
The Official TTC Thread!


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - I am thinking about you today and hope that you get results that don't leave you on the fence.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I hope you totally enjoy your Cape Cod visit! It sounds like a weekend with friends/family will give you a chance to let your hair down and really enjoy everything you have. Let us know how your test results go. Lots of love coming to you by way of our happy community here.

NEL, hope this cycle is more regular for you. I had one of those really weird spotting only cycles and my Dr said it's your period. I hope charting will give you a little more visibility into your really long cycles.

AFM, not much else is new. Still no :)) on the OPKs. Wedding this weekend, so we'll be going to that. Took a little BD break for hte past few days. Was all set to BD last night to make up for a blah day, but ended up having ot log in really late at night and went to bed after DH. Booo. Well, weekend's almost here, and I'm hoping for a :)) soon.


Nov 28, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm not TTC, but just happened upon this section, and thought I'd share some info that may be helpful to at least one couple here.

Years ago when hubby and I were TTC #3, I was back to having trouble getting pregnant. We tried for over a year, but it just wasn't happening. I'm pretty sure there were one, possibly two mc's between babies #2 and #3. So my MIL did some research, and came across an article about taking baby aspirin while TTC, and she said that according to the article, women who were prone to miscarriages seemed to benefit from the baby aspirin (in other words, held on to the pregnancies). Women who were having trouble getting pregnant seemed to conceive easier.

So, after talking it over with my doctor, I decided to combine straight Robitussin (don't ask me to spell the generic name, but it's the one that just loosens congestion...I suspect mucinex would do the same thing since it's the same stuff) on days 9-16 (every 6 hours, drink lots of water!), up the OJ (both me and hubby), started taking baby aspirin once a day on day 9 (kept taking it til I found out I was pregnant), and took Clomid. For us, it was the right combination and we got our little guy.

Supposedly the reason the baby aspirin works is that it increase the blood flow to the uterus, and enriches the lining...more plush lining, better chance of baby sticking. The Robitussin makes the cervical mucus thinner, and of course the Clomid helped ensure there would be an ovulation.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Winks Elf, thanks for chiming in. Always good to hear from someone with experience and good advice. I too have heard of using baby aspirin if you have suffered from prior miscarriages. I think it also helps prevent clotting, which is the cause for some women's repeat miscarriages.

LC, ugh how frustrating that you haven’t gotten your :)) yet. It will happen! Don’t worry about not bd’ing last night. You don’t want to wear yourself out before the right time anyway. Hope you have fun this weekend on your road trip and at the wedding! I’m in serious need of a vacation, but the only thing we have planned is a trip to see my family for Easter.

Brown, good to see you back. I can’t remember exactly where you are at in this whole waiting game, but I hope things are going well for you.

Nothing new with me. I’m about 5dpo, which means I’m probably only a few days from becoming a TTC hypochondriac and looking for signs of pregnancy. :) My DH thinks I’m weird for thinking this, but I told him that I won’t be that disappointed if I don’t get pregnant this month because I just figured out that our baby would probably be born right around Christmas/New Years, which is such a busy time of the year already. Don’t get me wrong, if it happens this month, I will be absolutely thrilled. But if I don’t, I will use that as consolation to make myself feel better....


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies! Quick post here! My level went up to 93. The RE still feels whole heartedly that this will end in a miscarriage. She told me to have a great weekend at the Cape and have no hesitation about having a couple drinks. She wants me to come back in on Monday for another beta. She also wants me to pay close attention to my body and if I have any pain at all (possible ectopic), they want me to come right in. She said with betas this low a tube bursting should not happen but she still wants me to keep an eye on it. I just wish the #'s would start coming down.

Wink's Elf, thank you so much for your info on the baby aspirin. My RE just requested me to start that once a day with add'l folic acid as well.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, get rip roaring drunk, eh? :devil: Have a great weekend and enjoy yourself. Dh and I are also having a weekend away (no toddler!), so I hope all of us have a good time!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Dreamer! Have fun with your DH! Soon you'll have two little ones to keep you extra busy! Enjoy the alone time!!!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, those darn numbers are just playing games with you, aren't they? If drinking will make you relax, go for it, and if it will stress you out, then avoid it, but I really don't think your doctor would give you the thumbs up if she thought it was going to be a problem. Hope you have a fun weekend. You certainly deserve after the past couple of months that you've had.


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, so sorry things don't seem to be panning out this cycle. You're in my thoughts. I'm glad your RE is on top of things though, and I hope TTC will end in success for you very soon!

monkey, I'm 8DPO and starting to do the "wanna test" dance too! Eep! I only have 5 days to wait for a suspected missed period though (expecting AF on Monday for my usual 29 day cycle) so I'm hoping to just keep busy and not think about it! Wishing sticky vibes at you, though! Stay strong!!

LC, sorry about no smiley, but at least that means the BD break wasn't harmful to the TTC cause!!

brown eyes, where are you right now in the TTC game?

Dreamer, your insight here is as always much appreciated. It's so amazing to have someone like you as a resource for our community. I've always been more of a lurker on PS than a poster (this is my first regular thread!) and I hope you know how valued you are by the rest of us :))

AFM, Sitting pretty at 8DPO. I know I BDed the day I got the OPK+ and the day after, so I feel better about our chances this month, but also feeling better than before about the possibility of it not happening. Like monkeyprincess, not having a baby with an EDD of Christmas Day wouldn't be the worst thing in the world!! I would, however, welcome a pregnancy with a considerable amount of excitement were it to happen that way :)) So I'm just trying to stay preoccupied and wait for a missed period to test! Not sure if I'll make it, but I plan to make a valiant effort nonetheless.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Katy, I knew there was somebody that was around the same place in her cycle as me, but I couldn't remember who it was. Good for you for being committed to holding out to test. My problem is that I probably have 20 pregnancy tests in my house right now that came with my OPKs. Plus, I ordered a couple digital ones for when I know it is the real deal. Knowing that, it will be hard to wait! Last month AF came at 12 or 13 dpo, so if my temperatures are still up, I will probably test around 12dpo. I'll be crossing my fingers for you that knowing when you ovulated does the trick!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, it's so confusing that your numbers are inching up still--logically I understand your doctor's stance that this is not a viable pregnancy. But it's also frustrating that the numbers aren't going down! I want to tell you to put this behind you, enjoy your weekend and have a drink or two, but I also know how I am and I know those numbers would be on the back of my mind. I hope you are able to have a great time this weekend and that results on Monday show that things are starting to go back to normal. I'm thinking of you!

Katy and MP--glad to have some ladies in the 2WW so we can start cheering you on!

LC, enjoy your friend's wedding and I'm hoping you get a smiley face soon!

AFM--my temps have started evening out a little, which for some reason makes me feel better. Also, my husband is convinced I'm pregnant even though I haven't Oed yet (whatever, he's weird). Now every time he bumps into me he says "Oh my god, did I hurt the baby?"! So then I have to say "D!! THERE IS NO BABY YET!". Oh lordy.

Also, things are going really well at work--I was worried about being rotated onto a new client, but it's all working out well. A couple of months ago I interviewed at my husband's company (because my old boss is over there and I adore him). I ended up staying at my agency because it has really good maternity benefits, but got to know the team over there really well and have stayed in touch with them. So guess who my new client is?? You guessed it, it's the company I interviewed at. What's better is that my main client contact is my old boss--he actually requested that I work on this account. So not only did I get a promotion last week, but now I get to work with my old boss and his team while staying at my current agency with all of its benefits. Anyway, that was kind of a long update, but I'm excited!


Nov 28, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Prayers and hugs for those in the 2WW.

When I conceived my boys, my body knew approximately the 4th or 5th day after BD'ing that I was pregnant. My boobs were hurting, every scent in the house was overwhelming, and I was gagging on my toothbrush. When I conceived the girls, it took me til about week 5 to realize I was pregnant. My hair looked disgusting, my skin was blotchy, and my nose looked fat.

In a way it was good that I knew that early, but in a way it sucked because that meant a really loooooooooooong time to wait from figuring out I was pg to actually feeling baby.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1302648427|2894469 said:
Lizzy, yes, my sister had an ultrasound prior to ovulation. I want to say she had two follicles that seemed like good candidates for ovulation, but like I said, she only ended up with one implanting.

So, I have a question for those of you who are temping. My temperatures leading up to ovulation ranged from 97.2 to 97.5. On Sunday and Monday, my temp was 98.2. But this morning, it was about 97.8, and I felt like I had a twinge of cramping earlier. Should I be concerned about the significant drop in temperature? Boo. I just want a nice normal cycle.

I have been out of town so I hope I am not late to the party...My RE actually told me to throw out my thermometer b/c I was obsessing about weird lows and no apparent ovulations. He told me that temping isn't a helpful tool for some women.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls,

I have been out of town for a while so I just checked in.

Lizzy, I hope you had a fun weekend and that you are feeling less stressed now that you got a little break.

AFM: I took a test on Thursday which was CD38 for me and I got another BFN, so I called the RE to talk about where to go from here. She gave me a prescription for provera so that I can get moving for next cycle. This morning it occurred to me that I should probably take one more test before I started the provera. I used the digital Clear Blue Easy and I got a BFP! This afternoon, I took another test (just a First Response that I had laying around the house) and got another positive result. The lines on the second test were faint but were obviously there. I am worried though, b/c I am now CD 41 that maybe this is not a strong pregnancy b/c it didn't show up for so long. I have to wait until tomorrow morning to call my clinic. Hopefully they can see me right away so I can get some answers. Today has been a very long day!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BB, that is great news! I hope it is a strong positive when you see your doctor! :appl: I think you had a momma's intuition when you took one last test!

NE, that is great news that work is going so smoothly for you! Congrats on the promotion! Your DH is so cute with being convinced you are pregnant. AFM, I had a great weekend. It took my mind off of everything. I did have a couple drinks but certainly did not go overboard.

Katy, I know it is so nerve wracking in the 2ww, but try to wait as long as you can to test. Because seeing an early negative can make you start feeling bummed, but only a couple days later you could end up with a positive.

Monkey, trust me these betas are absolutely messing with me. But my RE felt 100% that this will not end well, so as much as I like to have wishful thinking, I decided to just trust the doctor. I had a couple of drinks but nothing crazy. What's new with you?

AFM, I had a great weekend! It was so nice to getaway and get my mind off of all pregnancy related things, particularly my crazy betas. I limited myself to two drinks per evening - either beer or wine. Nothing crazy. Tomorrow a.m., my RE wants me to go in for an early morning blood work so that I can get my betas back by that afternoon. At that point they are going to call me, and may possibly want me to come in for an ultrasound to check to see if they can see if I have an ectopic pregnancy. I really hope that is not the case as it frightens me. I haven't had any pain all weekend. I was tired and my bb's are still sore, but the symptoms are not getting worse. I feel like my bb's are a little less sore today actually.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi there ladies!!!

BB! Wow! BFP is Exciting! I hope you can get some tests run today! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

NEL, your DH is so funny :) Sounds like he's totally getting excited, so yippee!!! Hope your cycles even out. How's the big guy (Byron) doing? So wondeful you got the best of ALL worlds, work-wise: Great mat benefits, get to work with your old boss, and get to stay on your TTC-timeline! I love it when everything works out like that!

Katy, keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle!!! Are you going to wait the full 2 wks?

Lizzy, hope you enjoyed your weekend, friend! What a nice way to unwind, with friends and family. Sometimes it just good to be surrounded by loved ones and put all the stress of life aside. Count our blessings, so to speak. I'm glad you and your DH are going with Clomid. I don't know anything about it, but it's a plan, and I hope that'll keep you positive that you're doing something to get this started. :)

AFM, the wedding was really nice. I had a whole weekend to totally unplug, since i"m a cheap-o and refuse to pay for wifi! But the nice thing is I wasn't obsessively checking my work email, and remoting in, etc. Still waiting to O. I go through spats that I think "Maybe I just missed the LH surge for the OPKs!" But then I remember my temps haven't shifted up yet either so I'm double confirmed I haven't O'ed yet. My last cycle I didn't O until CD40. Now I"m CD41. :(sad I was hoping in the back of my mind that we'll be on a 2WW by now so we can give his parents some good news when we visit in 2 wks. But doesn't look like it'll happen.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BB, that's great news! Positive vibes being sent your way. I really hope this is it for you!

LC, glad you had a nice weekend. Sorry your cycle has been so long again. That must be really frustrating, but hopefully, ovulation is just a few days away.

NEL, congratulations on your latest development at work. Things really seem to be lining up for you career-wise! That's awesome. I wish I could say the same thing. Did you finish your nursery painting, etc., this weekend?

Lizzy, sounds like you had a nice weekend as well. Good luck tomorrow at your appointment. I hope your results confirm that the egg implanted in the right place and the numbers go down.

Nothing too exciting with me. I'm 8dpo. Temps are still up above the coverline, but they haven't gone any higher. Today I feel a little bloated, and I can't tell if it is gas (TMI) or cramps that are making me uncomfortable. No other symptoms at all, so I'm not getting my hopes up for this month. We had a nice quiet weekend, but I should have done more work than I did. Oh well. Hope everyone has a nice start to the week.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, m'dear, we must've posted at the same time. I'm really glad you had a wonderful weekend. I think getting your mind off TTCing etc was great. I'm glad you had the chance to let your hair down.

Monkey, 8 DPO. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you lady!



Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. It's been a long week and weekend and I didn't have any time to post.

Lizzy - I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend and I hope that your tests come back ok today.

BB - So exciting on the BFP and I hope your tests go well today too!

MP and Katie - I know how long that 2WW can feel and I hope that this is your cycle!

LC - I hope you O soon. These super long cycles must be so frustrating for you. I'm glad you had a good weekend though.

NEL - I think it's cute that your DH thinks there is a baby in there. My DH is clueless about how all of this works and he makes me laugh with comments like that all the time. I hope your cycles get squared away soon.

AFM - I'm sitting pretty at CD13. Last month I got my smiley at CD15 so assuming I stay pretty normal I am expecting it on Wendesday or so. I'm hoping it's not too late because DH and I will be going out of town with my parents this weekend and the sleeping arrangments give us zero chance to BD between Friday and Sunday.


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well, I'm out :( The wicked witch showed up this morning right on schedule. *sigh*

I'll be back later to check in with everyone else.

So excited for you BB! Keep us posted!!!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown, crossing my fingers you get your positive OPK in the next couple of days. Keep bd'ing throughout this week, and hopefully you will catch a good day or two.

Katy, what a bummer. Sorry this wasn't your cycle. This whole waiting and hoping and being disappointed thing takes it toll, but I hope you don't feel too discouraged. At least AF brings a new cycle and a new chance to try again.

Lizzy, thinking of you today. It would be so nice for you to get a definitive result.

AFM, I'm 9dpo. It sort of feels like AF is gearing up to make an appearance in the next few days. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but my stagnate temps and lack of any pregnancy symptoms are making that hard. Boo. Sorry, I sound like such a downer today!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I am happy you had a good weekend away, and hopefully today you can get some clearer answers! My gut it telling me you don't have an ectopic, so lets hope I am right! We also enjoyed our weekend away. Did you take your son with you? We did not and he was pretty sookie when we got home I admit.

Blackberry Wonderful! Do you know when you might have ovulated? There have been a few women here who I know of who had nice strong pregnancies and did not get a positive at home test until 16 or 18 DPO, so if you ovulated closer to CD 20-25 then this could be a perfectly healthy pregnancy! I hope you get some good results soon!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BB, I'm so glad you decided to take one more test!! Congrats on the BFP and I hope you were able to get into your clinic today.

Lizzy, I'm thinking about you today. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the weekend and have a couple of drinks. I'll be checking in for your beta update.

LC, I'm so sorry about your long cycles--I completely understand how frustrating they can be. The good news is that you are probably very near Oing, so hopefully you can get in some successful BDing. If you end up pregnant, you won't have to worry about those long cycles! And thanks for asking about Byron--he's doing well. Doing another round of chemo this week, but he's stable.

MP, I hope AF is not coming in for a visit. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you, even if you're feeling like she's on her way.

Brown_eyes (my cycle twin for the time being), I hope that you O before Friday so you get in some BDing before the weekend with your parents! I have a couple of trips coming up myself and now I'm worried about how they coincide with Oing. Funny how that happens!

Katy, I'm so sorry about the witch. I guess it's good that she's on schedule and not delayed...though obviously you wish she'd just not show up at all!

AFM, I'm hanging out on CD13 with Brown_eyes. I have no idea when I might O this month, but my temps have been stable in the mid 97s. DH is getting more nervous about BDing as I get closer to Oing, so we spent a lot of time talking this weekend. He's still scared, but I'd rather he talk with me about it than just freak out internally. I think the talking helps both of us. I aslo finished the nursery walls this weekend, finally, so I'm glad that's behind me!


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Katy - I'm so sorry the wicked witch showed up today. On the bright side, you have a nice, predictable cycle and every cycle brings a new chance for a BFP. It's frustrating to know your timing was there and it still didnt happen (I had this experience with my last cycle), but it will happen for you soon.

MP - I'm thiking anti AF thoughts for you!

NEL - I had forgotten you're my cycle twin. Hopefully your stress level has decreased enough to get them closer to the 30 day length. It's good to hear that Byron is hanging in there. He is so lucky to have owners as dedicated to him as you and your DH are. I am so in love with the nursery walls, by the way. They look fantastic!

I forgot to add earlier, that after the talk about baby aspirin I decided to start taking them once a day yesterday. This may be TMI, but past visits from AF have had some clotting, so I figured it couldnt hurt.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, my beta went up again from 93 to 105! What the heck!!!! They want to check my beta again on wednesday and will most likely have me come in for an ultrasound on Friday. I'm literally shaking my head in frustration over here. She said in her opinion she does not think it is ectopic because my progesterone # was so high in the beginning of the pregnancy. She said with ectopic the number is usually a lot lower. She said there is a chance we may see a sac with no embryo. She said that without a doubt there is no hope for a healthy pregnancy though. They just want to get this cleared up as soon as possible for me. It is amazing to me that with so much medical advancement these days, I still have no definitive answer as to what is going on. :nono:


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, I am so sorry that you still do not have a definitive answer about this. My thoughts will be with you this week. Try not to stress about it, and hopefully they will clear this up for you this week.


Sep 21, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LIzzy, talk about water torture! Can you ask for an u/s on Wednesday? I would've asked by this point they should able to determine something from the u/s so at least you can have closure. Did they tell you if this is typical for pregnancies that are not viable (slow rise or leveling but no decline). I hope you get answers soon, I would be frustrated too! Maybe a return trip to the Cape is in order! :)


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy. This must be so frustrating for you, I'm sorry. At this point I just want things to return to normal for you so you can focus on your next cycle. The increasing betas are so perplexing, I even did some research online to try to find out if this is common at all. It doesn't seem unheard of, but it does seem uncommon. I'm glad you're getting the ultrasound--it may reveal nothing, but it's good to check everything, even the possibility of cysts that might be throwing off your hgc levels. I hope for answers and/or a return to normalcy soon!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, ugh, I am frustrated right along with you. I don't understand why they didn't just do the ultrasound today while you were there. If I were you, I would start being really pushy about it, because you deserve an answer, especially if there is any question it was an ectopic pregnancy.

NEL, I hope your DH comes to terms with everything before you O. My DH is fully onboard and wants it to happen yesterday, but he still seems a little anxious when he knows it is around O time. It's a big step, and I think it might just take some guys longer to fully throw caution to the wind.


May 26, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I am so sorry that you are not getting the answers you need right now. You are in my prayers!

AFA: I went to the RE yesterday. My bHGC is 122 and my progesterone level was 10.6 but when they did the ultrasound they couldn't see anything. The RE says that I need to come back on Thursday for another blood test. If my beta goes up then I am probably dealing with an eptopic pregnancy if it goes down then I will miscarry. So not exactly the results that I was hoping for. For now I am just trying to get through until Thursday without going crazy.
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