
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Fisher!!! Soooo great to hear the news!!! I'm so happy the results and hope you enjoy every moment of this blessing!

I'm doing a sticky dust transfer to you and MP.

~*~*~*~*~* DUST TRANSFER start *~*~*~*~*~
Monkey & Fisher
~*~*~*~*~* DUST TRANSFER complete *~*~*~*~*~
Yay !!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
keeping you in my prayers Fisher and family!!! Yay for the numbers going up up up!

Sticky little beanie baby booboo!!!!!! I missed the earlier post and am so sorry you and Paul worried so much. But this is GREAT news!!!! This baby is here to stay and I know you can't wait to hold him or her soon! Healthy little beanie baby, grow grow grow!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait until you and Paul get to see the little cutie through ultrasound!!!!!!! When you see the strong little heartbeat, you will feel sooooo happy! :appl: Congratulations again!!!!
Congratulations Fisherofmengirly!!! That is amazing news! I don't normally follow this thread, but so glad I popped in to the last pages.... Wonderful wonderful wonderful news! WIshes for a perfectly smooth ride to the finish line :halo:
Congratulations FISHER!!! So so happy for you!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congrats fisher! Fantastic news! Enjoy every minute! :appl:

MP, super excited for you too, lady! :appl: sticky dust to you both.
Monkey!! I am so happy for you. Do you have a due date? Last I saw, you were thinking a new cycle had started. Yay!!! We will have the joy of experiencing this at the same time! Elation!


Thanks Dreamer for posting for me; my phone was acting up earlier today. We are *so* happy to hear baby's growing well. Thankful, thankful!!
Fisher, words can't describe how happy I am for you! I always wondered how you kept such a positive attitude and just trusted that everything would turn out. And look at you now! You are a definitely a special person, and you've got a whole forum of people rooting for you and your little one.

And thanks! I so hope I will be able to continue this journey with you. My pregnancy is still very tenuous because I had some spotting/bleeding on 12dpo after seeing a very faint line earlier that morning, then I got another positive on 14dpo, but the lab made an error with my beta and I was told I wasn't pregnant, and even when they later confirmed I was in fact pregnant on Monday, my beta was on the low side for 17dpo (165). Needless to say it's been an emotional week since getting that first faint line. I'm trying so hard to turn this over right now and trust that what is meant to be will be, but I'm feeling very anxious.
Monkey, I'm gonna be praying for both our babies to hang on tight!

The beta game is NOT fun; but remember babies are good at hanging on. :) we probably both have little girls-- a little drama right from the start!

Faith isn't always easy, but it's all I had to give while we were waiting. :) I had many tearful nights, days, sometimes weeks. On new year day this year I cried b cried, asking Paul why we weren't parents yet. I was mad, hurt, and broken. All we had was faith that God is always in the miracle business, so we kept praying and trying and hoping. Some days I'm not a picture of faith, some days I'm absoluetely not positive and graceful. I'm just thankful so many awesome people were here for me during those hard times, too. I've porayed for so many women here to become parents. :) I appreciate all the wonderful comments & love for our baby- I'm going to print them off for the baby to read one day. :)

So, Monkey, hang on to faith. And I will be praying that at the end of Sept or beginning of Oct, we have cuddly newborns to snuggle & cuddle in love.
Oh Fisher, yay! I was holding my breath for your update! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Monkey, hang in there! My beta was 194 at 17 DPO, so very similar to yours. I think it really matters more that it doubles every 48 hours. Sending you TONS of dust!

Congrats, Fisher!!
Thanks Fisher! Your post was just what I needed to read right now. I'll continue to pray for you and your little baby as well!

Laila, thanks for the reassurance. Crazy how the worry just multiplies after you get a BFP!
Hi ladies! I've never posted in this thread before, but I just wanted to share a blog link that I thought you might appreciate. I'm just going to copy and paste my post from the TTC thread. Hope everyone is doing well!

Just dropping in to share a blog of my friend's. She struggled TTC for a year or so, with multiple infertility problems. I hope everyone gets a chance to read's hysterical and sad but with a happy ending! She's currently 18 weeks pregnant. She gave me permission to give you the site, and she's really very nice and easy to speak with if you feel like reaching out to her in any way. She appreciates knowing your thoughts.

**edited by moderator. for everyone's protection please do not post personal/family blog links publicly**
Woops, Sorry Mods!! Forgot about that little rule. :sick:
Hi everyone!

Wanted to say I'm carrying hope & faith that your days of TTC are just about to ne traded in for a weekly countdown for baby's arrival!

Walk in faith! :)
Fischer: I pop into this thread from time to time hoping mainly to see positive news on the Paul and Fischer front. After so many disappointing check-ins, I'm elated to finally see this wonderful news! Best wishes to you, Paul, and the little one for the coming months!
Thank you, VR! We are beyond excited, humbled, thankful, and giggly over the recent change in our family composition. :)

Three days til the first ultrasound. Eeeek! I'm gonna bawl & I can't wait! :)
Ohhh, is today the day for the first ultrasound? If so, I would LOVE to see some pics and/or hear all about it. :bigsmile:
Gator, is that your baby? Gorgeous!!

The scan was yesterday; it didn't go well. I have a long post on the "just barely" thread.

Thank you for thinking of us, it means a lot more than I can express.
Fisher, I posted briefly on the JBP thread, but wanted to say again that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little Miracle. I don't know why God lets us experience these challenges and pain, but I know that He is faithful and loves us more than we can imagine!
Hi Fisher, I'm not sure if you are still checking in, but just in case you are, I've been thinking about you a lot and wanted to let you know that you and your husband continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you, Fisher. You've been on my mind for the past couple of weeks and gosh, I wish I could do something. I never in my life imagined that anyone as wonderful as you could be so blessed, only to have this heartbreaking loss. I grieve for you, my PS sister. When I had a mc, it was the worst time of my life. I would not wish that kind of pain on anyone, especially a first time mother. There is a terrible sadness and loss of innocence that strips everything away when you lose your first pregnancy. My heart goes out to you.

Oh Fisher, what you must be going through... I remember my first like it was yesterday and sometimes DH and I still tear up over our loss when it comes up in conversation. Something about our first miracle just touched our lives forever. That brave little life that made us parents isn't ever far from my thoughts. I never knew I could love something so tiny so very very much. When I saw the heartbeat, it was love. Someone once wrote about their baby, "She created a hole in my heart that only she can fill. And for that, I can never live without her." Our babies who grew in our bodies now live on in our hearts and always will until we see them again in heaven. Maybe in heaven time is such that our human lives take place in a blink of an eye up there. Perhaps by the time we see them, it will have only been a moment in that eternity for them. In any case, it comforts me to know that the little soul is surrounded by love and with God. I know you walked in faith before and continue to walk in faith today.

Prayers for a safe recovery, prayers for Miracle, prayers for you and Paul, prayers for your families...
Thinking of you and Paul too, Fisher! ((HUGS))
Fisher....I just saw this today. There are no words. We experienced a loss after struggling to conceive our first at 26 weeks last October. Lots of tears for lots of different reasons. I am so, so sorry this happened. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm not sure if there's anyone over here really actively TTC that is willing/interested in talking, but I've been over on the main TTC board for a while and would like to bring my neurotic self over here for various reasons.

I'm 35, my DH and I have been trying for 6 months now (moving to my 7th cycle today or tomorrow based on my temps). I have two girls from a previous marriage that are 7 & 9 but my DH and I don't have any children together yet. I've been charting since October '11, I've read a ton of stuff about TTC to learn what to avoid, etc. (lubricants, dietary changes, vitamins/supplements, blah blah blah). I'm ovulating regularly, have recently gotten blood tests w/my GP that suggest normal labs and my DH had his SA last month that showed good except one that was close to the threshold for normal ranges (I can post all of the stuff if you want, but I doubt you all want THAT much detail).

I'm mostly just scared and really getting depressed about all of this. I feel like I've done everything that I could on my own and haven't found any answers. I freely admit I have huge control issues too, which makes this process just that much harder. I don't want to drag down the fun newness of TTC over on the regular board and truth be told, I am becoming too jaded to really fit in over there I think. :(sad

Anyhow, sorry for the novel and rambling. I just thought I'd revive this thread and see what happens.
Hi Tammy,

Hang in there. I know TTC can be a very frustrating process! My DH and I have zero (known) fertility issues, yet it still took us 13 cycles for baby number one, and 6 cycles for baby number two. Sometimes it just takes up to a year for healthy couples to conceive. And sometimes you just need a little extra 'boost' like Clomid or injectable drugs. Are you planning on seeing a RE in the next couple of months, or will you give it a full year? You already have two kids, so that's great news as it shows you shouldn't have any problem conceiving and carrying to term. Hang in there, it'll happen for you again!!

I'm so sorry you lost your baby. I wish no one ever did. I have always wished that but now... having gone through it, I wish it so much more deeply.

I pray you're healing, sweet lady. Skippy had the loss thread re-opened, if you want to process/vent over there. (It says early loss, but I would welcome a friend to talk through some of the raw emotions with.)
Bliss, I wish I knew you in real life; we seem to have a lot in common and it'd be good to talk to someone who's been through this and has a strong faith, too. My best friend had a loss their first cycle of trying; she now has a 1 year old and they are TTC again. I'm praying my best friend and I will experience pregnancy at the same time this go round. :) That would be fun.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts/comments/prayers. We're muddling through and I'm hopeful we'll have another pregnancy and healthy baby soon.


It's hard when you first start trying and it doesn't happen right away. I think I've found myself in that spot again, too. I'm *so* hopeful we'll have success in the first few cycles.

I mimic what Laila said; follow up with a Dr. and see if they can do some testing and see if they have any suggestions for possibly helping pregnancy to come along for your family.

I wish you well on the journey.
tammy77|1333048215|3159281 said:

I'm not sure if there's anyone over here really actively TTC that is willing/interested in talking, but I've been over on the main TTC board for a while and would like to bring my neurotic self over here for various reasons.

I'm 35, my DH and I have been trying for 6 months now (moving to my 7th cycle today or tomorrow based on my temps). I have two girls from a previous marriage that are 7 & 9 but my DH and I don't have any children together yet. I've been charting since October '11, I've read a ton of stuff about TTC to learn what to avoid, etc. (lubricants, dietary changes, vitamins/supplements, blah blah blah). I'm ovulating regularly, have recently gotten blood tests w/my GP that suggest normal labs and my DH had his SA last month that showed good except one that was close to the threshold for normal ranges (I can post all of the stuff if you want, but I doubt you all want THAT much detail).

I'm mostly just scared and really getting depressed about all of this. I feel like I've done everything that I could on my own and haven't found any answers. I freely admit I have huge control issues too, which makes this process just that much harder. I don't want to drag down the fun newness of TTC over on the regular board and truth be told, I am becoming too jaded to really fit in over there I think. :(sad

Anyhow, sorry for the novel and rambling. I just thought I'd revive this thread and see what happens.

Hi Lady!! :wavey: Ready for a novel?
I've checked out of the TTC boards for the same reasons. It was making me worse and it was becoming very depressing to see how easily it was coming to others. I'm so happy for everyone who has an easy time, they really are so lucky. But it makes me feel worse about myself and I too was/am becoming very depressed. Like to the point where I'm thinking of seeing a psychiatrist who specializes in infertility.

I'll be 29 in May, DH turned 28 in December. This past cycle marked our 8th month of trying. I'm on CD 28 now, but I've been spotting, so I know AF is on her way. I've had CD3 labwork, a saline ultrasound, an HSG, and DH had a SA, all of which came back super superb. So WTF???!?!?!? Knowing there is nothing wrong makes it worse, because it makes me think something more ominous might be at play, but I don't know what that could be. I've been temping for 7 of our 8 cycles, plus using OPK's, tracking CM. Everything checks out, everything seems to be working appropriately, our timing is good, but we still have nothing to show for it. We've used preseed, softcups, ass in the air for at least a 1/2 hour after BD, I've been on prenatals for over a year and a half, off BC for over 2 years, I started taking baby aspirin to help with blood flow to my reproductive area...we've tried everything! I've even started to add prayers to Saint Gerard, Saint Rita and Saint Mary to my repertoire of praying...and I'm not religious. :saint:

I understand why you're scared. And I definitely understand why you're depressed. I think I can count 20 people who have gotten pregnant since DH and I started trying. And that's not an exaggeration. My good friends baby shower is in 2 weeks. I'M DREADING IT. I can't believe I won't be pregnant at her baby shower. I know I'll get through it, but it's going to be hard for me. Her and I started trying around the same time, and it took them 5 months to get KU. I could tell she was starting to get nervous too, but luckily for them, they got pregnant.

I also have a lot of stress because my brother and SIL tried for close to 6 years and never got pregnant on their own. They had 'unexplained infertility'. So they had no issues on any of their tests either, and the doc's still don't know why she couldn't get pregnant. They had IVF in November and are expecting their first (my nephew!) in August. But their infertility issues scare me even more, because my DH and I don't have anything wrong with us either!

I plan to call my doc tomorrow to get an appointment to discuss interventions. I think she wants to try clomid next. Clomid really scares me. I've read that for women who ovulate regularly (like me), it is given to make ovulation stronger, likely producing more than one viable egg, thereby increasing chances of conception. However I've also read that when given under these circumstances it can actually cause overstimulation and render you STERILE. No big deal! Sign me up for Clomid!!!

So lets lean on each other for support, Tammy. Lord knows we both need it. I'm very frightened. Every month I start to spot, I have a mental breakdown and I just cry and cry and cry. The emotional roller coaster of let down and hope and fear and hope and anxiety, jealousy, stress, anger and emotional distance that happens is too much to go through on one's own. It is completely consuming. And it doesn't matter if 6 or 8 months might not seem like that long. It is a long time when you know that nothing is medically wrong with your reproductive system. I think it actually makes it more scary because you start to wonder if you are being punished by some other worldly force. I know that sounds crazy, but the emotional toll of infertility makes you think like a mad woman. Every month I feel like a failure. Every month I feel like less of a woman. And with AF coming any day now, I know that there is no chance I will have a baby this year. Everyone really is pregnant right now but me! It's a secret society that I cannot be a part of. All my friends and family can, but not me. I don't even want to see my pregnant friends anymore because I fear that we will soon have nothing in common. They will all be wrapped up in their baby lives and talking amongst each other about the best cure for runny noses and teething, and I won't be able to participate in the least bit. This is probably the worst and the lowest I've ever felt in my entire life. And I've been through some stuff.

I'm sure all that I've just said didn't make you feel any better. I'm sorry, I don't have any words of wisdom because I'm living through the same nightmare as you. I've mentioned in the past that instead of saying "I want a baby", say "I'm ready to receive a spirit to love and nurture and lead through life"...yeah it sounds nice but I've asked nicely plenty of times and the stork just keeps passing me by. So at least we can be there for each other when times are rough, right?

If we were living in Medieval times, we'd have already been beheaded or burned at the stake for being barren :cheeky:
Tammy and Prana, my heart goes out to both of you right now. I so know exactly what you are both feeling. The pain of fertility difficulty is just so raw even now that I'm pregnant. I know it is frustrating when nothing physical is seemingly wrong and the fertility is unexplained, BUT as frustrating as it is, the fact that there are no known issues means that there are likely many options for you to explore and a much higher chance that a little boost of fertility treatment will help you find success. It's hard to keep the faith, and it is so easy to jump to worst case scenario, but I really think you have both only scratched the surface of the options available to you when you are ready to take the next step. I'll be keeping both of you in my thoughts as you try to decide what the next step will be. Big hugs ladies! I'm glad you have this place to vent!

Prana, I also want to reassure you that if you decide to try clomid, I would think they would put you on a very low dose - maybe 25 or 50 mg - and you would have very little chance of overstimulating. I've known many people who used clomid, and I've not heard of one person becoming sterile from it. It might be possible, but I'm sure it's a very rare situation. Also, if you look at the stats, the risk of multiples is not that significant, especially because you would be monitored by a doctor to determine your response. I'm not saying that it is the right option for you, but I do think it is a pretty safe first step to try if you and your doctor decide that is the right step for you.

Fisher, prayers going out to you that you will soon have cause to feel joyful again!