
The Beginng of My Journey!

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Jul 7, 2008
Hello all!

I was a lurker for only a few days now and stumbled upon this AWESOME forum when looking for ideas to ....gasp....propose to my boyfriend.

No, I am not just going on a whim to the jewelry store around the corner, grab a ring and ask....I''m going to do it just as great, thought out and respectful as if he was doing it for me.

This will be my second marriage for me so, yes I was a Lady-In-Waiting the first round (and technically now I am) but even moreso the first time. I got a nice proposal but unfortunately, the marriage didn''t work out. But when one door closes, another opens and I have now found the REAL love of my life and I am thrilled at the prospect of being with him forever.

So, long story short we have been together 6 months (yes it''s short) but we have cohabitated since the first month of dating...Plus I was working with him 8 months prior to us dating....Anyway, today, I actually made the first step and typed out, revised, typed out, revised some more, and basically I sent a sort-of formal email to his mother and stepfather asking for their assistance in creating the "prefect proposal". I am all about family involvement and he hasn''t been home in about a year (we''re both from out of state....and two entirely different states at However, I think they know him best so, I want them to help me in all of this....

I know there is quite a bit of skepticism about the "modern proposal" however, my boyfriend and I have talked about both ways, plus extensive "talks" about marriage and he is comfortable either way and doesn''t feel "robbed" if I propose.. So, I would like to come on here and share the journey with you ladies and gentleman since there aren''t a whole lot of these stories out there....I am planning to do it 4-6 months from now, just as a rough time frame....

So, here I go...thanks for being here!

As long as he''s cool with it. I think most guys would feel uncomfortable about their significant other proposing to them. But if it''s something you''ve discussed, then good luck!

I like your avatar. I just saw it a couple nights ago. Great movie.
That''s great! What are you planning on doing? Do you have any ideas yet? I know 4-6 months is a long time, but what did you tell his family? Keep us posted and welcome to PS!!
Hey PrincessDijon - that is awesome. Kudos for wanting to propose to him. Pardon my ignorance, but how is the whole ring buying/getting/giving/paying (pardon my snoopiness) going to play out? Or are you buying him an engagement ring (Hah!)? Good luck!!
good for you, I wish more women would get over waiting in perpetuity and just be comfortable with taking the initative. Good luck and we would be happy to help however we can.
Thanks for the kind words.... I know it's not traditional....but I know it will be just as heartfelt!!!!

So far the preliminary framework is going well.....

Within an hour or so of me sending my lengthy email to his parents, his stepfather sent me an email, actually 2, back and his mother sent one back this morning...basically, I got their "blessing" to proceed. I have the utmost respect for family and feelings because of my issues that I had last marriage...Basically long story short, I had a quicker wedding than anticipated and got married with about 48 hours notice. My mother freaked out and was upset about not being able to plan a proper the time it caused us some hard times but we are super close now and I want everyones wishes and feelings to be respected, while respecting ours.....

So ya, basically these are excerpts from their emails to me.....

Excerpt From His mom's email....

So the point is this...I will write lots more later but wanted to tell you that if you love ______and he loves you, that's all that matters to me. I hope you have realized that _____'s just not the Touchy feely type. He is a very private person and he doesn't "share" lots with us, even tho I feel we are very close. So it is nice to hear some of the details from you. I will end for now by saying that we will help you in anyway that we can with your special surprise. Take care of my "baby" , and we wish both of you MUCH happiness!

Excerpt from dad's Email.....

Just a quick second message.....

____________ all the years that our family was together was somewhat shy with girls. He likes girls and had lots of girls that were friends but no "girl friends". We always knew he was a wonderful bright man and really likes kids. He just never found anyone that had interests that he had. I was the one that hoped that he would find a true love, and as he has talked to us, we can tell he's really head over heals with you. He might not verbalize it, how would we know. He doesn't call as much as he should, and when he does he gives those one or two word answers. How's EVERYTHING? Fine. How's ____, great. What's going on down in Florida, not much. You know those type of talks. I would love to see things happening in Florida. We love the state and I know that his maternal grandmother and grandfather love Florida. He is one of there favorite grandchildren. ...

I will eventually tell my mom so as she is not hurt or surprised (especially since this will be my 2nd round at love here....

So, for starters the venue will probably be in Florida, sunny and warm, especially for the January timefreame I am looking at....

I will keep you posted!
I would totally propose to my BF...except he''d kill me.. yikes haha... But I''d have to get him a watch..not a ring.. hahaha.. Anyways... goodluck and more power to you.. Are you going to get a ring or something else?? I would personally do a watch because he prob wont wear the ering after you get married because 2 rings would be kinda weird on a guy IMO.. but its up to you.. unless he puts it on his other hand, but if he''s like mine, only one plain ring.. lol.. But if you do decide on a watch lemme know, my bf knows all about Tags, Breitlings, and etc. and can prob help you or something.. Goodluck though!
O.k.... update

Told my mother a couple of days ago and she was supportive....So both sides of the family are all on the same page!

Now, my first hiccup came in planning....

His mother works in customer service/retail business where they are not allowed to take from Nov 15- the end of the year off....I was planning on December 9,10 or 11th because my mom will be in town that week as well. His mother said I didn't have to cancel the special surprise for them but, I feel bad and want to change it....January seems just like a bad time in general though because of snow from where they are coming from, the BF going bac k to school, me possibly going back, ect. Early December was the perfect time....

Need advice here....

I know its not the wedding or anything but I would have liked for them to be here for the proposal...

As for the "token": I was going to be traditional and go with the ring....He's not a big watch person (I'm sure a Rolex would do the and he doesn't wear suits, so cuff links or money clips aren't really an option either. He had mentioned that he'd like the ring idea...So, I'm probably going to go with that. He doesn't want a ring with gemstones as he thinks it's girly looking....He mentioned that he liked titanium but I want to do something a bit "nicer"....Any ideas?
how much are you willing to spend?? You have to remember that if you get white gold it might turn. I got my bf a ring one time and it turned really quickly.. and it sucked but we think its because we got it resized... If you have a decent budget...Tiffanys has some nice guys rings for a decent price, and they will always clean and whatver for you
first one
sterling silver but nice..

in plat
last one
goodluck :-)
Thanks for those wonderful Tiffany rings...I personally, am a fan of the classic tiffany styles (mens and womens). I have been showing him many ring sites and he's dead set on this one Sable Titanium Ring since it looks more distinguishable than a typical "Wedding" band. Plus, he loves blue....

Titanium Ring!

I don't want to fell like I am "going cheap" on him but, if that's what he wants and he willl wear it, I see no problem in getting it for him....Although I'm sure he'd love another mustang to play with, I'm not quite ready to cough up that kind of cash at the ripe old age of

ETA: I'm looking to spend 300-700 ish since we will purchase "Wedding Jewelry" a few years down the road....
Ok, my only thing is just be careful. I havent done much research on titanium and how it holds up?? Just maybe do that to make sure the ring will hold up for a couple of years. Also, the blue looks cool, but do you think he might get tired of the blue after wearing it for a while?? Sorry not trying to be a downer, just trying to help with some good questions for you when you buy it ya know.. Maybe one with some black in it might be nice since thats something thats like everyday kinda? :-) Goodluck
PrincessDijon, kudos on your decision! I proposed to my guy, too, but it was more of a spur-of-moment thing. Ring-wise, what about something like this? A bit more unusual than titanium, but still hard-wearing and durable ....
After tryng to steer him from the bright blue (although he does like it), he showed m a few more that he thought would look nice for everyday wear....Just in case he doesn't wear something blue or black (which is about 10 percent of the

He doesn't want a heavy ring and wants it to be comfortable and durable enough to take a beating as he works with cars....So titanium metal would be a good, lighter-weight choice as opposed to the sterling silver....

Anyway, here are some models that he liked...I even made a folder for his rings so that he has his very own in addition to my lovely ring folder....(mine will take a bit more work, effort and money than his though...
...probably won't be for a few years yet either....but I can at least have fun with his in the meantime!!!)

Titanium Models....

Rift Model

Swift Model

Dale Model

Serene Model

Colored Titanium Model...

Sable & Blue (Shown in earlier post)

Tungsten Carbide Models

Halo Model


Circe: Props to you for proposing to your guy...even if it was "spur of the moment"

blondebunny: Don't worry, you aren't being a downer at all, I appreciate the honest and sincere objective feedback!
those are all nices, only real diff I see if the width of the band.. Look at his fingers and see how much room he has, if he has a lot of room in between the knuckle.. if u know what I am saying..trying to figure out how to saw in words lol..then go with the bigger one, if not id go with the smaller width so it doesnt look like to big or something..

Out of the restaraunts Id prob say Melting Pot. I know they would help set up something romantic for ya''ll and it has the more romantic feel there ya know.. esp the room in altamonte or wherever it is, not the one in dr phillips( although I havent been there, I have been to the other one and just remember it being really romantic with candles and such and more private and stuff...)

Goodluck and let us know what you decide! :-)
O.k so, I have been researching titanium a bit more and have found that it scratches easily from many posters and when I mentioned the titanium thing casually to the BF he said that the lightness of the ring may sort of seem to defeat the purpose of feeling like he's wearing one (despite the fact that he liked them).

He's now set on the tungsten carbide for the shine and durability and the hardness factor. So, it looks like I will be looking in to the tungsten ...Anyone know of any good quality tungsten manufacturers. I hear that there are some of a lower grade that are made in China for 30 dollars a pop.....

As for the size, i am mostly looking at an 8mm or a 7mm....

ETA: I agree about not doing it at the Dr. Phillips/Restaurant Row seems a bit less intimate and more of a meat market like atmosphere as opposed to the original one (which is a bit of a drive and parking is terrible) but it's worth it....
Alrightey folks, a bit of an update!

I just purchased his *gasp* e-ring....After listening to what his opinions were and collecting info, I decided to go with a fairly plain looking Tungsten Carbide 8MM band. Yes, it kind of appears to be more of a wedding band than an "e-ring" however, it was his style, it is durable and it won''t scratch (at least from the testimonials I have seen from those who own the similar models).

He really isn''t in to gemstones or gold (especially not yellow or rose gold) and he is pretty active with his cars and is still a student so, I needed something that woulkd take a good "beating" and not look like

As for the event, I may move it up to fall time instead of December/January....there are a lot of neat nuances to the fall (yes, even in Florida) that I may want to take advantage of now that I have put considerable thought in to this event....

So, here is the pic of what the ring looks like on the site I purchased it from...

I know everything looks different in person, so, I will take real-time pics when it arrives and see how it looks and feels....

Another quickie status update.....I just booked our reservation for the Melting Pot on my new *fall* date of will be a good day and things are starting to line up beautifully....I am really geting excited about this.....I have a few months left and I suck at hiding surprises....So, it looks like I will have to pick up a ton of extra shifts at work so that I keep my idle mind working and don't spill the beans....hehehe!

Sorry i don't have super specific dates, times and locations on here...he is pretty tech saavy and may be lurking on here occasionally....My name is completely random on here (in case you thought it was a bit wierd....) on purpose...In time I will spill all of the details...Stay tuned...
O.k updated status for those who are following my story....

I just purchased a scrapbook (cliche maybe but I''ve always had a thing for scrapbooks and journals) and I will be making a chronological account of our time together to add to the proposal. I found these cool stickers that are arranged in to months (so I can do a "year in review" type of deal), some cool looking vellum, and some neat embellishments to add to the many items I have picked up along our time together (movie tickets, paper drink umbrellas, ect.). It''s always awesome to see the finished product when it is complete.....Plus it will be around as longer than even we will be (knock on wood).

I will keep posting on progress as I go....I have a couple months left before the *big E day*

That''s all for now....
Alright everyone, I have another update today....the ring arrived!!! YAY!

I was a bit skeptical about purchasing the TC ring but man it looks so much better in person than it did on the net!

I did manage to take some pics with my camera today since the BF is at work....thank goodness he got called

These aren't the best pics, but hey, they're something....

ETA: This is the 8MM Model

special 009.jpg
Here''s a closer shot....

special 010.jpg
"Nature Shot"

special 013.jpg
Frontal View!

special 015.jpg
awww its look really good!! congrats! Have u considered maybe getting something engraved on the inside?? yay! :-)
Good for you!

I asked my boyfriend out, twice!

Asked him why he hadn't kissed me yet!

Asked him why he hadn't said "I love you" yet.

also some other 'miscellaneous' things where I took the lead.

I told him in no uncertain terms that I was NOT going to ask him to marry me, and that I didn't want to have to be the one always advancing our relationship.

So I can't propose, lol, on principle.

But I would otherwise.... hehe.
Call me impatient....
Lol Trillionaire....

I have done the same thing.....

I asked him out on our first date (and

I asked him why he didn''t say "I love you" (back in the day)

I asked him when we were moving together

I ask what he wants for dinner.....hehe

I have pretty much done all the asking up to this point.....So, why jinx my luck now...hehe (only kidding...I know marriage and engagements are a bit different animal). But, I am 100 percent confident he will be happy with it and the parents are on board with the idea as well, so it looks like it is a "go". YAY!
Alright, update for today, August 1st....(wow, it''s August already????)

I sent out pictures that I posted here to his parents to keep them posted. Apparently they are getting excited about it too!

Here''s a quote from the latest email....

"Wow!!!!! That is beautiful. I''ve honestly never seen a ring like that. It''s very unique! Have you given any more thought as to when you are going to pop the question? As much as we would love to be there, I''m not sure it will work out that we can. I think you should proceed with your plans, and take video or lots of pictures to share with us. "

I am thrilled that they are supportive of this idea and aren''t focused on the tradition of man taking the reigns. I still know many conservitive minded people out there in regards to the institution and traditions of courtship and marriage. So, to me this is a refreshing green flag....

The cool part is, I will be meeting his family for the first time this fall at a social event that is coming up and we will be engaged by then....Pretty cool stuff!

In other news, I ordered a custom ring box yesterday. Don''t get me wrong, I think the box it came in is very unique, but I still want to take it to the "next level". So, I scoped this site (and a few search engines) and decided to go with The Ring Box Company. It''s elegant, simple and still from the heart! I will post pics later once I get it in about a week-10 days.

Well, I will keep you all in the loop on how this progresses...

Alrightey folks, just a quick update before bed....

Ring is in hiding so he cannot find it....yay.

Just got my confirmation email from Nicolette Jones at the Ring Box Company saying that my ring box will be to me within 10-12 business days! Yay!

I''ve been diligently working on the''s actually coming together nicely...

Short, but nevertheless,it''s an update....

I''ll keep you posted!

O.k. more update action....

To date I have the following done...

1. Ring purchased and hidden.
2. Dinner reservations for the night of.
3. Scrapbook (mainly of random stuff that we have picked up along the way, but very few pics...we take waaaaayy too many pics!)
4. Custom Ring box in production and set to be on its way shortly!

Now, I have a photobook that I have compiled and purchased on shutterfly''s website tonight....It''s pretty cool and I think it will look amazing. It''s hard cover and has 20 pages! I had to narrow down the billions of digi photos I had to fit in those few pages... But the end result on the previews were awesome!

I have tentative plans for the day of but am not sure what they will exactly be yet!

I''ll pop in again soon!
when do u plan on proposing?? r u going to get urself a little band to wear until he gets u ur ring?
I am going to do it on September''s right around the corner too.....Time flies when you are planning this stuff...geeze....

You know, I was thinking about getting a matching band and do a "his and hers" type of thing. Still not sure yet.
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