
stupid excesses

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Oct 30, 2002
lol i am a tea hoarder as well...and same for hot chocolate. i drink hot chocolate oh like 3x a year and tea at home only when sick (and then it''s just like ''throat coat''). but we have about 10 boxes in the pantry and i have about 5-7 diff types of hot chocolate or ''specialty'' chocolate for ''drinking'' if not more.

i also am a kitchen utensil and/or plate/dinnerware/glassware person. we have a ton of cabinets in our house and they are ENTIRELY FULL of my varieties of glassware. almost every barware glass known to man. 2 full 8-12 person sets of ''china'' (for diff occasions) and our regular dinnerware. i think we have like 3 wine opening rabbits. hodgepodge of pots. everytime i go into C&B i have to restrain myself to not come home with some new item. sometimes it doesn''t work.

and one more, sweaters! i think i have about 50-60 sweaters in my closet. it was funny because when we went to NYC this fall for work, my new boss was like ''oh i have a ton of warm sweaters if you need any'' and i was thinking ''nope i don''t need any because i have a MILLION at home in my closet''. seriously i think that 3/4 of my closet is sweaters. i can''t even wear them all. and of course you end up with ''favorites'' that you wear all season and then some never see the light of day.


Jun 17, 2005
I think I just have a shopping/hoarding issue. I have tea, tons and tons of it, every flavor, all brands, and gadgets and crap and body stuff and make up and just STUFF that is overtaking our house!!! I constantly have to rearrange it all, so I can fit in more stuff, and I just bought new fine china, crystal, sterling, bar ware, (high balls, double old fashioneds, Reidel wine glasses, martini glasses) and could I forget that?! I am always buying it, I LOVE it, and nice pens too, I do engraved and then when I want more I can never find the plate to resuse, so I end up getting more copper plates...I have so much gorgeous stationery, I just did pale green, pale blue and pale pink note cards, each with chocolate brown ink, a design flourish and lined envelopes, and then saw this great pale green Crane notecard with a hot pink orchid in a copperpot, so I got that too, with copper ink...who I am writing to? I mostly email...It reminds me of George Carlin talking about how we need bigger homes to fit all of our stuff...


May 9, 2006
Date: 1/30/2007 1:47:10 AM
Author: diamondfan
I think I just have a shopping/hoarding issue. I have tea, tons and tons of it, every flavor, all brands, and gadgets and crap and body stuff and make up and just STUFF that is overtaking our house!!! I constantly have to rearrange it all, so I can fit in more stuff, and I just bought new fine china, crystal, sterling, bar ware, (high balls, double old fashioneds, Reidel wine glasses, martini glasses) and could I forget that?! I am always buying it, I LOVE it, and nice pens too, I do engraved and then when I want more I can never find the plate to resuse, so I end up getting more copper plates...I have so much gorgeous stationery, I just did pale green, pale blue and pale pink note cards, each with chocolate brown ink, a design flourish and lined envelopes, and then saw this great pale green Crane notecard with a hot pink orchid in a copperpot, so I got that too, with copper ink...who I am writing to? I mostly email...It reminds me of George Carlin talking about how we need bigger homes to fit all of our stuff...

*shifty eyes at her own excessive tea collection*
And let''s not talk about how many sets of chopsticks I have. Granted, it''s spoons or chopsticks for me (I never use forks) but I have a really unhealthy obsession with chopsticks. And sushi sets. I used to have sushi dinner parties until I had a horrible accident involving an avocado, a santoku, and someone''s idea of a funny ''surprise'' (and a lot of stitches), so I have a lot of sushi dishes. More than regular dishes, in fact.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 1/30/2007 12:59:53 AM
Author: monarch64
Well for crying out loud. I keep reading this thread thinking I have to have some ONE thing I am obsessive over or buy too much of, but I can''t think of anything! I think there is something wrong with DH is a total spender and can never have enough of x, y, or z, but apparently I am the frugal one and if I honestly don''t need it I won''t buy it. I think the only thing I get crazy over are gifts to others...I obsess for weeks and weeks before friends'' birthdays or Christmas or holidays like Mother''s or Father''s day on the right thing to give, and to me it always has to be something I put major thought into. That is probably my biggest shopping issue, I guess...
LOL I was thinking the same thing. Well, that, and my husband should read this thread cuz he THINKS I have a lot of stuff.

I am the same way with buying presents, I love it. And often buy nicer things for other people than I do myself.


Jan 20, 2006
Tank tops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have way too many of them...and keep buying them!''s so ridiculous. Sure, I live in FL and it''s warm and humid, but I seriously don''t need another tank top!.

Specially now that I want to cover my arm (to avoid sun exposure and well, because I''m a little embarrassed)...and I just have all these tank tops!...good reason to go shopping now I guess..hehe



Mar 26, 2006
Date: 1/30/2007 7:22:38 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 1/30/2007 12:59:53 AM

I am the same way with buying presents, I love it. And often buy nicer things for other people than I do myself.

Ooh Ellen, that''s a good one! I buy presents for people (literally) YEARS ahead of time. We have a cabinet in the garage that is packed full of gits to be given this year and next year and the year after... I also stock up on multiples of the same gift that it will be easy to give to my clients, like Waterford Christmas tree ornaments or embroidored (sp?) holiday dish towels and stuff like that.


Mar 20, 2006
Date: 1/30/2007 12:59:53 AM
Author: monarch64
Well for crying out loud. I keep reading this thread thinking I have to have some ONE thing I am obsessive over or buy too much of, but I can''t think of anything! I think there is something wrong with DH is a total spender and can never have enough of x, y, or z, but apparently I am the frugal one and if I honestly don''t need it I won''t buy it.
I''m with Monarch... I keep checking this thread, but I think I''m just too cheap/poor to really hoard anything!
The only thing is that ever since college, I''ve ALWAYS kept a full pharmacy''s worth of supplies in my linen closet: every possible cold/cough medicine, pain relievers, Ace bandages, ointments, band-aids in all sizes, multiple thermometers, etc. And I don''t even have kids! But it may have something to do with the fact that my dad is a pharmacist, and has several pharmacies that I can raid on a regular basis to replenish my supplies.

Other than that... maybe poetry? I became obsessed about 10 years ago and probably accumulated around 75-100 poetry books... I banned myself from buying more, but every so often I see something good and just can''t resist!


Jul 14, 2006
I have a bit of an obsession with dinner plates. I think I inherited the obsession from my grandmother ( I also inherited a bunch of her plates). I don''t know why I am like this, but I really like plates. I don''t need the whole dinner set, usually I just want the dinner plates. I love to go to stores and walk through and see all the plates. Transfixed.

I have enuf plates to serve a good 50-60 people or more, not that I do so. I don''t buy any more cause I feel I am not "allowed" to.

I had a pretty good fling with Hermes scarves. Really love those and have around 14 of them. But I haven''t bought any in a while. Once again, I feel I have reached my limit.

I am forever in search of the one true perfect lipstick, but it does not exist.

Like many on this board, I have a thing with teas. Not black tea, but green and white teas. I buy them in the Asian markets - it is very easy to obsess on these, there are so many varieties and growing regions. I have also bought just about every tea that Mighty Leaf makes (highly recommend).

Just now I am moving to honey. There are many different types of honey, some with really unique flavor. I am interested in honey for it''s health benefits too. I am stocking them up.


Jul 22, 2002
Yeah, honey is like wine. We always buy from a bee keeper. We try to not buy too much as I wonder if it looses it''s flavor as it ages.

Sweaters - yeah have the obsession except is it an obsession if you wear each and every one? I am very cold natured & buy several sweaters each season. When we built the house, we selved 1/2 of my cloest for all my sweaters. I''ve had some for years that I still wear. Is that an obsession? Or a desire to keep warm?


Mar 5, 2006
You guys just reminded me that I just bought this "healing honey" from the Synergy Co. who are best known for having the top vitamins in the world.

Hopefully I will like it, I''ll let you know if it''s any good!


Jul 23, 2006
i am a lipgloss chapstick hoarder.....a body lotion addict.....any sprays that smell "fruity"or like bags---you never know when you might need one......and my DH has bought enough peanut butter to last for the next 10 years and then keeps buying and eating that goober grape junk instead of using the pb that we already have


Aug 15, 2006
I have two--my kids tease me about spatulas, because I''m always tempted by a nice, wood-handled silicon spoon-spatula. I mean really, can you have too many of those?

And the latest one is nail polish--six months ago I had three colors. Now I have about 25 and I still can''t help looking at new colors. It''s so much fun, though, and way cheaper than diamonds.


Jun 17, 2005
I also love kitchen gadgets but since I am not a big cooker, it is kinda of waste, but I love going into Williams Sonoma and gazing at it all, it looks so great in the store...


Oct 18, 2004
Date: 1/29/2007 1:04:07 PM
Author: Janice61
I am a fashion and home decor magazine addict. I buy about 15 per month and more when the major issues come out in the Fall and Spring. British Tatler and Harpers and Queen, French and British Elle, Italian Vogue, Architectual Digest...etc. It is an expensive habit but oh so enjoyable!
I kept reading all the replies thinking, nope, don''t do that. I finally found one that I do. I buy Oprah, Traditional Home, InStyle, Town and Country, Real Simple, Fine Cooking, Cook''s Illustrated, and probably a few more. It is stupid because I rarely read the whole thing. Big waste of money but with two little kids, I have a very short attention span these days.


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 2/4/2007 1:20:08 AM
Author: diamondfan
I also love kitchen gadgets but since I am not a big cooker, it is kinda of waste, but I love going into Williams Sonoma and gazing at it all, it looks so great in the store...
lol lemon yellow spatula calling your name around easter time? along with their cute little easter egg cookie molds?

i have the blue and the pink spatulas....hahaha. though i did resist the urge to get a colorful green kitchen aid mixer around springtime. i figured white was more practical.

but i am a huge ''seasonal'' ''oh thats so cute'' shopper at WS...haha.


Dec 29, 2006
Well, I think inherited one from my grandmother. She apparently had a whole room devoted to storage stuff -- just in case. I had never seen it but I guess it was full of seasonal gift bags and storage containers. I do that too. Okay, I didn''t devote a whole ROOM to my collection of gift bags or storage containers, but I have them crammed in my closet. You never know when you''re going to need one.

Also, we don''t really drink much, but I LOVE wine glasses. I love their elegant look.


Oct 6, 2004
Let''s see...

Lip balm (I love my burt''s bees lip balms!), candles, lotions/creams, and tank tops. I have stopped my obsessive purchase habits on the candles and tank tops though. I used to buy tons of silver rings as well when I was younger. But not since getting my diamond jewelry.
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