
Stones got a SERIN but not a cert... is that okay?

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Apr 1, 2003
This diamond Im concidering has got what the dealer told me was a SRERIN (but is actually a megascope, basicaly the same results?) but he tells me it doesent have a certificate. Is this okay? the price is right... I assume becuase hasent been sent for certificaion.

what do yall think of this?

secondly ive attatched the reprot I got on the stone and what do you think of the stone? it scores well on the HCA.
thanks to all.

The stone may be cheaper because there is no cert. I wouldn't really mind the stone not having a cert, esp if it has a Sarin/Megascope report which has more info than a cert does anyway.

I would, however, suggest that you get this stone independently appraised before purchase in order to confirm that it is the same stone. The fact that there is no cert and probably no laser inscription etc means that this person could just be giving you the stone and a Sarin/Mscope and you have no idea if it's really the same stone. An appraiser can confirm this is the right stone, and set your mind at ease on color and clarity matching what the jeweler says. Then if it is the real deal, you may have saved yourself some $$ by it not having a cert!

Good luck...if the HCA scores are good, the numbers look pretty good, if the price is right, and you like the look of it, you are on the right track!
thanks for your reply marla, my only concern is that the stone is from an internet site. Will they send me the stone to let me appraise the it if this is the case, and if so what does it cost to do this and how much time does it take?
thanks a milion!
One more thing, I havent seen any other OGL analysises and done know if this is the complete one or not, it doesent tell me color color or clarity, I supose its just a geomitry report, however the jewler tells me its SI1 and H, how does he know this, is it just his analysis?

thanks again.
Ask the seller how he determined color and clarity. If there is no cert, he may have done it with his eyes, this could be dangerous. If he uses GIA color grading diamonds and his eyes for color, that is safer. Clarity will probably just be eye-graded by him at 10x mag. Again, this is why I would have it appraised independently, they will tell you how it really is!!

The report you posted is typical for a Sarin/Mscope etc report, it just shows the numbers...not color and clarity of the stone.

For independent appraiser information, click on 'Appraisers' at the top of the Pscope pages. There is a huge list of independent appraisers in different states. I used the one for the Bayarea from the list when we got our stone appraised in Dec and was very happy. Or if you want, you can use someone like RockDoc/Bill Lieberman who has a Brillancescope (fun!), Dave Atlas or Richard Sherwood. They all post on the forum and are pretty highly respected. They will run full analysis on your stone and probably tell you more than you ever thought to ask!

Don't want to shell out the $$ then get it appraised? I agree! I suggest getting it appraised BEFORE the sale is final. Ask the seller if he will agree to have the stone shipped to an independent appraiser of your choice with the sale contingent upon the stone checking out to match the Mscope and color/clarity etc. If he is confident in his stone then he should agree. Many vendors will do this...and I would suggest not necessarily using their 'recommended' appraiser, as that may not be an independent, but rather somewhat similar to an in-store gemologist, if their salary is paid by a vendor or a jewelry store, how likely will it be that they give you an unbiased opinion? This is why independent is good, they work for YOU. Anyhow, after the stone is shipped and the appraiser checks it out, if things look good, they will normally ship it back to the vendor, you buy the stone, have it set, etc..then all is done. You pay the appraiser, they send their report, and you also pay for the shipping of the stone to and from the appraiser/vendor. All in all, you may spend $200 or so more than the cost of the stone, but for the peace of mind on spending any decent amount of $$, it is definitely worth it in my opinion.

Hope this helps, good luck!!
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