
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

LV, that's great things continue to go well. I'm so, so happy for you. That's also exciting that you're done with the supplements, and now you can just get down to the business of having a "normal" pregnancy. Sorry to hear you've been sick. I would think you would have to be dealing with a serious long-lasting fever in order to even potentially affect the baby. I really do think all will be well, but I hope you are feeling better soon. Are you otherwise feeling well? I hope you're not dealing with morning sickness on top of that. We have had about 6 or more weeks straight of at least one of us being sick at our house. Ev keeps bringing the bugs home, but in our case, it seems like DH is being hit more severely than I am. I'll get sick for a couple days and bounce back, but DH can't seem to get rid of one thing before the next thing hits. I know the correct reaction is to feel sorry for him, but it is almost irritating because like most men, he's a pretty big baby about being sick.

Random, I'm sorry you're going through more rough stuff. I hope your parents continue to improve, and good luck with your job search. Sounds like a change would be a good thing for you and possibly lower your stress. Hang in there.
RT - I am so sorry to hear about your parents. It must be so stressful for you. I hope you are taking good care of yourself too. And, the review - bad timing, but you know, it might be an eye opener to look for something else. No harm in applying even if you are not sure you want to leave. It took me a long while (like a year) to find the job that I have now. I've been here for 8 years and hope to stay for the long haul, so sometimes a long search is worth it.

Thanks, MP. You always know exactly what to say. :)) I am a worrier by nature and need to find a way to let that go. I am feeling better today and made it into work. I slept last night, but woke up with night sweats. Sounds so gross, and haven't mentioned it before for that reason, but apparently, this is a pregnancy symptom. I've had it maybe 8 or so times, including when I was not feeling sick! So so so weird (and gross), but RE said it's due to hormones. I am fine otherwise. I did get sick once, but it was during a car trip in which I was not driving - NEVER again. I think that was motion sickness more than morning sickness. And, I have been ravenously hungry. To the point that I googled that last week. Like I will eat a meal, and then an hour later, feel like I HAVE TO EAT.

JGator - I never answered your question! We will not have an amnio (or cvs). The CCS is somewhere around 98.6% accurate. I don't recall exactly, but it was in the consent form. The consent form also advises having an amnio, but I surmise this is purely for liability reasons, i.e. do not rely on our test results. I will still have the screening blood work and u/s (forget what it's called at the moment.)
RT, I cannot believe both of your parents have been ill. I feel for you as I have something similar going on now with my mom. Hang in there.

LV, sorry you have been sick. It really is no fun being sick while pregnant because you can barely take anything. I often felt claustrophobic while pregnant and having a congested nose really made that feeling so much worse. I hope you can get some relief with the little you can take to help like Tylenol and Saline Spray. I'm glad things are progressing and I think your plan to not do the invasive tests makes sense after having the PGS done.

MP, have you started any monitoring or medications to get ready for your FET? Thanks for the info on what to expect timing wise. I would love to do the IUI after 7 days of meds!

AFM, I have an appt in the AM for a follie check and blood work. I called my Mom today and found out she was in the ER - she didn't call because she didn't want to worry me, but she had an "episode" at the gym where she was not coherent for 10 minutes. Fortunately, she was with a personal trainer who noticed and made sure someone picked her up at the gym. She refused to to go the ER yesterday, but my aunt convinced her to go today. So, I'm worried about her now. She may have had a mini stroke and her blood pressure is high despite her medication so they are going to monitor her for a few days to make sure she doesn't get a real stroke and to see if they can get her blood pressure down or figure out why it's high. My mom is super healthy so this is very unexpected. She lives several states away and was planning to fly to see us next week so that is all up in the air now. If she has to have surgery or if any of the tests come back with bad results, I will likely fly there which would negate this IUI. I have had 5 days of injections so I hate to throw that away, but I don't want to regret anything either in life. So, we'll see how tomorrow goes with her at the hospital.
RT, JGator, I am so sorry to hear about your parents. I can't imagine the anxiety you are experiencing.

MP, how are you? I'm glad AF came back for you.

LV, I'm thrilled for you!

AFM, My cycles have been wonky since my D&C. I used to have a 28, 29 day cycle, with O at CD 14 or so. I used to have pains that let me know exactly when I have my LH surge. OPK were always clear. I used to have lp of 10 days or so. Not the best, but my history says it hasn't been a problem.
Now, I have like a 38 day cycle with O at about 3 weeks in. Last cycle, AF came 8DPO, which makes me very uncomfortable. I POAS twice a day, and I haven't had a single positive OPK. My temperature shifts, so ff thinks I'm ovulating. Can I ovulate without a positive OPK? I know some people have a short surge window so they might miss it, but I always had a positive before! Anyway, my temperature shifted on Friday so tww for me, unless we're wasting our time with no egg release.

I took an extra new job in September, and haven't been this stressed since graduate school. I have a feeling that it may have something to do with my wonky cycles, so I'm going to hold of calling the doc until I quit at the end of this year. In grad school, I didn't have AF until the month I graduated. Stress is amazing.
JGator, It's funny how the different clinics work. I also mostly speak to the RE Nurse, but I prefer it because she actually listens to me and answers my questions. The doctor on the other hand is always too busy and just side steps questions a lot of the time. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum. Sending lots of *dust* her/your way. I know it must be super hard to be so far away as well. Please keep us updated.

LV- I had night sweats with my first. They are THE WORST! I had them again just after I'd given birth, more fun times. Don't you love hormones? Haha. Your immune system is suppressed as well when you are pregnant, so that would explain why you are picking up everything going around. Take care of yourself.

RT- That is a rough hand you've been dealt lately! I hope this is the end of your back luck and better times are just around the corner.

MP- Hooray for AF turning up! I'm sorry it was a bit of a kick in the guts, it really is hard dealing with different dates and what could have been. I have everything crossed for you this cycle!

Choro- Stress is definitely amazing! And the worst is that you know you are stressed and then you stress about how the stress is effecting other parts of your life! I have naturally high LH (the hormone the OPKs pick up) so my Dr told me not to use them as they will just look like I am ovulating all the time! It is possible that you may have missed the surge though- my clinic monitors me around ovulation with a blood test and one day my levels are normal and 24 hours later it shows my progesterone going up, indicting that ovulation has occurred. We've never actually caught the surge though, it happens so fast! I think as long as you BD regularly you should be able to cover your bases. Good luck!

AFM- I didn't make it for a blood test yesterday morning so I went today instead. Results indicated that I should have definitely ovulated. She said my progesterone was nice and high, so that is good I guess? That puts me at 8DPO, but she wants me to wait unti next Wednesday (15DPO) to go and test my HCG, assuming AF doesn't arrive before that. Tick, tick, tick.
JGator, hugs. Thoughts and prayers for your mom. I hope she is able to find some answers as to what might have happened. Hoping it was an isolated event and not something more serious or long-lasting. Yikes. I can only imagine how concerned you must be. You're right that if you need to be with your mom, an IUI can wait, but I hope the timing works out okay for you to proceed. I hope you are also able to spend some time with your mom, whether she visits or you do. How did the follicle check go? Oh and to answer your question, I started taking Estrace (estrogen pills) on Monday. I will gradually build up to 4 pills a day later this week, and I will continue that at least until I take an HPT. Once my lining is ready, I'll add PIO shots for 5 days before the transfer. That's the extent of my prep. Much easier than a fresh cycle.

Random, still thinking of you and your parents as well.

LV, I was similar when pregnant. I'd need to eat little bits many, many times a day around that time. Hope you are feeling better.

Choro, darn, sorry your cycles are not returning to normal. I personally have not experienced it, but I know that stress certainly can delay ovulation in some people. Once you are done with your new job, perhaps you could see about trying something like clomid to regulate your cycles. That supposedly helps lengthen the luteal phase as well, or you could try progesterone if necessary. Hoping you get a nice surprise in the meantime.

Tbaus, good news that ovulation was confirmed with a good number! How did you return to work go?
Choro, great to hear from you. I'm sorry you have been stressed and working too much. I would not worry about the positive OPK if you saw a temp shift.

Tbaus, thanks for the dust for my mother and me. That's great news that your progesterone was high. When will you test???

MP, so you are taking estrace and then do they decide when to do the transfer based on your lining thickness? Good luck and keep us updated on your progress. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts on my mom.

AFM, I had my ultrasound today and they said the follies are growing - the technician was talking to the doctor about smallers - not sure what those are but i have 3 and 5 on the 2 sides of "smallers". The nurse called and said my estrogen is now 185 - it was 147 2 days ago. They want me to increase my Follistim to 225 ius for the next 2 nights from 150 and come back on Friday. The RE did say that I will likely trigger early next week, and I will keep getting monitored through the weekend. I'm wondering if I didn't progress enough or if it's normal to increase the Follistim mid-cycle. My mother is stil in the hospital and seems to be in very good spirits. She had a few hours of neurological tests and bloodwork today. She now has an endocrinologist assigned which she calls her "urine doctor" for some reason - which makes me laugh. I think she will either go home tomorrow or the next day, but we do not know the results of any of the tests from today yet so hopefully things will come back okay. Her top number blood pressure is down from 185 to 125 with new medicine also. So, at least that is a much healthier of a number. Thanks for all your well wishes for my mom - it means a lot to me. I'm still in a bit of a standby mode as far as going to see her - we'll see how things go tonight and tomorrow with the rest results.
Thank you for thinking of me everyone!

I've been interviewing at a new company that reached out for me, they offer a 7k raise and unlimited vacation which would be a godsend with my mom's issues!

My mom had surgery yesterday to close up a hole in her heart. The surgeon said everything went perfectly! Now we just are waiting to find out what levels of oxygen she needs to be on, what medicine, etc.

AFM-I'm on CD7 so nothin too exciting. Still thinking of all of you even though I don't update as much as I should ;))
Random, good luck with the interview process. I hope you get the job - the extra money and vacation would be wonderful. I'm in a job I don't love, but it has been more tolerable the past couple of years, so I've just stayed put. I would really like to sort out the baby stuff before moving on since I get 12 weeks paid maternity here and they have been great about letting me do a reduced hour schedule. If something great came along in the meantime, I'd definitely jump at it. Glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. Hoping for continued good news from you.

JGator, yup, that's they way my clinic does an FET. From what I've read on here and elsewhere, other clinics have you take Lupron or BC for awhile before starting estrogen, and it is a more set protocol as far as timing. My clinic just has you start the Estrace on CD2 with no suppression, and then I come in for a lining check 10 days after starting the Estrace. From there, they'll decide when I'm ready to start the progesterone (which basically mimics ovulation and gets your lining prepared). Five days after I start PIO, they'll thaw a couple of the blasts and transfer. It is so up in the air right now when the transfer will be.

Still thinking good thoughts for your mom and for your follicles. I never had to raise my FSH meds in the middle of the cycle, but that was because I responded almost too quickly. I wouldn't worry too much about it though because it seems pretty common, and the first cycle is kind of trial and error unfortunately. If you have to do it again, they'd probably just start you on a higher dose initially. Hang in there!
RT, I'm glad your mother's surgery went well. Thinking of you. Hope this is your cycle! Are you getting any + OPK signs?

MP, thanks for all the details. It's good to know what to expect if we get to that point down the road. I really hope you get your sticky embryo(s) this cycle. Do you think the FET will be next week then? I'm glad you are getting a little bit of a break from all the meds this time around.

AFM, I had an ultrasound today and they said things look good, and I will likely take one more Follistim injection tonight, and then trigger tomorrow and then have the IUI on Monday. The RE said the lining looks good, and one of the follies is 17mm, and it was 11mm 2 days ago so that is a good sign. I made an appt for Monday for the IUI, but that could change based on the blood test results which I will get later today, but that's the tentative plan. So, timing wise this is all working out really well. I hope this is our cycle, and we don't need to go through this again, but realistically I don't know with my age. We ended up making plans to visit my mom for Thanksgiving week. Also, she was released from the hospital yesterday, and cleared of any brain/neuro issues so it looks like she just needs to get her blood pressure regulated with meds. So, she has an appt with a nephrologist (apparently that's her "urine doctor") and they will work on the blood pressure stabilization and tweaking of her meds. Her BP was back up in the 160s when they checked her out so it's not great, but better than 185. And, she is still planning to fly here next week for our DD's birthday.
JGator, glad to hear that you got positive news on both fronts, such a relief, and I hope your mom continues to get good news about her health. Keeping everything crossed for you that you have a good follicle or two and the IUI does the trick. That would be wonderful! I am thinking my transfer will either be at the end of October or first part of November, assuming my lining cooperates. The soonest it could be is October 28, but I honestly have no idea at this point. Work just got super crazy with some unexpected developments last night in a case I'm working on, so things should be interesting these next few weeks!
MP, I got the go ahead for the original plan of triggering on Saturday and IUI on Monday. My estrogen was 332 today up from 185. My mom's BP is still high and she's worried - not sleeping, etc. She said she may not come next week. I think if she comes she will be better off as she will not be alone. I think her own anxiety is making things worse. Your job sounds much more interesting/exciting than mine! Hopefully, that will keep your mind off things for a while. You may have your FET on either my DH's (10/28) or K's (10/29) birthday. Pretty cool!
Good luck, JGator! Although IUIs were a big fat disappointment for me this time around, it worked on the first try last time! Hope you also have beginners luck.
MP, thanks for asking about my first day at work. It was okay, I guess. I had a few instances when people would be walking straight towards me, see me, turn, and walk the other way. Obviously they weren't prepared to see me just yet. Other than that it was good to be back, although I did miss my puppy a lot more than I should have :oops: . It sounds like work will keep you occupied up until it is time for your transfer. Fingers crossed this is it and you will have some good news to celebrate soon!

JGator, It is Monday already over here. Good luck today, I really hope your IUI is a success. I'm glad to hear your Mum is recovering and I'm sure it will be great to see her when she visits. Happy birthday to your DD! As for your question, I planned to test today (13DPO) but I am testing my willpower and will wait until Wednesday for the blood test.

RT, I'm glad to hear good news from you on both the job and Mum front. Unlimited vacation hours would be awesome. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Hi to everyone else out there reading! Please come join us :wavey:

AFM, sitting here at 13DPO and I haven't POAS once! Crazy, right? Reason being I can't say I've had any symptoms, which I definitely think I had by now the last time I was pregnant. So, I'm being cheap and don't want to go and buy a $14 test just for it to come out negative. But I am telling myself every pregnancy is different and it ain't over until AF makes her appearance. I also haven't had a ravenous day like I usually do before AF arrives. I really hope this is our month, next month will be a year since I last fell pregnant and it will all feel a bit like Groundhog day, if you know what I mean.
JGator - Good Luck today!!!

Tbaus - Wow to not testing yet!! Hoping you get a nice clear positive at your test tomorrow!!

MP - Hope the fact that work is so busy is a good distraction for you!!
jgator, good luck today! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your mom.

tbaus, I hope you have success very soon. I know what you mean about Groundhog day. Hope your work settles in to a routine soon.

mp, sometimes busy work can be a blessing if it keeps your mind off things (though I've always found that stressful situations are worse when I'm on the estrace - that one really does a number on my emotions!). Hoping your FET works out. When do you have your lining check?

rt, sorry about your parents. New job sounds promising, though!

Not too much to report here. I had my first u/s on Friday and got the go-ahead to start Lupron. Bloodwork this Friday and will start estrace then if all comes out ok. Feeling a little apprehensive about the whole process now that I've had so many disappointments at various points along the way, but trying to just accept that what will be, will be.
SB, good luck with the FET cycle and the Lupron injections.

LV, hi :wavey: . Hope all is well with you and the baby. Hopefully, you are not sick anymore.

Tbaus, I have a good feeling for you this cycle. Good luck!!! I had no symptoms with my DD's pregnancy so you're still in it!

MP, thanks for the good luck wishes. Hoping for beginners luck too!

Hi, all :wavey: , I had the IUI today. I start taking prometrium 2x/day starting tomorrow. Then, 15 days from now go back for a blood test. Let the TWW begin! I have a lot going on in the next 2 weeks with our daughter's birthday and my mom coming to visit and also our daughter is starting pre-school. My mom is doing better. She is planning to come on Thursday now, and she was cleared by her doctor today.
JGator, fingers crossed! Great news about your mom. Sounds like the next couple weeks will fly by for you.

Tbaus, time to test! I don't get early pregnancy symptoms, and I think that's true for many people.

SB, I really hope things go smoothly for you this time around. I understand why you are skeptical, but each new cycle is independent from the past ones. Hoping you are able to transfer in a few weeks. And now that you mention it, I do think I'm feeling the estrace effects. I feel like I'm overreacting to little things, mainly with DH.

AFM, ugh, it's been a tough few days. Ev got really sick really fast with pneumonia and/or bronchitis on Friday. So scary to see your child so sick. DH and I are splitting days at work and home. I'm a little worried the stress and lack of sleep will affect my lining or I'll end up sick. I have my lining check on Thursday and will know more then. I also don't like that I'll have to miss more work for the transfer and trying to explain that one, but it is all necessary to hopefully make our dream come true. I must admit to feeling very pessimistic about it working. I keep thinking that our best looking ones that made it to blast on day 5 didn't work, so why will these? I had been feeling really upbeat before, but now that it's getting closer I'm scared to go through this again.
MP, they really can't tell by looking at an embie if it's a good one so I would just hope for the best. I'm sure you would always wonder if you didn't transfer them too. I know it's hard - really hard. But, try to stay positive or at least distracted and hopefully the TWW will fly by for you. I will be thinking of you on Thursday when you have your lining check. Try to take some time for yourself to help with the stress/emotions - I personally recommend a mani/pedi and a massage. My latest work and nanny excuse is chiropractor if you want to use that at work. Say Ev is getting really heavy and you hurt your back. My chiro who I saw earlier this year had me going 2-3 times/week. I used that excuse yesterday for my IUI. Sorry to hear about Ev - I'm sure that was really scary. Hope he gets better quickly.
Thanks, JGator. You're right, I guess I just am having a hard time even imagining a successful pregnancy after the sucky year of failed fertility treatments. It sort of feels like it's just not meant to be this time since it happened relatively easy once we started interventions last time around. I can't tell if that is just my fear talking or if it is real intuition. I certainly feel like I owe our frozen blasts a shot at life, so I'll be transferring those. After that, I am pretty sure I will be ready to move on. Thanks for the good thoughts for Ev. I'm home with him now, and I can tell he has turned a corner and starting to feel better.
Hi MP, add me to that same list. I'm starting to feel like this isn't going to happen, which I really have no reason to. I dunno, I think I"m nearing the point of being OK to take the progestrin and kick starting my cycle, but a part of me feels/thinks that I don't deserve the try at the tail end of this year. I dunno it's weird.

JGator, hoping everything goes smoothly from here on out for your mom. And keep us posted on the TWW. Chiro is a great excuse.

Tbaus, wow, 13DPO that's some serious self control to not test. Every pregnancy is different so who knows with this one. Keeping my fingers crossed.

RT, any word on the interview?

Choro, how are you holding up this cycle? I honestly have no experience how things "normalize" after a D&C since I didn't really get normal again. I hope that you get some clarity soon.

AFM, Getting on board with the decision to try again but I'm terrified to do it. I'm scared of going through a miscarriage or having to decide on a D&E again. No matter. This weekend we move, next week we sell our condo. I suppose we can start Dec with a fresh start.

LV, hope you are well! I will have to find you on the other threads to keep up with how you are going.

SB, I hope your all your blood work comes back ok on Friday and that you have some success soon.

JGator, the TWW is always better when you have some exciting things to keep you occupied. I'm so glad to hear your mum is getting better. Are you planning a party for your DD?

MP, I'm sorry to hear Ev was sick. It really takes the energy out of their little bodies, doesn't it? Glad he is getting better already though. I understand how you feel about being scared to give it another go. It really has been a rough road for you. I guess the one good thing I would take from all this is that you know you can still get pregnant, if you know what I mean? I still have hope for you. Hang in there.

LC, take your time. After we lost Will I was sure for a while there that I could never go through this again. Pretty soon though the urge came back. Good luck with the move!

AFM, well I can't think of any other way to say this except my blood test today confirmed that I am pregnant. :shock: It has been one of the longest days of my life waiting for the results. I had fully prepared myself for bad news so when the nurse gave me the good news I burst out crying. DH will be home soon so I really need to get myself together. I will go for another beta on Friday. I really hope this little bean sticks.
tbaus, that's wonderful news! I had a good feeling we'd be hearing this news from you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prays for doubling betas and a healthy baby!

LC, big hugs. I fully understand your apprehension about trying again. You've had some really crappy luck and really sad losses, but it's definitely not a question of what you deserve. Big hugs. I'll be rooting for you big time that you finally have a healthy baby to take home once you get pregnant again.
Tbaus!!! Congratulations! I am thrilled beyond words for you. Sending truckloads of sticky dust your way. My DD is having a party on Sunday - barnyard theme as she's into horses and cows and things like that these days.

MP, I really hope this cycle works for you. You are so deserving of being a mommy again, and you should not feel that it's not meant to be. I think you are understandably over the ups and downs of this.

LC, good to hear from you. You have a LOT going on with the move and selling your condo. I hope December is your month. And, I really feel like you are an amazing woman and have so much to offer another baby so I hope you get that dream fulfilled soon.

AFM, not much new. 2 DPO, I think. Have any of you seen the story about the girl in Australia who went through IVF and lost her DH a few days after the transfer? It's so sad, but she did get a BFP. I stumbled upon that yesterday. She has a youtube channel where she has chronicled their fertility struggles - conceiveababy. He just passed away earlier this month. Puts things into perspective.
Congrats Tbaus! Such wonderful news to get especially with your mom coming to see you soon :love:
JGator, that youtube story sounds so sad. It does put things in perspective though and realize that it could be so much worse.

Totally random, but I forgot to mention that I ran into my RE when we were running errands last week. It was at Petsmart of all places, and she was in scrubs and with her two little boys. We live in a big enough city that I rarely run into people I know while running errands. It felt really awkward to see her somewhere outside the clinic after all that we've been through the past few months. And we were trying to wrangle Ev who thinks Petsmart is the greatest place in the world, so we kept running into her. For some reason, it just made me feel vulnerable and nervous about seeing her again tomorrow at my appointment.
MP, that would be surreal to run into the RE out and about. I cannot imagine. Good luck tomorrow. Keep us posted.

AFM, so since I stumbled on the youtube fertility struggle videos, now I'm watching a bunch of different youtube fertility sagas online. I am not the only one to be delayed over and over again, and I now feel better about my situation and also hopeful as there are quite a few BFP stories out there! It's kind of like PS, but you can see the people and they even take their video cameras/cells to their appts so you really get the full experience. Oh, and I went on ebay recently looking for something for my daughter for either Halloween or her birthday party to wear and now I'm addicted to Ebay. I got her a cute dress for her party and a bunch of other dresses (some in larger sizes) and now shoes today. Stop me!!!! You would think my job isn't crazy busy or stressful right now, but it is!!!
Tbaus, I am over the moon, so excited for you!! Sticky dust!

Hugs lc , it never gets easier. Don't think you don't deserve it, because you totally do.

jGator, sending sticky dust to you too!

Mp, that is so awkward to run into your re like that. Did you talk? Hope ev is better now. If you think that things are not in your favor, can you delay it another cycle? Not suggesting anything, but I'm curious.

Afm, currently 12dpo. 10dpo, I thought I saw squintors. I ran out of those brand (forgot what) so 11dpo I opened my wondofo package. Bfn, with squintor when i stuck it beneath my hot desk lamp. That's evap, right? I actually sobbed last night. 12 dpo, invalid with no lines.
I see three possibilities. I'm having a chemical pregnancy, or they were all evaps, or wondofo just sucks and I'm actually pregnant.
This is what I get for breaking my rule for not testing early. I'm going to wait until Friday. If(big if) af isn't here yet, and if wondofo is still wonky, I'm gong to the store to but digital ones.
Choro, get a FRER. Wondfos are always slower to show a BFP for me. Sending you good thoughts! Yes, it was super awkward running into the RE. We just did the "Hi, how are you?" thing and moved on. I saw her this morning and completely forgot about it, so awkwardness over I guess.

JGator, ha ha. That happens to me sometimes too when I see a blog entry or something, and then I get obsessed and have to read the whole thing. And I can be so inefficient with my time sometimes (like posting on here!), so I end up having to work at night after Ev goes to bed to make up for it.

So, I had my lining check today, and I'm bummed to report that it wasn't quite thick enough. She said that for some people, she would have been fine with going forward now, but because she knows I am capable of thicker, she wants to hold off. She would've had me come in again after three days and start the PIO shots, but that would put me with a transfer date on Halloween, and she didn't want me to be on bed rest that day. So, I have to come in again next Wednesday with a transfer date of November 3rd. I also have to add two extra estrace a day, but take them vaginally, and they are aqua colored, so that's awesome. I hope it's just the estrace making me super emotional, but I started crying when I called DH to tell him about the delay. Ridiculous to be upset about a week delay I know, but it just feels like a bad omen or something.
MP, sorry for the delay and added medications. This process is such a waiting game - it really sucks. I hope the delay does help make a nice cozy home for your embies though. What does the Estrace do? Did you have a lot of pain/cramping after the last transfer? I think you said you took it easy for a few days, but now that I'm youtube fertility obsessed I learned about potential pain after transfers.