
Thank you all...

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Feb 20, 2003
Hi All
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your input a few weeks ago. I was looking for a diamond for my girl in the Boston retail market and was utterly depressed by the lack of information that the retailers were willing to give me (no cut info, no sarin, etc. etc.) Eductating myself here, and seeking your input, I made the big (and nervewracking) decision to buy online.

At any rate, I bought the diamond from Robin and Todd and my experience couldn''t have gone more smoothly. I got:

1.36 (H&A) round brilliant GIA CERT
7.18 - 7.19 - 4.39 mm
Depth: 61.2
Table: 55
Crown Angle: 34.6 deg
Pav Angle: 40.9 deg
Culet: .6
Girdle: 1.3%
Pol: ex
Sym: ex
Clarity: vs2
Color: g
Fluor: None
PRICE: $9,055

I ordered the stone on Tuesday and had it in hand on Wednesday (amazing!). Not only that, after having it appraised, I was pleasantly surprised that Marty Haske felt that the stone was a good buy, and that the GIA rating may have even been a bit stingy (color may have been more like F than G and clarity more like VS1 than VS2).

All in all, I am thrilled and now having a setting made for my love. I plan to propose to her in early May, as we have a trip to Florida planned and it''s her birthday. Her birthday is on a friday night and we leave for Florida the next A.M. early. Unfortunately, I am in an exam until 7pm that Friday (her birthday) so I am afraid she will be too busy getting ready for the trip for me to pop the question. Also, I am trying to avoid travelling with the ring, however, I can have it shipped to a trustworthy friend in Fla.

Any thougts on birthday proposals or some logistical help? (I plan to buy her a nice present too, don''t worry).

I will post pics of the ring when it is complete. Also, any female opininions on the best timing for popping the big Q are always appreciated.

Congrats on what sounds like an amazing stone and experience with shopping online!

Here are my two cents on the proposal. Definitely propose before the trip, traveling with the ring loose can be tricky as you have seen in previous posts from people who had the same question. Here are a few suggestions. Not knowing your scenario some of these may not work, but here I go:

--Propose in the morning when you wake up. One idea Iread recently in a mag I thought was cute, the guy wanted to put the ring on her finger while she slept and then when she woke up, the idea was that she'd see the ring and freak out, at which point he'd propose. He couldn't get it on her finger (uh oh?) so that didn't work..but I thought the idea was cute. Or you can get up early (not sure what time your plane is leaving so this may not work!) and make her breakfast (quietly) and then surprise her with breakfast in bed, and the proposal, or the ring hidden under the pancakes (no butter and syrup yet!), etc. Or put it in her champagne glass or something (though I know that may be cliche!)

--Sounds like her bday is the day of your exam and/or the night you are afraid you won't find time to propose. What about suggesting a late night snack as you two are both packing up for the trip...and then going to a favorite restaurant or something for a bite to eat? Or what about suggesting ice cream or a dessert? OR you can bring home a dessert and/or takeout and somehow hide the ring in there. Or you can call her after your final and say you want to go out and have a little dinner to celebrate...even though you know you two still have to pack. I really would have a hard time turning down my guy if he called to ask me to meet him somewhere.

You are a little limited with your tight schedule and trip the next day, but I think that it is definitely the thought that counts. Put a little thought into what might tickle her fancy, it may not even need to be a BIG deal, as you are going on a vacation the next day. It may be as simple as while she is packing, you put the ring box on top of the last thing she packed while she is looking for shoes to take...or similar. You know her best...hope my ideas gave you some creative thought bubbles!

Post pictures in the new Picture/Ring forum when you get them!
Congrats again.
Thanks, so much! Your creativity and enthusiasm are contagious!
I have to say I agree...Mara you have given me some good ideas for my own proposal. I too am on a tight schedule around my proposal.


Mara's last suggestion made me think. If you know what she's wearing to the airport put the ring box in her shoe and when she goes to slip it on, she'll pull out the box and you'll have a moment (and probably miss your flight). Not the most romantic idea but if you make sure you have a few minutes to enjoy the moment and for her to call her people (I would need to call every one of my girlfriends) and slow down for the sentiment.
Ha Ha I just got some more random ideas.

--You could come home afterwards and tell her that you want to give her a bday gift. Blindfold her and then sit her down in the living room or something with a glass of wine and play some sort of romantic or classical music. Tell her that you have to get the gift ready and you need a few minutes. Present her with a big big box (like a huge box!) and tell her it is her gift. Hide the ring inside like 5 other boxes with tissue paper. In the end she finds the tiny ring box. Propose, go out for ice cream (can you tell I like dessert?) and then come back to pack.

--Come home..start packing along with her, etc...go away for a few minutes while she is engrossed in shoe choosing (I know this!) and then do a rose petal trail from the bedroom to the living room where you will have the ring box sitting by itself on a plain chair or a table or something, in themiddle of the room, rose petals around the box/chair etc. You can blindfold her and lead her in there, or just lead her along the rose petal trail and put the box/chair where she will see it right away. Then drop to a knee, give her your sappy speech, etc.

--I still love the 'in bed' idea..then again I just really love BED!
You could tie the ring to the ceiling (?) and have it dangling down in front of her face from a red ribbon so that when she opens her eyes in the morning, the first thing she sees is the ring box. You'd have to make this non-scary as you don't want to freak her out with something dangling inches from her face in the morning, I'd probably think it was a spider. Actually you could maybe hang it from the doorjamb so that is it in the doorway of your bedroom. That way if she gets up to go to the bathroom first thing in the morning or something...she will bump into it and/or see it. This also works for the closet door if she goes into the closet to get clothes normally and dress.

--Last but not least. In the afternoon while you are home (if you are), hide the ring somewhere. Make up a series of little notes/hints. Put the notes in various hiding places around the house/apt. Call her as you exit your final and are on your way home. Tell her she has to find her gift, you have hidden it in the house. Tell her where to find the first note...then as she is looking around the house for the notes, time your arrival so that you show up just as she finds the last note and finds the ring. Stay on the phone with her as she searches so she can keep you updated on her progress. When she finds the ring box, open the front door (at this point you may be hiding in the hallway or something while she keeps looking), and drop to the knee, you know the rest.

Okay I'll stop. If I were a guy I'd be AWESOME at this stuff!
Every guy needs a Mara to help with ideas! You get my creative thoughts flowing...but don't think I won't be back with a post called "MARA, I need your help!!" in the next couple weeks as I am getting down to the dirty details.

Mara, They keep getting better... I like the blindfold idea! Keep em coming!
Mara, you're a genius
!!!!!!!!!!!! Great ideas!!!!!!!
BTW, great diamond, too!!
Awww thanks guys!
I just had alot of time to think about this kind of stuff when I was waiting for my ring aka proposal. My guy is pretty lowkey, so our big night was alot more mellow (dinner in SF), but I always like coming up with ideas, and also I have read some cool ones as well. I am a huge fan of the 'thought', so as I said, even if you don't have alot of time, putting thought into the details beforehand will make sure that it touches her heart. (Bah was that sappy!!
im going away in may also boston and plan to propose probably the saturday before. We leave monday on a trip that I won thru work. Im nervous about traveling with the diamond, ill feel much better when its on her hand. Its great that you can send the ring to your friend, that lessens the anxiety!!! At this point Id be too anxious to carry the ring on me! Congrats on completing your purchase.
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