
The Official TTC Thread!


Dec 8, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1367086836|3435738 said:
No, I don't think I'll track next month either. I'm actually going to do my very very most grown up bestest to forget about it completely.

If you can make this happen, you are even more awesome than I first thought! Such willpower! :)


Dec 8, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1367086836|3435738 said:
No, I don't think I'll track next month either. I'm actually going to do my very very most grown up bestest to forget about it completely.

If you can make this happen, you are even more awesome than I first thought! Such willpower! :)


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

FancyPantsSparkles|1367235055|3436534 said:
aviastar|1367086836|3435738 said:
No, I don't think I'll track next month either. I'm actually going to do my very very most grown up bestest to forget about it completely.

If you can make this happen, you are even more awesome than I first thought! Such willpower! :)

HAHA, thanks! Actually, I think deciding it wasn't my month was a great decision for me. Now I don't feel so conflicted. But AF has not actually shown her ugly face, so DH I talked last night and decided to test again on Friday if she continues to stay away and if we get to 6 weeks since the last period and still have negative tests I'll put a call into the midwife. I like having a plan!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aviastar, you're definitely still in the game. It's just hard to say where you are in your cycle since it can sometimes take awhile to ovulate after birth control. It's possible you haven't even ovulated yet. I think that's why a lot of people try to track ovulation just to confirm when they actually ovulating and when they are technically considered late. The even more frustrating part is that most early pregnancy symptoms are pretty similar to pre-AF symptoms. Hopefully, you'll get an answer soon, and the one you're hoping for!

Missy, how are things going? Did you decide to keep your doctor appointment? I really hope your cycle normalizes this month and you are able to conceive quickly.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I did keep my appointment. There wasn't much she could do for the irregularity at this point since I did get AF. She told me to get the Clearblue Easy Digital opks and use one a day starting CD10. I know that won't work for me as I would most likely miss my surge with only doing one day and with digitals there's no "almost positive". She said my long cycles are most likely due to stress and what I've been dealing with. She said she could order a ton of expensive tests to see if something is wrong, but she really doubts anything would be found. She prescribed anxiety medication at a low dose. I thought about getting on them back in November, but never followed through with it. And that was before Blake passed. So I probably do need them now. I guess I'll give them a try now and slowly wean off when I get pregnant. I'm supposed to see her again in 3 months. Hopefully I have amazing news by that point! My doctor is so so sweet, I'm glad I was able to talk to her. She told me I'm amazingly strong and I lost it!


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm so glad you had a good appointment, Missy! It feels good to have a plan of action!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, I'm so glad you kept your appointment, because even though you didn't necessarily learn more about your cycle, it sounds like this might have been just what you needed. I completely agree with your doctor that you are AMAZINGLY strong. The loss you experienced is pretty much the most traumatic thing a person can go through, and I often wonder how you are able to maintain such a positive attitude. I really think it is a good idea for you to get a little help with the anxiety medication because taking care of yourself right now is the number one priority, so you can be healthy and strong when you do get pregnant. Really hoping this is your month!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks ladies! I'm glad I kept the appointment too, even though it was a $40 co-pay since it's considered a specialist.

MP- I think I try to stay positive for Blake and for future babies. Blake wants me to keep going and surviving, so that's what I will do ;-) Luckily I have my husband on this journey with me, I have to survive for him too!


Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, your doctor said exactly what we all think here too - you ARE amazingly strong! We (DH and I) are still cheering you on from the sidelines and I am amazed at your ability to maintain your positivity. I think the meds sound like a great idea; a lot of those meds are actually pretty safe to take during pregnancy as well so it's not necessarily something you will need to wean when you get pregnant.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, your doctor is right on you are a pillar of strength for your whole family. I'm glad your DH is your champion too. Re: OPKs etc, have you hear of the OvWatch: I'm thinking of getting one since my cycles were so crazy long before, using OPKs would mean peeing on sticks 2x's a day for sometimes way longer than monthly cycle women.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, you are definitely a pillar of strength and it sounds like you have a great doctor who will continue to look out for your best interest. I think a low dose of anti-anxiety medication is a good idea given the likelihood of stress affecting your cycles. With a low dose, it would probably be easy to taper off if it if you feel the need to once you're pregnant.

LC, I'm trying not to track my ovulation (part of my whole relaxed approach this time), but I sort of love that O watch. I picture somebody asking me what time it is and replying "It's about 4 days before ovulation". Ha!

AFM, I'm on CD16 and my plan was not to test for O this month. Except that I had some heavy spotting earlier this week, which is unusual for me. I've occasionally had light spotting around O time, so that was my first thought. Curiosity got to me and I used some OPKs, but they were negative. Not even a hint of being close to O--usually I get slightly darker lines before and after my surge, but there wasn't even that. So I have no idea what's going on, but I told D I'd stop testing and just see what happens (D likes to poke fun at me for my POAS addiction and I may have lost a bet this month).

I was venting to MP in another thread that I'm annoyed that I'm having my first wonky cycle since having K. Of course it happens right as D and I are about to take a laid-back approach to TTC. I was happy about my regular cycles since it was part of the reason we could be laid back. Hopefully this is just a randomly off cycle and thing will go back to normal.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh NEL, isn't that just so typical. It's as if your body figured out what you had planned and freaked out a little bit. Really hoping this was just one of those flukey deals and that you can proceed with your casual approach.

Missy, I'll bet Blake is proud of his parents for staying strong for each other. I hope you are feeling less stressed and anxious after seeing your doctor and that this cycle is more normal for you.

Aviastar, did you test? I have to live vicariously through you this month!

AFM, I didn't get a surprise baby this cycle. DH told me he wants me to track, so we know the right window this time around. I'm still not too keen on monitoring, but at the same time, I guess I at least want to know if we ar having fertility issues still or if we are just missing the window. Here we go again!


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL- how frustrating! Maybe give it one more to see if it was a fluke before you start tracking? Or go ahead and track one month to assure yourself that everything is normal and then maybe let it go?

MP- Sorry you were disappointed this month! But yeah for DH wanting to just go for it! Come on in, the TTC water is juuuuuust fiiiiiine!

No, I haven't tested yet! Still no AF. I meant to test in the A.M. tomorrow, but I have no tests. I meant to stop at the store before my DH's game, but I ended up running late and had my MIL in the car. So no tests in the house, I'll get some tomorrow. Do you think I could test midmorning? FMU is best, I know, but AF is now 11 days 'late', so you think I could still get an accurate test later in the day? If not I'll have to wait for Saturday A.M., cause I know I won't be able to hold it all the way into town and back in the morning!


Oct 28, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aviastar, I tested at night on the day AF was due and got a strong, immediate positive. If you O'd when you think you did, I'd say you're fine testing later in the day!


Dec 8, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1367549988|3439311 said:
NEL- how frustrating! Maybe give it one more to see if it was a fluke before you start tracking? Or go ahead and track one month to assure yourself that everything is normal and then maybe let it go?

MP- Sorry you were disappointed this month! But yeah for DH wanting to just go for it! Come on in, the TTC water is juuuuuust fiiiiiine!

No, I haven't tested yet! Still no AF. I meant to test in the A.M. tomorrow, but I have no tests. I meant to stop at the store before my DH's game, but I ended up running late and had my MIL in the car. So no tests in the house, I'll get some tomorrow. Do you think I could test midmorning? FMU is best, I know, but AF is now 11 days 'late', so you think I could still get an accurate test later in the day? If not I'll have to wait for Saturday A.M., cause I know I won't be able to hold it all the way into town and back in the morning!

I hope you stopped and got a test on your way to work!! Eeeek! 11 days 'late' is a GREAT thing!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC - Yes I have heard of that. It sounds pretty interesting that your skin shows if you're fertile or not!

MP - Sorry you didn't get a surprise baby, but welcome aboard this crazy TTC train again!!

Nel - That asking about the time thing made me laugh! Too funny!

Aviastar - Sending good vibes your way! The first cycle is crazy! My first time around I told myself I wouldn't test using opks, or check cm or cp, and it drove me nuts! The next month I was doing it all, besides temping. The next cycle I added temping because my cycle was getting really long! I didn't ovulate until day 44.

AFM, CD10 today. Nothing much going on yet. I missed temping on the weekend, but that doesn't matter too much at that point. Fertility Friend tells me "Note: Your cycles are irregular. This may impact your predictions. Please read our Irregular Cycles FAQ for detailed information and recommendations." Thank you for pointing out the obvious! :lol: Attaching my chart just for fun. I don't like how it's up and down, up and down. Not sure if that's good or bad or doesn't even matter?



Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

No need to test; Cycle Day 1.

Round Two!


Dec 8, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1367600413|3439665 said:
No need to test; Cycle Day 1.

Round Two!

Dang it! I have been checking the thread to see if you had any luck. No worries though, I'm sure TTC has it's fun moments! :naughty:


Jun 23, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1367600413|3439665 said:
No need to test; Cycle Day 1.

Round Two!

Rats! I have been stalking too. :oops: Good luck and have fun with round two! ;))


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,
I'm back for round 2! I'm glad to see some of the same gals that were here before. I hope everyone is well!


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Fancy and Tammy! I had my little sad moment, but not getting AF at all and still getting BFNs would have been worse, so now at least we know the body is not stalling out on me and we can start over. It'll be interesting to see how the cycles progress from here- 5 weeks exactly for the first one off BC, that's never been my norm before, but it's been a loooong time, so we'll see what patterns develop.

I talked with my Mom about it and I think I am going to give it 3 months post-BC to even out- that's what my midwife recommended way back in Feb, too-and if we're still coming up negative I'll start with OPKs for more information gathering.

Hi blackberry! Great to 'see' you over here!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aviastar, sorry to hear AF arrived, but I think the silver lining here is that now you know your cycle has restarted and you almost certainly ovulated. Hopefully, your body just needed a cycle to reset itself and you will get your BFP quickly. I think your idea to keep it relax and unmonitored for a few more cycles is a great idea, especially now that you should have a better idea of approximately when you ovulate. Good luck!

Blackberry, yay, good luck to you! I remember your story from earlier, and I hope you have an easier time conceiving this go around.

Missy, ha ha, Fertility Friend has such helpful observations :) Have your temps evened out yet? It's been about 2 years since I temped, but I remember that people's temps tend to be a bit more erratic in the begining of the cycle and then even out as ovulation approaches. As always, thoughts and prayers headed your way!

AFM, after some reflection this weekend, I decided I'm still going to stick with the NTNP plan. I'm not in a huge hurry to get pregnant just yet. I would be thrilled if it happened at any point though. My real issue is that I just want to know that I can get pregnant, which is why I was sad when AF arrived. If I didn't have fertility issues, I probably wouldn't even be thinking about it for another 3-6 months. But such is life. DH reminded me this weekend that we are so blessed that we have Ev, and I need to be grateful for that instead of mourning the fact that we don't conceive easily. We have a healthy baby, and when the time is right, we will hopefully be blessed with another baby. (Now just remind me I said all of this, when I start getting all crazy around O time and during the 2ww!)


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aviastar, my first thought was the same as MP's--at least this is a good sign that you ovulated! I think giving it a few months of trying without tracking is a good idea. And you can always take it on a month-by-month basis, so if you want to give it more or less time, it's no big deal.

Blackberry, lots of luck to you this time around!

Missy, I went back to my old charts and yeah, they are more erratic in those first days. I'm just hoping that your cycles shorten--I know what a pain in the butt it is to keep charting/using OPKs when you have really long cycles. It feels like you waste so much time, but you don't want to miss anything in case you ovulate early. Sending you short cycle dust this month! :)

MP, it sounds like your husband is being really supportive and keeping you relaxed, which is great. I know that when AF shows up it's easy to get frustrated, but I think your plan to NTNP through the summer is good. And like I said to Aviastar, you can take it on a month-by-month basis, so if you feel the need to start using OPKs, that's fine. I am finding it easier than I expected to just focus on this one-on-one time with K while I have it. I'm sure you can relate--it just feels like time is going by so fast and I want to appreciate this period where K has my undivided attention.

AFU, Still have no idea where I am in my cycle (only OPKed during that spotting phase), but am still on board with holding off NTNP until the next cycle. D was on board with not preventing this weekend, but for some reason I find myself wanting to wait a little longer. I have days I want to be pregnant right now and days where the thought of "starting over" is a little daunting. I feel a little bad saying that, but I'm being honest.


Oct 5, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Don't feel bad about saying it out loud, NEL, we are all familiar with the elusive 'ready' or 'not-ready' gut feeling that simply defies reason, logic, or common sense! You have to listen to your gut with this stuff and yours is saying hold off just another moment- who knows why, but it must be the right thing!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Nothing much to update CD16 today, no signs of ovulating yet. I haven't had any bad side effects from the new medication which is good. We are in the process of "planning" a celebration/in memory of Blake for his first birthday on June 6th. We're getting a big group of people together at the cemetery and releasing balloons, Chinese lanterns, and a friend is looking into butterflies. He may not be here to celebrate, but we're sure going to show him some love that day, just as we always do! :love: I even got a photographer lined up to take some pictures of the things going on and some pictures of us with our Blake Bear and a few other things I've collected in his memory. It will be a bittersweet day for sure. I hope he enjoys the view from above!! :halo: I had a baby dream the other night. It was the first night home and HE slept through the night. I woke up freaking out and went to make sure he was breathing. He was fine and I went back to bed. In my dream DH woke up and freaked out too and I assured him that I already checked on the baby. The baby woke up and I went to pick him up. He had a full head of hair like Blake (:D I hope all of my children have that hair, I absolutely LOVED it), but they looked different. I said "good morning baby boy" and he said "hi mommy" and I looked at Ben, he had tears streaming down his face. Our baby looked at him and said "daddy". So amazing!!!! I get a lot of little signs that things are going to be ok, whether in my dreams or in person. Just finding a feather on the ground makes me smile. I look at everything different now, but that's a good thing! And I'll stop rambling now...I know sometimes people like to know what's going on in my head and how I make it through the day. Looking for signs of Blake is how ;-)


Jun 23, 2011
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, I have tears streaming down my face after reading your beautiful post. I really do applaud your strength and faith. I'm keeping you and your DH in my prayers. You're amazing and I have no doubts that you'll be pregnant soon!! ::)


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, what a great way to honor Blake! I would love to see your pictures if you decide to share them. Crossing my fingers you start getting some O signs soon!


Apr 14, 2005
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Missy, I haven't stuck my head outside of the >6 months thread lately, but when I saw so many familiar names popping up on the ttc thread, I had to check in. I'm just heart sick to hear the news of your beautiful Blake. I'm so, so sorry. While I've had some fertility struggles, I can't even imagine going through a loss of that magnitude. I'm in awe of your strength & grace. You're such an inspiration. Keeping you & your dh & your sweet angel boy in my thoughts & prayers. I hope you can hold the baby from your dreams in your arms soon!

Hi to all of the lovely ttc ladies. Thoughts & dust to all of you on your journey!


Aug 19, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh MIssy, What a wonderful way to remember your special boy and what an amazing dream! You are such an inspiration.


Nov 12, 2004
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Missy, your post made me cry. You are such an AMAZING Mommy! What a beautiful way to celebrate Blake's life! I am in awe of your strength. Big hugs and prayers headed your way..always!!!
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