
Teen Mom... anybody watch?


Apr 13, 2008
I have to say that I am absolutely addicted to Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, and 16 and pregnant. Anybody watching this season? What are your thoughts on all the moms? I like Macy and Caitlyn, but Amber and Farrah rub me the wrong way...


Sep 23, 2011
I watch it occasionally when I feel like giving myself a boost in life. IE. If I'm super stressed out that I'm not where I am supposed to be in life (age wise, I'm totally behind with my education/graduation/career), I turn that show on, and feel much better about life's blessings. :lol:

I loved how that one girl.. crap, what's her name. The girl who's been in and out of jail for being violent? Her baby daddy's name is Gary? The one who spent $300 on an X-Box or something? And yet bought her engagement ring at a walmart for $25, and was STILL hesitant on spending "THAT MUCH" $.


Apr 13, 2008
madelise|1341850231|3231023 said:
I watch it occasionally when I feel like giving myself a boost in life. IE. If I'm super stressed out that I'm not where I am supposed to be in life (age wise, I'm totally behind with my education/graduation/career), I turn that show on, and feel much better about life's blessings. :lol:

I loved how that one girl.. crap, what's her name. The girl who's been in and out of jail for being violent? Her baby daddy's name is Gary? The one who spent $300 on an X-Box or something? And yet bought her engagement ring at a walmart for $25, and was STILL hesitant on spending "THAT MUCH" $.

Yeah, Amber is her name. What a mess she is!!


Jun 27, 2007
I like watching too. Amber has some serious anger issues. Gary really doesn't deserve the treatment he gets from her. He always tries to de-escalate the situation and she does the exact opposite - as if she's trying to work him up. Macy and Caitlyn (is that the one who gave up her daughter for adoption?) strike me as being quite mature. I feel sorry for Farrah sometimes, as she doesn't have a lot of family support, and seems like she's really trying to find her footing after her bf's death.


Jun 18, 2010
I'm addicted to all of those shows. They help me build confidence in my ability to take care of a baby.


May 26, 2009
I watch Teen Mom but Farrah makes me crazy. What a ornery, mouthy girl! I can't believe her parents let her talk to them that way (although, I suppose that's how she got that way in the first place)


Sep 16, 2009
blackberry16|1341876737|3231235 said:
I watch Teen Mom but Farrah makes me crazy. What a ornery, mouthy girl! I can't believe her parents let her talk to them that way (although, I suppose that's how she got that way in the first place)

I'm not exactly fond of her, but I think I'd behave the same way if I had to deal with her mother on a regular basis.


Feb 8, 2010
I'm afraid to admit that I've followed all the seasons (and versions) and am pretty well versed on the girls on the show. My favorite is probably Caitlyn. She and Tyler are incredibly mature and I really hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves.

As for the rest, there are some who clearly need rehab, counseling, and/or a swift kick (or several) in the butt.

What would be interesting is to take bets on which Teen Mom star will next get breast implants. I think so far, MTV money has enhanced these bustlines: Maci, Farrah, and Janelle. :nono: My money would be on Chelsea.


Jun 20, 2011
I've followed the series on and off for a few years now, starting with 16 and Pregnant when Maci found out she was having Bentley...I have to say Maci and Catelynn and Tyler are probably the only ones I would consider mature at this point in time. Maci I find is admirable in a way where she does her best to provide for Bentley on her own and confront Ryan when he fails to own up to parenthood. As for Catelynn and Tyler - It's incredible how they were conscious enough to give Carly up for adoption, unlike some teen parents who decide to keep the baby even though they might not be in the best situation possible to raise a child. They realized their families were too chaotic to have a baby around, listening to the fights and often harsh words from April to Catelynn. Kudos to them for being brave and still keeping in touch with Carly and her adoptive parents.

As for the others - Farrah I feel is generally a good mother, she works hard to try to be independent despite the fact that Sophia's father is no longer with them. However she does have a lot of resentment towards her family, her mother in particular. So she doesn't really have a place to just let go and have someone hear her out, which later translates into her being rather catty. Amber I'm sad to say is a bit of a lost cause...Her relationship with Gary is like a wild roller coaster and poor Leah's stuck in the middle of it all.


Apr 13, 2008
blackberry16|1341876737|3231235 said:
I watch Teen Mom but Farrah makes me crazy. What a ornery, mouthy girl! I can't believe her parents let her talk to them that way (although, I suppose that's how she got that way in the first place)

Absolutely! She is absolutely hateful to her parents. She actually has a lot of family support, but she treats them like dirt. Did you see her out on that date? If I were that guy, i'd SPRINT in the other direction! :errrr:


Apr 13, 2008
yellowducky|1341889235|3231363 said:
I'm afraid to admit that I've followed all the seasons (and versions) and am pretty well versed on the girls on the show. My favorite is probably Caitlyn. She and Tyler are incredibly mature and I really hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves.

As for the rest, there are some who clearly need rehab, counseling, and/or a swift kick (or several) in the butt.

What would be interesting is to take bets on which Teen Mom star will next get breast implants. I think so far, MTV money has enhanced these bustlines: Maci, Farrah, and Janelle. :nono: My money would be on Chelsea.

Really, Janelle? I hadn't noticed... When did she do that, in between jail stints?


Jan 18, 2005
Tuckins1|1341925682|3231548 said:
yellowducky|1341889235|3231363 said:
I'm afraid to admit that I've followed all the seasons (and versions) and am pretty well versed on the girls on the show. My favorite is probably Caitlyn. She and Tyler are incredibly mature and I really hope that they will be able to make a better life for themselves.

As for the rest, there are some who clearly need rehab, counseling, and/or a swift kick (or several) in the butt.

What would be interesting is to take bets on which Teen Mom star will next get breast implants. I think so far, MTV money has enhanced these bustlines: Maci, Farrah, and Janelle. :nono: My money would be on Chelsea.

Really, Janelle? I hadn't noticed... When did she do that, in between jail stints?

Yes, she got her new MTV knockers about 2 months ago ;))


Feb 15, 2007
amc80|1341870344|3231204 said:
I'm addicted to all of those shows. They help me build confidence in my ability to take care of a baby.
:lol: I watched one episode for a bit a couple weeks ago. I was going through a really severe bout of morning sickness that was making me doubt my ability to be a parent, so it seemed like it would be a reassuring show. I don't know who I was watching, but the characters made me lose a bit of faith in humanity so I changed the channel. There was a lot of screaming between the teen mom and her baby's father. It was just so sad.


Jun 18, 2010
Haven|1341947897|3231757 said:
amc80|1341870344|3231204 said:
I'm addicted to all of those shows. They help me build confidence in my ability to take care of a baby.
:lol: I watched one episode for a bit a couple weeks ago. I was going through a really severe bout of morning sickness that was making me doubt my ability to be a parent, so it seemed like it would be a reassuring show. I don't know who I was watching, but the characters made me lose a bit of faith in humanity so I changed the channel. There was a lot of screaming between the teen mom and her baby's father. It was just so sad.

I know! And these people are out-breeding us....

Do you know who I really like? Jennifer, the one who had twins with her boyfriend, Josh. He proposed on their anniversary. Remember her? Her family seemed really cool- supportive without enabling. The last update said she moved out of state to get away from Josh because she was afraid for her kids (he threw her and the babies out of the car on the side of the road...).

I mean it helps that her family apparently has money and is fully supporting her and the babies while she goes to school...but still, she seems to have her stuff together.


Feb 8, 2010
Haven|1341947897|3231757 said:
amc80|1341870344|3231204 said:
I'm addicted to all of those shows. They help me build confidence in my ability to take care of a baby.
:lol: I watched one episode for a bit a couple weeks ago. I was going through a really severe bout of morning sickness that was making me doubt my ability to be a parent, so it seemed like it would be a reassuring show. I don't know who I was watching, but the characters made me lose a bit of faith in humanity so I changed the channel. There was a lot of screaming between the teen mom and her baby's father. It was just so sad.

Sounds like everyone's favorite couple, Amber and Gary... :errrr:

At least li'l Leah will be protected from further witnessing the dysfunction between those two since Amber elected to go to jail...


Apr 13, 2008
amc80|1341954131|3231849 said:
Haven|1341947897|3231757 said:
amc80|1341870344|3231204 said:
I'm addicted to all of those shows. They help me build confidence in my ability to take care of a baby.
:lol: I watched one episode for a bit a couple weeks ago. I was going through a really severe bout of morning sickness that was making me doubt my ability to be a parent, so it seemed like it would be a reassuring show. I don't know who I was watching, but the characters made me lose a bit of faith in humanity so I changed the channel. There was a lot of screaming between the teen mom and her baby's father. It was just so sad.

I know! And these people are out-breeding us....

Do you know who I really like? Jennifer, the one who had twins with her boyfriend, Josh. He proposed on their anniversary. Remember her? Her family seemed really cool- supportive without enabling. The last update said she moved out of state to get away from Josh because she was afraid for her kids (he threw her and the babies out of the car on the side of the road...).

I mean it helps that her family apparently has money and is fully supporting her and the babies while she goes to school...but still, she seems to have her stuff together.

Oh yes, that was such an awful situation she was in, i was really happy to see that she had taken herself and her kids out of that nasty environment!


May 26, 2009
Tuckins1|1341925614|3231546 said:
blackberry16|1341876737|3231235 said:
I watch Teen Mom but Farrah makes me crazy. What a ornery, mouthy girl! I can't believe her parents let her talk to them that way (although, I suppose that's how she got that way in the first place)

Absolutely! She is absolutely hateful to her parents. She actually has a lot of family support, but she treats them like dirt. Did you see her out on that date? If I were that guy, i'd SPRINT in the other direction! :errrr:

Totally! I couldn't believe how hostile she was to him right off the bat.

P.S. Why did she get another dog? She already gave one away. Poor puppy.


May 26, 2009
I was a religious watcher of these shows before I had DS but lately I'm finding them harder to watch. I just feel such a great sadness when babies/children are viewed as a burden by teen parents. That is why I like Catelyn and Tyler so much b/c they are wise beyond their years and they gave their daughter such a wonderful life even though it was and still is so difficult for them.


Jun 18, 2010
blackberry16|1342020496|3232347 said:
Tuckins1|1341925614|3231546 said:
blackberry16|1341876737|3231235 said:
I watch Teen Mom but Farrah makes me crazy. What a ornery, mouthy girl! I can't believe her parents let her talk to them that way (although, I suppose that's how she got that way in the first place)

Absolutely! She is absolutely hateful to her parents. She actually has a lot of family support, but she treats them like dirt. Did you see her out on that date? If I were that guy, i'd SPRINT in the other direction! :errrr:

Totally! I couldn't believe how hostile she was to him right off the bat.

P.S. Why did she get another dog? She already gave one away. Poor puppy.

She is so mean to her parents! It makes me cringe. And the puppy! Remember with the first one, how she tried to (literally) potty train it? I remember she held it over the toilet and said "okay puppy, go pee." Ummmmm. But Lord, that french bulldog is so freaking cute.

I see why she wanted to move away, but really I think it's pretty selfish. Why would you move your 2 year old away from the old family (and support system) she knows? Sad.


Apr 13, 2008
One more question about Farrah... Why does she call her dad by his first name?

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Tuckins1 said:
One more question about Farrah... Why does she call her dad by his first name?
haha I've been wondering the same thing for years now!


May 1, 2007
I had the same reaction to Farrah when I first watched, but it didn't take long for me to see that her mother has *no* boundaries and *no* off switch, and she's intense! Any time Farrah would soften with her, she'd get slammed. I think Farrah's attitude is a defense mechanism, and I started to feel for her. It will be interesting to see how their relationship is once she's on her own for a while.


Jan 30, 2008
Nope. No watchee. I see it as the digital age variant of the old carnival freak shows, along with shows like Hoarders and Doomsday Preppers, to name but a few. But instead of gawking at physical deformity, now we like to gawk at psychological dysfunction or the results of bad choices. They all depress the living hell out of me, and make me extremely uncomfortable to watch. As for the Teen Mom show, well, with my husband's student population sporting at any given time double digits of pregnant teens, I hear the tales almost daily from my husband's school, and they're heartbreaking. I don't have the emotional or intestinal fortitude to watch it too. It's too close...


Dec 29, 2006
Amys Bling|1342095074|3232761 said:
Tuckins1 said:
One more question about Farrah... Why does she call her dad by his first name?
haha I've been wondering the same thing for years now!

I don't know why I know this because I've only seen the show a few times, but Michael is her stepfather.


Feb 8, 2010
Tuckins1|1342091942|3232752 said:
One more question about Farrah... Why does she call her dad by his first name?

Sadly, I googled this to find out a while ago. I've read a few things about why she calls her dad Michael. One was that her mom had Farrah call her father by his first name since Michael is not Farrah's sister's biological dad. I guess Farrah's mom didn't want Farrah's sister to feel excluded. As odd as that was to me at first glance, I realized it wasn't all that strange. A friend from college also called her father by his first name, so I thought they weren't related by blood. Turns out that her older siblings, who were adopted by her mom before her mom got married or had any biological kids of her own, had grown up calling her dad by his first name and so it stuck and trickled down to the two biological kids. (For the record, her dad didn't seem to mind.) Another explanation, by Farrah somewhere, is that she did this because she was angry at her dad when he took her mom's side after the assault. However, I sort of wonder why she's not calling both her mom and her dad by their first names if that's the case.


Jun 18, 2010
zoebartlett said:
I don't know why I know this because I've only seen the show a few times, but Michael is her stepfather.

Yep. I also thought her mom and Michael divorced a couple seasons ago, but he appears to still live at the mom's house? Or at least he's always there. Seems like a nice guy.


Feb 8, 2010
yellowducky|1342098987|3232771 said:
Tuckins1|1342091942|3232752 said:
One more question about Farrah... Why does she call her dad by his first name?

Sadly, I googled this to find out a while ago. I've read a few things about why she calls her dad Michael. One was that her mom had Farrah call her father by his first name since Michael is not Farrah's sister's biological dad. I guess Farrah's mom didn't want Farrah's sister to feel excluded. As odd as that was to me at first glance, I realized it wasn't all that strange. A friend from college also called her father by his first name, so I thought they weren't related by blood. Turns out that her older siblings, who were adopted by her mom before her mom got married or had any biological kids of her own, had grown up calling her dad by his first name and so it stuck and trickled down to the two biological kids. (For the record, her dad didn't seem to mind.) Another explanation, by Farrah somewhere, is that she did this because she was angry at her dad when he took her mom's side after the assault. However, I sort of wonder why she's not calling both her mom and her dad by their first names if that's the case.

Am I allowed to link to this? If not, please someone let me know. :) Here's the interview where she explains why she calls her dad by his first name.

Also–random question–have you always called your dad Michael?
Everyone asks this. I have a sister and we have different dads, so in all fairness to my sister I call my dad Michael just like she does and everyone else in my family. It works out fairly this way in my family. I do call my dad “Dad” sometimes. If others look at this as a disrespectful thing then you can talk to my mom about it. I never started it, I was taught to do it this way.


Feb 8, 2010
amc80|1342105092|3232800 said:
zoebartlett said:
I don't know why I know this because I've only seen the show a few times, but Michael is her stepfather.

Yep. I also thought her mom and Michael divorced a couple seasons ago, but he appears to still live at the mom's house? Or at least he's always there. Seems like a nice guy.

I can't help but feel sorry for him. Did you see the episode where he basically packed up all of Farrah's things, drove cross country all by himself, and then helped her get set-up? Not that that's not a typical thing that a caring parent would do, but Farrah just didn't seem all that appreciative....but, IMO, she rarely seems appreciative when her parents are trying to be nice.


Jun 18, 2010
yellowducky|1342116170|3232896 said:
amc80|1342105092|3232800 said:
zoebartlett said:
I don't know why I know this because I've only seen the show a few times, but Michael is her stepfather.

Yep. I also thought her mom and Michael divorced a couple seasons ago, but he appears to still live at the mom's house? Or at least he's always there. Seems like a nice guy.

I can't help but feel sorry for him. Did you see the episode where he basically packed up all of Farrah's things, drove cross country all by himself, and then helped her get set-up? Not that that's not a typical thing that a caring parent would do, but Farrah just didn't seem all that appreciative....but, IMO, she rarely seems appreciative when her parents are trying to be nice.

Yeah, and she was just so rude to him! I want to slap her.

I just read that thing you posted about why she calls him Michael. That is really weird. But it explains why she looks so much like him!

I really hope Viacom and DirecTV settle their dispute before next Tuesday...I'm going to be upset if I miss an episode!
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