
Stroller Talk

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Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Okay I know lots of the mamas and mamas to be have done LOTS of stroller research. My inlaws are moving here shortly so they need to get a stroller to keep at their house. I don''t think she will want to spend more than $150. It would be used for walks and maybe mall visits. I looked briefly at jogging strollers b/c I figured I could take that one and give her my full size (which I am so NOT in love with)
Any suggestions? I am thinking something bigger than an umbrella.
No suggestions from me, but I am researching strollers as we speak and am very interested in this thread! Will keep my eyes open while I''m researching for you, Tacori.
I have no input, but...

I''ll be following this too, as I want to help my Mom buy a "second" stroller for her house...with similar price point and features etc.

This will be a helpful thread!
why not get another maclaren? or you get a BOB and give them your full size?
Tacori, at this point, I don''t know if I''d invest in a BOB if I were you - only because I know you want a second kid.

The BOB single is still an expensive stroller. I would want until you have another child and get the duallie if you want a BOB.

I would have them just get a volo (maybe secondhand if you''re not opposed to that kind of stuff) or a triumph if you want the recline option, with a rayshade to cover her for outdoor walks.

She''s walking at this point and who knows how much longer she''ll even want to be in a stroller? Save your money and wait for round two! Hehe!!
Date: 3/18/2009 5:19:27 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Tacori, at this point, I don''t know if I''d invest in a BOB if I were you - only because I know you want a second kid.

The BOB single is still an expensive stroller. I would want until you have another child and get the duallie if you want a BOB.

I would have them just get a volo (maybe secondhand if you''re not opposed to that kind of stuff) or a triumph if you want the recline option, with a rayshade to cover her for outdoor walks.

She''s walking at this point and who knows how much longer she''ll even want to be in a stroller? Save your money and wait for round two! Hehe!!
Ooh, just remembered Curlygirl''s post -

Look into a Phil and Ted. Get this for yourself and give your parents the one you dislike. Then when number two comes on, you can convert it to a double. The P&T gets great reviews.
I tried to save money on strollers, so I had a Graco Travel System (nont recommended - too heavy) and a Combi, which was well rated. If you''re above 5''2", don''t get the Combi. I couldn''t take a step without tripping over it. I literally only used it once, and then went out and bought a McLearan, which I love.

The Combi is good for the very petite, though. I gave it to my girlfriend who''s 5'' tall and she loves it. It''s very light and has a shoulder strap for carrying, but it''s literally so low to the ground that I had to stoop to push and & was constantly tripping on the wheels.
Okay here is what I found (under $200)...anyone know anything about these strollers?

Uppa Baby G-Luxe Stroller 2009
Quinny Zapp Stroller
Mutsy Spider Stroller
Baby Planet Endangered Species Lightweight Stroller In Lemur Leaf Frog
Mia Moda Veloce
2009 Inglesina Swift
2009 Uppa Baby G-Lite
Go Go Babyz Urban Advantage Stroller
2007 Inglesina Trip Stroller
Baby Jogger City Series Navy With 12 Inch Wheels And 6 Inch Front Wheels
2008 Peg-Perego Aria OH
Mia Moda Cielo Evolution
2008 InSTEP Ultra Runner Single Stroller
2008 InSTEP Safari Swivel Jogging
Do you want a jog stroller? Will you just give your IL''s your chicco then? I was looking at the one you posted from Amazon on the other thread....Great price!!
Burk, I don''t know. Seems like all the good joggers are lots of money and TGal is right...better to use it for a double in a few years. The amazon deal was dead (of course) by the time I tried to order. I do LOVE my volo but I think they need a larger stroller since they will only have one.
Date: 3/18/2009 8:53:21 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Burk, I don''t know. Seems like all the good joggers are lots of money and TGal is right...better to use it for a double in a few years. The amazon deal was dead (of course) by the time I tried to order. I do LOVE my volo but I think they need a larger stroller since they will only have one.
What a bummer about the amazon deal being dead - that seemed to be such a good one too.

Have you given any thought to buying a P&T? I know nothing first hand about them, but it may be a nice idea and you can give your tank to your ILs.
My friend uses the Quinny Zapp, and she loves it. Her family moved to Hong Kong, so she uses it while using public transportation.
China & Mela, hope this thread can help you too.

Puffy, kinda agree with TGal maybe it would be better to wait and get the BOB duallie.

TGal, I DO love my volo but figured they might want something a tad bigger. I think it is a pain to go to the mall b/c the basket is so small. I did add a skip hop saddle bag and LOVE it. I was pushing my volo yesterday and it glides so much smoother than my chicco. I did ask Curly about her Phil & Ted''s. The thing that holds me back is the price (more than the BOB single) and I wonder if the 2nd kid would be bored staring at a back of the seat instead of the world. KWIM?

Vesper, I am NOT a fan of travel systems. I have the Chicco. I love my snap ''n go and know I will use it for round two! I believe they make a snap and stand (or sit for an older child). I probably will get that as well for the first 4 months or so.

Q, LOVE the look of the Quinny Zapp. Just wonder if it is too umbrellaish (KWIM?) If they get that I''ll just keep my full size.

I just bought a great stroller for my 4mo old son. It's the Joovy Kooper. It's $199 but lightweight, super comfy for long walks and napping in the stroller (it reclines all the way). Lots of space and it goes up to 50 or 55 you will be able to use for many yrs. The canopy is like no other. It's so huge that there's no need to buy an extra sun cover. GL

forgot to mention that it's very easy to push even with a heavier child in it (I had my 4yr old get in). It looks like the Quinny a little but folds like an umbrella stroller. Here in NYC I need something to get on and off the bus with but also great for long walks
Thanks atroop! I will look into that!
Date: 3/19/2009 9:43:31 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks atroop! I will look into that!

You''re welcome
Date: 3/19/2009 9:52:21 AM
Author: atroop711
Date: 3/19/2009 9:43:31 AM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Thanks atroop! I will look into that!

You''re welcome

btw I''ve also had Combi''s in the past. They feel flimsy but are well made. They are super light but on the slim side. Not good for a big child
Update...talked to my DH, we are going to give his parents my Chicco and he said I could spend $200 on a new stroller. It's a start! Haha. I do NOT want an umbrella so that cuts down the original list. I want this more of a full size that will preform great outside for walks and will be used once in awhile at the mall or somewhere like that. The Go-Go Babyz urban advantage looks interesting. I like the rubber tires. Any thoughts?

ETA: on another mommy site they suggested the baby Jogger City Mini. I like that it has a tray you can add (since she snacks in her stroller quite a bit) but it was said it was more of an indoor stroller....hmmm....
TGAL! Need your help! What do you know about this BOB. I figured with the 20% off it would be $240ish (which I probably could convince DH) but I don''t want to get it if it isn''t as good as the other BOBs.
Oh the saga continues! I just got off the phone with my neighbor and she is selling her zooper boogie for $150 (4 years old). I did see it in Navy (wouldn''t be my first choice but who cares) at BRU for $225 (plus I have a 15% off coming up and a $20 off 3 wheel strollers). What do you think? New better and is this even a good stroller?
Date: 3/19/2009 3:40:36 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Oh the saga continues! I just got off the phone with my neighbor and she is selling her zooper boogie for $150 (4 years old). I did see it in Navy (wouldn''t be my first choice but who cares) at BRU for $225 (plus I have a 15% off coming up and a $20 off 3 wheel strollers). What do you think? New better and is this even a good stroller?

I wouldn''t purchase a used stroller for $150. Never heard of this stroller and I''ve bought new strollers for each of my 3 kids.
Date: 3/19/2009 3:40:36 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Oh the saga continues! I just got off the phone with my neighbor and she is selling her zooper boogie for $150 (4 years old). I did see it in Navy (wouldn''t be my first choice but who cares) at BRU for $225 (plus I have a 15% off coming up and a $20 off 3 wheel strollers). What do you think? New better and is this even a good stroller?

I''d say no. A lot of people don''t like the twin zoopers on my twin board, so I''m thinking if it was great there would be a lot of good reviews on it.
Date: 3/19/2009 3:09:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Update...talked to my DH, we are going to give his parents my Chicco and he said I could spend $200 on a new stroller. It''s a start! Haha. I do NOT want an umbrella so that cuts down the original list. I want this more of a full size that will preform great outside for walks and will be used once in awhile at the mall or somewhere like that. The Go-Go Babyz urban advantage looks interesting. I like the rubber tires. Any thoughts?

ETA: on another mommy site they suggested the baby Jogger City Mini. I like that it has a tray you can add (since she snacks in her stroller quite a bit) but it was said it was more of an indoor stroller....hmmm....
Hey tacori,Im pretty sure this is the stroller that DD has, and recommends. I know she hasn''t had it too long but I know she was speaking highly of it on the pregnancy thread or the stuff thread, I forget which.

I hope you get to pick out somehting great. I am happy with the big uppababy- I have heard they have good customer service. I did not get to see the lightweight uppababy in person I don''t htink. good luck!
Date: 3/19/2009 3:17:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGAL! Need your help! What do you know about this BOB. I figured with the 20% off it would be $240ish (which I probably could convince DH) but I don''t want to get it if it isn''t as good as the other BOBs.
Tacori, the link doesn''t work, can you check again? Sorry I am late on this, I was out of the office most of the day yesterday and missed this.
TGal, it is the sports utility one and I already crossed it off the list. I guess the fixed front wheel is a PITA!

pave, I wonder how it does outside. That is really what I am looking for a great walking stroller.

NF, she loves it and says it is better than her BOB daullie. *shrug* Looks like they stopped making the Boogie.

atroop, I do trust her, I don''t know what to do! Haha.

I am having trouble finding another jogger under 200.
Tough call, Tacori. I don''t think I''d spend $150 on a used stroller either. Jog strollers are expensive. We looked into getting one and I didn''t do it fast enough and now it seems silly since we''ll have two little ones and prob want a double. Please keep us posted.
Tacori, I would agree. No fixed front wheel. IMHO, the only BOB worth it for the non serious jogger is the revolution.

I would not buy that used stroller for that price, but granted I don''t know anything about it.
Burk & TGal, what would you spend $200 on strollerwise? I still have at least another year of just pushing around T.
Okay, the Mia Moda Energi Stroller looks interesting but I really wanted air filled tires. Good price at $220 and I like that it has a child''s tray. Also the Britax Vigour Stroller also looks cool. Like that is DOES have air filled tires but I wonder if the two small ones will not steer as nicely as just three large ones. Cool that the seat reverses (for the next baby). No child''s tray and looks like they only have aqua. Also $220.
Tacori, do air filled tires give a smoother ride or something?
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