
The Official TTC Thread!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/9/2008 12:05:38 PM
Author: happy in love
Good Luck DD, I''ll cross my fingers for your 9mo LP too

So, FF gave me an ovulation date of june 4th (CD15). Since this is my first cycle charting and off BC do you think it is enough to estimate that it will be the same next month? I am going to keep charting, but we are going out of town July 4th weekend, and won''t be able to bring my computer to chart. DH says that while he is glad that I am charting and wants me to continue, he doesn''t want me to tell him when it''s time... he says its too much pressure

I guess my question is really just how similar can I expect my next cycle to be to this one? Am I wrong to calculate based on only one charted cycle?
Happy, maybe you will O on CD 15, maybe you won''t!
Last month I O''d somewherer around CD 15 and this month is was CD 16, so that is pretty consistent I guess. But there is no true and fast way to estimate, the female body is a mysterious thing!

When you are away, if you take your thermometer you can just use a paper with gridlines to chart and with a little practice you can easily see for yourself when you will O. Actually, FF has a new TTC "game" that lets your practice seeing the patterns in charts. If you aren''t going to temp at all during your trip, then all you need to do it monitor your CF anyways... try to BD every day that you have watery or EWCF... you will know when you O''d because your CF will dry up and become sticky or creamy. The tempig is just a nice confirmation, but the only real signal to "get busy" is your CF (and your cervix, though that takes a few cycles to be able to tell when it is low/high firm/soft).

I can understand your DH not wanting performance pressure, but he maaaay get suspicious when you start jumping his bones every night for 5 days! hahahaaa...


Oct 19, 2005
Hi everyone! I''m on my 2nd day of high temps, so I''m pretty sure I o''d a couple of days ago, like I thought I did, which is nice, and which also pretty much cements my o time for next month, which is awesome. We had a nice semi-relaxing weekend, but I woke up this am with the WORST crick in my neck. So I am just in pain today!

Hope everything is well with everyone else!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Ha! Thanks DD.
I think DH is hoping I''ll try to seduce him everyday for the next month just to "throw him off"


Dec 16, 2007
Amber we O'd on the same day, how funny is that! Is there a chance you are preggo this month? Or am I on my own in the knitting club?

I mean Lisa and Indy and Tiffany are in the club, but they are so much more experienced than me, having been knitting for like a week longer! Tiffany is almost graduating!


Oct 19, 2005
DD, most likely not a chance this time, DH seems to really be looking forward to making next month (while in Hawaii) THE month, so we were pretty much half-assed. :) Good luck, though!!


Jan 16, 2008

Oy Vey!

Here I am CD 25, no AF, POAS was neg
and on the cusp of ART (IUI).

Cycles are 22-26 days so WTF!
No signs of AF either.

I''m to call the clinic on CD 1 whenever that is. And off we go.

Feeling really deflated and out-of-control!. And wondering that maybe the Universe is trying to tell me something.

Once u start ART where/when does it end? Now entering 7 mos. TTC.

What''s a girl gotta do to get knocked up around here or anywhere?????????

Maybe my LP is longer this month but I''m getting pretty exhausted by all the uncertainties.

I am glad u guys are in better spirits than me. Can''t stop knitting until the fat lady sings.

One good thing - glad to have helped expose that cremains diamond co. in RT.


Dec 16, 2007
Lisa needs a pep talk! Here goes:

First, from my count you are only about 12 DPO... most people cannot get an accurate HPT result at that point, so BFNs mean nothing yet sister! Look at the good news: longer LP! And you may be preggeroo, time will tell.

Second, the universe is not trying to tell you anything, except that you are cool, but that is no surprise message! You have been TTC for 7 months. Well I''m sorry to break the news to you, but that is still a short period of time in baby-making terms! Only 60% get preggers in the first 6 months, and at your super-stupendous advanced maternal age
it can take a little longer sometimes.

Third, you have a plan to start the medical stuff, and IUI is a relatively simple process and may work wonders for you. That "intervention" is no biggie, really. As for "when does it end?"... that is totally something to think about now before you get on that train. You have one beautiful child, and your attention and devotion to her at this time in her life is very important. TTC can take over your life, that''s for sure. So maybe you try medical interventions for 3 months, or 6 months, or a year... maybe you draw the line at procedure x or y or z... that is a personal decision between you and your DH. It will become clear to you when you want to stop. But I don''t think you are at that point yet, there are still lots of simple, relatively non-invasive measures you can take. And remember, once you make the decision, your psyche kicks in and rationalized the heck out of whatever decision you actually make, and so you won''t regret it

Breath baby, breath!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Aww man! Hang in there Lisa. This must be so frustrating!!!!

I agree tho, it ain''t over till that fat knitting lady sings. I''m sending you all kinds of positivity...

Good luckeroo all you crazy knitters!!!


Oct 19, 2005
Aw, Lisa, that is QUITE the crapbag you have to deal with. I hope CD1 comes fast (or a super awesome POS pg test!).

I hope you get your answer (and your positive) soon, since the world needs more of your beautiful babies around!


Mar 28, 2006
Well, my fat lady threw in her knitting needles this morning. Yep, AF arrived uninvited, yet again.
So, on to next month. The cool thing is we will be on vacation (we are going to the Outer Banks in 2 weeks) so right around o''time. Maybe a nice relaxing week on the beach is what we need to get those swimmers where they need to be.

Lisa-Hang in there! I know it''s tough, and only you and your DH can decide when enough is enough, but I don''t buy into the universe telling you anything.In my opinion, if the universe needed to tell you something they wouldn''t have invented all this reproductive technology!
Amber and DD good luck, hopefully you''ll be holding on to your knitting needles! Amber wouldn''t it be cool if we both ended up with vacation babies!!

Super long day at work, I''m off to catch some zzzzs. I''ve been thinking lately maybe the stress of my job (we''ve been crazy busy) is interfering with my ability to conceive. Not much I can do about that since I can''t really quit right now. Something to think about. I''ve also been thinking about getting another dog. I think my Max needs a companion. I''m sure as soon as we got another dog I''d end up pregnant, the irony of life!
Sorry for rambling, I''m just really tired.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/10/2008 1:29:18 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Well, my fat lady threw in her knitting needles this morning. Yep, AF arrived uninvited, yet again.
So, on to next month. The cool thing is we will be on vacation (we are going to the Outer Banks in 2 weeks) so right around o''time. Maybe a nice relaxing week on the beach is what we need to get those swimmers where they need to be.

Lisa-Hang in there! I know it''s tough, and only you and your DH can decide when enough is enough, but I don''t buy into the universe telling you anything.In my opinion, if the universe needed to tell you something they wouldn''t have invented all this reproductive technology!
Amber and DD good luck, hopefully you''ll be holding on to your knitting needles! Amber wouldn''t it be cool if we both ended up with vacation babies!!

Super long day at work, I''m off to catch some zzzzs. I''ve been thinking lately maybe the stress of my job (we''ve been crazy busy) is interfering with my ability to conceive. Not much I can do about that since I can''t really quit right now. Something to think about. I''ve also been thinking about getting another dog. I think my Max needs a companion. I''m sure as soon as we got another dog I''d end up pregnant, the irony of life!
Sorry for rambling, I''m just really tired.
Tiffany, I''m so sorry {{{hugs}}}... As to your job interfering with you getting preggo, you really aren''t having "trouble" getting preggers. Am I right that it took you about 4 months to get preggers the first time? That is actually a relatively short time. And having a tubal pg is a random thing, is it not? This time around, if the math is right, it *should* take around 8 months, assuming that ovulation alternates ovaries, since one of them sends them into the great unkown (
I''m so sorry about that!). Anyhoo, even if your job is stressful, which I can only imagine it is, you seem to have regular cycles and O each month and a nice long LP. I think it is just a matter of time for you! Hang in there!

And of course, I totally think you should get another dog! Two is great, and having a new one will definitely take your mind of TTC. I bet you are right that you will get preggers as soon as you get a new dog
Now THAT would be the universe telling you something! You could adopt an adult, that would give you 9 months to get him/her trained before baby... or a puppy would be through the most annoying phases. Jut be sure to get a dog with lower energy that Max, who is more submissive than him. Apparently that makes the best integration into the household (our Dreamer is much more submissive and lazy that Seamus and it was really easy to bring her into the house when Seamus was about 9 months old). I am an enabler, most people would say you''d be mental to get a dog right before baby-ville...

BTW, what does your hubby do for a living? Is he in the healthcare field too?


Dec 16, 2007
As for me, nice high temp this morning, so ovulation was confirmed for CD-16 (last Saturday). Woo hoo! I am going out west on Thursday for 6 days to visit one of my best friends for a week of "research meetings"
. We will discuss research, but we will also just hang out and have fun! She recently went through a divorce (good riddance!) and has a 2 1/2 year old boy who is the sweetest, so the visit will be really good company for her too. I''m looking forward to visiting the city she lives in, too, as there is a rumour that they will have some jobs coming up in the next few years and I''d like to see the city to decide if they are jobs I want and if we could happily live there or not...

This trip will help take my mind off this stupid knitting club! I know it is random and who the heck knows, but I have a good feeling about this month. I had 5 whole days of good quality fertile CF, and we did the f-tastic the 4 days pre-O, O day, and the day after O
, so our bases are covered! Here''s hoping for a nice strong LP and implantation!
The sex-o-meter on FF gives me a score of "high". Cross those fingers for me!


Oct 19, 2005
Awww, Tiffany, I''m sorry about the fat lady appearing.
I''m now 3DPO, and looking forward to next month''s cycle! I really didn''t want a Feb 28, 2009 due date anyway. Suuure, keep telling yourself that, Amber.

Tiffany, perhaps all we need is to take a nice vacation, stroll along the beaches, where there are no stresses, no feelings of "well, I''m ovulating today, and even though I''m exhausted, I GUESS we should have sex". Instead we''ll be vacationing, and there won''t BE any stresses!! I''m hoping next cycle is just as predictable (knock on wood) for the trip. Bonus: no AF on my trip. Not a fan.

DD, good luck! I hope this cycle is the winner for you!


Mar 28, 2006
DD- Thanks for the pep talk! I do know *logically* that I''m technically not having problems, although sometimes it''s hard not to think that way. I did wake up this morning more optimistic than yesterday, which was sort of a downer. Good luck this month!! Don''t you just love the sex-o-meter, I think it''s hilarious!!!
My husband is a police officer. He used to work in health care, which is how we met, and then went to the police academy (life long dream of his). He loves it.

I''m going to have a hard time finding a dog more laid back than Max. He''s a big lazy goofball. I guess I could start looking for an old, blind, arthritic dog! Just kidding. I actually really want an Airedale Terrier. I love those dogs. I had one, Anheuser, for 11 years. I am wondering if since Max is a male if I get a female if that would work out ok. Max is pretty laid back so I think he would adjust ok. I have dog-sat for a friend a couple of times and he was ok with her dog (maybe his instinct told him the dog wasn''t staying?)


Mar 28, 2006
AMber, that''s hilarious because I do the same thing! Every month I''ll think, I didn''t really want a baby born that month (December=Christmas, January=ice, February=ice, etc.) when in reality I wouldn''t have cared, but this way if I get preggers in late June the due date would be sometime in March, which is my birthday (so that would be cool) and then we are on to April, and we all know what April''s birthstone is!!!! But hey, if it makes us feel better!! Good luck though, you could still have a February baby!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Ha! Amber- DH thinks I''m nuts because I do that too with "if we conceive this month baby will be born..." That''s why I am HOPING to conceive before late September, so I can avoid a summer due date. It is SOOO hot where I live
I can''t imagine being 7-8-9mo. preggo!

As much as I would like it to happen in our first official month ttc, it would put my due date within a few short days of my dad''s 65th bday which I''m trying to plan a surprise party for. Not sure how that would work out, but can''t worry about that unless I need to.

TT- crossing fingers for April birthstone!!!


Oct 19, 2005
Happy, I totally don''t want to be into the 3rd trimester during the summer. It is really just miserable in Southern California during the summer. I don''t even know how I could stand it, as I get hot just thinking about it!


Mar 28, 2006
Ditto on the not wanting a summer baby. I don''t tolerate heat well anyway, well, it''s actually the humidity I can''t handle. I really wouldn''t want to be pregnant in the hot summer months. (but hey, if it happens it''s we''ll just turn the air on early)!


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 6/9/2008 3:09:54 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Lisa needs a pep talk! Here goes:

First, from my count you are only about 12 DPO... most people cannot get an accurate HPT result at that point, so BFNs mean nothing yet sister! Look at the good news: longer LP! And you may be preggeroo, time will tell.

Second, the universe is not trying to tell you anything, except that you are cool, but that is no surprise message! You have been TTC for 7 months. Well I''m sorry to break the news to you, but that is still a short period of time in baby-making terms! Only 60% get preggers in the first 6 months, and at your super-stupendous advanced maternal age
it can take a little longer sometimes.

Third, you have a plan to start the medical stuff, and IUI is a relatively simple process and may work wonders for you. That ''intervention'' is no biggie, really. As for ''when does it end?''... that is totally something to think about now before you get on that train. You have one beautiful child, and your attention and devotion to her at this time in her life is very important. TTC can take over your life, that''s for sure. So maybe you try medical interventions for 3 months, or 6 months, or a year... maybe you draw the line at procedure x or y or z... that is a personal decision between you and your DH. It will become clear to you when you want to stop. But I don''t think you are at that point yet, there are still lots of simple, relatively non-invasive measures you can take. And remember, once you make the decision, your psyche kicks in and rationalized the heck out of whatever decision you actually make, and so you won''t regret it

Breath baby, breath!
DD - You are the best!!! I actually felt better after you talked some sense into me. Everything you wrote was spot on!!! Think I''m 10 DPO. Thanks for the cheerleading

Sometimes I get wimpy before heading down the precipice. Part of what was fueling my whine was that DH''s mom is going downhill medically and we have to go to Oklahoma smack dab in the middle of the IUI, well actually after insemination, and we decided to drive 1,200 miles since I absolutely cannot fly (phobia galore) and there''s Olivia who will shriek the entire plane trip very loudly and non-stop!

BTW are you coming to CA? Maybey you could slap me upside the head IRL a couple times for good measure? Here''s to hoping it''s your month!!!

Amber - Crapbag - I love it! The saying that is. You girls have added to my repertoire of excellent descriptives: Jerkstore, compliments of Mela, Crapbag, F-tastic, Vajayjay, multiple discrete desc. of sperm, etc. As for timing preg. you guys are spot on about not wanting to be huge during the summer. HIL I was a sweaty mess and it was January during month 7. I was just realizing if we pg. this month or next we''ll have another April baby! Olivia born on 4/4/07 DIAMOND GIRL wouldn''t you know.

Mela - Nice of u to pop in and say hi. How''s it going in pg. land? Any noteworty symptoms? You are always welcome here in my book!

Tiffany - Sorry about the flow. You are right about the Universe. I mean why do we have anything if it''s not supposed to be here? Perhaps fate is not predetermined afterall.

Still no AF today yet CD26 and I felt crampy yest. and cold. Could it be an implantation dip? Hmmmm.........


Mar 28, 2006
How''s everyone doing today? I think there were quite a few of you just a couple of days behind me in the knitting club, any progress anyone??? Lisa, aren''t you close?

Nothing new here, CD3. DH realized last night that I will "peak" during our vacation. It''s funny that he realized that on his own!


Jan 16, 2008
Hey Tiffany,

This thread has been so quiet now that Indy went on vacation huh?

Or is it that we're all tangled up in a huge yarn ball?

Glad to hear DH is on the ball. Mine didn't even know if he was born vaginally or c-sect let alone any of
the mysterious inner workings of us ladies!

It's CD 27 and nothing...............ETA: 11DPO (I think).

No cramps, no cm, no zits. I was warm on/off yest. and took my temp (reg therm) and it read 98.9 several times.

Maybe it's the progesterone peak before the estrogen rise prior to AF?

Not going to POAS as it sent me down a dark path a couple days ago.


Dec 16, 2007
Hey everyone, I am 4 DPO now and temps are rising. My temp shift this month was VERY obvious, so unlike last month, there was no ambiguity about what day I O''d on. Given this clearer pattern of temps, I now know that I O on my final day of fertile CF, which is also my most profuse day of CF. Given this assumption, I played around with my CF records from last month, and it moved my O-day last month to CD-13 (last day of fertile CF), which gave me a 10 day LP. To confrim this interpretation, I did a cool "chart overlay" on Fertility Friend of last cycle and this cycle, and assuming I O''d last month on CD-13, the similarity between last month and this month is crazy... today I even had the exact same temp on CD-4 as I did last cycle! So this really makes my think my O-day last month was indeed CD-13. If I then apply this CF pattern-rule to my first cycle off the pill when I was not temping, I estimate that I probably O''d on CD-16, which gave me a 12 day LP. So I think that the 10 days LP last cycle is within the "norm" for me, if on the lower end of my range. Here''s hoping this cycle I either don''t get AF, or if I do my LP is closer to 12. That would make me happy.

So that is the nerdy stuff I have been up to today

LISA I''m glad my little pep talked helped at least a little, and I''m glad you are feeling better today. No POAS for you missy! Especially so early still. BTW next month you should try temping. It tells you when AF is due based on a temp drop, so that might make you feel better in the knitting club because you won''t be wondering so much, "Is it today? How about Today?" Plus you will know exactly when you O. Though I assume they will also use ultrasounds to just the best time for IUI if you end up going there next month, right? Anyways, this month is still a possible, so lets all cross our fingers!


Jul 6, 2005
hi ladies! i was out of town for a wedding. lovely. and now i''m back at work. less lovely.

i''m on CD2. it''s really getting exciting now that we are sooo close to our official TTC date. plus, I just got a fantastic raise, so while my DH is *still* waiting to hear about a few interviews (including his dream job) my raise reinforces our financial security. perhaps soon i will not only be a sugar mama, but a baby mama too


Oct 19, 2005
Hiya everyone! Spent a busy (and depressing) day looking at houses online. Nothing I can afford, unless I want to live in a house with no walls and a septic tank as a 2nd bedroom.

Annnnnyway, I''m 4DPO (DD, we''re dog and O twins!), got nothing to report. Just waiting for the vacation to really step it (baby-making) up.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Hi everyone. I''m back!

No news on this end other than temps going up to a new plateau AGAIN (so we now have a weird quadriphasic pattern... 97.2...97.4...97.7...98.1)

Just wanted to send warm greetings and encouragement to all!


Nov 10, 2006
Hello! I''m back too - work has been crazy busy and DH''s sister got engaged last week so, we''ve been partying up a storm celebrating their engagement! Well, I got my FSH test results back (this is the test they give you on day 2 of your cycle) and it was a 2.8 which is completely normal (it''s encouraging to know I have lots of eggs ready and waiting!

My gyno wants me to come back for another progesterone test, but wants me to call her when I ovulate and then come in 7 days later. Last time she tested me on day 22 and according to FF it said I ovulated on day 21 that cycle (day 21 is the day you are normally supposed to get testing on for women who ovulate around day 14). She had told me my progesterone was normal however she was under the assumption that I ovulated around day 14.

I told her my goal is to get all this sorted out before I leave for Europe at the begining of July and hopefully it will be. Regardless, DH and I will officially start trying while away on our trip!!!
Sounds like Lovelylulu, Amber Waves and myself will be full steam ahead next month! Whoo Hoo!

Sounds like everyone else is plugging along...happy knitting and baby dust to all!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Welcome back Indy and LuLu.
Blushing- I hope you get everything figured out before europe... I have a good feeling about a vacation baby :) I will be trying on our little "mini-vaca" and Amber will be in Hawaii... It has to be a good sign, Right?

Just thought I''d share a funny story. My alarm sounds every morning at 6:00 sharp, I roll over, turn on the lamp, grab my thermometer, pop it in my mouth and try not to fall asleep again. Then I drag my body out of bed, log the reading on my chart and get on with my day.
Well, the other night I heard my DH''s phone ring in the other room, in my sleep I decided that it was the alarm clock so I rolled over, turned on the lamp, grabbed the thermometer, popped it in my mouth, and when it beeped my temperature read really low. I was so confused and concerned, and I guess I said so out loud because DH said "babe, its 12:30, what are you doing?"
What the heck... no wonder I was feeling like I''d just fallen asleep!
Sure enough, when I took my temp again at 6:00 all was in line


Jan 16, 2008
Hello everybody!

Glad to see u back Indy! It sure was quiet here w/o u!

BB - your FSH is fantastic! Mine is 8 - still good anything uner 10 is good.

Still knitting my little creations. On CD 28 no AF!

What if I just entered an abrupt menopause w/o warning?


May 6, 2007
LOl LIsa! Cut it out! You are sooo funny. Keep up the knitting and try to be patient.

Hi to all the other ladies- I know I have been mia. I have been lurking but no posting. Hope you all have great baby making vacations for those going on your trips.

Keep up the posting and the positive attitudes. I am learning so much through all of your research! And a new vocabulary! Haha!


Oct 19, 2005
Welcome back ladies! I have nothing to report, boring ol'' me! Counting down the days until Kauai!
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