
The jury is in: Ebay diamond under Ideal-Scope!

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oh and here''s the cz with the same camera (i actually bumped the contrast up on the natural diamond to make it look a bit more like the reference chart)

can you return it?
If not maybe you could get it recut?
i didn''t realize you could even call that a diamond...

I didnt realzie that ideal scopes could actually be painful to look at

I actually winced and cringed at the same time
Yeah I can return it for full refund. I actually talked to the guy on the phone and he seems very interested in doing right by me after I demonstrated my grief very clearly.
Refund time! The stone is heavily included and it looks like there are two rather large chips in the girdle of the stone.
Seriously .. I have never actually seen an idealscope image that is this scary. Good thing he provides refunds!
That''s disgusting.
Wow, very interesting to see this given all the clear and crisp pictures usually seen around here.
I am glad that it appears your refund will work out for you...I am sure that you will find what you are looking for!
Thanks guys.

I actually had Fred Meyer order some loose stones for me to inspect. They were to arrive this week. The plan was to compare side by side but... obviously that won''t be necessary!

The loose stones from Fred Meyer range from $3k to $6k at around 1 carat. I''ve already seen a pretty darn good looking stone for $3k when I was on vacation in oregon, so i expect a really good stone.. else I will be talking them down in price, ya know.
It was wrong of him to misrepresent the measurements, and I wouldn''t keep it either.

However, I sort of think, well, what did you expect? You bought an over 1 ct supposedly H SI2-SI3 for less than $1000. Did you think you''d be getting a superideal cut? Actually, I''m surprised at how GOOD the idealscope image is, considering.
umm..its not even round!

well, I hope you learnt your lesson.
Seriously, I can't understand why you would receive fantastic advice from experts and prosumers and then disregard them to buy something this hideous.
glitterata - Well, yes and no. I didn't expect so much light leakage. I don't really mind the inclusions. I also was hoping for a round diamond not a chipped lopsided diamond. It almost looks passable to the naked eye, but alas, I don't buy anything that is misrepresented PERIOD!

You can tell the difference between 6mm and 6.25mm with an elementary school ruler... and these people sell thousands of rocks. A good caliper would never be reading those dimentions listed PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD!

arjunajane - i understand your position, but I don't need a lecture. I posted this image and thread at my own will and my intention wasn't to be criticized for it. "I told you so" is simply unnecessary. I was hoping that this may help others to learn from my experience as this is what forums are for. I'm just trying to contribute where I can, since you guys have been so helpful so far

there. I updated my avatar so that I am branded by my failure. cast this rough rock away!
OMG drewbot - your new avatar is totally cracking me up!!!
I didn't lecture you, and I don't recall saying I told you so either.
And I don't see how my comments are any more damning than the rest in this thread?

I do agree you av is funny.
Wow. That''s something. Something incredibly scary. I''m fixated, like rubbernecker in traffic. Glad you are getting a refund, and that you have good sense of humor about this.
I am new to the boards, but even as a newbie..eek.

At least he is willing to work with you, are you planning on getting it recut too?
Oh Drew, I am sorry it worked out for you this way, I can see some arrows though!!

Let us know how you get on with the refund and I LOVE the new avatar - ROFL!

You take great pics by the way!
Oh Man! That is gasp inducing!
Hope the return goes as smoothly as you''re expecting it will!
Yes, this certainly proves the theory of "you get what you pay for." Thanks for posting it!
Ugh. Hope your refund goes quickly and smoothly.
Date: 1/22/2009 9:56:49 PM
Author: :)
can you return it?
If not maybe you could get it recut?
it would cost more to recut than the stone itself.
light leakage? That stone is bleeding!
Date: 1/23/2009 1:15:26 AM
Author: arjunajane
I didn''t lecture you, and I don''t recall saying I told you so either.
And I don''t see how my comments are any more damning than the rest in this thread?

I do agree you av is funny.
Sorry I didn''t mean to be so harsh. We''re cool, right?

So the guy offered to refund me 50% of my entire purchase. I''m going to send the stones back today, but in order not to make this more confusing than it shoul be, i''m going to run down exactly how messed up they got me.

I actually won 2 auctions, for 2 rocks, and with the intention of selecting one or none. Here is the short version:

What I was expecting, and how much I paid:
1.01 carat 6.25x6.25x3.95mm 63.2% depth ratio
1.03 carat 6.3x6.3x4.0mm 61% depth ratio
total cost to me $1511
approximate market value $6000
advertised market value $7000

What I actually got:
1.01 carat 6.0x6.0x3.95mm 68.3% depth ratio
0.343 carat 4.5x4.5x2.8mm 62% depth ratio
0.327 carat 4.5x4.5x2.75mm 61% depth ratio
approximate market value $1500 + $300 + 300
= $2100

So I paid $1511 and recieved $2100 worth of rough looking diamonds. The seller offered to refund 50% of my money. I could walk away from this for a total cost to me of about $750. I may not exactly have what I wanted, but should I take this deal as it was offered to me? I think I''m going to head down to fred meyers and see how nasty their $3000 rock is (and bring my Idealscope)

Thanks everyone! Boy is this fun
More pics to come!
All I can say is "WOW!" I'm stunned... It really doesn't look "anything" like the diamond provided within the advertised item description on eBay now does it? The SI-2 / SI-3 description on clarity is a real stretch! Then again, under federal guidelines the seller only has to be within three clarity grades of the actual clarity grade to be in compliance - if this incident isn't a case study for the importance of legitimate lab grading I don't know what is...

Unless I'm mistaken, the seller offers a full refund within 7 days of purchase, if he's now only offering you 50% I think you're being scammed and I'd go this route IC3 Internet Crimes Task Force which is monitored by the F.B.I. which by the way is our first line of defense as dealers when some idiot tries to sell us diamond rough outside the realm of the Kimberley Diamond Act and similar scams.
That is for sure the worst diamond I''ve seen under an ideal-scope. I hope you do not plan to let that guy make things right! Get a refund and buy from someone else.
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