it eventually and peed on practically everything at anytime I felt like it!

I guess I''m just a big enabler today!

(really though, it is so hard to wait esp. if ur having s/s)

For me it was also a practical thing as I had to power down of a cat. d med. so the earlier the better.

(until week 2-3 post O the embie is a neural tube so no organs exposed to le drugs except primitve CNS)

TW Torture.................
I''m kind of in that boat too.

One of my meds is an anti-epileptic (I use it for nerve pain control though), I did some mega-research on safety in pregnancy and the stats are good enough that the benefit outweighs the risk in my mind. But, anti-epileptics are also anti-folates, which none of my doctors had told me. Apparently you should be on 5mg of folic acid as a matter of course let alone if you are TTC.

I have bought all the folic acid I could find and I''m stuffing the 5mg a day - they only come in 400 micrograms, so that is 12 tablets at a time (I said I was taking them like Smarties!

I can''t find any information on how long it can take to get your folic acid levels raised anywhere! I did start taking them the day after DH and I ''forgot'' the BC, but I do worry esp. because of my age and taking the meds all the way through.

I bought so many POAS packs at the chemist the other day that the guy on the till asked me if it wouldn''t be cheaper to see my GP and get them done for free. I pointed out that I couldn''t really get appointments on consecutive days for the whole of next week (if I make it that long...

(what''s s/s by the way?)
Happy Birthday Ladies
Hope that you got a chance to properly mark the occassion!

BB: yawn is right! but i think that LL said this a while back - but i really don''t mind the wait up to BD-time. Typically, I''m feeling good, it''s a fresh start, etc. etc. It''s that TWW that i could definitely live withou!

LL: I clerked before taking a job at a firm. it was a great experience. all of my clerking peers opted to go to big, international firms - but i chose a smaller, boutique firm and couldn''t be happier! i figured that i''d likely stay in the profession a lot longer if i''m doing work i''m interested in with nice people. so far so good, but sometimes i wonder about career monogamy
and I have dabbled in jewelry making myself! i''d love to have more free time to develop that more creative side...what kind of materials do you use? right now i''m loving photography...

amber: glad to hear that you''ll continue to infuse this thread with your fantastic humor/comments! and the vitamin plan sounds solid to me!
s/s = signs/symptoms.
Happy B-day ladies! Hopefully it gets a little better.

I got DH those vitamins and he took them. Shock of all shocks. I really think they''ll have an impact, if only on his mind.

Today a friend who owns a bakery recently featured on Daily Candy (BakeSale) is bringing us a Goody Box full of cupcakes, cookies, bars, brownies and bars. I''m SO excited. DH and I spent HOURS cleaning the crap out of the kitchen, so I felt a feeling of triumph there.

I''m now 4dpo. Yes, I''m still temping, just to make sure everything is puttering along smoothly.

As for my b-day, I''ll be 29 November 5.
Good morning ladies!

I have been lurking around this thread and have a question for all you experts. You guys are awesome, and a wealth of information!

We are not TTC quite yet (but getting there), but I am thinking of going off the pill. My OB said no need to until we are actively ready, but after reading about some of the difficulties in getting your cycle back to normal, I am thinking that I would rather do that while not TTC, so as to avoid frustration when we are ready.

My question is about the vitamins/folic acid. I am assuming I should go ahead and start taking those, just in case. 1) What kind of prenatals do I need? And how much folic acid should I take a day? 2) Is there any negative effect of taking all of those vitamins? Is there any reason to wait on them?

I guess I should say that if it happened, we would be fine with it, so no worries about that. And I am thinking we will start TTC in the next 6 months or so. I go back and forth. Sometimes I want to do it now, sometimes wait till early next year.

Thanks in advance!

And good luck to all you frustrated and bored mommas in waiting! I am rooting for you.
Folic acid use in pregnant women and in women in the year prior to conception has pretty much the strongest support in medical studies of any vitamin as to providing a benefit, in this case, reduced birth defects. Most other vitamins either haven't been studied as rigorously or the benefits were not as apparent in the study. So take folic acid now! The rest is your choice.

As for going off b/c early, I've been lurking on the boards enough to observe that some women on the TTC board wish they had gone off b/c earlier so their cycles would be more regular as it is frustrating to be scientifically trying when the cycle is wonky (and many ps women are fairly scientific in their efforts,) while some women got pregnant a little earlier than planned that way! Or got pregnant in a more planned fashion on their first cycle off b/c even though it was a wonky cycle. So don't go off unless you are prepared for the risk of an early bundle of joy, as most other b/c methods are less effective than the pill.
Hi Girls!
and welcome Chinacat

I''m 30 years old - just to play the age game

Um, re: folic acid - I have never heard of taking 5 mg! my prenatal has only 800 mcg''s and my Doc seemed to thing that was plenty. wow.

I just got back from my naturopathic Dr who got me on omega 3''s (4:1 EPA:DHA) and also on a B complex to help me ''control'' my hormones a little. Between my hormone induced acne (tres lovely) and the recent migraine''s I''ve suffered, she seems to think my body is not metabolizing the estrogen properly. Either way, i''m game as none of this is contraindicated to pregnancy. Can''t hurt!

Other than that, to answer your question Chinacat, I think they say that you should start taking your prenatals AT LEAST 3 months prior to conceiving, and they will only benifit you. So why not just start?!
Vitamins do a body good!

The other interesting thing my naturopath said was that if you''ve been on the pill for a long time (I was on it for 14 years - on and off - but mostly on), that your body may need slightly higher doses so that the required amount is absorbed. Apparently, a lot of the vitamins we injest are not even fully absorbed due to various reasons. I dunno. Food for thoughth I suppose.

I''m on CD21 - presumably 7DPO. One more week to knit!
Date: 8/7/2008 1:17:41 PM
Author: mela lu
Hi Girls!
and welcome Chinacat

I'm 30 years old - just to play the age game

Um, re: folic acid - I have never heard of taking 5 mg! my prenatal has only 800 mcg's and my Doc seemed to thing that was plenty. wow.

I just got back from my naturopathic Dr who got me on omega 3's (4:1 EPA:DHA) and also on a B complex to help me 'control' my hormones a little. Between my hormone induced acne (tres lovely) and the recent migraine's I've suffered, she seems to think my body is not metabolizing the estrogen properly. Either way, i'm game as none of this is contraindicated to pregnancy. Can't hurt!

Other than that, to answer your question Chinacat, I think they say that you should start taking your prenatals AT LEAST 3 months prior to conceiving, and they will only benifit you. So why not just start?!
Vitamins do a body good!

The other interesting thing my naturopath said was that if you've been on the pill for a long time (I was on it for 14 years - on and off - but mostly on), that your body may need slightly higher doses so that the required amount is absorbed. Apparently, a lot of the vitamins we injest are not even fully absorbed due to various reasons. I dunno. Food for thoughth I suppose.

I'm on CD21 - presumably 7DPO. One more week to knit!
Any women on anti-epileptics are advised to take 5mg - I haven't heard of that much for anything else - even I was shocked how big a dose they advise!

In the UK they recommend between 400 - 800 micrograms depending on who you speak to.
Definitely take prenatals as soon as you start thinking about TTCing! I started them in February and conceived at the beginning of June. I agree, no need to overdo the folic acid, the amount included in my prescribed prenatals is 1mg. That sounds like a bit on the high side to me, but that''s what they gave me. I don''t know if it makes a difference that they''re chewables (I have difficulty swallowing pills).
Happy Birthday LL!

BTW - I just realized that I call two of you LL - littlelysser and lovelylulu - hope there''s no confusion!

I started taking prenatals last Oct. which is when I first went off the pill. There is a recent study which says you can reduce the risk of having a premature birth by 70% if you take them a year or more before getting preganant:


Taking folic acid during your pregnancy is a no-brainer - folic acid helps prevent birth defects, encourages proper neural tube formation, and all that good stuff…. But a recent study (a huge one, by the way, of 40,000 women) has demonstrated that taking folic acid while trying to conceive is just as important.

The study found that women who took folic acid for a year or more before conceiving had a significantly (70%) lower risk of giving birth prematurely. You can read the details of the study here. The bottom line, though, is this: if you have any intention of conceiving in the next year or so, be sure you’re taking folic acid.

Happy Bday Pandora and LL!!!
Welcome chinacat

I''m 5dpo, trying not to analyze EVERY "sign" I think I might have, especially because I don''t have high hopes for this cycle

Mela- That is interesting about the B complex, maybe I''ll go pick some up. Are you feeling like you''ll be able to wait to test, or are you dying to test early?

As for vitamins... I''ve been told by a Dr. before that the 800-1000 mcgs of folic acid in most prenatals is plenty, She also said it''s a good idea to start them 6 mo. pre-pregnancy (sooner wouldn''t hurt I''d guess).
Hello everyone,

I also have questions about the vitamin issue... sorry if this gets a little long

My husband and I are getting close to TTC. Part of us wants to go for it right now and another part keeps putting it off. We originally discussed starting in Oct. after my 31st bday but now we''re thinking maybe Dec. or later. When I went for my annual gyno appointment in May I told my Dr. that we would probably try this year and asked him about going off my pill and also about what tests or anything I might need before we start TTC. He told me that I was a healthy young woman and didn''t need any special tests or anything like that but that I should call him a couple of months before I went off the pill and he would prescribe a prenatal vitamin for me.

So now here''s my issue.... when should I start taking them? There is a part of me that says the sooner the better (I eat healthy but don''t take a multivitiman or anything like that) but I don''t know that I want to pay for another prescription before I''m really ready for it. I would also like to start taking it so that when we ARE ready (for example... if next week I just don''t start my new pack of pills
) I won''t feel like we''re unprepared.

Are you taking prescription pre natals or just OTC ones? I was thinking about just picking up some from GNC. In your expert opinions which would be better? When did you start taking them?

We''ve also discussed me just going off the pill now and using some other form of bc until we''re ready. I''ve only been on the pill for 2 1/2 years but it''s changed my life for the better. I went from a full 7 day period to 1 1/2 days (gotta love Loestrin 24) and my mood has really stabalized. I''m sort of afraid to go back to my pre pill self (although I know I need to).

So anyway... that''s my story... any advice would be greatly appreciated. I''ll probably be lurking around here as we get closer to TTC... who knows... it could be as early as next month... I''ve got baby fever bad (which is weird considering that for a long time I didn''t think I wanted kids) and my husband has always wanted a big family (but now he says he''ll be happy with 2)

I''m normally such a planner but this is one thing that I wish I didn''t have to plan. I hate the pressure of picking a "start"date... I wish I''d just get really drunk (for a few days) and forget to take my pill (which I never forget) and get pregnant!
Hi applequeen,

It is a good idea to start taking prenatals now. It won''t hurt if you decide to postpone TTC, but like you said, if you TTC sooner at least you''ll be prepared.
I have asked a few different Drs. about OTC or prescription, and they all said OTC''s are good. You''ll want one with no less than 800mcgs of Folic Acid. Someone posted a while back about the GNC ones, they seem to be very complete.
As far as BCPs, if you like what they''ve been doing for you and you aren''t in a hurry to get preggo then I''d stay on them till you''re ready. Just know that there is a chance it will take some time adjusting back, but there might not be too.
Good luck!
Applequeen, my prescription (with co-pay) costs the same as OTC, but it seems like either should be fine.

I also take a calcium supplement. In general, you''re supposed to have 1000mg of calcium a day. I take one calcium chew, which is 500mg, in the morning, and then another later in the day if I didn''t feel like my diet made up the difference. Since I don''t really do dairy, I try to drink calcium-enriched oj or soymilk, but my intake varies.

If you don''t ''need'' to plan TTC, then you should follow your own advice!
Give it a try for a few months, no strings attached, and then see how things are going. My SIL was surprised that it took her 6 months to get a BFP, but honestly, 6 months is pretty darn good. You should do whatever you think will minimize the stress if possible.
Thanks! I''m thinking I may stop by GNC on the way home and pick some up....if for no other reason than so I can feel like I''m actually doing something. If I went the prescription route then someone (my Dr.) other than my husband would know what we''re up to. I''m a really private person and all my friends are very very anti-kid (that''s another issue in and of itself in my TTC dilema) so there is really no one I can talk to about this or ask questions. I think that''s why I like lurking here... so I can feel like I''m not the only person going through this.

As for my cycle going back to normal... I''m hopeful it won''t be too much of a problem. For 16 years (age 12-28) my cycle was like clockwork... nothing irregular at all and I''m hoping it''ll just go back fairly easy. I had an easy time adjusting to the pills so I''m hoping the reverse will prove to be true as well... but seriously a full 7 days again! What was I thinking for those 16 years!

I''ll be around from time to time especially as we get closer to the start date... I guess the vitamins are the first step. I''ll go the GNC route until I go off my pill then I''ll probably start with the prescriptions.
Date: 8/7/2008 2:46:55 PM
Author: erica k
Applequeen, my prescription (with co-pay) costs the same as OTC, but it seems like either should be fine.

I also take a calcium supplement. In general, you''re supposed to have 1000mg of calcium a day. I take one calcium chew, which is 500mg, in the morning, and then another later in the day if I didn''t feel like my diet made up the difference. Since I don''t really do dairy, I try to drink calcium-enriched oj or soymilk, but my intake varies.

If you don''t ''need'' to plan TTC, then you should follow your own advice!
Give it a try for a few months, no strings attached, and then see how things are going. My SIL was surprised that it took her 6 months to get a BFP, but honestly, 6 months is pretty darn good. You should do whatever you think will minimize the stress if possible.
Good to know about the calcium... I don''t really do milk or dairy (do cheeseburgers count?) either.

I think I''m going to go off the pill in Oct. as planned and we''ll just see from there. It''s just so weird to switch my way of thinking when for years my goal was to not get pregnant!

Of course the pill basically gives me 0 sex drive (sorry if that''s TMI but it''s true)... I''m hoping things turn around when I''m off of it or we''ll never have kids!
Thanks everyone for the info for me (and Applequeen!).

That''s what I figured (why not take them, no harm) but wasn''t sure if there was a reason NOT to take prenatals.

I am kind of in the same boat as Applequeen- and others that I have read on here- that part of me just wants to go for it, and part of me wants to plan for it. All of my friends are TTC, but none have succeeded so far. I am the lone hold out! I just got married in June 2007, so part of me would love to have more time with just my hubby and me (and our beloved doggie!); on the other hand, I will be 35 in March. which for some reason panics me. Part of me likes our quiet life, and part of me is like, what are we waiting for? We have been together for 5 years, and have definitely travelled and done all of that (though there are definitely some places I still want to go! All of our friends that we travel with are TTC, so it''s not like there will be much more of that (at least without kiddos!). I don''t know, I think I am ready, but just scared. Not sure how ready DH really is, but he wants kids and said whenever I am ready, he''s ready.

I have been on the pill for a very long time (since 19) but I went off for about a year or so in 2002. Both before and during my short hiatus, my cycle is like clockwork. I am like AQ, and others- part of me wants it to just happen so I don''t have to make the decision. Just push me off the cliff already!

On that same note, for some reason I REALLY want to stop taking the pill. Like I am secretly angry at it! Too funny. I just want it out of my system.

I know I can ask my doctor all of these things, but my annual isn''t till this fall, and I''d rather wait to go see her (insurance reasons).

Thanks for all of your answers, and of course, for providing a place to discuss. You guys are great.

So- consensus is OTC prenatal is fine?????????????? And no extra folic acid?
The OC prenatal vitamins are the ones everyone I know takes. Here they only do prescriptions for the high dosage ones.

I need to go and get a prescription, but I want to wait until I know one way or the other before I see my GP (I''m taking the 5mg a day anyway). I was taking 800 micrograms of the folic for a few months and then I was told just to start taking it when we decided to TTC, so I had anticipated starting it this month and TTC in October.

I am such a mega planner that I feel completely thrown this time - and I am feeling very weird. I never have any PMS symptoms at all - I think my sisters inherited my share as they suffer badly, so these inflating boobs are a novelty. Psychosomatic or not, I''ll keep them please - my sisters got MY share of those too!

My GP, who I get on very well with and count as a friend, will have a minor fit if I am, especially as I only discussed it all with him 3 weeks ago and agreed to wait till I''d spoken to the pain clinic. I don''t want to have to confess my sin unless I need to! Then again, he''s the guy who keeps telling me that I''ll need at least 6 months if not a year of trying to get PG, so if I am I shall just blame his bad advice!

Does anyone else feel like they''re ready to be pregnant, but the idea of the end result is far too frightening to contemplate!
Chinacat and Applequeen - WELCOME!

I must admit, I'm scared too. I'm scared about the enormous change a baby will bring to our lives. I mean, it really is mind-blowing how much will really change w/ a baby in the picture. I think, wow, there's no turning back! I love how easy life is with just the two of us (and our pup) and hear horror stories from friends who have babies.

BUT, like you Chinacat, my DH and I have been married 1 year and together for almost 5. In addition, neither one of us are getting any younger...and all our friends are married or will be married soon so, they'll be TTCing too. Plus, as hard as raising kids can be, I've heard so many more positive stories than negative ones.

I feel like this change will only make me and DH that much stronger. I truly believe that there really is never going to a "right time" so, sometimes you just gotta throw caution to the wind and let it rest in god's hands.
We''re totally ecstatic to get pregnant, but the child rearing part scares the life out of me. THEN I think I can do it. It''s a pain- I hate the wishy-washiness of it all.

BB, we''re married 9 months, together almost 5, we like you in that schedule!

I''m attaching a pic of the condo view we had in Kauai- yes, FINALLY.
