
The Official TTC Thread!


Oct 19, 2005
Okay, now that I am chock full of cookie dough (DH tried to skillet cook one to see what happens- outcome isn''t bad!), I am able to post.

LL, I don''t know why I used the word "vigorous"! What would happen if you tested today? I don''t know why you''d have spotting other than AFF popping in early or implantation- or the aforementioned vigorous sex, which you have now poo-pooed.

DD, thanks for the mention of the non-viable bean possibility. I kind of had a feeling that could be one of the explanations.

Blen: Great job cleaning up at the sales!! Don''t you love that? I saw some great bargains all over and couldn''t let myself get them.
I figure it''s enough that I have onesies! Hopefully your next test will be a BFP!!


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 7/26/2008 12:09:28 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted

Date: 7/25/2008 12:33:57 PM
Author: ChargerGrrl
Hey Gals- no new news from me. we (ok, I) are still on the fence about kids. We decided not to talk about the subject until after our wedding anniversary trip to Kauai late next month (BTW, Amber- where are your pics?!).

I started temping this week, on the second day of my cycle- they''re kinda high, hovering around 97/98. i guess i''m just hot-blooded.

**back to lurking... for now**
You might notice towards the end of your period that the temps go down. The progesterone (I think) can cause temps to still be slightly elevated during your period. I notice a temperature dip before my period starts, then temperature fluctuations during my period and it evens out (lower) once my period is over. It may take a few cycles of charting to see this.
THANKS, Tiffany! My cycle is over and they''re now in the low 97''s

littlelysser- i''ve heard nothing but AWESOME things about Kauai! We''re psyched to go! Since the Princeville Resort is closing down at the end of Sept for a mega-renovation (they''ll open in ''09 as a St. Regis), we got great room rate- it''s around $199. couldn''t pass up that deal, so we booked our air tixs a couple of months ago for labor day weekend and are calling it an early 2nd wedding anniversary trip. What''s your favorite Kauai memory, adventure and restaurant?


Dec 8, 2005
Amber - Of course, I totally tested this morning. BFN. I'm not too surprised in my wonky mind, if zygote is still implanting, it's probably not producing enough HCG to register yet. But I don't know. That spat of blood was a bit confusing. Confuzzling. Confuzzled. I'm still feeling crampy, which makes me thing AFF.

Also, I am intrigued by said Skillet Cookie. It was good you say? I say patent it and call it a Skookie! You may be on to something. Sell it at fairs! You'll be RICH RICH RICH!

Charger - I LOVED everything about Kauai. EVERYTHING! That is a great deal for the Princeville. We stayed at the Grand Hyatt, which is on the southern side of the island.

Favorite Memory - Honestly, just Kauai. The beauty of it. It is so much more unmarred than the other islands. So natural. So beautiful. I have two favorite memories...

The Hyatt has amazing grounds - if you are near Poipu, check them out. DH and I spent the good part of an evening cuddled in a hammock, listening to the ocean, and looking at some of the brightest stars I've ever seen. Sigh.

And well, this one is totally different! DH and I are both DIEHARD Steeler fans. Our honeymoon coincided with the opening away game and DH and I were pretty upset that we weren't going to get to see it because it wasn't nationally televised. B/c of the time change it was also going to be on at 7am. So we thought we weren't going to get to see it. Long story short, one of the waiters at the breakfast buffet at the hotel was from Pittsburgh and a HUGE Steelers fan, so he had direct ticket and he invited DH and I over to watch the game with him and his wife at 7am. There was a palm tree out front of his house with a "Reserved for Steeler Fan Parking" sign. We took pictures. It was awesome. The people on Kauai are so darn friendly...I'm not sure that would have happened elsewhere.

Favorite Restaurant - That is my one knock...I wasn't blown away by the food. We both really enjoyed the Shrimp Station in Waimea (good cheap eats). We also really liked Casa D'amici - which is in the southern part of the island. Roy's was also quite good. But like I said, we weren't blown away by the food.

Favorite Adventure - undoubtedly seeing the Napali Coast. Must do. It was AMAZING!!! We took a catamaran was just awe inspiring. I get chills sometimes when I think about how beautiful it was. You should also check out Waimea Canyon. Awesome awesome stuff.

Please take many pics...and unlike AMBER actually post some!

OH, and FWIW, you are going at a GREAT time. There won't be many kids around because school is back in session and the island is even less crowded than it normally is. We didn't need any reservations or anything. It was pretty killer.


Apr 14, 2006

Man, I love a good yard sale!! We have gotten so much stuff for our yet to be born (or conceived) baby that way. Around here, a lot of the "well to do" communities/sub divisions have spring and fall yard sales and I can''t resist going. We got a Pottery Barn bead board toy chest that is in great condition for 5 bucks. Sweet! And a cute changing table with shelves for 8 bucks. I love it. And when it''s a good deal, Paul doesn''t mind my picking up things. His theory is that as long as it''s small enough to fit in the closet of the one-day baby''s room, I can get it. Whoo hoo for me!

We went to Ikea today and I got the cutest burp rags. Three for three bucks. Nice. Paul has a cousin who just had a baby, so I might throw the pack into the gift bag for them, but I''m not sure yet. Still sitting on the fence on that.

Ooh, and yesterday there was a yard sale at the Catholic church I pass on the way to work each day. I found a pretty light fixture for our breakfast nook for 20 dollars. Everything we''d found that we both liked was in the 60-80 dollar range, so I jumped on it. Good thing I did because Paul likes it to and I put it up last night and it is so pretty.

Yay for yard sales and baby stuff. It makes a girl happy, happy!

LL, I did take a test yesterday, just for kicks. I have a tendency to have smeary lines on pee sticks, so I had the same thing again. I''m taking it as a negative, as that has been the case in the past. I''ve never gotten a clear, clean line on a screen, more like a flat nothing, or a pale smear of a line, but not enough to be a faint line. I got myself all worked up ecstatic about a smear line before, and I''m determined not to do that again. I tend to have long cycles, so here in the next few days I should have a better idea of where I am...

Another thing, does anyone know where I can find a chart for temps that allows for long cycles to be measured? My current print out (I do it by hand, not online) only carries for 35 days. Maybe that''s all I need, since I ought to have ovulated by that point? I don''t know. I still haven''t seen any inkling of anything of a pattern. Makes me wonder if I release any eggs or not.

Anyone who''s not read the What to Expect When You''re Expecting really ought to. I''ve loved the whole thing and have read it all the way through but have gone back to the first chapters about the pre-conception and first weeks now.

My favorite parts of the book are the descriptions of what your baby is doing while it grows inside of you. I also like the ideas regarding how to relax and suggestions of questions to ask your care provider when you''re at different points in the pregnancy. I''ve just really learned a lot. I''m all the time throwing little facts about a baby''s growth/development to Paul and it''s just fun to think that at some point I''ll be telling him about what OUR baby''s doing in my belly.

Makes me want to rub my tummy, just thinking about it!


Dec 8, 2005
Morning everyone!

Hope y'all are having a good weekend.

Fisher - If you are charting, I know the girls on here LOVE fertility friend. It might help you make sense of your chart as well. Unless there is a reason you don't want to do it online...I'm not really charting, just monitoring CM and sort of going from there. But I do use FF and I've found it be pretty helpful.

As for things in Lysserville. - Still spotting. Still feeling a bit crampy. No AFF. BFN. So yeah. That be the latest.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
LL I spotted for four days before AFF was due... then stopped... then BFP!

Blen, as a fellow bargain lover, I have to say, NICE WORK! Specially that jogging stroller.


Dec 8, 2005
Well, I''m 99% sure I''m out for the month. Don''t know the line between spotting and actual period...but if it wasn''t early, I''d have no doubt this was AFF.

Thus, I think AFF was not only so rude as to come to the party uninvited, she come EARLY. And really, that is just tacky. And rude.

Truth be told, I''m a bit bummed. I wasn''t too excited about this month, as we missed an important day or two, but this early AFF got me a bit excited. Not only is she rude, but she''s MEAN too.

And of course, now I''m worried b/c AFF arrived so soon after I ovulated. FF has me ovulating at day 16-18, judging by my CM. And now, on day 26 AFF arrives? That doesn''t seem good to me.

Did anyone else have issues with notably different lengths in cycles? Last month This is my fourth cycle off of BC.

Feh. Meh. Blergh.


Oct 19, 2005
Ahh, LL, I''m sorry. Would you like some of my cookie dough? In all seriousness (I DO have that ability sometimes), there is nothing worse than being in limbo, right?

As for me, the next weekend is do (it)-until-I-Die. And now, back to my already scheduled eating cookie dough with a spoon.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Oh my, now I really HAVE TO HAVE SOME COOKIE DOUGH! Thanks Amber!


Dec 8, 2005
Amber - I will take some cookie dough, thank you! Luckily, my DH is pretty darn awesome. We went and got faboo crepes for brunch and then walked to Sephora and I got a couple little things I "needed." So it wasn't a bad day...I am feeling kind of blah. And sort of kidding myself...wondering if it IS AFF and not some sort of heavy, bright red, implantation bleeding. That comes with cramps and bloating. Booooooooo.

I reread my last post and realized I had a dangling sentence out there...I had to go paint pots with my friend and her son, Eli, and they got to my house early and I hit send without a reread. Sidenote - Eli is 8 months old and honest to god, he is one of cutest boys out there. I lurve him.

Anyway...what I had intended to write...

Was that my last cycle was 32 days. And this one is 25? That seems very wonky to me...

Do any of you guys think this could be cause for concern?

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
hey gals! hope you all had a great weekend!
LittleL - how many months have you been tracking your cycle? I think that is a big diff between cycles...but I''m curious as to what your pattern has been in prior cycles. I have no theory about what''s going on....AFF? Implantation? egads!

Tiffany - you cracked me up with your chronicles of the cervix site. hilarious!!!!!

I''m now on CD10 - usually I O on CD14, so not much longer to go until.....well, the F-tastic marathon! :)

Where is Lisa? I''m wondering what''s going on in your world.

Blen - GREAT yard sale scores! I need to get on that train once I''m FKU. urgh. I have to wait until then because with the reno''s going on in my house, we dont have the storage space.

BB - how are you feeling?

Amber. I just ate a shortbread cookie to settle the sweet craving you just gave me. Damn your cookie dough!

Speaking of sweets - my favourite ice cream Baskin Robbins'' "Peanut Butter and Chocolate" is currently sold out through their factory (canada). OMG OMG OMG what on earth will settle me salt/sweet cravings now?????? Thank G I''m not preggo or else I would probably lose my shti over it! haha.


Aug 31, 2005

Are you temping? I ask because CM can be a solid indication of 'impending' ovulation, but not always. I've had watery/EWCM after ovulation. I wouldn't fret just yet! I'm sorry about AF's arrival, though.

5 DPO, here. Whyyy won't time speed up?

To cheer myself up, I got a pedicure and a Coach wristlet to match my newly painted toes. This is getting dangerous.


Dec 8, 2005
Mela - This is my fourth cycle of BCP. I''m not sure of the length of my fist. My second was 27 days. My third was 32. This one, my fourth, was 25 days, assuming this is AFF. And like I said, I''m 99.9% sure that it is. SO, I don''t know.

Ebree - I''m not temping. I''m monitoring my CM and charting it on FF. I wouldn''t be surprised if I O''d a day or two earlier than FF says I did. I have noticed that my bbs get super super sore on second to last day of EWCM - which leads me to believe that I may have ovulated then, and not after my CM changes. But I don''t know.

Perhaps I''ll give temping a try this cycle. I''m a bit worried that it might mess with my sleep, but I would like to have some confirmation of when I''ve O''d as opposed to when it seems likely that I''m going to O.


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 7/27/2008 7:51:12 PM
Author: littlelysser

Ebree - I'm not temping. I'm monitoring my CM and charting it on FF. I wouldn't be surprised if I O'd a day or two earlier than FF says I did. I have noticed that my bbs get super super sore on second to last day of EWCM - which leads me to believe that I may have ovulated then, and not after my CM changes. But I don't know.

You very well could have! And as for temping, it's annoying, but it gives you a clearer picture of what's going on. I temped for the first few cycles TTC, even having a fertility monitor two of those cycles. The first cycle temping with the fertility monitor backup, they disagreed on my o-day, but it was to be expected- the CBEFM was still getting used to my cycles. The second cycle using the CBEFM as a backup, they agreed, so I'm not temping anymore.

If you're at all interested and have somewhat normal cycles, the CBEFM is a fabulous device and worth every penny, in my opinion. I call it the "pregnant machine" as both times I've used it, I've gotten pregnant. Sadly, I lost both pregnancies early on, but that wasn't the monitor's fault. It's $150 (plus ~$30 for 30 test sticks, which should last you anywhere from a month and a half to three months), but what's that cost in the grand scheme of things? People spend $150 on a pair of shoes.

I CANNOT wait to use it again.


Aug 31, 2005
I should add (and this is probably a big "DUH") that depending on the person, temping, charting CM and OPKs can all be wonderful for predicting ovulation, and they don't cost ~$200. Charting CM didn't work at all for me, because mine isn't very consistent and not at all "by the book." One of the cycles I got pregnant, I had no EWCM and thought for sure we had no chance. Plus, I never get CM that fits just one description (sticky, creamy, etc.). It can always fit into a few categories.

As for temping, it actually worked quite well for me, but I had a consistent sleep schedule. Even on weekends, I'd wake up at 6:15 am, the time I'd wake up for work. I'd just fall back asleep after.


Dec 16, 2007
Lysser, don''t worry! My first cycle off bcp was 31 days, then the second was 28, then my third was 23
only 9 DPO. Then my fourth I got preggers. It takes a while for your body''s hormone feedback system to get back on track... the estrogen in the first half signals the progesterone in the second (a little more complex, but you get the point), and coming off the pill sometimes that feedback system is wonky leding to wonky cycles. If your body is anything like mine, then maybe next cycle will mark a real change and a return to normalcy--after my short cycle I had CF like never before and I think that was my body getting totally back to normal. Research shows that post-pill fertility is affected for 6 months. After 6 months, there is no difference between women on the pill and off. Obviously, lots of women get preggers in those first 6 months, but give your body time to get sorted out.

Fisher with such long cycles charting could really be your best friend. I think using software like Fertility Friend could be really really helpful, you don''t really need tohe VIP membership, the free software is good enough. If you want a longer chart, you can just make your own using Excel or something. The longest that a luteal phase will be for most women is 16 days, so if your cycles are ~ 40, then you probably don''t O before CD 24 or later. Or, it is very possible that you have annovulatory cycles sometimes or even a few months in a row. There is no reason to worry yet, but try charting a couple cycles using a software that can detect patterns that our untrained eyes cannot see... if you do O each month, then you will know and you won''t have to worry! But if you are having annovulatory cycles, it is something you will want to know about sooner rather than after months and months of trying! Either way, your time will come, even if you do nothing... well not NOTHING
but you know what I mean!


Jun 27, 2007
Date: 7/27/2008 7:51:12 PM
Author: littlelysser
Mela - This is my fourth cycle of BCP. I''m not sure of the length of my fist. My second was 27 days. My third was 32. This one, my fourth, was 25 days, assuming this is AFF. And like I said, I''m 99.9% sure that it is. SO, I don''t know.

Ebree - I''m not temping. I''m monitoring my CM and charting it on FF. I wouldn''t be surprised if I O''d a day or two earlier than FF says I did. I have noticed that my bbs get super super sore on second to last day of EWCM - which leads me to believe that I may have ovulated then, and not after my CM changes. But I don''t know.

Perhaps I''ll give temping a try this cycle. I''m a bit worried that it might mess with my sleep, but I would like to have some confirmation of when I''ve O''d as opposed to when it seems likely that I''m going to O.
Yeah, my guess is that your cycle is still regulating itself, which I''ve read can take about 6 months to a year. This is my fourth cycle off BCP too... my first cycle was 32 days, second was 35, third was 37, and this cycle looks like it''ll be 30 days. On my last three cycles I think I ovulated on CDs 19-20, and this month I ovulated on CD 16. (Yay!!) So I think I''m still regulating as well.

I second temping. It can be a bit harassing but I like it because it really clues you in to what''s happening with your body. In my first three cycles, I was pretty much "guessing" as to what was happening - now I pretty much know for sure.


Dec 8, 2005
Thanks for all the info guys! You ladies just rock. It is that simple. Seriously, y''all are a great resource, in addition to being funny, fabulous and otherwise awesome!

Well, it is decided. I''m temping next cycle! And I think you all (the lack of a plural you in the english language drives me nuts) are correct that my cycle is regulating. Back to ye old drawing board!

And I''ll definitely look into the CBEFM!

Alright, I''m taking my cranky pants to bed!


Jan 16, 2008
Hi Mela & everyone,

I''m pretty much stalking you all b/c this barren wasteland of TW torture is sooo boring and looong.

I wrote a lengthy expose on DH''s sperm counts a few pages back but it was the last post and well most likely got skipped.

I felt pretty psycho the first 2 weeks of this cycle.

Things have backed off a bit & now I have totally preggo s/s - hungry, hungry, moody, tiiiirrreeed.

Currently 9-10 dpiui''s. I tested out the trigger HCG & it was gone on Sat.

That means any second line now is the real deal (where have I said that before?).

Olivia is now poking her''s and other peoples'' belly buttons (peco in Korean) and it is hilarious.

She ate fried okra tonight - yuck! And loved it - yay! But yuck!

Should I POAS tomorrow? I''m supposed to HPT on 8/4.


It would be 10 dpiui #1, 9 dpiui #2. And 11 dp trigger HCG shot (ovulating induction shot).

CD22 (RE goes by trigger/IUI however).

Hmmm, what do u girlies think I should do?

To pee or not to pee........................



Mar 28, 2006
Not pee, yet anyway.
Good luck Lisa and thanks for checking in!! BTW, we totally enjoyed the sperm expose.
What''s wrong with fried okra? I love it!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/28/2008 7:33:43 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Not pee, yet anyway.
Good luck Lisa and thanks for checking in!! BTW, we totally enjoyed the sperm expose.
Ditto! The false negatives are just too painful and in just three little tiny days you will possible be able to actually get a BFP!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Hey Lisa, I say definitely wait as long as you can stand before testing. I hope it works out for you this time! Oh, and I''m with you, don''t really care for okra. I''m glad that Olivia likes it, though, because it''s always a good thing to be adventurous and open-minded about food.


Jan 16, 2008
OK I admit I have no will power and totally broke down this AM despite your support.

& POAS!!!!!

This will drive the academics in our group nutso!

Check out the pics.

I got a slightly darker line today
vs. 2 days ago (still had trigger).


It's not what I would feel safe to call BFP.

Hmmm.......thoughts anyone?

ETA: 10 dpiui #1/9 dpiui #2 - those FRER are really sensitive to HCG.....and I dreamt that I took a test and got two pos. lines in addition to the control - HAHA


happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lisa- I am so glad you checked in, we were missing you around here. Now, take my advise with a grain of salt, since I can never follow it myself, but I think wait. If you can hold out just a few more days you might be avoid the single line blues. However... if you are absoluteluy possitive that you can test keeping in mind that is is probably too early, and are sure you won''t be sad about it possibly not being possitive... well, you get my drift.
Good Luck either way!

LL- sorry your cycle is so different this time, hopefully it is just an off month and the next will be back to normal.
Blen & Fisher- great finds! Smart idea to start bargain hunting early.
Mela- Hey cycle buddy.
Just a little longer till the knitting begins. Although, I think you might be a few days ahead of me.

Ok, so I shouldn''t be getting so far ahead of myself, but since FF says AFF should be here the day after DH''s bday I am planning to test the day before. IF I get my BFP I want to wrap a present to him from baby, I was going to make one until I found this onsie. I think I will order it today, I''m sure DH will love it.

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lisa- Ha! I was toooo late! There is definately a darker line than your last trigger test. If it wasn''t for the iui trigger I would definately think BFP, and I think I still do, but I don''t know enough to know if it could still be from the trigger.

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Lisa, if the trigger HCG is out of your system, then I''m going to tentatively say that those look like BFP lines to me!


Dec 16, 2007
LOL!! Lisa, you are a baaaaad girl! I have no idea how the whole "HCG getting out of the system" thing works, but if it SHOULD be goen by today, then the test today could be a true BFP? Still, I would be cautious. Comparing the darkness of two lines on different tests is tricky business b/c apparently tests vary in how much dye they have etc etc, even two in the same pckage, so who knows? Cautious optimism may be in order, but you probably need to test again tomorrow and the next day to be sure. In about 3 - 4 more days the line will be DARK if you are really preggo.

Here''s hoping!


Oct 19, 2005
Good to see you back Lisa! I can''t say whether or not that''s a real BFP, but I DO see a line! Whether it''s a line from the remainder of the hormones, I don''t know.

Ahhh, O days coming up. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a stuffed head. Must have been all the cookie dough I ate.

In all honesty, I''m just so tired and do not want to be back at work. Boo.


Jul 6, 2005
hi ladies,

I''ve been trying to stay away from this thread over the past week or so, because while there is no doubting the support (not to mention laughs!!) that this place provides, i wanted to try to compartmentalize my conception thoughts during "knitting time" and not have it constantly be at the forefront of my mind . . .

LL: I can COMPLETELY relate to your most recent events. I, too, had a pinkish tinge, then some spotting and i was thinking that it might possibly be implementation - despite our lackluster odds due to my O-time illness
- however, it seems that it was only a little pre-AFF. just enough to get my hopes up. that wicked, wicked beast.
to make matters more frustrating, i do believe that my DH is going to be cavorting around vegas for a bachelor party during my next "window"
not much that can be done about that, except keep my fingers crossed that i will o a bit early...

ebree: thanks for the advice on the CBEFM - DH and I are pondering the purchase. I seriously sucked the one cycle i tried to temp. i had a shoddy thermometer, woke up a number of different was not a good overall experience and far from informative. maybe the monitor would be a better solution for us and *expedite* this process so to speak. Hope that time goes by quickly

blen: nice purchases!! any news on the TWW - sorry if i missed it.

mela: lots of luck this go around

lisa: i''m sending you a cautious congratulations because on my computer there''s definitely a a few more days there''ll be certain confirmation!!!

Hi fischer - thanks for your info on cord sharing! very helpful.
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