
The Official TTC Thread!


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 7/24/2008 4:50:23 PM
Author: AmberWaves
BB, do you think that knowing all the stuff we know about percentages and timing and the 'signs' of fertility help us or hinder us? I'm the type who ALWAYS needs to know everything (the day I'm pregnant enough to know what sex the baby is will be the day I'm standing outside my ultrasound tech's house), but in this case I don't know if I worry myself too much with the planning instead of just letting nature take its course.

I wonder about that sometime. Like because I know all the ins and outs, if it's making it harder when I know I'm not pregnant, instead of just randomly getting my period and going, 'Time to try again!' My friend who got pregnant unexpectedly seems perfectly happy not knowing what happened.

LL, there we go again. We know so much!

I got you all beat b/c I no longer even have a shred of control over my own bloody cycle!!!

I simply turned it all over to science!

There is still magic in the process but everything is sooooo monitored and accessible.


2 back-to-back inseminations last weekend. 4 follie contenders and 2 smaller ones lurking. Fantastic sperm cts.

Now in the desert of the TWW.........supoposed to HPT on 8/4.

Feel preggo! Could it be the HCG trigger shot or the real deal? Only 6-7 dpo.

Crampy, bloaty, hungry, pissy.........

Oh and the unique joy of vaginal progesterone suppositories!

Hope you are all well.


happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Mornin'' all.

Just thought I''d check in on everyone. How are the knitters doing? Are you getting close yet?
I''m at CD9 today, my temp was way high this morning but I think its because I actually woke up around 5:30 and tried to roll over and get back to sleep quickly, but was pretty much in and out til 6:15 before I took my temp. (should have just temped early) I''m sure it will just be "skipped" by FF in my overall pattern.

Mela- thank goodness we have DHs around to remind us to snap out of it now and then! I am pretty much of an "onward and upward" mentality this go around, but when I found out my friend was going to try for #2 already I slipped into a bit of a funk. He was supportive and understanding of why it bothered me (I hate that it bothered me by the way) but that was it... wouldn''t let me dwell on it.
Glad you''re feeling better!!

Hope everyone is doing well, Happy Friday!


Aug 17, 2005
Hey Gals- no new news from me. we (ok, I) are still on the fence about kids. We decided not to talk about the subject until after our wedding anniversary trip to Kauai late next month (BTW, Amber- where are your pics?!).

I started temping this week, on the second day of my cycle- they''re kinda high, hovering around 97/98. i guess i''m just hot-blooded.

**back to lurking... for now**


Oct 19, 2005
Hey everyone!

I''m on CD5, and just bored.
This is seriously the most boring time in my cycle, the "waiting for O" time. My boss is out of town for three weeks so I''ve got double duty to do, which kind of stinks. I''m just waiting for this weekend so badly.

My temps have been so low- today my high point was 97.15. Isn''t that crazy? It''s never gotten about 98.4. I''ve always been super hot (with hot hands and feet) so it''s interesting to me.

Mela, sorry you were in a funk as well, but cheers to DH for giving the ol'' pep talk. I know Paul tends to get frustrated with me when even those talks don''t cheer me up. He''s been making us dinner every night lately which is nice. As well he should, though, since he''s off for the summer and is just sitting around at home ordering pizza and watching all the HD movies he''s recorded on the DVR. The good thing about his being off though, is his ready-made unstressness! Wow, that was quite the word there. What I mean is, he hasn''t got a stress in the world, so it''s the perfect time to put the moves on him.

Happy, don''t you hate those mornings when you get thrown off?

Charger: Oh man, I''m so lazy. I uploaded all the pics to the computer, but now I have to re-size them. I hope you all are prepared to see many pictures of roosters and water!


Dec 8, 2005
Happy Friday Everyone.

Unfortunately, I''m still a cranky pants. Some more. Again.

I don''t know why...but it SUCKS.

So I have a question for y'' of my girlfriends invited me to a girls night out sort of thing tonight.

I''m CD 24 - and of course I already POAS''d on a stick...Negative...which I expected.

Considering my current crankosity, I REALLY wouldn''t mind having a bit of fun tonight with my gals.

What do you guys think?

When do you start sharing a blood supply with the hypothetical fetus? I can''t really find much on that. Am I being overly paranoid? I just don''t know.


happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
LL- go have fun. really. I was super paranoid about it last month, but you don''t share til like 6weeks or something. Maybe I wouldn''t go overboard or anything, just to avoid feeling guilty... but it could be your last opportunity for a while too. KWIM?

Amber- I feel ya, CD 1-12 are just bleh! 13-18 (per my cycle anyway) are at least pro-active, hee hee. And, although the next phase seems to take forever, there is the hopeful light at the end of the tunnel, ya know?


Jun 27, 2007


Oct 19, 2005
LL, I''d totally go. After all, I drank a whole lot in Hawaii, and didn''t feel guilty. Enjoy it while you can, ya know?

Happy, I''m totally counting the days until I O again, which should be in 8/9 days! Woohoo!

Sha: It''s pretty gross, but verrrry interesting. And seeing it just once will me more than enough for me!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/25/2008 9:25:50 AM
Author: littlelysser
Hi TG -

I do have a question for you about your back...If I remember you have back issues, right?

How was being preggo on that? It is something I am a bit afraid of...I have quite the wonkey back...regular exercise and back exercises definitely helped...but I''d love to hear your take on that whole thing!

Good morning everyone else! Hope ya have a good day!
LL, yes, I have back issues and was really afraid for myself as well.

I took pilates for 8 months and felt so much better. Then I got rear ended (TWICE) when I was pregnant. That totally derailed any progress that had been made.

I ached, but honestly it wasn''t as bad as I thought it would be...shockingly. Maybe it was because everything else ached too? Pain was spread around evenly!!


Oct 19, 2005
I''ve never been diagnosed with any back problems, but I have a feeling I may earn some when I get pregnant, if only because I''m an E cup now, and only five feet tall. My back hurts all the time it seems.

Does anyone know how much you go up in cup size usually? Last night I was sitting up in bed just gasping for breath because my back kept spazzing out, and my husband was like, "Okay, you''re getting a reduction". I''d much rather get one after we have any children, since I''d like the chance to attempt to breastfeed. These weights on my chest have to be good for SOMETHING hopefully. Otherwise, they''re gone!


Dec 8, 2005
GOOD GAWD I LOOKED AT THE CERVIX SITE AGAIN WHY GAWD WHY???? Seriously. What is wrong with me?

Now that the gag reflex has been quieted...

Amber and HIL - thanks for your words of advice. I think I may take a not pregnant until pregnant view on the world. Of course, I''m not going to take up shooting heroin...but ya know what I mean.

Also, it is interesting that you guys dislike the pre-O time. It is the knitting that kills me. Pre-O, there are no answers to be, there are answers to be known but I DO NOT KNOW THEM IMMEDIATELY AND THAT MAKES ME NUTS.

Charger - Ohhhhh. Kauai. We went there for our honeymoon last year...sigh. heaven on earth. Where are you staying? Give me details! Tiffany also went there for her honeymoon, I believe. I''m not sure where they stayed though. Gawd I love Kauai. I want to retire there.

Mela - Glad hubby improved your mood. They are good for that, you know? most of the time anyway.

Amber - I have on idea about the cup size thing. I will tell you that a friend of mine who had a reduction wasn''t able to breast feed because her baby (who is the cutest thing ever...i want to eat him up) was almost a month premature and had issues with latching. She was able to pump though, and didn''t have any problems with that. So ya know, if between child 1 and 2 you want to get one, it may not be the end of the bfing world.

Tgal - Thanks for the info...I can deal with a general ache...just the spasming throbby make me walk like a handicapped duck bit that I''d like to avoid...good to know it wasn''t god awful for you.


Apr 14, 2006
Hey everyone,

I''m back from vacation. Great times!!

I''m on day 43 (or is 44) of my cycle now... I''m not feeling pregnant, if that makes sense, and I don''t think we are, even though we did BD before we left, we didn''t much while we were gone, and again, we have no clue when I ovulate yet.

Anyway, I''m excited to be back home and in the more normal patterns of life; and if it''s not this cycle, here''s to the second one!!!

One thing I have recently had dawn on me is that when you have longer cycles, you sort of lose the opportunity to potentially be pregnant each month. That made me sad; like if I''m not pregnant this cycle (that started in June), I won''t have the whole waiting game again until September. Oh well, I guess the game isn''t any more interesting if I''m wondering about it more often, now is it?

It takes forever to catch up on all the posts!!! I''m doing my best....


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 7/25/2008 2:06:50 PM
Author: littlelysser
Happy Friday Everyone.

Unfortunately, I''m still a cranky pants. Some more. Again.

I don''t know why...but it SUCKS.

So I have a question for y'' of my girlfriends invited me to a girls night out sort of thing tonight.

I''m CD 24 - and of course I already POAS''d on a stick...Negative...which I expected.

Considering my current crankosity, I REALLY wouldn''t mind having a bit of fun tonight with my gals.

What do you guys think?

When do you start sharing a blood supply with the hypothetical fetus? I can''t really find much on that. Am I being overly paranoid? I just don''t know.


What I''ve read is that you''re not sharing anything with the baby until week six, because that is when the baby is attached to you via the cord.


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 7/25/2008 3:32:25 PM
Author: AmberWaves
I''ve never been diagnosed with any back problems, but I have a feeling I may earn some when I get pregnant, if only because I''m an E cup now, and only five feet tall. My back hurts all the time it seems.

Does anyone know how much you go up in cup size usually? Last night I was sitting up in bed just gasping for breath because my back kept spazzing out, and my husband was like, ''Okay, you''re getting a reduction''. I''d much rather get one after we have any children, since I''d like the chance to attempt to breastfeed. These weights on my chest have to be good for SOMETHING hopefully. Otherwise, they''re gone!
What I''ve read is that it''s different for everyone, with an average at around a cup to a cup and half increase.

However, my sister in law went up two cups and never came back down to where she was pre-pregnancy, and a friend of mine only increased about a 1/2 cup (wore the same bras throughout most of her pregnancy) and then shrunk to smaller than she was before she had the baby.

Crazy how these things work....


Aug 31, 2005
I actually thought that cervix site was kind of cool. I wouldn't recommend it while eating, but it makes me wish I had the guts to really reach up there and grab the CM right from the source. But I can't.

I'm 3DPO today. I told DH I felt it happen around the time my CBEFM said it would, and that it was from the right side. He was so confused- how did I know? I told him I wasn't 100 percent positive, but I felt cramping from that side, so it was a good guess.

I know this isn't said much around these parts, but I want AF get here soon (!!!) so we can start trying again! For some reason, I'm really feeling the baby ache today. I've got to stay away from most pregnant/TTC sites because it makes it so much worse, so I'm distracting myself with handbags. I've got my eye on a gorgeous red leather from Tano and god help me, I'm trying not to buy it. I JUST bought two bags and have to re-list one on eBay...bad ebree.

Fingers crossed for everyone in the 2ww!


Dec 8, 2005
Our girl's night got nixed. Pooooo. So it is a moot point. I'm thinking I'll just stay off the stuff until after AFF comes...I was thinking about it...and I figured if it worried me that darn much, eh, I just won't do it. I'm so damn obsessive and such a worry there, decided that one!

On a side note...and also, a TMI note - checked my CM and it creamy and brown/pink tinged. Now, I think I'm between 7-9 DPO, so this might maybe possibly be some sort of implantation bleeding? I'm guessing not...but still, it gave me a little thrill!

On an entirely unrelated side note...has anyone eaten a blow pop lately? The quality of the gum really seems to have gone down hill. Damn W and Damn Recession!

Welcome back Fischer! Hope you had a great vacay! Have you POAS'd? It might not be a bad idea. Are your cycles normally long? I can't remember. I'm sorry.

Ebree - I was a bit skeeved out by the idea of the "check" but I didn't find it nearly as yucky as I feared. Kind of interesting, really. But I totally understand why it isn't your thing!

But purses. Now purses are my thing. I have an addiction. A bad bad bad addiction. I love them. I used to work right next door to saks...ugh. I don't even want to know how much money I spent...but I love them all. LOVE them. Who are some of your favorite designers?


Oct 19, 2005
Hey Fisher, glad to see you back after vacation!

Ebree: I''m glad I''m not into purses as much as cupcakes.
I was totally waiting for AFF the other couple of days just so it could make things easier and I could start all over again!

LL, honestly, unless there was some vigorous sex (sorry!), perhaps the CM is actually implantation! I hope so!!!!


Mar 28, 2006
So, I had a few beers and thought I would check out the cervix site.
ok. I''m a nurse, and I have not yet made it past the re-used speculum and the boyfriend with the headlamp.
here we go.


Mar 28, 2006
ok. I totally could have done without the AFF photos.


Mar 28, 2006
Holy smokes, that''s a lot of t**t snot!!
I give this girl kudos for photographing and posting on the internet her cervix. Very interesting.
Although now I *really* suspect I have a cervical fluid deficiency. I''ve definitely never seen that much.


Mar 28, 2006
Date: 7/25/2008 12:33:57 PM
Author: ChargerGrrl
Hey Gals- no new news from me. we (ok, I) are still on the fence about kids. We decided not to talk about the subject until after our wedding anniversary trip to Kauai late next month (BTW, Amber- where are your pics?!).

I started temping this week, on the second day of my cycle- they''re kinda high, hovering around 97/98. i guess i''m just hot-blooded.

**back to lurking... for now**
You might notice towards the end of your period that the temps go down. The progesterone (I think) can cause temps to still be slightly elevated during your period. I notice a temperature dip before my period starts, then temperature fluctuations during my period and it evens out (lower) once my period is over. It may take a few cycles of charting to see this.


Dec 8, 2005
Amber - Nothing vigorous here. LOL at vigorous. Nothing even non-vigorous for several days...and no weirdo CM in the days before today either. Who knows. Still LOLing at vigorous. I totally know what you meant, but apparently I''m tired. and very easily humored...cause I''m a five year old at heart. And mind apparently. Hehee.

Tiffany - I also LOL''ed at the progression of your reaction to the pics. And I will agree that the head lamp and the used speculum created an interesting, albeit unsanitary and disturbing, image. Oh, and I was FLOORED by the amount of t**t snot. If that is normal I am very very deficient too. Perhaps the speculum aids in the collection said snot? I don''t know...but I''ve never seen something like that! Frankly, I think I''d run to the doctor if I did...looks like she passed a darn jellyfish. ewww. I grossed myself out.

I have to say, I lurve this thread. You guys rock. I''m typing like I''m drunk - I''m not I swear! My friends can always tell when I''m a bit tipsy cause I pull my friends close, and say, "Okay guys, this is what it all comes down to - I love you guys." Yeah, I''m the mushiest, most sentimental drunk ever.

Man, I am babbly tonight. I will now shush myself and go to bed.


Mar 28, 2006
OH my. I''m laughing so hard I''m crying. How on earth did a jellyfish get THERE???


Oct 19, 2005
Ahhh, ladies, you kill me. I''m so bummed. I was going to make cookie dough to possibly eat and bake, and went to the store to get some baking soda. After the return I realized I had no VANILLA! DAMN! DH will get me vanilla while I''m sleeping tomorrow am.


I love you guysh.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Date: 7/25/2008 10:50:53 PM
Author: littlelysser

On a side note...and also, a TMI note - checked my CM and it creamy and brown/pink tinged. Now, I think I''m between 7-9 DPO, so this might maybe possibly be some sort of implantation bleeding? I''m guessing not...but still, it gave me a little thrill!

Sounds like implantation bleeding to meeeeee!!!!! OK, now I''m excited. We need a few more jerkstores.

And I had a beer before I knew I was prego. I tested at what I thought was 15DPO and got a BFN, so I had a beer. Then it turned out that I just ovulated extra late. Oops! My doctor was all "UH, I couldn''t possibly be less concerned. I hope you enjoyed your beer!" And you know what? I really, really fracking enjoyed that beer! I''m still thinking of it now... Ah. Beer. You don''t know what you''ve got till it''s gone.


Dec 16, 2007
Hey gals, I too checked out that cervix site and though a litttttttle gross, it was very informative. FYI, and TMI, I also never had a jelly fish. But during the peak time if I used the whole "reach, swirl, and scoop" internal method I ended up with quite a bit of t**t snot on my fingers that looked just like the type of nose snot you get when you''ve been crying-- ya know, clear, really really copious, stretchy. That was my fourth cycle of hormonal bc, the cycle I drank at lest 8 oz of water per day and the cycle I got knocked up. All previous cycles were more like the sahara.
Damn hbc.

Hang in there gals, it will happen, remember the *average* is 6 months with most women being preggo by 12 months. These things take time.

Lysser could be implantation. If you, so could POAS in about 2-3 days and maybe get a faint positive.

Amber I know this is cold comfort, but with your long LP last cycle I suspect you got preggers but it just wasn''t that little beans time. About 50% of pregnancies end before the person even knows, they just think it is a long cycle. And almost all those 50% are examples of genetic wackness. You timed your DTD really well, and if it can happen once (maybe) it can happen again! Just try to get on that horse at least twice in the fertile window this month sister!


Dec 8, 2005
Welcome back DD! Hope you had a nice conference.

Amber - Please tell me you got some vanilla. Going to the store for one thing and getting home and realizing that you also needed something else is the sort of thing that just makes me soooo annoyed. I am annoyed for you.

I''ve been thinking about this whole implantation thing...and it may very well be, BUT last month the day before AFF came I had the same thing. Of course, that was CD 31 and AFF started the next we shall see if my cycle is just totally wonked and it is AFF making an early appearance or not. So we shall see!

I''m also feeling kind of weird crampy today, but that could be in my head! I also woke up with an overwhelming need for pickles and ice cream. I kid, I kid.

And I totally understand what you are saying Indy re: the beer. But with the possible maybe possible implantation bleeding...I''ll just sort of lay low, I think.

Oh and Tiffany - I do NOT want to know how that jellyfish got there!


Feb 27, 2006
TGal, hearing your story of back problems in pregnancy makes me feel reassured. Thanks!

LL, that sounds really promising. I''ve got my fingers crossed for you.

BFN this am at 9 dpo (or maybe 8). My mom really wanted me to take a test because I''ve been feeling very bloated for about three days now, and even my fat jeans left an indent on my tummy when I took them off yesterday evening.

Hubby and I went shopping a little bit this morning and made out like bandits. For I think $56, I got a work jacket and 5 blouses that are work appropriate and could hide a bit of a tummy. And just before we went to the mall, I noticed that our neighbors 2 houses down were having a yardsale with some baby stuff and for $20 we bought what seems like a good quality jogging stroller. Our next door neighbors were pulling up into the driveway when we were walking the stroller back to our house and noticed it, so we told them it was for Dylan. Hubby even threw in the fact that Dylan gets tired on walks and sometimes needs to be carried up hills. They were totally buying it until they said "Wow, so it IS seriously for Dylan" and I said "only kind of". Hahaha. I couldn''t stop laughing afterwards.


Dec 8, 2005
Blen - I am trying not to get my hopes toooo up. We shall see! I am excited though...

And I totally wouldn''t worry about your BFN. That is pretty early to test...Don''t give up hope!!! And great job on the "dog" stroller. =)


Dec 8, 2005
1,862 now I've got some red/brown spotting.

If this is AFF - I'm a bit freaked it would appear she is arriving less than 10 days after I O'd. She's also about a week early. Or maybe not a week. My prior cycles were all around 28 days...this last one was 31. I'm CD 25 - so she's four days early either way. Ugh.

But I'm feeling kinda crampy still...AFF cramps? I don't know.

Man this stinks.
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