I am looking for quality tanzanite gems. The site I am looking at appears to have superb tanzanites, but I would like to hear your opinions of their tanzanites. I am looking at this oval cut: http://www.lapigems.com/gemstonedetails.asp?id=4085
It is 20.9 carats and costs over $16000.00, I do not know if this is over-priced or right in the market range. Please look at the video of the oval cut tanzanite and please tell me your thoughts. I have never bought a tanzanite, so I am 'all ears'. Thank you!!!
I am looking for quality tanzanite gems. The site I am looking at appears to have superb tanzanites, but I would like to hear your opinions of their tanzanites. I am looking at this oval cut: http://www.lapigems.com/gemstonedetails.asp?id=4085
It is 20.9 carats and costs over $16000.00, I do not know if this is over-priced or right in the market range. Please look at the video of the oval cut tanzanite and please tell me your thoughts. I have never bought a tanzanite, so I am 'all ears'. Thank you!!!